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Development and Evaluation of Prenatal Education for Environmental Health Behavior Using Cartoon Comics
Kim, Hyun Kyoung , Kim, Hee Kyung , Kim, Mirim , Park, Seohwa
J Korean Acad Nurs 2021;51(4):478-488.   Published online August 31, 2021
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to develop and examine the effects of a prenatal program on environmental health behavior using cartoon comics among Korean pregnant women.
This study used a non-equivalent control group pre-test/post-test design. The program used cartoon comics to explore environmental health behaviors during pregnancy. The program consisted of the following four components: environmental toxicants during pregnancy, avoiding particulate matter during pregnancy, environmental toxicants during baby care, and making a healthy environment for children. In total, 35 pregnant women participated in the study: 18 in the experimental group and 17 in the control group. Data collection and program adaptation were conducted between November 3, 2020 and January 19, 2021. The effect of the prenatal education program was evaluated by t-test and repeated measures ANOVA.
Learning experience (t = - 2.35, p = .025), feasibility (t = - 2.46, p = .019), satisfaction (t = - 2.23, p = .032) were higher in the experimental group than in the control group in the first post-test. Feasibility (t = - 2.40, p = .022) was higher in the experimental group than in the control group in the second post-test. Repeated-measures ANOVA showed significant interactions between time and group in environmental susceptibility (F = 9.31, p < .001), self-efficacy (F = 3.60, p = .033), and community behavior (F = 5.41, p = .007).
This study demonstrates the need for a prenatal education program to promote environmental health perceptions and behavior during pregnancy. We suggest a prenatal class adopting the creative cartoon comics to promote the maternal environmental health behaviors.
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Original Articles
Improving Empathy in Nursing Students: A Comparative Longitudinal Study of Two Curricula
Celale Tangul Ozcan, Emine Öksüz, Fahriye Oflaz
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(5):497-505.   Published online October 31, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study aimed to examine changes of empathy levels of nursing student in two different curricula structures, one called “traditional” and the other called “integrated” curricula. The study was a longitudinal design to follow a cohort of nursing students to examine the magnitude of changes in empathy in their education years.


The study was conducted in a public school of nursing giving a baccalaureate degree, which had a fundamental change in their curricula. In all, 81 students from the traditional curricula and 66 students from the integrated curricula completed the study, and data from a total of 147 students were analyzed between 2003 and 2008. The Empathic Communication Skills Scale and the Empathic Tendency Scale were given to the students in the beginning of their freshman year and at the end of the fourth year just before graduation.


Although both of the curricula were seemed effective at improving empathic skills of students, especially the scores of students who completed the integrated curricula were higher than the scores of the other group attending the traditional curricula (p<.05). However, the empathic tendency scores of students in both curricula decreased at the end of fourth year.


Although undergraduate nursing curricula either traditional or integrated improved empathic skills, it seemed that integrated curricula were more effective than traditional curricula in increasing empathic skills. The more hours and more experiential methods contributed to improved empathy. The decrease in empathic tendency requires further attention of educators and nurse managers.

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Patient Safety Teaching Competency of Nursing Faculty
Shinae Ahn, Nam-Ju Lee, Haena Jang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(6):720-730.   Published online January 15, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The purpose of this study was to investigate patient safety teaching competency of nursing faculty and the extent of teaching patient safety topics in the nursing curriculum.


A national survey was conducted with full-time nursing faculty in 4-year nursing schools. Regional quota sampling method was used. An online survey was sent to 1,028 nursing faculty and 207 of them were completed. Among the 207, we analyzed data from 184 participants. The revised Health Professional Education in Patient Safety Survey was used. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson's correlation analysis, and multiple linear regression analyses.


The faculty's self-confidence was lower than their perceived importance of patient safety education. The mean score of teaching patient safety was 3.52±0.67 out of 5, and the contents were mostly delivered through lectures. The extent of faculty's teaching varied depending on faculty's clinical career, teaching subjects, participation in practicum courses, and previous experience of patient safety education. The significant predictors of the extent of teaching patient safety were the faculty's self-confidence in teaching patient safety (β=.39) during clinical practicum, their perceived importance of patient safety education during lectures (β=.23), and the teaching subject (β=.15).


To enhance the competency of nursing faculty for effective patient safety education, a patient safety education program tailored to faculty characteristics should be developed and continuously provided for faculty. In addition, it is necessary to improve patient safety curriculum, strengthen clinical and school linkages, and utilize various education methods in patient safety education.

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A Study on the Current Status of the Curriculum Operation of the Basic Medical Sciences in Nursing Education
Myoung Ae Choi, Gi Soo Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):975-987.   Published online March 30, 2017

The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of curriculum operation of the basic medical sciences in nursing education at college of nursing, department of nursing and junior college of nursing, ultimately to provide the basic data to provide a curriculum of basic medical science in nursing education. 78 professors who were in charge of basic medical science at 22 colleges of nursing and department of nursing, and 20 junior colleges of nursing responded the questionnaire consisted of 22 question items about the status of objectives, lectures, laboratory practice and characteristics of professors, and mailed to the author. The findings of this study were as follows : 1. The subjects of basic medical science were identified as physiology, anatomy, biochemistry, pathology, microbiology, pharmacology in the most colleges of nursing and junior college of nursing. 2. College of nursing and department of nursing(9.1%) and 19 junior colleges of nursing(95%) did not open biochemistry, 1 college of nursing and department of nursing(5%) did not open pathology and pharmacology. 2 Junior colleges of nursing(10%) did not open pharmacology, 1 junior college of nursing(5%) did not open pathology, the other 1 junior college of nursing did not open microbiology. 2. Credits of the subjects were ranged from 1 to 4. Lecture hours of one semester of physiology at school of nursing and junior college of nursing was average 103.6 and average 102.67, that of anatomy was average 127.1 and average 98, that of microbiology was average 109.7 and average 86.33, that of biochemistry was average 105, that of pathology was average 91 and average 94, that of pharmacology was average 86 and average 85.75. 3. Most of schools used 1 textbook for lectures, 3 school of nursing and department of nursing recommended references without using textbook, while all 36 junior colleges of nursing used textbooks. 4. 5 among 10 schools of nursing and department of nursing had a laboratory practice in physiology, 4 among 7 schools in anatomy, 4 among 6 schools in biochemistry, 2 among 6 schools in biochemistry, 2 among 6 schools in pathology, 5 among 6 schools in microbiology. Not all the schools had a laboratory practice in pharmacology. 4 among 9 junior colleges of nursing had a laboratory practice in physiology. 1 among 4 schools in anatomy, 2 among 7 schools in microbiology. Not all the junior college of nursing had a laboratory practice in pathology and pharmacology. 11 among 20 colleges of nursing and department of nursing, 4 among 7 junior schools of nursing used a textbook of laboratory practice. 5. All the subjects as school of nursing and department of nursing responded that content of lectures and laboratory practices of basic medical science should be different from that of medical education, 34 junior schools of nursing responded that content of lecture of basic medical science in nursing education should be different from that of medical education. 33 junior schools of nursing responded that content of practice of basic medical science in nursing education should be different from that of medical education. 6. The final degree of 25 professors who were in charge of basic medical science were doctors of medicine, that of 5 professors were masters of medicine, that of 5 were doctor of pharmacology, that of 2 were a master of pharmacology, that of 1 was physical science. The final degree of 8 professors who were in charge og basic medical science were masters of medicine, 7 doctors of medicine, 4 masters of nursing science, 4 masters of pharmacology, 2 doctors of nursing, 2 doctors of physical science, 2 doctors of pharmacology and 1 master of public health. 9 full professors, 13 associate professors, 11 assistant professors, 3 full time instructors, and 6 part time instructors were in charge of basic medical science at college of nursing and department of nursing, 20 part time instructors, 8 associate professors, 6 assistant professors, and 2 full professors were in charge of has basic medical science at junior college of nursing. Based on these results, curriculum of basic medical science in nursing education should be reviewed deeply based on nursing model.

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A Study of Critical Thinking Ability of Associate and Baccalaurate Degree Nursing Students
Kyung Rim Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(1):43-52.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This descriptive study was done to investigate the critical thinking ability of senior nursing students in two types of nursing education programs: associate and baccalaureate programs. Data were convenently collected from 159 associate degree nursing(ADN)students and 158 baccalaureate degree nursing(BSN)students. All schools were the Ministry of Education accredited and located in Seoul City and Kyung gi Province. These data were collected by self reporting questionaire given over two months from March to May, 1995. The subjcets completed the Watson -Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA)and a demographic questionnaire. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test with the SAS program. The results of this study are as follows 1. The mean of critical thinking ability of the ADN students was 42.69. 2. The mean of critical thinking ability of the BSN students was 47.68. 3. There was significant difference in the WGCTA scores between the ADN and the BSN students (t=7.38 p<0.001) 4. This study suggests that critical thinking ability may increase with higher levels of nursing education. Possible explanations for these findings are discussed.

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Development of Curriculum for the Emergency Clinical Nurse Specialist
Kwang Joo Kim, Hyang Yeon Lee, Kwuy Bun Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(1):194-222.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Various accidents and injuries are currently occuring in Korea at increasingly high rates. Good quality emergency care service is urgently needed to cope with these various forms of accidents and injuries. In order to develop a sound emergency care system, there need to be a plan to educate and train professionals specifically in emergency care. One solution for the on going problem would be to educate and train emergency clinical nurse specialists. This study on a strategy for curriculum development for emergency clinical nurse specialist was based on the following five content areas, developed from literature related to the curriculum of emergency nursing and emergency care situation: 1. Nurses working in the emergency rooms of three university hospitals were analyzed for six days to identify categories of nursing activities. 2. Two hundreds and eleven nurses working in the emergency rooms of 12 university hospitals were surveyed to identify needs for educational content that should be included in a curriculum for the clinical nurse specialist. 3. Examination of the environment in which emergency management was provided. 4. Identification of characteristics of patients in the emergency room. 5. The role of emergency clinical nurse specialist was identified through literature, recent data, and research materials. The following curriculum was formulated using the above mentioned process. 1. The philosophy of education for emergency clinical nurse specialist was established through a realistic philosophical framework. In this frame, client, environment, health, nursing, and learning have been defined. 2. The purpose of education is framed on individual development, social structure, nursing process and responsibility along with the role and function of the emergency clinical nurse specialist. 3. The central theme was based on human, environment, health and nursing. 4. The elements of structure in the curriculum content were divided to include two major threads, i.e., vertical and horizontal: The vertical thread to consist of the client, life cycle, education, research, leadership and consultation, and the horizontal thread to consist of level of nursing (prevention to rehabilitation), and health to illness based on the health care system developed by Betty Neuman system model. 5. Behavioral objectives for education were structured according to the emergency clinical nurse specialist role and function as a master degree prepared in various emergency settings. 6. The content of the curriculum consisted of three core courses(9 credits), five major courses(15 credits), six elective courses(12 credits) and six prerequisite courses (12 credits). Thus 48credits are required. Recommendations: 1. To promote the quality of the emergency care system, the number of emergency professionals, has to be expanded. Further the role and function of the emergency clinical nurse specialist needs to be specified in both the medical law and the Nursing Practice Act. 2. In order to upgrade the qualification of emergency clinical nurse specialists, the course should be given as part of the graduate program. 3. Certification should be issued through the Korean Nurses Association.

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Approaches to Teaching Health Policy: Moving Students into the Political Process
Young Hee Yom
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(1):156-163.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

No abstract available.

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A Study for Curriculum Development for Advanced Nurse Practitioner Program
Won Jung Cho, Tae Wha Lee, Soyaja Kim, Soon Bok Chang, Won Hee Lee, Gwang Suk Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(6):917-928.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The traditional nursing roles have become increasingly blurred. Nurses are now working in different ways and at higher levels of practice that enable nurses to adapt their roles and take on new responsibilities. The advanced role of nurses requires a different kind of master-level prepared education. METHOD AND RESULT: This article describes an curriculum development process in preparing registered nurses for their advanced nurese' roles in the area of acute adult health nursing, geriatric nursing, pediatric nursing, neonatal intensive care nursing and oncology nursing. Several important issues to be solved regarding introduction of APN were also discussed. CONCLUSION: The curriculum that was proposed in the study will equip nurses to meet the challenges of future healthcare provision and will be a model to other areas of nursing practice and curriculum development.

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Analysis of the Nursing Curricula in Graduate Programs in Korea
Eun Sook Park, Soon Ok Yang, So Sun Kim, Soo Yang, Young Joo Park, Na Sun Ha, Kyung Hee Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(1):100-113.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was designed to analyze the nursing curricula in graduate programs and suggest the direction of future nursing curricula. Thirty-two nursing curricula for a master's degree and fifteen curricula for a doctoral degree from general graduate programs, fifteen nursing curricula for a master's degree from fifteen educational graduate programs, eight nursing curricula for master degree from eight out of twelve public health graduate programs, three nursing curricula for a master's degree from three administrative graduate programs, and four nursing curricula for a master's degree from four clinical nursing graduate programs, were analyzed. Consequently, It was hard to find a clear difference between the educational goals and objectives, the subjects open in nursing curricula for a master's degree and those for a doctoral degree of graduate programs. The educational graduate programs, public health graduate programs, administrative graduate programs, and clinical nursing graduate programs, each program showed ittle diffrent in each educational goal and objective. However, because the various kinds of subjects open in each program were not based on the core curricula, the quality of the nursing curricula need to be evaluated and develope the curricula to difference are the goal and objective. Accordingly, future studies need to be focused on developing core nursing curricula reflecting the characteristics of each graduate program.

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A Study of Gerontological Nursing Curriculum
S J Chon, E S Kong, G B Kim, N C Kim, C H Kim, C K Kim, H K Kim, Y J Ro, K R Shin, M S Song, S Y Ahn, K J Lee, Y W Lee, N O Cho, M O Cho, K S Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):808-817.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: To survey the present status of the gerontological nursing course at three year diploma programs, baccalaureate degree programs (BSN), and graduate programs in Korea, and to analyze the contents of the syllabus and gerontological nursing textbooks to provide the basic data in developing a standard model for gerontological nursing curriculum. METHOD: Data was collected from all the nursing programs in Korea from Nov. 2000 to Feb. 2001 by mail and fax. RESULT: The gerontological nursing courses has been offered 36 diploma program, 40 BSN, and 17 graduate programs. And the credits of the gerontological nursing course offered by the program were as follows : one credit (10 diploma and 8 BSN), two credits (22 diploma and 29 BSN), and three credits (1 BSN). The contents of curriculum were analyzed by comparing the core curriculum of NGNA. The majority of the schools included Gerontological Nursing in General, Theory of Aging, Aging Processes, Care Plan Options, and Common Health Problems. The subjects which very few school cover are Legal/ Ethical Issues, Evaluation, Regulatory & Reimbursement Issues, Education Issues, Nursing Research in Gerontology, and Environmental Issues of Older Adults. There were some differences in these results among diploma courses, BSNs, and graduate schools. The gerontological nursing textbooks contained similar contents to those of the diploma and the baccalaureate programs.

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Nursing Education between South and North Korea through Verbal Evidence from Defecting North Korean Medical Personnels
Kyung Rim Shin, Il Ok Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(2):169-179.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Recently, there has been an increasing interchange between South Korea and North Korea. Accordingly, there has been active research to understand the society and culture of North Korea, it has been attempted to have comparative study about nursing education to increase understanding between South and North Korea. In the current educational system, 12 years of education is required for entering a nursing college or university in South Korea, but there are only 10 years for entering nursing college in North Korea. After finishing undergraduate studies one can enter graduate school for a masters degree and or a doctoral degree, but there is a longitudinal relation to medical education in North Korea. Regarding the number of nursing educational institutions, there are 50 BSN programs & 61 Diploma programs in South Korea and 11 Diploma programs in North Korea. In regards to curriculum, South Korea has diverse subjects for general education for freshmen, then is subjects to basic specialities sophomore year, and speciality subject and clinical practices from junior year corresponding to the student's intentions. North Korea has minor subjects for general education and basic specialities in freshmen, speciality subjects sophomore year, speciality subjects and clinical practice in the junior year that may not correspond with the student's intentions. The most outstanding difference in the curriculum is North Korea has various subjects for oriental medicine with clinical application. North Korea also does not teach computer science and English is at a very low level. In clinical practice, South Korea has various settings for clinical practice including community health institutions under the nursing professor or clinical instructor. However, North Korea has limited settings for clinical practice (general hospitals) under a doctor's instruction. Also both South and North Korea have a similar licensing system. Therefore, there must be many more studies regarding North Korea, especially in nursing and nursing education in order to decrease differences and confusion between the Koreas and to prepare for a future unification.

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A Study for a Curriculum for the Oriental Clinical Nurse Specialist Program
Hyang Yeon Lee, Kwuy Bun Kim, Kyoul Ja Cho, Hye Sook Shin, Kwang Joo Kim, Myoung Ja Wang, Sook Young Kim, Jeong Ah Kim, Hyun Sil Kim, Kyung Min Park, Ok Hee Ahn, Mi Jung Oh, Kang Yi Lee, Hye Sook Jang, Eun Young Jeon, Young Hae Chung, Seon Hee Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1467-1478.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program based on the understanding of Korean human beings so as to develop nursing as a profession and promote the client's health. The design of this study was based on literature review and nominal group study. The research was managed by East-West Nursing Research Institute of nursing science college at Kyung Hee University. The research team was composed of 17 professors of nursing departments of oriental medical colleges. We obtained opinions from Oriental Nurses Association, Oriental Nursing Research Association, and professors in oriental medical college. We reviewed articles, curriculums of other clinical nurse specialist programs, medical laws and the curriculum development plan for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program from Korean Nurses Association. We discussed a curriculum thoroughly in numerous meetings. We developed a following curriculum: 1. Educational philosophy was founded on the oriental human view which was based on Chun-In union theory. It was founded on the oriental health view which recognized health being in harmony with nature and the balance of body function with the harmony of Yin-Yang in the five elements. In addition, it was founded on oriental nursing view to promote these health states. 2. Educational goals were to train oriental clinical nurse specialists, oriental nursing educators and oriental nursing researchers who developed knowledge of oriental nursing theory, nursing practice and created a leadership. 3. Curriculum consisted of 48 credits, of which 36 credits are based on lectures and laboratory classes and 12 credits are based on clinical practice. 36 credits consisted of 5 general subject credits and 31 core subject credits. General subjects consisted of nursing theory, nursing research, law and ethics. Students who had earned master's degrees are not required to take the general subjects. Core subjects consisted of 11 subjects such as advanced physical examination and laboratory, oriental nursing theory, original text of oriental nursing, oriental medical nursing, oriental pediatric nursing, oriental gynecologic nursing, oriental gerontologic nursing, oriental pharmacology, oriental constitutional nursing, advanced nursing of channels and acupuncture points and laboratory and oriental rehabilitation nursing and laboratory. In addition, clinical practice in a hospital ward, out patient department, herb prepation room, department of physical therapy and health promotion center in oriental medical hospitals for 12 weeks. To admit this program, students should complete prerequisites of introduction to oriental nursing and nursing of channels and acupuncture points. 4. Course contents of each subjects were developed to include the course's goal and objectives and specific items. 5. Evaluation involved lecture, laboratory and in field practice. We applied various evaluation systems and methods that were based on both knowledge and skills of the students to ensure full credibility and validity.

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Comparative Study of the Nursing Education Systems In China and South Korea
Chun Yu Li
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(1):39-46.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study, was done to compare the nursing education systems of China and South Korea (Korea), then, on the basis of this comparison, to examine the direction of nursing education in China. The results the study are as follows: 1. Nursing education in Korea was influenced by social change, political policy, but as it was established, nurses in Korea, were able actively involved in presenting nursing education development proposals to the government, and in developing nursing education through their own efforts. Nursing education in China developed through the political policy of a socialist Country. During the period of modernization after 1977, a nursing education developed very quickly, In 1983, the first baccalaureate nursing education program was established and, in 1992, the first masters program was opened. 2. In Korea, there are two nursing education systems; diploma and baccalaureate, and there is only one entry level, high school graduation. In China today, on the other hand, there are three types of nursing education systems; technical, diploma, and baccalaureate, and they have middle school and high school graduation as the two levels of entry. 3. There are similarities between China and Korea in curriculums for nursing education which include the major nursing concepts. But in descriptions of the education objectives, China the emphasis is on training the 'expert' in clinical nursing which is not consistent with their educational philosophy. Korea differs from China in that the focus is on training for 'multiple ability' to be used in both clinical and community environments. 4. In Korea, the curriculum is organized with the theoretical and clinical experience combined. The curriculum is oriented to the life cycle and human developmental process. In China, however, the curriculum is organized so that after finishing the theoretical part of the curriculum, the students begin a one year intensive field experience in which the major clinical field is the hospital, and the focus is on disease oriented care and research ability. 5. In order for nurses to be proposed to address nursing education system needs follows : to change as The new nursing education system should be baccalaureate education in order to improve the education level in all nursing education programs, to develop doctoral programs, to open nurse specialist programs, and to develop a new curriculum based nursing philosophy and health delivery system change. New nursing curriculum for health care in China in the 21st century should be directed by a framework based on nursing philosophy, objectives and nursing content. In conclusion, the study will contribute China nursing education system revolution for policy develop and curriculum research. According to these results, in the future, nurses in China should be more actively involved in research and in a nursing education revolution, Also they should be involved in building information networks and in developing long term projects in nursing education.

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A Curriculum Development on the Disaster Management
Yoon Sook Kang, Og Cheol Lee, Ki Bok Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(1):210-220.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The various and serious types of disaster occur everyday and everywhere on the earth. There is no doubt that it is very timely to discuss about the effectiveness and preparedness of disaster. The purpose of this study is to develop a curriculum on the disaster management through reviewing disaster concepts and the disaster management system. For the empirical relevance of the study, researchers participated in a couple or more disaster training program, reviewed references, and consulted to the experts working on action parts in the area. As a result, the 'Integrated Disaster Management System Model(IDMSM)' was designed, in which four dimensions were explained. Then the 'Disaster Curriculum Model(DCM)' was explored with its theoretical framework based on the system model. The developed curriculum is composed of four levels ; the introductory course, the fundamental course, the advanced course, and the expert course. From this DCM, basically the course-outlines of two subjects in the introductory course, 18 subjects in the fundamental course(5 of direct services, 13 of indirect services) were developed. Also each course-outline was explored by its course objective, learning objectives, contents, and its length. Finally to make the most of the results, suggestions are proposed. The governmental considerations on the policy should support the systematic and integrated educational program to practice, appointing [Disaster School] or [Disaster Training Center] of relevance and accountabilities. The further study should explore the higher levels of the DCM through interdisciplinary efforts, and develop the text materials. The further study should explore the higher levels of the DCM through interdisciplinary efforts, and develop the text materials.

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Development of Gerontological Nursing Curriculum Model
M S Song, E S Kong, G B Kim, N C Kim, C H Kim, C K Kim, H K Kim, Y J Roh, K R Shin, S Y Ahn, K J Lee, Y W Lee, S O Chang, S J Chon, N O Cho, M O Cho, K S Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):376-385.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop gerontological curriculum model which reflects the need of Korean society.


Three round Delphi survey method was applied to find consensus of gerontological nursing competencies (knowledge, attitudes and skills) for graduates of nursing schools from the panel of gerontological nursing practice experts. Important concepts in gerontological nursing were delineated from literature review and discussions of gerontological nursing educators. Based on these results the gerontological nursing curriculum model was developed and course structure outlined by the researchers as a group.


As the result of delphi survey, 32 items of knowledge, 29 items of attitude, and 21 items of skill were identified. The curriculum model constructed around a cube with three plane- functional capacity levels, settings, and nursing practice. Specific knowledge, attitudes and skills for gerontological theory and practicum course were suggested. Competency items were assigned to theory and/or practice.


A curriculum model for gerontological nursing has been developed by a group of gerontological nursing educators. The curriculum model should be further tested and developed with detailed theory and practicum course outline and textbooks.

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Tobacco-Related Education in Graduate, Baccalaureate and Associate Degree Programs in Korea
Sung Rae Shin, Sarna Linda, Danao Leda
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(2):256-264.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this research was to find out tobacco control education taught graduate, baccalaureate and associate degree-nursing programs in Korea.


A valid and reliable questionnaire previously used to assess tobacco use in medical and nursing schools in the United States was translated and revalidated. Surveys were sent out to all the graduate, baccalaureate and associate nursing programs in Korea. All 6-tobacco curricula content areas recommended by the United States National Cancer Institute and the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research was included.


Majority of BSN (93.2%-75%) and AD (92.3%-64.1%) programs were teaching health hazards, cancer risk, health effects of tobacco, effects of ETS, contents of cigarette, withdrawal symptoms and high risk groups of smoking as a part of required courses. However, 87.5% (14/16) of graduate, 50.0% (22/44) in baccalaureate, 53.8% (21/39) in associate degree programs were not teaching about the 5 A's. Of those who reported teaching smoking cessation strategies, they were covered most frequently in Community Nursing (50%), Adult Health Nursing (43.8%) on the graduate level, and in Community Nursing (65.9%-BSN, 76.9%-AD) and Adult Health (54.5%-BSN, 74.4%-AD) on the undergraduate level. 31.1% (5/16) in Graduate, 18.2%(8/44) in BSN, 10.3% (4/39) in Associate Degree programs reported that there are no smoking students in their schools and rest of the schools reported either do not know or they have 1 to more than 21% of students smoking.


The study results identifies the quantity and level of tobacco control content in three different nursing programs and will help in developing curricular guidelines in the future. Further survey needs to be done on nursing students' knowledge, attitude and belief on smoking and smoking cessation.

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Outcomes-based Curriculum Development and Student Evaluation in Nursing Education
Hesook Suzie Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(7):917-927.   Published online December 12, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

A curriculum development model is presented to examine the processes necessary to develop new programs or evaluate existing programs within the philosophy of outcomes-based education in nursing, especially in the context of accreditation. The philosophy of outcomes-based education is to produce individuals who can demonstrate the evidence of competencies in designated areas of education. For nursing education, this means competencies in performing the role of professional nursing as defined by the profession and social needs at the beginning level upon completing a nursing program.


A curriculum development model has been developed analytically based on the literature and experiences.


A 10-step process framework incorporating the tenets of outcomes-based nursing education is illustrated.


This curriculum development framework can be applied in developing new educational programs in nursing or to evaluate and revise existing programs in anticipation of the accreditation process that is moving with a full force in such countries as Korea.

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A Comparison on General Education Curriculum of 4-year and 3-year Nursing Schools in Korea
Sook-Young Kim, Sun-Ei Joung, Chung-Il Hwang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(1):101-109.   Published online February 28, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to comparatively analyze the general education curriculum of 4-yr and 3-yr nursing schools in Korea.


Ten university 4-yr nursing schools were selected based on universities in Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing 2010 or "2009 Korea's Best Universities-Top 10" published by Joong-Ang Daily. Ten college 3-yr nursing schools were selected based on colleges in Korean Accreditation Board of Nursing 2010.


1) Generally 4-yr nursing schools maintained the relationships between organizational philosophy/purposes and subjects in the general education curriculum. But 3-yr nursing schools did not. 2) In 4-yr nursing schools there was a relatively higher credits ratio of general education curriculum and selective courses than in 3-yr nursing schools. 3) In 4-yr nursing schools variety of courses was relatively higher than 3-yr nursing schools. 4) In 4-yr nursing schools, operating conditions were relatively better (number of tenure professors, ratio of professors to students, Identification of exclusive organization in charge of the general education curriculum) for the general education curriculum than 3-yr nursing schools.


The results identify significant differences in the general education curriculum of 4-yr and 3-yr nursing schools in Korea, indicating that 3-yr nursing schools should make efforts to improve the good quality of general education curriculum.

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