The purpose of this study was to identify a path diagram for the influence of family, personality, sexual abuse, drug abuse, coping strategies, and aggressive impulsiveness on aggression, and to develop a sublimation program for Korean adolescent's aggression.
Data was collected by self-report questionnaires. Subjects consisted of 2,111 adolescents. A proportional stratified random sampling method was used. The major instrument was the Mental Health Questionnaire for Korean Adolescents, and the Cronbach's Alpha ranged from .54 to .95 for each subscale. Statistical methods were Chi-square, correlation analysis, and path analysis.
The strongest contributing variables on aggression were person-related aggressive impulsiveness, antisocial personality, self-injured aggressive impulsiveness, gender, sexual abuse, psychosomatic symptoms II, drug abuse, age, parent-child relationship, alcohol abuse and cognitive avoidance coping strategies in the order named. Also the author developed a multi-systemic sublimation program for Korean adolescents's aggression. The multi-systemic sublimation program involves four domains including adolescents, parents, peers and community, and has several therapeutic sub-programs for each domain.
The ecology of human development is composed of multiple, integrated levels of organization, including biological, individual-psychological, social-interpersonal, cultural, and historical levels. Therefore, this multi-systemic sublimation program will prevent and decrease the rate of aggressive behavior among Korean adolescents.