To proceed with the submission, you need to check the following. Manuscripts that do not meet the guidelines mentioned below will be immediately returned to the author.
General Guideline
□ Manuscript must be written according to the research and publication ethics of JKAN
□ First and corresponding authors must be the members of Korean Society of Nursing Science.
Manuscript Preparation
□ Double-spaced typing with 10-point type in Korean and double-spaced typing with 12-point type in English.
□ Organize the manuscript in the following order: title page, abstract and keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, conflict of interest, references, and tables and figures.
□ Pages should be numbered consecutively.
□ Length of manuscript in English is limited to 6,000 words for text only, and limited to 15 pages for text only in Korean.
Abstract and keywords
□ Abstract of up to 250 words should include purpose, methods, results, and conclusion.
□ Keywords must be MeSH terms.
□ References listed in a proper format.
□ Check that all references included in the references list are cited in the text and vice versa.
□ Number of references should be 50 or less except for SR.
□ Reference list should start on a new page.
□ Full name of Journal should be written in the reference list.
Tables and Figures
□ Tables and figures should be written in English.
□ All table and figure numbers should be mentioned in the text.
□ Each table and figure should be placed on a separate page.
□ Total number of table and figure should be five or less.
□ All units of measurements and concentrations should be designated.
□ Abbreviations should be defined in a legend at the bottom of the table or figure.
Research and Publication Ethics
□ Obtained approval from institution ethics review committee and institution and IRB No. is clearly given in the section of text.
□ Information on Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation is demonstrated.
Author Contribution
□ Declaration on conflicts of interests (Reviewers, Financial interests, intellectual property-patents & copyrights, etc.).
Data sharing statements
□ Declare that all these things are confirmed.