This study was designed to investigate the elderly people's attitude toward death for the purpose of identifying the issues needed in the, planning of health management and care activities for the aged. The total number of subjects in this study was 354 elderly people who were accomo dated in house for elderly people (185) and school for elderly people (169). The scale for the attitude toward death of aged persons as an instrument of this study was mainly constructed with reference to Schneidman's attitude questionare toward death modified of adjust the Korean cultural characteristics and attitudes concerning death. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Out of total 45.8% of the respondents consider that death is a natural phenomena and ending of life. The responses on the meaning of death appeared differently; non-religions (48.1%) and oriental religions (50.3%) consider death as a natural phenomena however western religions (47.4%) consider that death is God's call. This difference was statistically significant. (χ2 = 56.6419. df = 10. p<0.01). Respondents with a spouses (52.4%) think death is a natural phenomena opposed to respondent without spouses (33.3%). This was statistically significant, (χ2 = 14.7134. df = 5 p<0.05). 2. Respondents in the house for aged persons (51.9%) replied. They do not wanted death becouse it meant a separation from their family as compared to those from school for aged persons (26.0%). 57.9% responded that they want to be told when death is confronted. 3. 51.2% of the respondents replied that the main factor to influence their attitude toward concept of death was the dying of their friends & relatives. 79.9% of respondents expressed that wished to die. The main reason for dying was economic shortage (28.3%). 4. 70.1% of the respondents want thair body to be hurried while only 1,1% of the respondents want to donate their body to a medical research. 5. Over two thirds of the respondents replied that they do not believe in a life in heaven or that they will be rebirth. 6. The questionare of this study stimulated 56.8% of the respondents to feel that they should spend the rest of their life more effectively and 15.5% of the respondents felt it gave them the opportunity to think about their death seriously.
The purpose of this study was to find out the differences in stress perceptual level of the Koreans according to their constitution and to analyze the effects of them on physical and mental health state. The subject of investigation was 87 outpatient department of constitution of Kyung-Hee Oriental Medicine Hospital. Data were collected by using interview with Questionnaire. The measurement tools were Questionnaire of constitution Identity(by B.H.Go), Stress Scale(by P.S. Lee) and Cornell Medical Index. All of the tools were pre-tested for their reliability and validity. Analysis of data was done using frequency, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and ANCOVA in SPSS program. The results obtained are as follows. 1. Stress perceptual level of the Koreans were significantly different as their constitution (F=9.68, P<.001). SOEMIN was the highest constitution in stress perceptual level. 2. In health state, there were considerable difference among the three constitutions (F=6.654, P<.05). SOEMIN was the lowest one at health state. 3. An inverse correlation was found out between stress perceptual level and health state (r=-.6034, P=.0001). 4. There were no differences in health state of the Koreans according to their constitutions if stress perceptual level excluded(F=1.01, P=.37). In conclusion, health state was effected not by constitutions alone, but by stress perceptual level according to constitutions of the Koreans.
In order that nursing care an essential quality of nursing practice be acceptable and satisfying, it is necessary that client's culture be respected and that nursing practice be appropriate to that culture. Since cultural elements are an important influence on health practices and life patterns related to medical treatment, recovery from and prevention of disease, nurses need to have an understanding and knowledge of social and cultural phenomena to aid in the planning of nursing interventions. To understand the health practices surrounding health and illness, the health beliefs practices of both folk and professional healing systems should be ascertained. Cultural data are required to provide care of high quality to clients and to reduce possible conflict between the client and the nurse. It is nursing's goal to provide clients from various cultures with quality nursing care which is satisfying and valuable. The problem addressed by this study was to identify Korean health practices which would contribute to the planning of professional caring practice with the culture : ultimately this study was intended to make a contribution to the development of the science of nursing The concrete objectives of this study were ; 1) to identify Korean health practices, 2) to interpret the identical health practices through traditional cultural thought, and 3) to compare the Korean health practices with those of other cultures. The investigator used to ethnosceintifc approach outlined by spirally in a qualitative study. To discover ancestral wisdom and knowledge related to traditional health practices, the subjects of this study were selected from residents of a small rural mountain village in south west Korea, a place considered to be maintaining and transmitting the traditional culture in a relatively well-preserved state because of being isolated from the modern world. The number of subjects was 18, aged 71 to 89. Research data were collected from January 8 to March 31, 1990. Five categories of health practices were identified ; "Manage one's own mind", "Moderation in all thing", "Live in accord with nature", "Live in mutuality with others", and "Live to the best of one's ability". Values derived from these ways of thinking from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism help fashion a traditional way of life, exemplified by the saying "Beneficence to all". Korean though and philosophy is influenced primarily by Confucianism, Confucian principles of ethics, embedded deeply in the peoples' minds, from the idea that "heaven and human being are intimately united" based on concept that "heaven is, so to speak, reason". Twoe Gae's theory of existential subjectivity develops the concept of self which is the basis of the spirit of reverence in modern Confucian philosophy. The human mind is granted from heaven out of the idea of matter, and what control the mind is the spirit of reverence. Hence the idea of "The primacy of the mind" and provided that one should control one's own mind. The precepts of duty to parents, respect for elders and worship of ancestors, and moderation in all behavior put a restraint on life which directed that one live earnestly according to Nature's laws with their neighbors. Not only Confucianism, but also Buddhism and Taoism have had an important effect upon these patterns of ideas. When Compared with western culture, Korean health practices tend to be more inclusive, abstract and intuitive while westerner health practices found to be more concrete, practical and personal. Values and beliefs based and pragmatism and existentialism influence western civilization. Ethical values may be founded on utilitarianism, which considers what is good for the persons in their circumstances as the basis of conduct and takes a serious view of their practical lives including human aspirations rather than an absolute truth. These philosophical and ethical ideas are foundations for health practices related to active, practical and progressive attitudes. This study should be enable nursing not only to understand clients as reflections of the traditional culture when planning nursing practice, but to develop health education corresponding to cultural requirements for the purpose of protection against disease and improvement of health, and thus promote sound health practice. Eventually it is hoped that through these processes quality nursing care as the central idea of the science of nursing will be achieved.
This study was conducted to measure the effects of clinical application of a Nursing Diagnosis Protocol. The dependent variables were the degree of patient's satisfaction and the degree of nurse's satisfaction with the nursing activity. Analysis of the effect of the use of the nursing diagnosis protocol was based on the nursing record. The subjects for this study were 61 nurses (experimental group 31, control group 30) and 155 patients (experimental group 55, control group 100) on four internal medicine wards in K University Hospital in Seoul. Data collection was done from August to October 12.1988. - The results obtained in this study can be summarized as follows, 1. Effect of the clinical application of the nursing diagnosis protocol. 1) The first hypothesis ; " nurses who use the nursing diagnosis protocol will have higher degrees of satisfaction than those who use traditional methods" was rejected.(t= .54, df=58, p=.59). 2) The second hypothesis ; " patients nursed by nurses using the nursing diagnosis protocol will have higher degrees of satisfaction than those nursed with traditional methods" was supported(t=1.93, df=154, p= ,05). 3) The third hypothesis: Major hypothesis ; "the nursing records of the experimental group, who used the nursing diagnosis protocol, will be more detailed than those of the control group " was supported (t=6.40, df=79.90, p=.000). (1) The first subhypothesis ; "The recorded data collection of the experimental group will be more detailed than . that of the control group" was rejected (t= 1.79, df=118, p=.07). (2) The second subhypothesis : "The recorded patient's problem statement of the experimental group will be more detailed than that of the control group" was supported. (3) The third subhypothesis : "The nursing record of the experimental group will be more convenient for implementation than that of the control group" was supported. 2. Factors related to the nurse's degree of satisfaction with protocol. 1) No general characteristics(age, religion, education level, duty career, present duty career) were related to the Burse's degree of satisfaction. 2) Variables related to the nurse's degree of satisfaction were "satisfaction as a nurse" and "consider nursing as lifelong job" (t=-2.6, df=13.2 2, p=.02, t=2,41, df=23.85, p=.02). 3. Factors related to the patient's degree of satisfaction. 1) General characteristics related to the patient's degree of satisfaction with nurses using the protocol were ass. educational level, and being married.(F=5.17, df=3/153, p=.00, t=-2.39, df=154, p=.01, f=5.91, df=2/153, p=.00) 2) The variables previous hospitalization, duration of hospitalization, the hospital unit, presence of a relative, medical insurance, or medical diagnosis were not related to the patient's degree of satisfaction. I. The experimental group's nursing record was more detailed than the control group's record with regard to the physical and psychological state of the patients. As noted above, the experimental group nurses, who use a nursing diagnosis had protocol were less satisfied than the: control group who used traditional methods of the recording, but experimental group patients had a higher degree of satisfaction than the control group patients. The nursing records of experimental group, using the nursing diagnosis protocol was more detailed than that of the control group. If the nursing diagnosis protocol is used in clinical nursing practice, the quality of nursing care may be improved.
This study was conducted to investigate the present situation and problems related to the use of nursing diagnosis in practice. The data were obtained from 332 subjects (27 director of nursing service, 302 staff nurses) who worked in university hospitals in Korea from July through August 1988 using a mailed questionnaire. Data were analyzed by frequency, X2 test and t-test. The findings were as follows : 1. Clinical use of nursing diagnosis by directors of nursing service and staff nurses. 1) The majority of the nursing departments (88.9 %) conducted group education on nursing diagnosis during the last 5 years and 81.5% of them kept a record formet for nursing diagnosis ; 88 .9 % of them had had prior experience with the nursing diagnosis. 2) Most of nurses (97.0%) had received education on nursing diagnosis, 2. Factors related to the clinical use of nursing diagnosis in nursing service departments and by staff nurses. 1) The one factor related to the use of nursing diagnosis in the nursing service department was the existence: of a record. 2) Factors related to the use of nursing diagnosis by the staff nurses were the organization style of the nursing service department, group education during the last 5 years, existence of a record, the attitude of the director of nursing service, and prior experience of the use of the nursing diagnosis as characteristics of nursing service department and educational experience of nursing diagnosis as a character of nurse. 3. Problems with the use of nursing diagnosis. 1) The primary problem was the lack of time and personnel (mean : 3.757) I the second problem was the lack of knowledge and will to use nursing diagnosis in practice by the staff nurses(mean : 3.546). 2) There was no significant difference in problems expressed by the director of nursing services and the nurses. The majority of nurses who worked in the university hospitals expressed interest in and concern about the use of nursing diagnosis. Most of the nurses had had education about on nursing diagnosis but use in practice was limited. The primary problem was lack of time and manpower Strategies for improving use of the nursing diagnosis in practice: 1) Strengthening the education about nursing diagnosis and a holistic approach to understanding human beings. 2) Develop protocols for the use of nursing diagnosis. 3) Eliminate the language barrier regarding nursing diagnosis by translation into in Korean. 4) Decentralization of the nursing service to promote accountability by individual nurses for use of nursing diagnosis.
Various accidents and injuries are currently occuring in Korea at increasingly high rates. Good quality emergency care service is urgently needed to cope with these various forms of accidents and injuries. In order to develop a sound emergency care system, there need to be a plan to educate and train professionals specifically in emergency care. One solution for the on going problem would be to educate and train emergency clinical nurse specialists. This study on a strategy for curriculum development for emergency clinical nurse specialist was based on the following five content areas, developed from literature related to the curriculum of emergency nursing and emergency care situation: 1. Nurses working in the emergency rooms of three university hospitals were analyzed for six days to identify categories of nursing activities. 2. Two hundreds and eleven nurses working in the emergency rooms of 12 university hospitals were surveyed to identify needs for educational content that should be included in a curriculum for the clinical nurse specialist. 3. Examination of the environment in which emergency management was provided. 4. Identification of characteristics of patients in the emergency room. 5. The role of emergency clinical nurse specialist was identified through literature, recent data, and research materials. The following curriculum was formulated using the above mentioned process. 1. The philosophy of education for emergency clinical nurse specialist was established through a realistic philosophical framework. In this frame, client, environment, health, nursing, and learning have been defined. 2. The purpose of education is framed on individual development, social structure, nursing process and responsibility along with the role and function of the emergency clinical nurse specialist. 3. The central theme was based on human, environment, health and nursing. 4. The elements of structure in the curriculum content were divided to include two major threads, i.e., vertical and horizontal: The vertical thread to consist of the client, life cycle, education, research, leadership and consultation, and the horizontal thread to consist of level of nursing (prevention to rehabilitation), and health to illness based on the health care system developed by Betty Neuman system model. 5. Behavioral objectives for education were structured according to the emergency clinical nurse specialist role and function as a master degree prepared in various emergency settings. 6. The content of the curriculum consisted of three core courses(9 credits), five major courses(15 credits), six elective courses(12 credits) and six prerequisite courses (12 credits). Thus 48credits are required. Recommendations: 1. To promote the quality of the emergency care system, the number of emergency professionals, has to be expanded. Further the role and function of the emergency clinical nurse specialist needs to be specified in both the medical law and the Nursing Practice Act. 2. In order to upgrade the qualification of emergency clinical nurse specialists, the course should be given as part of the graduate program. 3. Certification should be issued through the Korean Nurses Association.
The job related activities of sixty nine nurses, working in the emergency rooms of three university hospitals, were analyzed for six days according to preestablished checklist of nursing activities; the frequency of these activities and the amount of time spent in each specific nursing activity. The established checklist was monitored every five minutes for the duration of the duty autu, thus producing 414 items of data. The data were not gathered on consecutive days but over the period of one month from May 6, 1994 to June 5, 1994. The following conclusions are derived from analy sis of the data: 1. Twelve categories of nursing activities were obtained: The primary activity was communic ation related to the patient and all information pertaining to the patient. Other activities included maintaining the patient's record, observation and assessment of the patient, cooperation with other medical personnel, management of equipment and drugs, procedure and treatment, specimen collection, consultation and education for the patient, including drug management and personal hygiene and any other relevant education to the patient's condition. 2. The average frequency of categorized nursing activity can be classified as follows: communication related to patient was the highest at 17.6 times. The next was maintaining the patient's record at 17.3 times. The observation and assessment occurred 16.9 times. Consultation and education for patients and family, 8 times, medication, 5.7 times, and procedures and treatments, 6 times. 3. The average time required for each activity was as follows: 230.1 minutes for maintaining the patient's record, 204.9 minutes for communication related to the patient, 199.2 minutes for observation and assessment, 71.2 minutes for medication, 66 minutes for consultation and education of the patient and family, and 51.8 minutes for procedures and treatment. 4. The most demanding nursing activity in the emergency room for the nurse was answering questions from the patient's family, maintaining communication between the medical staff, maintaining and reviewing the patient's charts, writing prescriptions and monitoring I. V. infusion rates. 5. The most time consuming nursing activities for the emergency room nurse include maintaining and following the patient's charts, communication between the medical staff, answering questions from the patient's family, observation of the patient and relaying all of the appropriate patient information to the incoming nurses during a shift change. 6. The F-test was administered to measure the required time for the categorized nursing activities according to day, evening, and night-shift nurses. There were significant differences(p<.05) in specimen collection, observation and assessment, cooperation between medical staffs, personal hygiene, communication related to patient, education and research. Posterior multiple comparison test showed that specimen collection, cooperation between medical staffs and personal hygiene were mostly done by the evening-shift nurses. Also most observations and assessments were done by the night-shift nurses. Education and communication to patients were done by day-shift nurses. Thus there were significant difference between shifts for the main nursing activities. So there should considev a reallocation of the duty of nurses on each shift. 7. The F-test also indicated that there wes a similarity in time duration for procedures and treatments and for cooperation between medical staff and nurses in all three hospitals. However, the remaining categories of nursing activities also showed a significant differnce between the three hospitals. This indicated that there were differences in each emergency room that influence time for each categorized nursing activities and this should be given more consideration. Recommendations: 1. A seasonal difference should be considered in the activities of nurses in the emergency room and a comparative analysis should be carried out to determine seasonal differentiation. 2. A study on more objectively measurable nursing activities should be administered as well as one determining the subjective responds towards nursing activities in the emergency room.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study wsa to necessitate auricular acupressure therapy as an independent nursing intervention on cancer paitents by confirming its effectiveness. METHOD: The experimental study was unequivalently controlled pre-post measure study. The subjects were 40 cancer patients who were hospitalized in K medical center in Seoul. The experimental group (20) and the control group (20) were randomly assigned. As measured tools, Spielberger's State-trait Anxiety (1976) measured tool by Kim's transplation (1978). The auricular acupressure therapy was applied to experimental group, and the pre-post measure was performed to both group. The data was analyzed by using SPSS computer program that included descriptive statistics, x2-test, and t-test. RESULT: 1) The experimental group with the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower trait anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 8.036, p=.000). 2) The experimental group which applied the auricular acupressure therapy showed lower state anxiety scores in comparison with the control group (t= 19.616, p=.000). This result showed that cancer patients with the auricular acupressure therapy applied cancer patients decreased state anxiety and trait anxiety. Therefore , effectiveness of the auricular acupressure therapy was confirmed through this study. CONCLUSION: According to the result, anxiety of cancer pateint should be decreased and controlled by the auricular acupressure therapy as independent nursung intervension. In addition, the auricular acupressure therapy will provide effective independent nursing intervention that will decrease anxiety on patient with other disease and will improve quality of their lives.
PURPOSE: This study examined the crisis experiencing by middle - aged women and tried to understand their lived experiences also explored the nature of their crisis. METHOD: The data was collected from 7 participants living in Incheon and Seoul from Sep. 2000 to Feb. 2001. The analysis of the data was made the phenomenological analytic method suggested by Giorgi. RESULT: The meanings of the lived experiences of the middle - aged women's crisis ; Impatience about decreased physical function : an attack of a disease, decreased strength, decreased quickness, decreased desire, increased concern of health, poor memory, easy fatigue, change of appearance, change of conjugal relations, sense of loss. Psychological, emotional disturbances : sense of emptiness, regret, sharpness, feeling gloomy, fear of dying, loneliness, feeling the want, loss of confidence. Attitude of active life : reinforcement of self experience, enrichment of understanding, search of self satisfaction, search of self development, development of support system, management of independent life. Envy feeling from relative comparison : feeling of comfort, unsatisfaction to the husband, yearning for youth. CONCLUSION: Therefore, the program should be developed for the program of physical, psychological, and emotional health and expansion of social role of the middle - aged women.
This study was designed to analyze the research methodology and the key concepts used in articles published in each nursing journal of seven branches of the Korean Academy of Nursing. The purpose of this study was for reflecting the trends of nursing research and suggesting the direction of future nursing research in Korea. One thousand three hundred seventy two articles published in seven nursing journals from the beginning year of 2000 were analyzed. The prevailing research designs for these journals were the non-experimental design ranging from 54.3% to 75.7%, the experimental design ranging from 6.2% to 30.4%, and qualitative research design ranging from 3.7% to 10.6%. Research subjects were 10.0% to 46.0% for clients with health problems, 2.1% to 42.4% for generally healthy persons, 1.4% to 43.9% for primary care-givers, 7.0% to 53.5% for nurses or nursing students, and 3.1% to 7.3% for health organizations or nursing organizations. The data collection method used most often self-report questionnaires using psychosocial measures. Interviewing methods and physiologic measures were used relatively few times. The domains of the key concepts that prevailed was personal domain and health domain. This study has the limitation of focusing on only the superficial structural analysis rather than in-depth content analysis of each article. However, this study is the first study for reflecting the trends of nursing research based on each journal of seven branches of the Korean Academy of Nursing.
PURPOSE: This study sought to find a nursing intervention tool for enhancing elderly women's lives by investigating the causes and the meaning of their grief.
This research was derived from a phenomenological tool such as qualitative research design. The data collection took place from December of 2000 until April of 2001 Through systematic interviews and participatory observations of five elderly women attending C welfare center located in downtown Seoul the data was collected. Each interview lasted an hour and a half and was arranged five times. The analysis of this research was conducted using the Giorgi method.
(1) There was obvious physical and physiological decline caused by aging old; as well as there being spouse health problems, additional physical suffering, signs of senility, adn insomnia, (2) Further grief was imposed by unpleasant memories of the spouse; infidelity, incapability, and even disregard of her own well-being, (3) Then there was pity for children; unfaithful children, uncertain futures of the children, and early death of a child, (4) Also, regrettable fate, painful daily acttrities, unreliable factors, bad circumstances, and feelings emptiness were reported, (5) Finally, anxiety for the future; ac sense of despair, loneliness, economic hardship, and the fear of imminent death increased grief levels.
A variety of programs and social meetings for the elderly to overcome their physiological or psychological crisis should be substantially developed and supported by the government. In order to implement the social welfare for the elderly women, special consideration whether on the governmental level or the personal level, should be devoted to the elderly who live without any financial support or social concern.
PURPOSE: This study aims to find the sources of nurses' conflicts and to find ways to
eliminate them for improved nursing care.
METHOD: This study is based on a phenomenological approach. All participants were
woking at K-hospital, located in Seoul. The research was performed from September
2000 to February 2001. Data was collected through interviews and observations while
participants were working. Interviews lasted a duration of one and half hours and data
collection accured five to six times per participant. The data were analysed by Giorgi
and the results are as follows:
Essential themes in the professional conflict of clinical nurses emerged
(1) The discords of human relationships ; (2) Dissatisfaction with working conditions;
(3) Lack of self-respect in one's professional expertise ; (4) Dissatisfaction with one's
work ; (5) Depression accurring due to one's ability as a professional.
CONCLUSION: The foregoing arguments suggest that nurses perform stressful environments
in a hospital originating from the relationship among peer group, working conditions, and
lack of self-respect as a nurses. Therefore, hospital authorities should strangly consider
working conditions, interpersonal relationships, and working conditions in order to
promote self-respect of the nurses hospitals.
The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program based on the understanding of Korean human beings so as to develop nursing as a profession and promote the client's health. The design of this study was based on literature review and nominal group study. The research was managed by East-West Nursing Research Institute of nursing science college at Kyung Hee University. The research team was composed of 17 professors of nursing departments of oriental medical colleges. We obtained opinions from Oriental Nurses Association, Oriental Nursing Research Association, and professors in oriental medical college. We reviewed articles, curriculums of other clinical nurse specialist programs, medical laws and the curriculum development plan for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program from Korean Nurses Association. We discussed a curriculum thoroughly in numerous meetings. We developed a following curriculum: 1. Educational philosophy was founded on the oriental human view which was based on Chun-In union theory. It was founded on the oriental health view which recognized health being in harmony with nature and the balance of body function with the harmony of Yin-Yang in the five elements. In addition, it was founded on oriental nursing view to promote these health states. 2. Educational goals were to train oriental clinical nurse specialists, oriental nursing educators and oriental nursing researchers who developed knowledge of oriental nursing theory, nursing practice and created a leadership. 3. Curriculum consisted of 48 credits, of which 36 credits are based on lectures and laboratory classes and 12 credits are based on clinical practice. 36 credits consisted of 5 general subject credits and 31 core subject credits. General subjects consisted of nursing theory, nursing research, law and ethics. Students who had earned master's degrees are not required to take the general subjects. Core subjects consisted of 11 subjects such as advanced physical examination and laboratory, oriental nursing theory, original text of oriental nursing, oriental medical nursing, oriental pediatric nursing, oriental gynecologic nursing, oriental gerontologic nursing, oriental pharmacology, oriental constitutional nursing, advanced nursing of channels and acupuncture points and laboratory and oriental rehabilitation nursing and laboratory. In addition, clinical practice in a hospital ward, out patient department, herb prepation room, department of physical therapy and health promotion center in oriental medical hospitals for 12 weeks. To admit this program, students should complete prerequisites of introduction to oriental nursing and nursing of channels and acupuncture points. 4. Course contents of each subjects were developed to include the course's goal and objectives and specific items. 5. Evaluation involved lecture, laboratory and in field practice. We applied various evaluation systems and methods that were based on both knowledge and skills of the students to ensure full credibility and validity.
Senile Dementia is one of the dispositional mental disorder which has been known to the world since Hippocratic age. It has become a wide-spread social problem all over the world because of chronic disease processes and the demands of dependent care for several years as well as improbability of treatment of it at the causal level. Essentially, life styles of the older generation differ from those of the younger generation. While the former is used to the patriarchal system and the spirit of filial piet and respect, the latter is pragmatized and individualized under the effects of the Western material civilization. these differences between the two generations cause conflict between family members. In particular, the pain and conflict of care-givers who take care of a totally dependent dementia patient not only is inciting to the collapse of the family union, but is expanding into a serious social problem. According to this practical difficulty, this study has tried to compare dementia care-givers' experiences inter-culturally and to help set up more proper nursing interventions, describing and explaining them through ethnographies by participant observation and in-depth interviews that enable seeing them in a more close, honest and certain way. It also tries to provide a theoretical model of nursing care for dementia patients which is proper to Korean culture. This study is composed of 12 participants(4 males, 8 females) whose ages range from 37-71 years. The relations of patients are 5 spouses(3 husbands, 2 wives), 4 daughters-in-law, 2 daughters, and 1 son-in-law. The following are the care-givers' meaning of experiences that results of the study shows. The first is "psychological conflict". It contains the minds of getting angry, reproaching, being driven to dispair, blaming oneself, giving up lives, and being afraid, hopeless, and resigned. The second is "physical, social and psychological pressure". At this stage, care-givers are shown to be under stress of both body and soul for the lack of freedom and tiredness. They also feel constraint because they hardly cope with the care and live through others' eyes. The third is "isolation". It makes the relationship of patient care-giver to be estranged, without understanding each other. they, also, experience indifference such as being upset and left alone. The forth is "acceptance". They gradually have compassion, bear up and then adapt themselves to the circumstances they are in. The fifth is "love". Now they learn to reward the other with love. It is also shown that this stage contains the process of winning other recognition. The final is "hope". In this stage they really want situations to go smoothly and hope everything will be O.K. These consequence enable us to summarize the principles of care experience such as, in the early stage, negative response such as physical, psychological confusion, pain and conflict are primary. Then the stage of acceptance emerges. It is initial positive response phase when care-givers may admit their situations. As time passes by a positive response stage emerges. At last they have love and hope. Three stages we noted above; however, there are never consistent situations. Rather it gradually comes into the stage of acceptance, repeating continuous conflict, pressure and isolation. If any interest and understanding of families or the support of surrounding society lack, it will again be converted to negative responses sooner or later. Otherwise, positive responses like hope and love can be encourage if the family and the surroundings give active aids and understanding. After all, the principles of dementia care experiences neither stay at any stage, nor develop from negative stages to positive stages steadily. They are cycling systems in which negative responses are constantly being converted. I would like to suggest the following based on the above conclusions: First, the systematic and planned education of dementia should be performed in order to enhance public relations. Second, a special medical treatment center which deals with dementia, under government's charge, should be managed. Third, the various studies approaching dementia care experiences result in the development of more reasonable and useful nursing guidelines.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of music therpy on anxiety and depression in patients undergoing hemodialysis.
The study was designed using a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects consisted of 36 patients (Experimental group: 18, Control group: 18) who received hemodialysis in three hospitals located in Seoul. The measures were a Music Preference Questionnaire (MPQ), anxiety measurement, and depression measurement. Data was collected from December 26, 2004 to April 2, 2005 through questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS 10.0 program.
The first hypothesis that patients undergoing hemodialysis who received music therapy would have less anxiety than patients undergoing hemodialysis who did not receive music therapy was supported (F=8.05, p=.008). The second hypothesis that patient undergoing hemodialysis who received music therapy would have less depression than patients undergoing hemodialysis who did not receive music therapy was supported(F=11.86, p=.002).
The results of this study suggest that music therapy may be applied as a method of nursing intervention contributing to the improvement of quality life by reducing their anxiety and depression of patients undergoing hemodialysis.
Ego-integrity in Erikson's stage theory is used frequently among health team members related to the care of the elderly and has specific meanings within the context of quality of life in later life. However, the concept of ego-integrity in the elderly has not been well articulated in the literature. This study was conducted clarify and conceptualize the phenomena of ego-integrity in the elderly.
A Hybrid Model of concept development was applied to develop a concept of ego-integrity, which included a field study carried out in Seoul, South Korea using in-depth interviews with old adults who were admitted as a right person for research subject according to attributes of ego-integrity analysed in the theoretical phase.
The concept of ego-integrity emerged as a complex phenomenon having meanings in several different dimensions which encompassed several attributes.
Ego-integrity is a concept having needs that should be treated in a specific way and it is possible to enrich the meaning and methods to manage ego-integrity in nursing interventions for promoting quality of life so that its application may have effects that have positive impacts on the elderly's well being.
This study was to compare and analyze sleep patterns, satisfaction of sleep, and sleep enhancement behaviors between hospitalized and non-hospitalized elderly.
Subjects were 201 older adults, who were hospitalized patients or living in U-city, Gyung-gi province. Data was collected from June 10 to August 25, 2007, and was analyzed by the SAS program.
1) Non-hospitalized elderly had better sleep patterns than hospitalized elderly patients. 2) There was a strong positive correlation between sleep patterns and satisfaction of sleep in both groups. 3) In hospitalized elderly, there were significant differences in sleep patterns and satisfaction of sleep by month. 4) In non-hospitalized elderly, there was a significant difference in sleep patterns by presence or absence of spouses. There was a significant difference in satisfaction of sleep by those living with others. There were significant differences in sleep enhancement behaviors by age, religion, length of time, and sponsors.
To relieve sleep disturbances of elderly, comprehension of sleep of the aged by nursing care givers should be obtained. Also, improving environments and elder's self-esteem with religious consideration and preparation of financial conditions are needed to promote the sleep of hospitalized and non-hospitalized elderly.
Ego-integrity in older adults is the central concept related to quality of life in later life. Therefore, for effective interventions to enhance the quality of later life, a scale to measure ego-integrity in older adults is necessary. This study was carried out to develop a scale to measure ego-integrity in older adults.
This study utilized cronbach's alpha in analyzing the reliability of the collected data and expert group, and factor analysis and item analysis to analyze validity.
Seventeen items were selected from a total of 21 items. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency was .88 for the 17 items of ego-integrity in the older adults scale. Three factors evolved by factor analysis, which explained 50.71% of the total variance.
The scale for measuring ego-integrity in Korean older adults in this study was evaluated as a tool with a high degree of reliability and validity.
This study was to examine effects of muscle electric stimulation on chronic knee pain, activities of daily living, and living satisfaction for Korean elderly women.
The design was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest study. Subjects were 60 (experimental: 30, control: 30) elderly women 65 years old or above with good orientation and communication. The experimental treatment was electric stimulation on both thigh quadriceps muscles for 15 minutes per time, 3 times per week, for a total of 12 weeks. Measures were the S-F McGill Pain Questionnaire and Arthritis Impact Measurement Scale for chronic knee pain, activities measurement of daily living for activities of daily living, and living satisfaction measurement for living satisfaction. Data was analyzed through the SPSS Win 12.0.
Chronic knee pain by S-F MPQ (t=43.563, p=.000) and chronic knee pain by AIMS (t=31.364, p=.000) were significantly decreased in the experimental group, and the activities of daily living (t=124.353, p=.000) and living satisfaction (t=71.268, p=.000) were significantly increased in the experimental group for Korean elderly women.
Muscle electrical stimulation decreased chronic knee pain, and increased the activities of daily living and living satisfaction for Korean elderly women. Further studies for muscle electric stimulation need to be done.
This study examined the effects of individual reminiscence therapy on older adults' depression, morale, and the quality of life.
The design was a single-group pre-test and post-test study. Subjects consisted of 31 older adults from two senior centers and a welfare center in Seoul. Individual reminiscence therapy was applied to study subjects four times, once a week for an hour at each time. Measurement tools were the Geriatric Depression Scale Short Form Korea (GDSSF-K) for depression, Mun Ae-ri's (1996) scale for morale, and Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 (SF-36) for the quality of life. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, paired t-test, and pearson correlation.
The application of individual reminiscence therapy reduced older adults' depression (t=-5.65, p=.000), and enhanced older adults' morale (t=4.65, p=.000). The application of individual reminiscence therapy improved older adults' quality of life (t=5.00, p=.000).
Findings of the study suggest that individual reminiscence therapy may be applied as a nursing intervention that contributesto the improvement of older adults' quality of life, reduces their depression, and enhances their morale.
The goal of this study was to investigate the factors influencing health promoting behaviors in elderly individuals according to types of residency.
This was a descriptive study. The subjects were comprised of 243 elderly aged 65 years or over living in 3 large cities. The instruments used for this study were a health promoting lifestyle, perceived health status, geriatric depression short form scale-Korea, social support scale, and self-efficacy. The data was analyzed using SPSS Win 12.0.
Powerful predictors of a health promoting lifestyle were depression, self-efficacy, and perceived health status for the elderly living at home. In the cases of the elderly living in institutions, a powerful predictor of a health promoting lifestyle was identified as social support.
For the operation of long-term care insurance, a service for home care programs is needed for the elderly living at home in order to reduce depression and to increase self-efficacy and perceived health status. In addition, social support provided by health-care professionals should be developed to promote a healthy lifestyle for the elderly living in institutional environments.
The purpose of this study was to develop and to evaluate a health promotion program for elderly.
Subjects were 63 elderly women (experimental group:33, control group:30). The study was a nonequivalant control group pretest-posttest design. The data was analyzed with an SPSS Window program, then the data was computed for the purpose of each study.
1. In designing the program, the experimental group was given health education - 2 times per week, for 8 weeks - and they participated in recreation programs and stretching exercises five times a week. 2. Stretching exercises including health education, significantly affected the total Cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, health behavior and self-efficacy. 3. The body fat weight was not significantly affected by the stretching exercises.
This program was tested to promote the health of elderly and verified as an effective nursing intervention program, because the outcome of this program ascertains that this program enhances self efficacy of exercise, reduces Cholesterol and triglyceride levels' increases HDL-cholesterol, and helps promote the understanding of heath behavior.
This study was to examine the effects of auricular acupuncture on insomnia in Korean elderly.
The study design was a triangulation study. Subjects were 40 elderly who were 65 years and over in Seoul, and 10 subjects for a qualitive study who were saturated with interviews and observation. The first auricular acupuncture was applied for three days, and this was applied to subjects on a 5 times series. The quantative data was analyzed by SPSS PC+ and the qualitive data was analyzed by driving of core meaning and abstract concepts using a semi-structural interview and observation.
1. The experimental group had higher significant sleep scores than that of the control group (t=32.739, p=.001). 2. The experimental group had higher significant self- satisfaction scores on sleep than that of the control group (t=30.049, p=.001). 3. In the qualitive study, insomnia characteristics before application of auricular acupressure therapy were confirmed by physical dysfunction, recall of past, and psychological dysfunction. Insomnia characteristics after application of auricular acupressure therapy were confirmed by recovery of physical dysfunction, improving recall of past, and recovery of psychological dysfunction.
Auricular acupuncture was effective on insomnia in Korean elderly.