The purpose of this study was to find out the differences in stress perceptual level of the Koreans according to their constitution and to analyze the effects of them on physical and mental health state.
The subject of investigation was 87 outpatient department of constitution of Kyung-Hee Oriental Medicine Hospital. Data were collected by using interview with Questionnaire.
The measurement tools were Questionnaire of constitution Identity(by B.H.Go), Stress Scale(by P.S. Lee) and Cornell Medical Index. All of the tools were pre-tested for their reliability and validity. Analysis of data was done using frequency, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and ANCOVA in SPSS program.
The results obtained are as follows.
1. Stress perceptual level of the Koreans were significantly different as their constitution (F=9.68, P<.001). SOEMIN was the highest constitution in stress perceptual level.
2. In health state, there were considerable difference among the three constitutions (F=6.654, P<.05). SOEMIN was the lowest one at health state.
3. An inverse correlation was found out between stress perceptual level and health state (r=-.6034, P=.0001).
4. There were no differences in health state of the Koreans according to their constitutions if stress perceptual level excluded(F=1.01, P=.37). In conclusion, health state was effected not by constitutions alone, but by stress perceptual level according to constitutions of the Koreans.