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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing



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For contributors

To proceed with the submission, you need to check the following. Manuscripts that do not meet the guidelines mentioned below will be immediately returned to the author.

General Guideline

□ Manuscript must be written according to the research and publication ethics of JKAN
□ First and corresponding authors must be the members of Korean Society of Nursing Science.

Manuscript Preparation


□ Double-spaced typing with 10-point type in Korean and double-spaced typing with 12-point type in English.
□ Organize the manuscript in the following order: title page, abstract and keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusion, conflict of interest, references, and tables and figures.
□ Pages should be numbered consecutively.
□ Length of manuscript in English is limited to 6,000 words for text only, and limited to 15 pages for text only in Korean.

Abstract and keywords

□ Abstract of up to 250 words should include purpose, methods, results, and conclusion.
□ Keywords must be MeSH terms.


□ References listed in a proper format.
□ Check that all references included in the references list are cited in the text and vice versa.
□ Number of references should be 50 or less except for SR.
□ Reference list should start on a new page.
□ Full name of Journal should be written in the reference list.

Tables and Figures

□ Tables and figures should be written in English.
□ All table and figure numbers should be mentioned in the text.
□ Each table and figure should be placed on a separate page.
□ Total number of table and figure should be five or less.
□ All units of measurements and concentrations should be designated.
□ Abbreviations should be defined in a legend at the bottom of the table or figure.

Research and Publication Ethics

□ Obtained approval from institution ethics review committee and institution and IRB No. is clearly given in the section of text.
□ Information on Master's thesis or Doctoral dissertation is demonstrated.

Author Contribution

□ Declaration on conflicts of interests (Reviewers, Financial interests, intellectual property-patents & copyrights, etc.).

Data sharing statements

□ Declare that all these things are confirmed.

J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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