Recent years have seen an increase in the number of pregnant women whose weight gain during pregnancy exceeds the recommended range. This study was intended to determine the relationships among demographic attributes, key perceptual factors, and gestational weight gain (GWG).
This cross-sectional study was conducted between April and July 2022. First-time pregnant women beyond 36 weeks of gestation who were recruited via social media completed an online survey. Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, chi-square test, and logistic regression, all performed using SPSS software.
Of the 369 participants, 63 (17.1%) exceeded the recommended GWG guidelines, while 148 (40.1%) fell within the recommended range, and the remaining 158 (42.8%) had inadequate GWG. Being overweight or obese before pregnancy significantly increased the risk of excessive GWG (
The growing trend of excessive GWG among pregnant women is influenced by a combination of prepregnancy body mass index (BMI) and perceptual factors, including weight locus of control and body image. These findings underscore the need to implement weight management intervention strategies before pregnancy, taking into consideration BMI, and to enhance positive body image and internal locus of control.
The purpose of this study was to examine the awareness of alcohol use during pregnancy and factors influencing the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy by drinking levels.
Utilizing a comparative descriptive design, a total of 359 female college students were recruited. Measurements were Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) variables related awareness of alcohol use during pregnancy, Korean Version of the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, knowledge about alcohol use during pregnancy, and socio-demographic factors. Main variables were compared by drinking levels. The factors influencing the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy were identified using hierarchical regression analysis.
Non-problematic alcohol behavior group (n=185) had higher the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy than problematic alcohol behavior group (n=174) (t=3.13,
It is necessary to increase the intention to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy for the female college students having problematic alcohol behavior. The following strategies are recommended for them; decreasing acceptable attitudes toward alcohol use during pregnancy and reinforcing the influence of social pressure toward to abstain from alcohol during pregnancy.
The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between the intention of pregnancy and the child rearing attitudes of mothers with infants. The data was collected from 138 mothers by means of an interview and questionnaire in a period from April 1 to April 30, 1997, when they came to have their infants vaccinated at one hospital and one health care center. The collected data was analyzed by means of the SPSS Program using percentage, means and standard deviation in each area and the ANOVA and Pearson correlation Coefficient. The results of this study were as follows : 1. It showed that the mother's degree of intention of pregnancy was 3.90(+/-1.19) among the possible score of 0~5 and the score of child rearing attitudes was 70.1 among the possible score of 20~100. The mean score of the items was 3.50(+/-.36) among the possible score of 0~5. 2. There was a significant relation between the intention of pregnancy and child rearing attitudes. It was mildly positive but was significant(r=.21, p<0.05). 3. There was a significant relation between the period from marriage to the time of pregnancy and the intention of pregnancy(F=.57, p<0.05). Also, it was found out that the group of mothers who became pregnant later than 12 months after marriage wanted after pregnancy more than the group of women who were pregnant within 12 months after marriage(F=11.30, p<0.01). 4. There was a significant relation between the period from marriage to the time of pregnancy and child rearing attitudes(F=4.14, p<0.05). It showed that the child rearing attitudes of the group of women who became pregnant later than 12 months after marriage was positive(F=11.42, p<0.01). Also, in case tat the both the husband and wife decided on the pregnancy, the child rearing attitudes were more positive(F=7.15, p<0.05). In conclusion, when the intention of pregnancy was stronger, the subjects' child rearing attitudes were more positive. Also when both the husband and wife decided on the pregnancy, the attitudes were more positive. So it seems that both husband and wife should discuss and agree upon pregnancy, having a sufficient period during which both the spouses prepare for the intention of pregnancy. Additionally, it is suggested that when the husband and wife are doing family planning, it would be beneficial to use a program of 'Woman's Intention on Pregnancy' during this process.
The purpose of this study is to find the Korean women's view to pregnancy within the Korean cultural context, to help nurses understand psychosocioemotional schema of the pregnant women, and to contribute to theory- building on the meaning of pregnancy. The interviewees were 21 women in their twenties or thirties and they were selected by theoretical sampling technique. Thirteen women of the interviewees were single and others married. Data were collected by in-depth interviews from September November in 1994. Interviews were tape-recorded and transcribed. Data were analyzed by Van Kaam's phenomenological method. Results were as follows. Eighty two descriptive expression were found and they were grouped under fourteen common factors. These are [to maintain family],[instinct][obli-gation],[what one should do],[to make home],[to tie couple firmly],[means to overcome a period of lassitude], [token of love],[hope], [to avoid loneli-ness], [wanted to have a baby],[to provide for old ages], [to be a mother], [to achieve her desire through baby]. Finally, fourteen common factors were grouped under four higher categories. Five common factors, [to maintain family],[instinct],[obligation],[what one should do],[to make home] were grouped under (custom). Three factors,[to tie couple firmly],[means to overcome a period of lassitude], [token of love] were grouped under (love between couple). Four factors,[hope],[to avoid loneliness], [wanted to have a baby],[to provide for old ages] were grouped under (pursuiting safety). Two factors, [to be a mother], [to achieve her desire through baby] were grouped under (self fulfillment). At present, the most distinguishing motivation of childbearing was rooted in the cultural custom. Kortean women thought that it was their duties to have children and children were necessary in life. But they were beginning to recognize that baby could tie couple more firmly and get rid of their loneliness. Korean women no longer considered their children as the one who would take care of them when they were old or who would satisfy their unmet needs. As pregnancy is not women's duty only, authors recommend further studies on men's view to pregnancy.
The relationship between the attitude and satisfaction for sexuality of pregnant women was observed to provide rationales of nursing intervention to help promote healthy sexual lifestyles. Questionnaires were collected from 211 obstetric outpatients of H university hospital in C city, Korea from February to May 1999. The research tools were D.S.F.I (Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory in Korean, Chronbach's alpha= 0.710) and Sexuality Satisfaction Method (Kim, 1997, Chronbach's alpha =0.864). Data was analyzed for frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, t-test and ANOVA by Windows SAS. The results of this study were as follows: Mean age of the subjects were 29.8; the average score of attitude to sex was moderate (27.60), and that of satisfaction sex was high (54.11); the positive relationship was shown between attitude and satisfaction for sexuality (r=0.51, p=.000); the higher educational and income levels of pregnant women and their husbands, were the better the attitude and satisfaction for was; professional women had better attitude than housewives. According to the results, it is suggested that the study is necessary to develop an effective nursing intervention related with the sexuality of pregnant women.
A study was done to identify the differences of women's perception of fatigue according to the period of pregnancy. Questionnaires were collected from 510 normal pregnant women in 3 University Hospitals in Korea from April to November of 1999. The questionnaires used to measure pregnant women's fatigue were the "Subjective Symptoms of Fatigue Test" designed by the Research Committee of Industrial Fatigue in Hygienic Association of Japanese Industry. The collected data was analyzed by SPSS-Win. The results revealed that there was a significant difference according to the periods of pregnancy: The degree of fatigue was the highest in the first trimester and then third and second trimester in decreasing order (F=89.53, p=0.000). The degree of fatigue was also compared with the respect to the general characteristics of women: There were statistically significant differences according to number of pregnancy (t=6.41, p=0.000), expectation of pregnancy (t=-291, p=0.004) and weight change (F=8.07, p=0.000). Therefore, variable nursing intervention should be provided to alleviate the fatigue according to the each trimester of pregnant period. Especially the nursing intervention program to alleviate the physical fatigue in the first trimester is necessary.
The purpose of this study was to investigate pregnancy, abortion and delivery rates among Korean teenagers. The subjects of this study were 11,433 teenagers aged 13-19 year in Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Kwangju, Insheon, Taejeon and Ansan, Korea. Data were collected from Feb. 1994 to May 1995, 16 months, by schoolnurses or the researchers. The results showed pregnancy rate was 7.2 per 1,000 teenagers, the abortion rate was 4.3 per 1,000 teenagers, and delivery rate was 1.2 per 1,000 teenagers. In the pregnancy experience, the main factors related to teenage pregnancy were love or marriage engagement. In the abortion experience, 53.9% of teenagers had more than two abortion experiences, 38.1% midtrimester abortion, 22% complications after abortion. In the delivery experience, 64.3% of teenagers delivered with no prenatal care and 42.9% had a delay in realizing they were pregnant. Fifty percent were delivered by non-professionals in non-medical institutions.
This study aimed to identify the actor and partner effects of self-efficacy, marital adjustment, and social support on the health promoting behavior of Korean pregnant couples.
Participants were 132 couples who met the eligibility criteria. Data were collected from June to November, 2016 at a community health center. The Actor-Partner Interdependence Model was used for analyzing the actor and partner effects of self-efficacy, marital adjustment, and social support on health promoting behavior.
The fitness indices for the model were GFI=0.90, NFI=0.92, CFI=0.91, TLI=0.90, and RMSEA=0.04, which satisfied the criteria. Self-efficacy had actor and partner effect on health promoting behavior of wives, but had only actor effect of on health promoting behavior of husbands. Marital adjustment showed actor and partner effect on the health promoting behavior of pregnant couples. Social support only had an actor effect on the health promoting behavior of wives. And, marital adjustment and social support had a mutual effect.
This study indicates that the partner involvement is needed to develop health promotion programs for pregnant couples.
The aim of this study was to determine the influence of various factors on preterm labor symptoms (PLS) and preterm birth (PB).
This prospective cohort study included 193 women in the second stage of pregnancy. Multiple characteristics including body mass index (BMI), smoking, and pregnancy complications were collected through a self-report questionnaire. Pregnancy stress and PLS were each measured with a related scale. Cervical length and birth outcome were evaluated from medical charts. Multiple regression was used to predict PLS and logistic regression was used to predict PB.
Multiple regression showed smoking experience, pregnancy complications and pregnancy specific stress were predictors of PLS and accounted for 19.2% of the total variation. Logistic regression showed predictors of PB to be twins (OR=13.68, CI=3.72~50.33,
The results of this study show that the multiple factors affect stage II pregnant women can result in PLS or PB. And preterm labor may predict PB. These findings highlight differences in predicting variables for pretrm labor and for PB. Future research is needed to develop a screening tool to predict the risk of preterm birth in pregnant women.
To compare and confirm the impact of prepregnancy body mass index on pregnancy outcome in women with a singleton conceived by assisted reproductive technology and spontaneously conceived pregnancy.
A sample of 165 and 247 pregnant women with and without assisted reproductive technology were retrospectively recruited from electronic medical charts of C hospital.
There were significant differences between the two groups for maternal age, paternal age, length of marriage, prepregnancy body mass index, parity, spontaneous abortion experience, and preterm delivery. A prepregnancy body mass index of ≥25 was associated with higher risk for maternal and neonatal complication in the assisted reproductive technology group.
The results indicate that a higher prepregnancy body mass index is associated with increased risks for adverse pregnancy outcomes for women using assisted reproductive technology. So these women need appropriate care to compensate for the risk.