This study, was done to compare the nursing education systems of China and South Korea (Korea), then,
on the basis of this comparison, to examine the direction of nursing education in China. The results the
study are as follows:
1. Nursing education in Korea was influenced by social change, political policy, but as it was
established, nurses in Korea, were able actively involved in presenting nursing education development proposals
to the government, and in developing nursing education through their own efforts. Nursing education in
China developed through the political policy of a socialist Country. During the period of modernization after
1977, a nursing education developed very quickly, In 1983, the first baccalaureate nursing education program
was established and, in 1992, the first masters program was opened.
2. In Korea, there are two nursing education systems; diploma and baccalaureate, and there is only one entry
level, high school graduation. In China today, on the other hand, there are three types of nursing education
systems; technical, diploma, and baccalaureate, and they have middle school and high school graduation as
the two levels of entry.
3. There are similarities between China and Korea in curriculums for nursing education which include the major
nursing concepts. But in descriptions of the education objectives, China the emphasis is on training the
'expert' in clinical nursing which is not consistent with their educational philosophy. Korea differs from
China in that the focus is on training for 'multiple ability' to be used in both clinical and community
4. In Korea, the curriculum is organized with the theoretical and clinical experience combined. The curriculum is
oriented to the life cycle and human developmental process. In China, however, the curriculum is
organized so that after finishing the theoretical part of the curriculum, the students begin a one year
intensive field experience in which the major clinical field is the hospital, and the focus is on disease
oriented care and research ability.
5. In order for nurses to be proposed to address nursing education system needs follows : to change as The new
nursing education system should be baccalaureate education in order to improve the education level in all
nursing education programs, to develop doctoral programs, to open nurse specialist programs, and to
develop a new curriculum based nursing philosophy and health delivery system change. New nursing
curriculum for health care in China in the 21st century should be directed by a framework based
on nursing philosophy, objectives and nursing content.
In conclusion, the study will contribute China nursing education system revolution for policy develop and
curriculum research. According to these results, in the future, nurses in China should be more actively
involved in research and in a nursing education revolution, Also they should be involved in building
information networks and in developing long term projects in nursing education.