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15 "Program Development"
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Research Papers
Development and Effectiveness of Progressive Simulation Education Program on Medication Safety for Nursing Students
Se-Young Jung, Eun-Young Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2024;54(4):563-576.   Published online October 14, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDFePub

This study aimed to develop and verify a progressive simulation education program aimed at enhancing nursing students’ medication safety competency.


A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was adopted. The participants were 40 third-year nursing students with no prior simulation education experience, comprising 20 each in the experimental and control groups. The experimental treatment utilized a hybrid simulation approach incorporating both full-body mannequins and standardized patients and was, conducted over three sessions with durations of 65, 80, and 95 minutes for the first, second, and third sessions, respectively, for a total of 240 minutes. The program was constructed based on Jeffries’ simulation model.


The levels of medication safety competencies, communication self-efficacy, learning self-efficacy, and problem-solving abilities of the experimental group were significantly higher than that of the control group.


Our results confirm that the program effectively improves nursing students’ medication safety competence, communication self-efficacy, learning self-efficacy, and problem-solving ability. Therefore, this program can serve as a basis for developing educational strategies related to medication safety for nursing education institutions. Furthermore, the program is anticipated to have a positive impact on novice nurses’ education and practice in clinical settings.

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A Caring Program for Health Promotion among Women Who Have Experienced Trauma: A QuasiExperimental Pilot Study
Kim, Goun , Kim, Heejung , Park, Jeongok , Kang, Hee Sun , Kim, Soojin , Kim, Sunah
J Korean Acad Nurs 2023;53(5):500-513.   Published online October 31, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDF
Women are more vulnerable to post-traumatic stress (PTS) than men, causing several health problems. Nurses should understand and work with women who have experienced trauma and provide interventions to promote their physical, social, and mental health.
This quasi-experimental pilot study used a one-group pre-test/post-test design. Data were collected from 14 women recruited between December 2019 and May 2020 from a self-sufficiency support center in South Korea for sexually-exploited women who had experienced trauma. The program consisted of six one-on-one intervention sessions per week for six weeks. Each session averaged 60~120 minutes. Participants were assessed at pre-test, post-test, and one-month follow-up. Changes in outcome variables over time were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed-rank and Friedman tests.
The caring program for health promotion was divided into six sessions: understanding the self, sharing traumatic events and negative emotions, reframing the meaning of traumatic events, identifying thoughts and physical and emotional responses, developing health promotion activities, and maintaining a positive attitude during the process of change. As a result of the caring program, PTS (F = 36.33, p < .001), depression (F = 24.45, p < .001), health-promoting behaviors (F = 7.06, p = .004), and self-esteem (F = 19.74, p < .001) among the participants differed significantly at pre-test, post-test, and follow-up.
This study provides foundational information for the implementation of a theory-driven program by nurses in clinical and community settings to provide comprehensive care for women who have experienced trauma.
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Development and Evaluation of an Integrated Health Management Program for Psychiatric Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
Kwak, Yun Bock , Kim, Ji Young
J Korean Acad Nurs 2022;52(3):261-277.   Published online June 30, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study developed an integrated health management program for metabolic syndrome in psychiatric patients and examined its effects on self-efficacy, healthy lifestyle, physiological indicators, knowledge of metabolic syndrome, attitudes toward healthy behavior, and social support.
A non-equivalent control group pretest posttest design was used. The participants were 65 psychiatric patients with metabolic syndrome in psychiatric rehabilitation centers, with 33 in the experimental group and 32 in the control group. The experimental group participants engaged in daily mobile application and walking exercises three times a week for more than 40 minutes over 8 weeks, while those in the control group were provided education booklets. The outcomes were measured using self-report questionnaires, anthropometrics, and blood analyses. Intervention effects were analyzed using the independent t-test, Mann—Whitney U test, ANCOVA, and Ranked ANCOVA.
The experimental group showed a significant increase in self-efficacy (F = 8.85, p = .004, ηp2 = .13) and knowledge of metabolic syndrome (t = 2.60, p = .012, d = 0.60) compared to the control group. Additionally, the experimental group demonstrated a significant decrease in waist circumference (Z = - 2.34, p = .009, d = 0.58) and body mass index (Z = - 1.91, p = .028, d = 0.47) compared to the control group.
The integrated health management program for psychiatric patients with metabolic syndrome is effective in improving self-efficacy and knowledge of metabolic syndrome and decreasing physiological indicators such as waist circumference and body mass index.
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Original Articles
Effect of Emotional Coaching Program for Clinical Nurses on Resilience, Emotional Labor, and Self-efficacy
Ryu, Kyung , Kim, Jong Kyung
J Korean Acad Nurs 2020;50(3):419-430.   Published online June 30, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to assess the effect of the emotional coaching program for hospital nurses.
The study used anon-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design, and participants included 60 nurses (30 in the experimental group and 30 in thecontrol group) who worked at a general hospital. The experimental group attended four sessions, one per week, with each session lastingtwo and a half hours. Collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Fisher’s exact test, x2 test, t-test, paired t-test, and repeatedmeasures ANOVA using SPSS WIN 23.0 program.
Significant differences were shown between the experimental and the controlgroups regarding emotional labor (F=68.40, p<.001), resilience (F=48.77, p<.001), and self-efficacy (F=15.31, p<.001).
Theemotional coaching program for nurses is useful for enhancing nurses’ emotional labor management, resilience, and self-efficacy. In addition,this program may serve as a basis for providing emotional coaching to nurses in the future.
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Health Education Program Development for Infants, Toddlers and Preschool Children
Ja Hyung Lee, Il Ok Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(2):262-269.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a health education program for child care workers of infants, toddlers and preschoolers to improve their care ability. The program provided child care teachers and children with information on how to take care of their health.


This program development was based on a systematic design of instruction by Dick & Carey(1996). The process included a review of literature, setting an instructional goal, getting advice from various experts, designing instruction and instructional medias, designing formative evaluation, revising the program and making a summative evaluations.


The products of this program were the ‘ Teachers Guide Book & CD-ROM.” The guide book included health education programs for infants, toddlers and preschoolers. The infant program included a basic baby care program for teachers. The toddlers and preschoolers program included basic health promotion, dental health, nutrition management, communicable disease prevention, substance abuse prevention and a safety program.


These programs provided a systematic content of health education for children andtheir teachers, and useful data which can be applied to child care centers.

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Development and Evaluation of a Web-based Support Program for the Maternal Role of Primiparas
Jeong Soo Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(1):165-176.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop and evaluate a Web-based program for the maternal role of primiparas who use the internet.


The study process was a systems requirements analysis, design and development of a program, program testing by experts, program implementation, and program evaluation by users. A nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design was used. The data was collected from October 5th, 2002 to February 24th, 2003.


1. Based on inquiries into mothers' needs, a Web-based support program was developed. The program was then modified from feedback received from experts. 2. In a sub-scale analysis of mothers' perception of a baby, amenability and persistence was significantly higher in the intervention group. The differences in the mean score of maternal self-confidence and maternal satisfaction were significant. 3. Cyber counseling was done for a total of 73 cases and the most frequent problems for counseling were feeding and nutrition (28.8%), followed by baby care, and health problems.


It was proven that a Web-based support program provided appropriate support to primiparas and was effective in promoting their maternal role. Therefore, this study suggests that a Web-based support program for primiparas can become a powerful nursing intervention on virtually all mother and infant health concerns.

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Development of a Sublimation Program for Korean Adolescents' Aggression
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(1):81-92.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify a path diagram for the influence of family, personality, sexual abuse, drug abuse, coping strategies, and aggressive impulsiveness on aggression, and to develop a sublimation program for Korean adolescent's aggression.


Data was collected by self-report questionnaires. Subjects consisted of 2,111 adolescents. A proportional stratified random sampling method was used. The major instrument was the Mental Health Questionnaire for Korean Adolescents, and the Cronbach's Alpha ranged from .54 to .95 for each subscale. Statistical methods were Chi-square, correlation analysis, and path analysis.


The strongest contributing variables on aggression were person-related aggressive impulsiveness, antisocial personality, self-injured aggressive impulsiveness, gender, sexual abuse, psychosomatic symptoms II, drug abuse, age, parent-child relationship, alcohol abuse and cognitive avoidance coping strategies in the order named. Also the author developed a multi-systemic sublimation program for Korean adolescents's aggression. The multi-systemic sublimation program involves four domains including adolescents, parents, peers and community, and has several therapeutic sub-programs for each domain.


The ecology of human development is composed of multiple, integrated levels of organization, including biological, individual-psychological, social-interpersonal, cultural, and historical levels. Therefore, this multi-systemic sublimation program will prevent and decrease the rate of aggressive behavior among Korean adolescents.

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Screening for High Risk Population of Dementia and Development of the Preventive Program Using Web
Jung Soon Kim, Ihn Sook Jeong, Yoon Jin Kim, Sun Kyung Hwang, Byung Chul Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(2):236-245.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to develop a screening model for identifying a high risk group of dementia and to develop and evaluate the web-based prevention program.


It was conducted in 5 phases. 1) Data were collected from dementia patients and non-dementia patients in a community. 2) A screening model of the high risk population was constructed. 3) The validity test was performed and the model was confirmed. 4) Four weeks-prevention program was developed. 5) The program was administered, and evaluated the effects.


The model consisted of age, illiteracy, history of stroke and hypercholesterolemia. The program was designed with 12 sessions, group health education using web-based individual instruction program, and 12 sessions of low-intensity physical exercise program. After the completion, their self-efficacy, and health behaviors in experimental group were significantly improved over those in the control group. The perceived barrier in the treatment group is significantly decreased.


The screening model developed is very simple and can be utilized in diverse community settings. And the web based prevention program will encourage individual learning and timely feedback, therefore it can facilitate their active participation and promote health management behaviors at home.

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Development and Testing of a Mastery Learning Program of Nursing Skills for Undergraduate Nursing Students
SoMi Park, Hea Kung Hur, Ki Kyong Kim, Hee-Young Song
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(4):526-539.   Published online January 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study was undertaken to develop and test a mastery learning program of nursing skills for undergraduate nursing students.


In this methodological study, first, the preliminary draft of a mastery learning program to provide training for nursing skills was developed based on Bloom's framework for mastery learning. Second, to test the developed program, a single-blinded, nonequivalent control group non-synchronized study was conducted on 50 senior nursing students in a University selected by convenient sampling. Thirteen students were assigned to a control group; 13, 12, and 13 of them were assigned to intravenous therapy, transfusion, and patient transfer groups, respectively. The achievement levels and performance scores of the selected nursing skills were measured before and after the completion of the program in all the groups. Lastly, the final program was confirmed based on the results of the program testing.


Intravenous therapy, transfusion, and patient transfer were selected as essential nursing skills for the program based on the priorities rated by clinical instructors and staff nurses. The achievement levels of selected nursing skills were determined by Angoff scores. After participating in the program, the proportion of passers and performance scores of the nursing skills in the experimental groups were significantly higher than those in the control group. The final program was confirmed which included a diagnostic test, enrichment activities for the passers and three repetitions of corrective activities and formative assessments for non-passers.


The results suggest that a mastery learning program for undergraduate students can lead to better improvement and performance of essential nursing skills.

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Development and Evaluation of a Self-Reflection Program for Intensive Care Unit Nurses Who Have Experienced the Death of Pediatric Patients
Hyun-Ju Kang, Kyung-Sook Bang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(3):392-405.   Published online January 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study aims to develop a self-reflection program for nurses who have experienced the death of pediatric patients in the intensive care unit and to evaluate its effectiveness.


The self-reflection program was developed by means of the following four steps: establishment of the goal through investigation of an initial request, drawing up the program, preliminary research, and implementation and improvement of the program. The study employed a methodological triangulation to evaluate the effectiveness of the program. Participants were 38 nurses who had experienced the death of pediatric patients (experimental group=15, control group=23); they were recruited using convenience sampling. The self-reflection program was provided over 6 weeks (6 sessions). Data were collected from April to August, 2014 and analyzed using t-tests and content analysis.


The quantitative results showed that changes in personal growth (t=-6.33, p<.001) and burnout scores (z=-2.76, p=.005) were better in the experimental group compared to the control group. The qualitative results exhibited two themes, namely “personal growth” and “professional growth”, and ten sub-themes.


The self-reflection program developed by this study was effective in helping nurses who had experienced the death of pediatric patients to achieve personal growth through self-reflection, and it was confirmed that the program can be applied in a realistic clinical nursing setting. Furthermore, it can be recommended as an intervention program for clinical nurses.

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The Effect of a Movie-Based Nursing Intervention Program on Rehabilitation Motivation and Depression in Stroke Patients
Hye Kyung Kwon, Sook Ja Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(3):345-356.   Published online January 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The aim of this study was to develop and measure the effect of a movie-based-nursing intervention program designed to enhance motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression levels in stroke patients.


The study used a quasi-experimental, nonequivalent control group and a pretest-posttest design. The 60 research subjects were assigned to the experimental (n=30) or control group (n=30). The movie-based nursing intervention program was provided for the experimental group during 60-minute sessions held once per week for 10 weeks. The program consisted of patient education to strengthen motivation for rehabilitation and reduce depression, watching movies to identify role models, and group discussion to facilitate therapeutic interaction.


After 10 weeks of participation in the movie-based nursing intervention program, the experimental group's rehabilitation motivation score was significantly higher, F=1161.54 (within groups df=49, between groups df=1), p<.001, relative to that observed in the control group. In addition, the experimental group's depression score was significantly lower relative to that observed in the control group, F=258.97 (within groups df=49, between groups df=1), p<.001.


The movie-based nursing intervention program could be used for stroke patients experiencing psychological difficulties including reduced motivation for rehabilitation and increased depression during the rehabilitation process.

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Development and Effects of an Instructional Coaching Program Regarding Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder for Elementary School Teachers
Shin Jeong Park, Wan Ju Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(3):305-318.   Published online January 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The aim of this study was to identify the effects of a newly developed instructional coaching program regarding Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) for teachers.


Seventy teachers participated in this study involving a nonequivalent control group and a pretest-posttest design. The instructional coaching program consisted of eight 60-minute sessions. The program was developed through a theoretical development program involving six steps. To evaluate the effects of the program, data were collected through self-report questionnaires including the Knowledge Scale of Attention Deficit Disorder, Attitude Scale of Primary School Teachers Experiencing Students with ADHD, Practice Scale of Educational Intervention Activity, and the Korean ADHD Rating Scale. Data were analyzed with an independent t test, a chi-square test, and an ANCOVA using SPSS WIN version 20.


The intervention program consisted of 3 sectors, 8 subjects, and 24 content items. The experimental group showed a significant improvement in attitudes toward ADHD (F=22.83, p<.001). In addition, teacher's knowledge regarding ADHD (F=7.16, p=.010) and the implementation of instructional interventions (F=4.29, p=.043) improved. Further, teachers reported a reduction in children's ADHD-related behavior (F=4.34, p=.041). Results showed that the coaching program made a positive contribution to teaching skills and understanding of school-age children with ADHD.


The instructional coaching program was well structured and significantly improved not only teachers'attitudes, knowledge, and teaching skills but also the behavior of children with ADHD in class. Therefore, the program is recommended as a means of facilitating teaching and managing children with ADHD in class.

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Development and Effects of a Drinking Prevention Program for Preschool Children
Younkyoung Kim, Chong Mi Lee, Jong Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(2):183-193.   Published online April 29, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the program to promote drinking knowledge, attitudes, and coping behavior in preschool children.


A quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was conducted. The participants were 123 five year old children from G city. They were assigned to the experimental group (n=77) or the control group (n=46). A pretest and posttest were conducted to measure main variables. For the experimental group, the drinking prevention program was given for 6 weeks. Data were analyzed using χ2-test, t-test, and ANCOVA.


After the intervention, preschool children in the experimental group reported significant differences in drinking knowledge (F=9.25, p=.003), drinking attitudes (F=19.57, p<.001), and coping behavior (F=16.38, p<.001) compared to preschool children in the control group.


The results of this study indicate that a drinking prevention program for preschool children is effective in increasing drinking knowledge, attitudes, and coping behavior. This drinking prevention program is recommended as an effective intervention for preschool age children to postpone an early introduction to drinking.

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Effect of School-based Peer Leader Centered Smoking Prevention Program
Sung Rae Shin, Pok Ja Oh, Hye Kyung Youn, Sun Hwa Shin
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(6):649-659.   Published online December 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate a school-based peer leader centered smoking prevention program.


Non-equivalent control group with a pre/post-test design was used. Students (n=174) in two boys' junior high schools located in D city, Korea participated with 85 being selected for the experimental group and 89 for the control group. Five sessions were given to the experimental group and a 50 minute lecture to the control group. Knowledge, attitude, non-smoking intention, and non-smoking efficacy were measured for the both experimental and control group at two weeks before the program and one month after the program was completed. Data were analyzed using χ2-test, Fisher's exact test, independent t-test and paired t-test with the SPSS 21.0 program.


The experimental group showed higher overall knowledge, negative attitude toward smoking, and higher non-smoking intention and efficacy. After receiving the school based peer leader centered smoking prevention program scores for attitude toward smoking and non-smoking efficacy increased in the experimental group were higher than in the control group.


The school-based peer leader centered smoking prevention program needs longitudinal evaluation, but from this study, there is an indication that this program can be used with junior high school students and effectively change students' attitude toward smoking and promote non-smoking efficacy.

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Development and Evaluation of a Program to Promote Self Management in Patients with Chronic Hepatitis B
Jin-Hyang Yang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(2):258-268.   Published online April 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the program to promote self management for patients with chronic hepatitis B.


The research was a quasi-experimental design using a non-equivalent control group pre-post test. The participants were 61 patients, 29 in the experimental group and 32 in the control group. A pretest and 2 posttests were conducted to measure main variables. For the experimental group, the self-management program, consisting of counseling-centered activities in small groups, was given for 6 weeks. Data were analyzed using χ2, t-test, and repeated measures ANOVA with PASW statistics program.


There were statistically significant increases in knowledge, self-efficacy, active ways of coping, and self-management compliance but not in passive ways of coping in the experimental group compared to the control group over two different times.


The results of this study indicate that the self-management program is effective in increasing knowledge, self-efficacy, active ways of coping, and self-management compliance among patients with chronic hepatitis B. Therefore, it can be usefully utilized in the field of nursing for patients with chronic disease as a nursing intervention for people with chronic hepatitis B.

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