Recent years have seen an increase in the number of pregnant women whose weight gain during pregnancy exceeds the recommended range. This study was intended to determine the relationships among demographic attributes, key perceptual factors, and gestational weight gain (GWG).
This cross-sectional study was conducted between April and July 2022. First-time pregnant women beyond 36 weeks of gestation who were recruited via social media completed an online survey. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, chi-square test, and logistic regression, all performed using SPSS software.
Of the 369 participants, 63 (17.1%) exceeded the recommended GWG guidelines, while 148 (40.1%) fell within the recommended range, and the remaining 158 (42.8%) had inadequate GWG. Being overweight or obese before pregnancy significantly increased the risk of excessive GWG (
The growing trend of excessive GWG among pregnant women is influenced by a combination of prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and perceptual factors, including weight locus of control and body image. These findings underscore the need to implement weight management intervention strategies before pregnancy, taking into consideration BMI, and to enhance positive body image and internal locus of control.
PURPOSE: This study was to determine the effect of DHEA administration before, during, and after dexamethasone treatment on body weight and TypeI,II muscle weight of rat receiving dexamethasone treatment. METHOD: Wistar rats were divided into 6 groups: control(C), dexamethasone(D), DHEA administration for 3days after dexamethasone treatment for 7days(7D+3DH), dexamethasone treatment for 7days after DHEA administration for 3days(3DH+7D), DHEA administration during dexamethasone treatment for 4days after dexamethasone treatment for 3days(3D+4DDH), DHEA administration during dexamethasone treatment for 7days(7DDH). Dexamethasone was injected by subcutaneously daily at a dose of 5mg/kg. DHEA was orally administered daily at a dose of 5mg/kg for 7 days. Soleus(TypeI) muscle, and both plantaris and gastro- cnemius(TypeII) muscles were dissected on the 7th day of experiment. RESULT: Body weight of both 3DH+7D group and 3D+4DDH group increased significantly compared with that of 7D group. Body weight of 7D+3DH group decreased significantly compared with that of 7D group, 7DDH group, 3DH+7D group and 3D+4DDH group. Muscle weight of both plantaris and gastro- cnemius tended to decrease compared with that of 7D group. Muscle weight of 7DDH group, 3D+4DDH group and 3DH+7D group increased significantly compared with that of 7D+3DH group. Muscle weight of gastrocnemius of both 3DH+7D group and 3D+4DDH group increased significantly compared with that of 7D group. CONCLUSION: Based on these results, it can be suggested that DHEA administration before and during dexamethasone treatment can increase both body weight and mass of atrophied TypeII muscle induced by dexa- methasone treatment.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the waist to hip ratio, body fat, BMI(Body Mass Index), weight, serum lipids and to examine the correlation between waist to hip ratio, body fat, BMI(Body Mass Index), weight and serum lipids in obese college women. The subject were 52 college women with a score above 25 on the BMI, between March and May of 2000 at G Women's University. Data has been analyzed by SPSS/PC using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The result of this study are as follows : 1. The mean of body weight and height of the subjects were 72.38kg, 160.23cm. 2. The mean of waist to hip ratio was 0.88, body fat was 38.88%, BMI(Body Mass Index) was 28.15, the level of total cholesterol was 174.88mg/dl, triglyceride was 104.29mg/dl, HDL-cholesterol was 50.83mg/dl, LDL-cholesterol was 104.23mg/dl. 3.Waist to hip ratio was more significantly correlated to triglyceride(r=.34, P<.05) and BMI(Body Mass Index) was more significantly correlated to triglyceride(r=.30, P<.05).
This study was done to compare the difference of obesity index(waist-hip ratio, body fat, body mass index, relative body weight), blood pressure and serum lipids in abdominal obesity and non abdominal in both men and women. Abdominal and non abdominal obesity was divided into waist-hip ratio above 0.85 in women and 0.95 in men. The subjects were 412 adults (age range 40-59), who had regular health examinations between 1996 to 1997 at the S-Hospital in Seoul. The data were analyzed using ANCOVA (for adjusted for age) and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. 39.9% of men and 42.5% of women had abdominal obesity. The average age group of abdominal obesity was 50.8 which is older than the non abdominal obesity group(48.0). 2. After they were adjusted for age, the group of men who have abdominal obesity had higher levels in body fat, body mass index, relative body weight, blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL- cholesterol and triglyceride than the group of non abdominal obesity group. The group of women with abdominal obesity had higer levels in body fat, body mass index, relative body weight , blood pressure and triglyceride than the group of non abdominal obesity. 3. In the group of non abdominal obesity, the waist-hip ratio was significantly correlated to body fat, body mass index, relative body weight, blood pressure and serum lipids the group of abdominal obesity in men and women.
This descriptive study was designed to identify the factors associated with weight control behaviors among 273 high school girls with normal body weight. The objectives of the study were i) to evaluate subjective obesity and satisfaction with the body shape, ii) to describe the weight control behaviors and the motivation, iii) to reveal the relationships between the weight control behaviors and BMI (Body Mass Index), iv) to investigate the relationships between the weight control behaviors and subjective obesity and satisfaction with the body shape, and v) to investigate the relationships between the weight control behaviors and family support. The results showed that 62.6% of the adolescent girls with normal weight perceived that they were fatty and 9.9% thought they were obese. Seventy-five percent of them were not satisfied with their body shape. Eighty percent of the participants reported the main motivation of weight control was to have an attractive appearance. In this study, self-reported weight control methods included dieting (64.8%, skipping or reducing meals), exercise (36.6%), and special dieting (20.1%) such as eating an increased amount of juice or vegetables. It was shown that the subjects who were not satisfied with their body shape and perceived themselves as fatty or obese were active in exercise, diet, and other special diets. Subjects who were on diets and special diets had a higher level of BMI than who were not on diet and special diet. Subjects who exercise had a lower level of BMI than who did not exercised. Family support was significantly related to exercise behavior. The research suggested that there is a increasing responsibility for school nurse to instruct on the body shape and weight control behaviors through health education and consultation. Also, the results suggested that it is important to develop proper diet and exercise methods for adolescents girls to maintain their weight and health.
This study was performed to investigate the effect of kangaroo care on body weight, physiological responses and behavioral states in premature infants. The subjects were 32 premature infants, fifteen for the kangaroo care group and seventeen for the control group, who hospitalized in a neonatal intensive care unit at a university-affiliated hospital. The kangaroo care was applied 8 times during the twenty five days with 40 minutes for each session. The kangaroo care provides the skin-to-skin contact during which a premature infant wearing a diaper and a hat is placed on its mother's chest. As for the measures, body weight was measured everyday. The levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine and 17-OHCS were measured twice, before beginning the first intervention and after finishing the last intervention. While each session of the care is undergoing, such physiological responses were measured periodically as heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen saturation, core temperature and skin temperature. The results were as follows : 1. The weight gain was significantly greater in the kangaroo care group than that in the control group during the period of performing the kangaroo care. 2. No significant difference was revealed between the two groups in heart rate, respiration rate, oxygen saturation and core temperature. The kangaroo care group also showed significant increases in the skin temperature. 3. The differences in the levels of epinephrine, norepinephrine and 17-OHCS were not significant between the kangaroo care and the control groups. The level of norepinephrine in the two groups was significantly increased over time. 4. Sleep pattern changed significantly in the kangaroo group from a very restless sleep to a very quiet sleep. These results suggest that kangaroo care is an effective nursing intervention for premature infants in gaining weight, achieving stable physiological responses and facilitating a quiet sleep.
This study aims at examining the correlations between waist-hip ratio, body fat, BMI, relative body weight and serum lipids by men and women in 40's and 50's. The subjects were 412 adults, who had regular health examinations between January and December of 1996 at S-Hospital in Seoul. The data were analyzed using unpaired t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. The group of men had higher levels in waist-hip ratio, BMI, body weight, triglyceride, total cholesterol / HDL-cholesterol ratio, LDL-cholesterol / HDL-cholesterol ratio than the group of women. The group of women had higher levels in body fat and HDL-cholesterol than the group of men. 2. In the group of men, waist-hip ratio more significantly correlated to serum lipids than body fat and BMI. In the group of women, body fat, BMI and relative body weight was more significantly correlated to serum lipids than waist-hip ratio.
This study has been conducted on the nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design in quasi experimental basis and newly born premature infants from intensive care unit of G Medical University Hospital in Inchon Metropolitan were selected in two groups of 21 infants each. The first group for experimental and the other for control. Data has been collected form October 30, 1997 to August 29, 1998. For the experimental group tactile and kinesthetic stimulation was applied 2 times a day for 10 days(10:00~11:00 hours in the morning and 17:00~18:00 in the afternoon). As a weight weighing instrument, electronic indicator scale(Cas Co, Korea) was used. To determine urine cortisol concentration level in stress hormone, radio immuno assay method was used. And high performance liquid chlomatogarphy was used to determine urine norepinephrine, concentration level. To determine behavior status, tools developed by anderson et al(1990) and remodeled by Kim Hee-Sook(1996) were used. Collected data were analyzed with the SAS program using x2-test, student t-test, repeated measures ANOVA and paired t-test. The result were as follow. 1. As for the daily weight gain, the experimental group showed first change in weight and this group also showed higher weight in the average weight than the control group. Statistically, however, there was no significant factor between the two groups. 2. The cortisol concentration in urine showed decrease in the experimental group norepinephrine concentration in urine showed increase in both experimental and control groups. No statistical significance was shown between the two groups. 3. In the aspect of behavior status, the experimental group showed statistical significance by showing inactive in the state of alert and conversion to a positive state than the control group. In conclusion, the sensory stimulation in this study showed a positive aspect through there was no statistical significance n the weight gain and urine stress hormone concentration. In the behavior status, there was statistical significance in the frequency of staying inactive in the state of alert and conversion to a positive state.
This study was done to examine the correlations between weight, BMI and risk factors of coronary heart disease in men and women in their forties and fifties. The subjects were 412 adults, who had regular health examinations between January and December of 1996 at S-Hospital in Seoul. The data were analyzed using ANOVA, Scheffe test, and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results are as follows : 1. The men between 50 and 59 years of age had higher levels for BMI, weight, systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglyceride, fasting blood sugar, plasminogen activator-1, and hemoglobin A1C than the group of women in their forties. Yet, HDL-cholesterol was lower than in the former group. 2. In the group of men in their forties, weight was significantly correlated to diastolic blood pressure(r=.22), LDL-cholesterol(r=.20), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.35) HDL-cholesterol(r=-.19). Their BMI was significantly corrected to systolic blood pressure(r=.27), diastolic blood pressure(r=.33), total cholesterol(r=.23), LDL-cholesterol(r=.26), plasminogen activator-1(r=.36) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.25). 3. As for the group of women in their forties weight was significantly correlated to systolic blood pressure(r=.20), diastolic blood pressure(r=.22), triglyceride(r=.32), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.30) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.37). Their BMI was significantly correlated to diastolic blood pressure(r=.25) triglyceride(r=.47), plasminogen activator-1(r=.35), fibrinogen(r=.27) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.47). 4. In the group of men in their fifties, weight was significantly correlated to total cholesterol(r=.32), LDL-cholesterol(r=.29), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.26). Their BMI was significantly correlated to systolic blood pressure(r=.24), diastolic blood pressure(r=.22), total cholesterol(r=.34), LDL-cholesterol(r=.32), and plasminogen activator-1(r=.25). 5. In the group of women in their fifties, weight was significantly correlated to diastolic blood pressure(r=.33), total cholesterol(r=.21), LDL-cholesterol(r=.20), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1(r=.43) and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.21). Their BMI was significantly corrected to systolic blood pressure(r=.25), diastolic blood pressure(r=.40), total cholesterol(r=.24), LDL-cholesterol(r=.24), triglyceride(r=.22), and HDL-cholesterol(r=-.30). The above findings indicate that the BMI was more predictive than weight as a risk factor for coronary artery disease for men and women in their forties and fifties.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of a physical activity-behavior modification combined intervention(PABM-intervention) on metabolic risk factors in overweight and obese elementary school children. METHODS: Thirty-two participants (BMI≥85 percentile or relative obesity≥10) were allocated to the PABM-intervention group and behavior modification only intervention group. The PABM-intervention was composed of exercise intervention consisting of 50 minutes of physical activity(Hip-hop dance & gymbased exercises) twice a week and the behavior modification intervention consisted of 50 minutes of instruction for modifying lifestyle habits (diet & exercise) once a week. Effectiveness of intervention was based on waist circumference, BP, HDL-cholesterol, TG, and fasting glucose before and after the intervention. RESULTS: The proportion of subjects with 1, 2, 3 or more metabolic risk factors were 28.1, 43.8, and 15.6%, respectively. After the 8-week intervention, waist circumference, systolic BP, diastolic BP, and HDL-cholesterol changed significantly(p<.01) in the PABM group. CONCLUSION: This provides evidence that a PABM-intervention is effective in changing metabolic risk factors such as waist circumference, systolic BP, diastolic BP, and HDL-cholesterol in overweight and obese elementary school children.
This study was done to determine the effects of weight management program using self-efficacy in middle-aged obese women. The study also attempted to measure the effects of the program on the weight efficacy lifestyle, body composition, and depression.
The research design of this study was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The experimental group consisted of 21 middle-aged obese women and another 21 middle-aged obese women in the control group. The women in the experimental group participated in the weight management program for 12 weeks using self-efficacy. The weight management program using self-efficacy included education on effects of exercise for weight control, aerobic exercise program, muscle training and counseling through the telephone.
After 12 weeks of participation in the program, BMI (p<.0001), body fat % (p<.0001), abdominal fat (p<.0001), in the experimental group were significantly decreased compared to the control group. Weight self-efficacy lifestyle (p<.0001) and depression (p=.006) in the experimental group were significantly improved after the program compared to the control group. According to these findings, weight management program self-efficacy for middle-aged obese women could increase weight efficacy lifestyle, and decrease depression, BMI, body fat, and abdominal fat.
The result also suggested that the increasing weight efficacy and lifestyle help the obese women to perform and continue exercise. This program could be used in the community such as public health center for weight care and mental health promotion of middle-aged obese women.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the premature infants' responses to infant massage (tactile and kinesthetic stimulation). These responses measured by weight, physiological (vagal tone, heart rate, oxygen saturation) and behavioral responses (behavioral states, motor activities, and behavioral distress).
This study was conducted using an equivalent control pretest-posttest design. The sample was divided into two groups of 13 infants with gestational age less than 36 weeks at birth, birth weight less than 2000g, and no congenital anomalies. The experimental group received the massage intervention twice daily for 10 days. The data were collected for 10 minutes prior to and 10 minutes after the massage.
The vagal tone was significantly higher after massage than before massage in the experimental group, while no change in the control group. The experimental group had significantly higher scores for awake state and motor activity than the control group. Significantly greater awake state, more fidgeting or crying, and increased motor activity were reported after massage than before massage.
The results of this study showed that massage therapy might enhance optimal physiological responses and behavioral organization of premature infants. Nursing staff in the NICU can use massage to promote the infant's capability to respond positively to his environment and to provide developmental support for healthy premature infants.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of problem solving nursing counseling and walking exerciseon weight loss, cardiovascular risk factors, and self-efficacy of diabetic control among obese diabetic patients. The Polar heart rate monitor was used for walking exercise to utilize the Biofeedback mechanism.
Fifty nine diabetic patients were conveniently placed into experimental (n=35) and control groups (n=24). The experimental group participated inweekly nursing counseling for 12 weeks and was encouraged to do walking exercise using a Polar monitor. The control group remained in the same treatment as before. The data wascollected from November 2003 to August 2004 and analyzed using t-tests and ANCOVAs.
After 12 weeks, the participants in the experimental group reported significantly decreased body weight (p=.004) and total scores on theParma scale (p=.001). While the participants in the control group reported significantly increased levels of blood triglyceride (p=.046) and HDL (p=.018).
Based on the findings, we concluded that problem focused nursing counseling with intensified walking exercise could reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications and body weight among obese diabetic patients. Future research to explore the long-term effects of nursing counseling on diabetic complications is warranted.
This study was aimed at finding the effects of cycled lighting on body weight, physiological variables and the behavioral state of LBWI (low birth weight infants) in the NICU.
The subjects were 20 LBWI at 2 NICUs. They were assigned to an experimental or control group which consisted of 10 subjects in each. Cycled light was applied to the experimental group for 10 days.
It was certified that the application of cycled lighting resulted in increased body weight and O2 saturation, and decreased heart rate of the LBWI. However, there was no effect in decrease of respiration and stabilization of the behavioral state.
The application of cycled lighting might be a nursing intervention which would in turn have positive effects on the growth of LBWI.
The study investigates the degree of maternal self-esteem, postpartal depression, and family function in mothers of normal and of low birth-weight infants.
A retrospective cohort design was applied to compare the variables of interest between a group of 73 mothers with normal birth weight infants and a group of 45 mothers with low birth-weight infants, using the maternal self-report inventory(MSRV), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS) and Family APGAR(FAPGAR).
The total mean score was 82.57 for MSRV, 8.45 for EPDS, and 6.83 for FAPGAR with no differences between two groups. A positive correlation was found between MSRV and FAPGAR, while a negative correlations between MSRV and EPDS, and FAPGAR and EPDS. Regardless of the direction of the relationship, the degrees of the correlations were stronger in low birth-weight mothers group than in normal group.
No differences in MSRV, EPDS and FAPGAR between the normal and the low birth-weight group considered as beneficial effects of the follow-up management which low birth-weight group was engaged in. This suggested the early intervention(follow-up) for the family with risk factor(low birth-weight) could reduce negative outcomes such as the impaired maternal self-esteem and family function, and the occurrence of postpartal depression, retrospectively.
To examine the effects of body position and time after feeding on gastric residuals in low birth weight infants(LBW).
A repeated measures design was conducted. Twenty LBW infants being fed via indwelling nasogastric tubes were randomly assigned to one of 5 different position orderings. In each position, gastric residuals were measured at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 minutes after feeding.
In comparisons of gastric residuals with position and time, the main effects of position and time were statistically significant (F = 5.038,
The body position after feeding has a significant affect on gastric residuals over time in LBW infants. The right anterior oblique or prone position is recommended rather than left lateral position after feeding. Knowledge of the proper position and the pattern of gastric emptying over time after feeding may lead to the development of evidence-based nursing care.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among variables of body image, self-esteem and depression in college female students according to the normal and overweight.
The subjects of this study consisted of 245 college female students. The data was collected through personal interviews using questionnaires from May to June of 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, χ2-test, t-test and the pearson correlation coefficient.
Demographics provided a significant difference in grade, household income, weight control experience. There was a perceived health status difference, according to the normal and overweight subjects. There was a significant difference in body image, self-esteem and depression between the two groups. There was a significant positive correlation between body image and self-esteem, and negative correlation between body image and depression, and self-esteem and depression in college female students.
The Findings of this study give useful information to construct further studies in intervention program relating overweight control for college female students.
This paper reports the results of a hospital centered follow-up program on parenting stress, parenting efficacy and coping for mothers with very low birth weight (VLBW) infants.
The follow-up program consisted of home visiting by an expert group and self-help program for 1 year. A non-equivalent control group pre-post quasi-experimental design was used. Participants were 70 mothers with low birth weight infants and were assigned to one of two groups, an experimental groups (n=28), which received the family support program; and a control group (n=27), which received the usual discharge education. Data were analyzed using χ2-test, t-test, and ANCOVA with IBM SPSS statistics 20.0.
Mothers' parenting stress (F=5.66,
The study findings suggest that a follow-up program for mothers with VLBW infants is an effective intervention to decrease mothers' parenting stress and to enhance parenting efficacy and coping.
This ethnography was done to explore patterns of weight management behavior among adults using obesity clinics.
The participants were 12 adults who were overweight or obese and 2 family members. Data were collected from iterative fieldwork in the obesity clinics of two hospitals. Data were analyzed using text analysis and taxonomic methods.
Weight management behaviors among participants varied according to the recognition of the body and motivation for weight control, Participants' behavior was discussed in the socio-cultural context of obesity. Patterns of weight management behavior among participants were categorized by focus: strategic self-oriented type including managements for the body as a social asset and for health, selective neglect type, and passive group value-oriented type including type dependent on others and managements for beauty.
Participants' weight management behavior was guided by folk concepts of body and health. and constructed within the socio-cultural context. It is necessary for health care providers to understand physical and psychological problems arising from the repeated trials, excessive control of weight, and Western cultural discourse on beauty ideals among adults who are overweight or obese. Therefore, interventions should be tailored to address individual and community needs.
This study was done to evaluate the effects of antenatal depression on birth outcomes.
The participants were 255 pregnant women who were followed in a prospective study. Of these, 197 cases were examined included birth weight, Apgar scores at 5 minute, premature contraction, complication of labor, delivery types and laboratory data. Descriptive statistics, ANOVA, Chi square test of linear by linear association, Kruskal Wallis test, Relative Risk, univariate and adjusted multiple logistic regression were used for data analysis with SPSS/Win.
Level of antenatal depression was associated with low birth weight (χ2=7.69,
The results of this study indicate that women with antenatal depression, high risk pregnancy, prepregnancy BMI≥23 kg/M2 should be monitored and managed to ensure favorable birth outcomes.
To compare and confirm the impact of prepregnancy body mass index on pregnancy outcome in women with a singleton conceived by assisted reproductive technology and spontaneously conceived pregnancy.
A sample of 165 and 247 pregnant women with and without assisted reproductive technology were retrospectively recruited from electronic medical charts of C hospital.
There were significant differences between the two groups for maternal age, paternal age, length of marriage, prepregnancy body mass index, parity, spontaneous abortion experience, and preterm delivery. A prepregnancy body mass index of ≥25 was associated with higher risk for maternal and neonatal complication in the assisted reproductive technology group.
The results indicate that a higher prepregnancy body mass index is associated with increased risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes for women using assisted reproductive technology. So these women need appropriate care to compensate for the risk.
Study purpose were to describe growth patterns of premature infants in weight, length and head circumference from birth to 40th week of corrected ages (CA) and to explore factors affecting patterns.
A longitudinal descriptive study was conducted with 267 premature infants. They were categorized into 2 groups; GA group with measurements at birth and the CA group with measurements at CA, which was categorized into 3 groups (group 1-3) by WHO guideline for gestational age (GA) at birth.
GA group presented greater measures in all than CA group at same week of life. Among CA groups, group 3 showed the highest measurements, up to 37 weeks of life, though this disappeared at 38-40 weeks. Reversely, group 1 revealed the highest growth rates in all measures, followed by group 2 and group 3. Significant interaction was observed in all measures between week of life and any type of groups.
Higher measures in GA group, as well group 3 among CA groups, supported the superiority of intra-uterine environment overriding quality of regimen from NICU. Regardless of growth acceleration, smaller infants remain smaller, indicating that intra-uterine thrifty phenotype may continue at least up to the 40th week of CA.
Prenatal depression is associated with potential negative consequences for the mother and infant. The purpose of this study was to examine pregnant women's stress, and depression and their impact on maternal-fetal attachment and fetal growth.
Data were collected by means of a questionnaire and fetal sonogram from a convenience sample of 166 pregnant women.
Women who have a low educational level, poor health and are dissatisfied with their marriage showed low maternal-fetal attachment. Prenatal depression had significant correlations with length of pregnancy and level of stress. Even though correlation between maternal stress and fetal weight (r=-.15,
Maternal-fetal attachment and fetal growth can be affected by maternal emotional state, including stress or depression. These findings suggest that primary care nurses in hospitals and public health centers should provide prenatal depression screening and nursing intervention programs for management and prevention of prenatal stress and depression.
The study was conducted to describe body shapes of school age children using the degree of obesity index (DOI) and body mass index obesity index classified by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (M-BOI) and Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education (S-BOI).
In this cross sectional descriptive study health screening data for school children collected in 2007 was used.
Data were analyzed for 2,193 4th-6th grade boys (52%) and girls who attended 4 schools in rural areas. DOI determined that only 44.3% of students had average weight. This proportion was much lower than the results of other methods (74.3-77.6%). All three methods defined girls (51.3-61.8%) as skinnier than boys. Skinny and average body shaped children classified by DOI and obese children classified by S-BOI were heavier and taller and presented higher degrees of obesity (DO) and BMI scores than by other methods. M-BOI and S-BOI presented statistically significant positive correlations with weight, height, DO and BMI, while DOI was not correlated with height.
BMI based body shape classifications provide a more rigorous classification of body shape which are favorable for school health professionals with limited resources and policy makers for internationally comparable references.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of exercise on muscle weight and Type I and II fiber cross-sectional area of affected and unaffected hindlimb muscles in rats with neuropathic pain induced by unilateral peripheral nerve injury.
Neuropathic pain was induced by ligation and cutting of the left L5 spinal nerve. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned to one of two groups: The Pain+Exercise (PE) group (n=21) and the Sham+Exercise (SE) group (n=20). All rats had 28 sessions of treadmill exercise at grade 10 for 30 minutes, twice/day at 10 m/min for 14 days. Body weight, food intake and activity were measured every day. At 15 days all rats were anesthetized and soleus, plantaris and gastrocnemius muscles were dissected. Muscle weight and Type I, II fiber cross-sectional area of the dissected muscles were measured.
The PE group showed significant increases (
Exercise for 14 days attenuates unaffected soleus, plantaris and gastrocnemius muscle atrophy in neuropathic pain model.
This study was done to investigate the effects of breast-feeding education and support services on rate of breast-feeding three and six months after birth, and the effect on infant's growth (weight, height, body mass index [BMI]). The experimental group which had both education and support services was compared with the control group which had only breast-feeding education.
This study was a quasi-experimental study with a time-series design. The participants were 39 mothers who were hospitalized for childbirth. Twenty mother were assigned to the experimental group and 19 mothers, to the control group. The breast feeding education was done during hospitalization, and support services were provided once a week after discharge for a month (a total 4 times) by a maternity ward nurse. Data regarding breastfeeding rate at one month after childbirth was collected by phone call; the breast-feeding rates at three and six months after childbirth were collected in a visit to the families. The child's weight and height were also measured during the visit.
The experimental group had a statistically significant higher rate for frequency of breast-feeding at one, three and six months after childbirth than the control group. However, there was no meaningful difference between the two groups for infant growth.
The results of this study suggest that breast-feeding education is helpful for a start, but support services are also necessary to sustain breast-feeding.
This methodological research was designed to develop performance evaluation key indicators (PEKIs) for management by objectives (MBO) and to estimate their weights for hospital nurses.
The PEKIs were developed by selecting preliminary indicators from a literature review, examining content validity and identifying their level of importance. Data were collected from November 14, 2007 to February 18, 2008. Data set for importance of indicators was obtained from 464 nurses and weights of PEKIs domain was from 453 nurses, who worked for at least 2 yr in one of three hospitals. Data were analyzed using χ2-test, factor analysis, and the Analytical Hierarchy Process.
Based upon Content Validity Index of .8 or above, 61 indicators were selected from the 100 preliminary indicators. Finally, 40 PEKIs were developed from the 61 indicators, and categorized into 10 domains. The highest weight of the 10 domains was customer satisfaction, which was followed by patient education, direct nursing care, profit increase, safety management, improvement of nursing quality, completeness of nursing records, enhancing competence of nurses, indirect nursing care, and cost reduction, in that order.
PEKIs and their weights can be utilized for impartial evaluation and MBO for hospital nurses. Further research to verify PEKIs would lead to successful implementation of MBO.
The purpose of this study was to identify congruence between self-perception and objective status of obesity according to %Fat, and to investigate health promotion lifestyle in college women.
The participants were a convenience sample of 392 college women who were eligible and agreed to participate in this study. Respondents were asked questions using a health promotion lifestyle profile and were evaluated for their body composition using InBody 3.0. The data were analyzed with SPSS 14.0 program, which was used for Chi square, ANOVA, and post-hoc comparison with Scheffe.
The major findings were as follows; 1) Overall, 41.8% of participants misclassified their perceived status of weight by %Fat standards and kappa was 0.329. 2) Two percent were underweight by BMI but overweight by %Fat and 39.0% normal weight by BMI but overweight by %Fat. 3) There were significant differences in health promotion lifestyle according to self-perception of body weight but there was no difference in health promotion lifestyle according to %Fat standards.
These findings suggest the necessity for development and application of tailored health promotion program based on self-perception of body weight and %Fat in order to reform incorrect body image and health behavior in college women.