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A Survey Study of the Nurse's Helping Behaviors and Patient's Self-Exploration behaviors
Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(3):97-107.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study was about nurse's helping behaviors and the purpose of the study was to find out the nurse's helping behaviors, to identify the nurse's helping behavior level by the nurses personal back ground and to find out the relationship between the nurse's helping behavior and patient's self exploration. The subjects, consisting of 192 adults in-patients who had less acute physical problem and 192 registered nurses working on these ward in 3 hospitals in Seoul and 1 hospital in Kang Won province of Korea. The data were collected from Jan. to Feb. 1986 through; the descriptive responds and self-reported questionaires. The instruments used for this study were Carkhuff's index of communication. Henderson's Irritating Listening Behavior, revised by the Kim(1984) and patient problem understanding scale, patients trust scale on nurse, developed by the Kim(1984). Analysis of the Data was done by use of mean, t-test, F-test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The results of study are summerized as follows; 1. Mean of nurse's helping behavior was 1.84 out of 4. These point were less than 3.0 which means the minimum points as the facilitative helper. 2. There was no significant differences of nurses helping behaviors by the nurse's personal back ground (p<.05). 3. There were positive relation between the nurse's helping behaviors and patient's self-exploration behavior (p<0001). In conclusion, I may can give some suggestion, according to the study results; 1. The systematic study about nurse's helping behavior is need all over the Korea. 2. Educational program for the facilitative rela tionship between nurses and patient must be developed. 3. Further detailed analysis methods are need on the independent variables of patient's self-explorations behavior.

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A Study of the Relationship between the Leadership Style of the Head Nurse and Nurses Burnout Level
Hwa Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1984;14(1):21-33.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to define the relationship between the leadership style of head nurses and the burnout level of nurses by taking into consideration the factors which influence the level of burnout and which show how burnout varies according to the leadership style of head nurses. The subjects of the survey were 355 ward nurses and their 48 head nurses working in five university hospitals in Seoul. The nurses were surveyed by means of a questionnaire from Sept. 22 though Sept. 29, 1983. The Leadership Scale devised by Fleishman, and modified by Lee, and the Burnout Scale developed by Pines et al, and adapted to the Korean situation by Peek, were used as a basis of this survey. This researcher subjected the questionnaire to a pre-test and to an internal reliability consistency test through item analysis. For the purpose of analysis of the data, the general characteristics were set at Mean and the general characteristics of head nurses in relation to the level of burnout of nurses was analysed by the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The relation between head nurses' general characteristics and leadership style, the relation between nurses' general characteristics and level of burnout and the level of burnout of nurses according to the different style of leadership of head nurses were analysed by ANOVA. A summary of the results of the study is as follows 1. Hypothesis: "That the burnout level of the nurse will be different according to the leadership style of the head nurse" was supported. 2. Analysis of the relationship between the head nurse's general characteristics and the leadership style of the head nurse showed that the leadership style of the head nurse was not related to age and experience as head nurse. 3. Analysis of the relationship of nurses' burnout levels to general characteristics of nurses showed statistically significant differences in burnout levels according to working departments, expected working period and reasons for selecting nursing as a profession. Also, the burnout level of nurses was negatively related to the head nurse's age and experience as a head nurse.

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Study on Level of Anxiety on Admitted Patient's Family
Hyun Sil Kim, Ju Hee Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1983;13(1):42-56.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to help the care of patient and to his family through comparison of the level of anxiety which between the family of admitted patient and the family without in patient, and to his family through comparison of the level of anxiety which between the family of admitted patient and the family without inpatient and exclude the factors which raised the level of anxiety in them. The experimental group in this study were samples of 200 patient's family selected by random sampling in H. University hospital located in Seoul (Department of patient were internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics and neuropsychiatry). The control group were samples of 70 family without inpatient selected by random sampling in Seoul. The data were collected through STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) by Spielberger (1970) for measurement to level of state and trait anxiety from April 1st to April 15th in 1982. The contents of data analysis by EDPS included the difference of level of anxiety between experimental and control group, correlationship between general characteristics of experimental group and level of anxiety, and correlation of trait and state anxiety in experimental group. The Findings of this study were as follows: 1) Level of anxiety of experimental group is higher than control group. 2) In the correlation between general characteristics and level of anxiety of experimental group, there were no significant difference which revealed in correlation with age of family member, family life cycle, marital status, the relation between patient and family member, the degree of symptom, number of admission, admission or nonadmission of medical insurance, number of family member, and division of disease to level of anxiety. However, according to the sex of family member, hospitallzation period, a monthly income of family, the degree of confidence toward medical team, religion of family, academic background of family, a tendency of significant differences to level of anxiety were seen. To put them in the concrete, they were as follow; a) Level of anxiety on female family member is higher than male in experimental group. fa) Admission period of patient is positively related to the level of anxiety of patient's family. c) The degree of confidence of patient's family toward medical team is in inverse proportion to the level of anxiety. d) A monthly income of patient's famly is in inverse proportion to the level of anxiety. e) Level of anxiety of believer in patient's family is lower than unbeliever, f) The academical background of patient's family is in inverse proportion to the level of anxiety. g) Level of state anxiety of patient's family at the time of admission is positively related to the evel of trait anxiety.

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The Nursing Record Evaluation of the Application of the Nursing Process
Kyung Hye Lee, Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):87-94.   Published online April 3, 2017
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According to the provious study, it was suggested a need for improvement of nursing care through application of nursing process in Ewha Womans University Hospital With those data, it has been applied to the nursing care at maternity ward by nurses. This study was undertaken to determine the evaluation of the application of the nursing process which is an orderly, systemic manner of determing the patient's /client's nursing problems. This study involved 191 cases with patient chart and was carried out from Feb. 1979 to Feb. 1980 is Ewha Womans University Hospital. The results were as follows : 1. Actual performance of "Assessment" stage was 59%, and 45% for the nursing diagnosis. 2. It was achieved with specific planning of nursing; care for 71.6% and the plan was safely and effective implemented (97.9%). 3. Afer "Implement" stage it was made of evaluation and feedback process (39%). 4. Nurses in Eha womans University hospital, they showed the positive attitude toward the application of nursing process, but they saggested that there were lack of manpower and the consideration of time allocation. Recommandation are as follows : 1. All nursing staff must participate in continious education program for nursing process. 2. The results suggest a need for modification for the nursing history formeat and SOAPIER. 3. A need for improvement of physical condition for interview and effective utilization of nursing staff. 4. It Will more effective When Dr's medical record replace by problem arientcd acdical record(POMR).

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Clinical Nursing Survey of the Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
Kyung Bin Mo, Young Hee Choi, Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1979;9(2):73-88.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The objectives of this study have been conducted to establish effective clinical teaching program to I.C.U in terms of proper assignment of the clients for the students, proper rotation schedule, priorities in critical nursing problems and selection of the teaching and learning. We have analyzed statistically 1,850 patients who have been admitted during a period from January 1977 to October 31 1979 in Ewha Woman's University Hospital, The results are as follows: 1. The proportion to the total inpatients number was 6.5% and mortality rate was 16.3%. 2. The average hospitalized days were 5.8 days in I.C.U and the total death was occured from 1st hospital day to 5th hospital day. So it shows a certain difficulties for clinical experiences of the senior students in I.C.U. 3. In the age of the death, 41.3% of the patients were in the 41-60 year age group. It shows highest mortality rate in socially active and productive age groups. 4. The mortality rates of the departments of the medicine was 18.7%, general surgery 18.5%, and neurosurgery 14.7%. 5. The number of patients admitted to the department of neurosystem was 30.6%, cardiovascular system 22.6%, respiratory system 11.1% and urinary system 2.9%. 6. On utilizing instruments and machine for diagnosis and client's assessment in I.C.U, they have utilized everything a usual. But they never utilize angiogram and cardiac catheterization in cardiovascular system, and retroperitoneal pneumography in the urologic system. Further more we would recommend as follows. 1. In consideration of the average hospital days and the date of death, the rotation program for clincal experience need to be adjusted as continuing practice program in apposite to current alternative practice program for comprehensive nursing care. 2. Socioeconomic needs for the patient's families and himself should be emphasized by the students in addition to physical needs. 3. Course content for critical care might be built up in considering of core disease centered nursing problems. 4. The diagnostic procedures and client's assessment items which could not experience in our university hospital by the students might be considered and refilled as filled trips to another hospital and visual aids.

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A Study on improvement of curriculum in Nursing
Ai Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(2):1-16.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This Study involved the development of a survey form and the collection of data in an effort to provide information which can be used in the improvement of nursing curricula. The data examined were the kinds courses currently being taught in the curricula of nursing-education institutions throughout Korea, credits required for course completion, and year in which courses are taken. For the purposes of this study, curricula were classified into college, nursing school and vocational shool categories. Courses were directed into the 3 major categories of general education courses, supporting science courses and professional education course, and further subdirected as. follows: 1) General education (following the classification of Philip H. phenix): a) Symbolics, b) Empirics, c) Aesthetics, d) Synnoetics, e) Ethics, f) Synoptics. 2) Supporting science: a) physical science, b) biological science, c) social science, d) behavioral science, e) Health science, f) Educations 3) Professional Education; a) basic courses, b) courses in each of the respective fields of nursing.. I. General Education aimed at developing the individual as a person and as a member of society is relatively strong in college curricula compared with the other two. a) Courses included in the category of symbolics included Korean language, English, German-Chines, Mathmatics, Statics: Economics and Computer most college curricula included 20 credits. of courses in this sub- category, while nursing schools required 12 credits and vocational schools 10 units. English ordinarily receives particularly heavy emphasis. b) Research methodology, Domestic affair and women & coustecy was included under the category of empirics in the college curricula, nursing and vocational schools do not offer this at all. c) Courses classified under aesthetics were physicaleducation, drill, music, recreation and fine arts. Most college curricula had 4 credits in these areas, nursing school provided for 2 credits, and most vocational schools offered 10 units. d) Synnoetics included leadership, interpersonal relationship, and communications, Most schools, did not offer courses of thi3 nature. e) The category of ethics included citizenship. 2 credits are provided in college curricula, while vocational schools require 4 units. Nursing schools do not offer these courses, f) Courses included under synoptics were Korean history, cultural history, philosophy, Logics, and religion. Most college curriculahad 5 credits in these areas, nursing schools 4 credits, and vocational schools 2 units. g) Only physical education was given every year in college curricula and only English was given in nursing schools and vocational schools in every of the curriculum. Most of the other courses wore given during the first year of the curriculum. II. Supporting science courses are fundamental to the practice and application of nursing theory, a) Physical science course include physics, chemistry and natural science, most colleges and nursing schools provided for 2 credits of physical science courses in their curricula, while most vocational schools did not offer t me. b)i Courses included under biological science were anatomy, physiolology, biology and biochemistry. Most college curricula provided for 15 credits of biological science, nursing schools for the most part provided for 11 credits, and most vocational schools provided for 8 units. c) Courses included under social science were sociology and anthropology. Most colleges provided '. for 1 credit in courses of this category, which most nursing schools provided for 2 crearts Most vocational schools did not provide courses of this type. d) Courses included under behavioral science were general and clinical psychology, developmental psychology, mental hygiene and guidance. Most schools did not provide for these courses. e) Courses included under health science included pharmacy and pharmacology, microbiology, pathology, nutrition and dietetcis. parasitoloey, and Chinese medicine. Most college curricula provided for 11 credits, while most nursing schools provide for 12 credits, most part provided 20 units of medical courses. f) Courses included under education included educational psychology, principles of educatoin, philosophy of education, history of education, social education, educational evaluation, educa tional curricula, class management, guidance techniques and school & community. Most college soffer 3 credits in courses in this category, while nursing schools provide 8 credits and vocational schools provide for 6 units, 50% of the colleges prepare these students to qualify as regular teachers of the second level, while 91% of the nursing schools and 60% of the vocational schools prepare their of the vocational schools prepare their students to qualify as school nurse. g) The majority of colleges start supporting science courses in the first year and complete them by the second year. Nursing schools and vocotional schools usually complete them in the first year. III. Professional Education courses are designed to develop professional nursing knowledge, attitudes and skills in the students. a) Basic courses include social nursing, nursing ethics, history of nursing professional control, nursing administration, social medicine, social welfare, introductoy nursing, advanced nursing, medical regulations, efficient nursing, nursing english and basic nursing, College curricula devoted 13 credits to these subjects, nursing schools 14 credits, and vocatioal schools 26 units indicating a severe difference in the scope of education provided. 3) There was noticeable tendency for the colleges to take a unified approach to the branches of nursing. 60% of the schools had courses in public health nursing, 80% in pediatric nursing, 60% in obstetric nursing, 90% in psychiatric nursing and 80% in medical-surgical nursing. The greatest number of schools provided 48 credites in all of these fields combined. In most of the nursing schools, 52 credits were provided for courses divided acrording to disease. In the vocational schools, unified courses are provided in public health nursing, child nursing, maternal nursing, psychiatric nursing and adult nursing. In addition, one unit is provided for one hour a week of practirce. The total number of units provided in the greatest number of vocational schools is thus 111 units double the number provided in nursing schools and colleges, c) In th Heges, the second year is devoted mainly to basic nursing courses, while the third and fourth years are used for advanced nursing courses. In nursing schools and vocational schools, the first year deals primarily with basic nursing and the second and third years are used to cover advanced nursing courses. The study yielded the following conclusions. 1. Instructional goals should be established for each courese in line with the idea of nursing, and curriculum improvements should be made accordingly. 2. Coures that fall under the synnoetics category should be strengthened and ways should be sought to develop the ability to cooperte with those who work for human welfare and health. 3. The ability fo solve problems on the basis of scientific principles and knowledge and understanding of man society should be fostered through a strengthening of courses dealing with physical sciences, social sciences and behaviorial sciences and redistribution of courses emphasizing biological and health scinces. 4. There should be more balanced curricula with less emphasis on courses in the major There is a need to establish courses necessary for the individual nurse by doing away with courses centered around specific diseases and combining them in unified courses. In addition, it is ppssible to develop skill in dealing with people by using the social setting in comprehensive training. The most efficient ratio of the study experience should be studied to provide more effective, interesting education. Elective coures should be initiated to insure a man flexible, responsive educational program. 5. The curriculm stipulated in the education law should be examined.

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Epidemiological Study of the Communicable Disease in Kang Won Area
Sung Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1971;2(1):73-86.   Published online April 3, 2017
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A epidemiological study was condueted by autlor on 925 official reported patients with first grade legal communicable disease during the period from January 1969 to December 1970 in all area of Kangwon province. As the results of this study, the following conclusion were obtained. A) Typhoid fever 1. Of all 925 patients surveyed, typhoid fever showed the highest rate as 50.7 persent. 2. Age group from 10 to 14 years old showed the highest rates 3. High epidemic period was from june to September. 4. As for the occupatlonal distrlbution, unemployee slrowed the lriglrest late as 63.2 persent, followed by 21.1 persent in farmer and 9.4 persent in student. 5. Most of all patients(93.7%) were isolated in their own house 6. The morbidity rate was 16.0 per 100,000 population and case fatality rate was 1.76 percent 7. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curation were 11.7+-7.1 days and 25.1+-13.8 days respectively. 8. Main diagnostic method was almost the clinical examination B) Dysentery 1. Of all 925 patients surveyed, dysentery showed 44.4 percent 2. Age group from 0 to 9 years old showed the highest rate 3. High epidemic period of this disease was from April to August 4. As for the occupational distribution, unemployee showed the highest rate as 73.9 persent, followed by 17.7 person in farmers and 7.0 percent in student 5. The attack rate of agricultural area was higher than of fiching area 6. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curating duration were 10.4+-4.3 days and 15.7+-8.8 days respectively. 7. The morbidity rate and case fatality rate were 21.8 per 100,000 population and 1.45 percent, respectively. 8. Most of all patients were isolated in own house 9. Most of all patients(97.6%) were diagnosed by the clinical examination C) Diphtheria 1. As for the age distribution, 0-4 years old group showed the highest rate as 44.4 percent, followed by 27.7 percent in 5-9 years old group and 22.2 percent in 10-14 years old group 2. Epidemic season was almost in autum, winter and spring 3. The morbidity rate was 0.96 per 100.000 population and case fatality rate was high as 26.6 percent 4. 66.6 percent of this disease was isolated in their own house and others were admittend in hospital D) Paratyphold Fever 1. Most of all patients were attacked below 20 years old 2. Epidemic season was almost was almost in late summer 3. The morbidity rate was 0.53 per 100.000 population 4. The mean of the duration from onset to diagnosis and curating duration were 18.3+-1.3 day and 13.7+-0.2 day respectively.

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Review of Environment in the Korean Traditional Thought
Moon Sil Kim, Young Ran Han, Yun Hee Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(2):251-263.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This paper reviewed the concept of the environ merit in Korean traditional thought according to Shamamism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism. The differences in the views of the environment between Korean traditional thought and Western thought were compared according to the ontological point of view. This study attempted to investigate the concept of environment, one of the four metaparadigm(hu-man, environment, health, nursing)as it is experssed in Korean traditional thought. However, it was difficult to find the concept of environment separated out in the traditional thought pattern. Instead, environment concepts are represented in the natural views and universal views. Even though the four traditional thought patterns (Shamaism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism) represent some difference in their view of nature, the combination of natural and human, harmony, anti-dichotomy and so forth are emphasized in common in four thought patterns. Korean traditional thought includes a more comprehensive meaning than the unitary-transformative perspective discussed in modern Westen thought patterns. Environment has been dealt with in narrow view until now. Now we avoid this narrow view and must regard environment as an integrated concept with person. Through this research, it is hoped that a contribution will be made to the development of nursing knowledge suitable to Korean culture.

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Family Support and Hopelesseness in Patients Admitted to Neuro - Surgical Intensive Care Unit
Hyun Sil Kim, Mee Young Cho
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(4):620-635.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study identified correlations between perceived family support and hopelessness in patients admitted to Neuro-surgical Intensive Care Units. The purpose was to enhance theoretical understanding of the relationships of these two variables. The subjects of this study were 51 patients admitted to N-ICU, at three general hospitals in Seoul. Data were collected by researcher in structured interviews from Aug. 12 to Oct. 13, 1992. The research tools were parts of the Moos Family Environment Scale and the Beck hopelessness Scale. The general characteristic data were analyzed for frequency and percentage ; the hypothesis was tested by the pearson product Moment Correlation coefficient. After normality tests by using Kolmogorov-Sminorvtest, and T-test, ANOVA, and Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskal-Wallis test were used on the Family support and the Hopelessness about general characteristics. The results of the above analysis were as follows; 1) The average family support score for the group was 63.61 (tool average 51) and item average was 3.74(tool item average 3) ; the family support score of this sample was higher than average. The average family cohesion score of family support was 35.25 (tool average 27) and item average was 3.91 (tool item average 3). The average family expression score of family support was 28.35 (tool average 24) and item average was 3.57 (tool average 3). In this sample, perceived family expression was lower than family cohesion. 2) The average hopelessness score was 45.99 (tool average 60) and item average was 2.29 9tool item average 3) ; the hopelessness score of this sample was low in comparison to the average. 3) The hypothesis in this study was supported. The main hypothesis that the higher the perceived family support level, the lower the level of the hopelessness, was supported(r=-.3688 p=.004). The sub-hypothesis that the higher the perceived family expression level, the lower the level of hopelessness, was supported(r=-.3068 p=0.014). 4) General characteristics of the objects related to family support were 'economic status'(p=.025) and 'helping person'(p=.044); the higher the economic status, the greater the family support. When the patient identified the helping person as a spouse, family support was rated more highly. The only general characteristic related to family cohesion was 'helping person'(p=.041). No general characteristics were related to family expression. 5) The one general characteristic related to hopelessness was 'education'(p=.002) ; the higher their education, the lower their hopelessness. For these ICU patients, were related perceived family support and hopelessness, and family expression level was low in comparison to family cohesion level. The perceived family support of these seriously ill patients in situational crisis may have influenced the patient's emotional reaction of hopelessness. This study concluded that nurses in the ICU confirm the family support of the patient, and involve the family as the most intimate support systems in the care of the patient to help reduce the patient's hopelessness.

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Petient's Perceptions of Health Professionals' Unkind Behavior
Moon Sil Kim, Yun Hee Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(4):421-443.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify patients' perceptions of health professionals' unkind behavior and the effects of this unkind behavior using a phenomenological research methodology. Understanding of this phenomena should enlighten nurses to interaction and relationship problems between patient and health professionals and thus lead to further research toward enhancing these interaction and relationships. The subjects were 40 adult patients hospitalized in a university hospital in Seoul. They were form 20 to 65 years old and hospitalized at IM, GS, OS, NS, OB/GY ward. Their hospital days were from 4 to 72. Data were collected from July 29 to August 9, 1991 and from January 6 to 17, 1992. The research questions were "What behavior on the part of health of health professionals you perceive as unkind and what effect does such behavior have in you?". Responses to the non-structured open-ended questions were audio-recorded during the interviews done by two nurses researchers. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological method of Colazzi. The validity was enhanced by confirmation of the analysis by two nursing clinical researchers, and professor of psychology, and philosophy, all knowledgable of phenomenological research. From the protocols, 146 significant statements about unkind behavior were organized into 38 formulating meanings which then grouped into six clusters of themes. Perceived health professional' unkind behavior as being cold, insincere, unconcerned, disregardful, lacking in technical skill, and failing to provide a therapeutic environment. From the protocols, 65 significant statements about the influence of such behavior on patient care were organized into 18 formulating meanings which were then grouped into four clusters of themes. Patients perceived these unkind behavior influencing then emotionally, physically and having negative effects on their compliance with medical and nursing care. The study points to the need for health professionals to understand how their may be perceived by their patients as unkind behavior. Patients perceptions of health professionals' unkind behavior may suggest the opposite desire, that professionals have excellent medical knowledge and skill and that they be sincere, concerned, respectful and warm emotionally toward their patients.

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Han-Thought and Nursing
Moon Sil Kim, Hyo Jung Koh, Ae Kyoung Kim, Ok Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1991;21(3):295-306.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Han-Thought is a philosophy unique to the native to Korean culture. From the point of view of etymological analysis, the word "Han" means "Large", "High" or "Whole" Ancient Korean people planted their philosophical roots deep in what has come to be know an Han-Thought. The goal of this study was to explore "Han-Thought" for concepts and principles which may contribute to the building of Korean nursing philosophy, ethic, paradigm, theory and eventfully practice. Ontologily, our ancient people attempted to learn what was most essential and meaningful in life Han-Thought embraces the thought of complete harmony with in wholeness. Han encompasses everything in the universe. A characteristic of Han-Thought is that all things relate each other in harmonic balance, not in conflict. The harmonious balance of all things excludes both disruption and confrontation, marking all things into a large oneness. Thus Han-Thought applied to Holism traditionally embraced by nursing philosophy. The principles of Han-Thought emphasize the love of peace. Extreme individualism and egoism are not allowed in Han-Thought. The Han-Thought provide a humanistic and ethical foundation for nursing philosophy. Han-Thought is a valuable philosophy for Korean nurses to explore toward the development of the discipline in Korea.

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Patient's Preferances for Nurse's Nonverbal Expressions of Warmth During Nursing Rounds and Administration of Oral Medication
Hyung Sun Kim, Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(3):381-398.   Published online March 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Nursing involves deep human interpersonal relationships between nurses and patients. But in modem Korea, the nurse-patient relationship tends to be ritualistic and mechanistic. Patients usually express the hope that nurses be more tender and kind. Patients expect nurses to express their warmth especially through nonverbal behaviour. This study was conducted to identify patients' preferences for nurse's nonverbal expressions of warmth. Through the confirmation of these preferences, nurses may learn how to enhance their interpersonal relationships with patients. Subjects for the study were 73 patients who had been admitted to a university teaching hospital for at least three days and agreed to be interviewed by the investigator. The interactions were studied nonverbal expressions of warmth during nursing rounds and administration of oral medication. The interview schedule was expecially designed by the investigator to measure the nurse's posture, the distance between the nurse and the patient, the nurse's eye contact, facial expression hand, motion and head nodding. Data analysis included frequencies, percentages and X2-test. The results of this study may be summarized as follows : 1. Patient's preferences for nurse's nonverbal expressions of warmth during nursing rounds. Preferred nurse's posture was sitting(50.7%) or standing(49.3%) opposite the patient was close to the bed(93.2%), less than 1m. Preferred eye contact was directed to the patient's eyes or their affected part(41.1%). Preferred facial expression was a smile(97.3%). Preferred hand motions were light gestures(41.1%). Patients preferred head nodding which approved their own opinions(69.9%). 2. Patient's preferences for nurse's nonverbal expressions of warmth during administration of oral medication. Preferred nurse's posture was standing and waiting to confirm that medication had been taken(58.9%). Preferred distance from the patient was at arm's length, 0.5-1m (64.4%). Patients preferred direct eye contact(58.9%) and a smile(94.5%). Patients preferred that the nurse put the medicine directly the patient's hand(64.4%). Whether the nurse nodded her head or not was not considered important. 3. The relation of general characteristics and patient's preferences for nurse's nonverbal expressions of warmth during nursing rounds administration of oral medication. During nursing rounds, the age of subjects(p=0.010) and the standard of education (p=0.026) related to the distance between the nurse and the patient. The sick hospital ward related to the eye contact(p=0.017) and facial expression(p=0.010). During administration of oral medication, the age of subjects(p=0.044) and days of hospital treatment(p=0.043) and the sick hospital ward(p=0.0004) related to the facial expression. From this study, nurses can learn what kind nonverbal expressions of warmth are preferred by patients during rounds and administration and thus will enhance nurse-patient interpersonal relationships.

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A Study of the Heath Status of Korean Elderly
Young Hee Choi, Moon Sil Kim, Young Soon Byon, Jong Soon Won
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(3):307-323.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This Study was done to design and test an instrument to measure the health status of the elderly including physical, psychological and social dimensions. Data collection was done from July 18 to August 17, 1990. Subjects were 412 older persons in Korea. A convenience sample was used but the place of residence was stratified into large, medium and small city and rural areas. Participants located in Sudaemun-Gu, Mapo-Gu, and Kangnam-Gu, Seoul were interviewed by brained nursing students, and those in chungju, Jonju, Chuncheon, and Jinju by professors of nursing colleges. Rural residents were interviewed by community health practioners working in Kungsang-Buk-Do, Kyngsang-Nam-Do, Jonal Buk-Do, and Kyung Ki-Do. The tool developed for this study was a structured questionnaire based on previous literature and then tested for reliability and validity. This tool contained 20 physical health status items, 17 mental-emotional health status items and 38 social health status items. Physical health status items clustered in to six factors such as personal hygiene, activity, home management, digestive, sexual, sensory, and climination functions. Metal-emotional health status items clustered into two factors, mental health and emotional health. Social health status items clustered into seven factors, grandparent, parent, spouse, friend, kinships, group member and religious role functions. Data analysis included percentage, average, S.D., t-test and ANOVA. The results of the analysis were as follows : 1. The tool measuring the health status of the elderly and developed for this research had a relatively high reliability indicated by a cronbach=0.97793. 2. Average score of the subjects physical health status was 4,054 in a 5 point likert scale, mental-emotional health status was 3.803 social health status was 2.939 and the average was 3.521. The social status of the subjects was the lowest and the next was mental-emotional health status ; physical health status was the highest. 3. Educational background, perceived health status, the amount of pocket money were related to physical and mental-emotional health status and family structure was related mental-emotional physical and social health status. Occupation was related to physical and mental-emotional status. Area of residence was related to mental-emotional and social status. Source of living in the expenses was related to physical and mental-emotional health status marital status to mental-emotional and social health status, and the number living in the home physical health status and religion to social health status. The following conclusions were derived from the above results : 1. The health status of Korean was relatively sound but social health status was the most vulnerable. The Social activity for Korean elderly is needed to improve social health. 2. Education background, perceived health status and the amount of pocket money must be considered in the health assessment criteria of the elderly. Family structure, marital status, occupation, residence variables and sources of living expense must also be considered as significant. 3. A health education program based on the education background of the elderly, and provision of an occupational socio-economic welfare policy will be useful in order to increase social health status of Korean elderly.

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Respiratory Hospital Infections of Patients with a Tracheostomy
Sook Ja Yang, Young Hee Choi, Moon Shil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(3):240-248.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The increase in size and numbers of general hospitals in the process of conspicuous development of modern medicine has been accompanied by a serious increase in hospital acquired infections. Hospital aquired infections cause pain and discomfort, may threaten life, adds an economic burden, and delays recovery and return to society. Even though respiratory hospital infection rates resulting for tracheostomy and respiratory inhalation therapy, may be low, they are serious because of their bad prognosis and high mortality rates. This study was designed to assess certain aspects of respiratory infections of patients with a tracheostomy and thus provide baseline data for further research related to preventive or therapeutic nursing interventions. The specific objectives were to determine the incidence of colonization in the trachea, clinical signs, type of colonized bacteria and sensitivity to antibiotics. Data were collected from July 1 to December 10, 1989 at two university Hospital in Seoul. Subjects were 20 patients with a tracheostomy admitted to the Intensive Care Unit or Cerebral Vascular Accident Center. Clinical signs related to respiratory infection were observed using a checklist based on previous study outcomes. Bacterial culture, sensitivity test to antibiotics, WBC counts and chest X-ray were also performed. Cultures were done on the day of tracheostomy, and on the third, fifth and seventh day. Cultures were then done on seventh days after the first colonization. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of bacteria colonization in a week was 90%(18 patients) : 50% (10/20 patients) on the day of tracheostomy, 70 %(7 /10 patients) on the third day, and 0 % on the fifth day, and 33 %(1/3 patient) on the seventh day. 3 of 18 patients (16.7%) were colonies of mixed growth isolated. 2. The observed clinical signs related to respiratory infection were high fever 38.9 %(7 patients), prulent secretion 16.7 %(12 patients) and infiltration seen on chest X-ray 33.3 %(6 patients). 3. The total number of types of bacteria isolated among the 18 subjects was 21 I gram negative 71.4 %, gram postive 28.6 %. The dominant bacteria type was Staphylococcus aureus(5 cases) for gram and Pse-udomonas aeruginosa(3 cases), Klebsiella (4 cases), Enterobacter(3 cases) for grame. The results of culture on 7th day after the first colonization, 6 cases showed same type of bacteria, 3cases showed different type of bacteria and 1 cases showed no growth. 4. The sensitivity tests to antibiotics showed that Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus were strongly resistant to most kinds of antibiotics, but Klebsiella and the rest of gram negative bacteria were moderately sensitive to antibiotics.

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Comparative Study
Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(1):26-33.   Published online March 31, 2017
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No abstract available.

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Original Articles
A Study into Pattern of Smoking Behavior of University Students
Moon Sil Kim, Ae Kyoung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):843-856.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to explore the subjective opinions related to of smoking behavior of university students with a history of smoking. The research period was from Feb, 1. 1996 to Sep. 10. 1997. The research method used was Q-methodology. The process of the research was as follows : 1. Collection of concourse : The statement of self-reference was derived from fact to face interviews with 50 university students. Statement were categorized by researcher according to semantics. 2. Extraction of Q-sample 38 of the self-reference statements from the 32 categories of the Q-population were selected. 3. Selection of P-sample : 30 of university students were selected by consideration of diversity in sociodemographic background. 4. Based on a 1 to 9 point scale, the selected university students were made to participate in Q-sorting. 5. Analysis of Q-type was obtained by use of the QUANAL program. The results of this study revealed as follows : There are three types of smoking behavior of Korean university students. 1. The first type focused on the right of the individual to smoke and the lack of recognition of smoking behavior as a health hazard. 2. The second type cared about smoking behavior as a hazard to health. 3. The third type was habitual smoker. They are bored and smoke habitually. It is suggested that the results of this study may contribute to the development of strategies for the purpose of decreasing the incidence of smoking of university students.

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The Three Dimensions of Eating Behavior: Development of scale for assessing cognitive restraint of eating disinhibition, and hunger
Moon Sil Kim, Sook Young Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(2):377-388.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was done to develop a eating behavior scale for high school girls using Stunkard and Messick(1985)'s three factors(dietary restraint, disinhibition, hunger) as a conceptual framework and to test the validity and reliability of the scale. The subjects were 202 high school girls. The convenience sample is consist of 96 normal weight and 106 obese girls. Data were collected between October 28 and November 25 in 1996 and analyzed using the SPSS package. The new 32-item scale measuring these factors is presented. 1. Three stable factors emerged and these contributed 45.7% of the variance in the total score. All 32 items loaded above .35 on each factor. 2. Factor 1 was named disinhibition(14 items), factor 2 was named cognitive restraint of eating(10 items), factor 3 was named hunger(8 items). Comparison of factor I, factor II, factor III between normal subjects and obese subjects showed that there was a significant difference in factor II and III, not in factor I. 3. Cronbach's alpha coefficient for internal consistency was .9393 for total 32 items and .8820, .8652, .8490 for three dimensions of eating behavior in high school girls. Recommendations are suggested below : 1. Replication study with appropriate age groups be done to test validity and reliability. 2. The present developed scale must be a reliable measure of eating behavior and should have utility in further study on how effective nursing interventions related to different kind of groups such as disinhibition group and cognitive restraint of eating group. 3. To extend validity of the scale, further study is needs using more larger subjects which is consists of dieters and free eaters.

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The Study of Smoking Behavior in College Women: A Grounded Theory Approach
Moon Sil Kim, Ae Kyoung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(2):315-328.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to explore the process of smoking behavior of college women with a history of smoking. The subject were 48 female students selected by theoretical sampling from a women's university in Korea. The data were collected by in-depth interviews using audiotape recordings done over a period of seven months. The data were analyzed simultaneously by a constant comparative method in which new data were continuously coded in to categories and properties according to strauss and corbin's methodology. Analysis of the data resulted in identification of 15 categories representing 34 concepts. The results of this study were as follows : 1. Smoking in college women is caused by either curiosity or antagonism toward male smokers. 2. The meaning(phenomena) of smoking behavior in college women is justifiable or regretable. 3. Smoking occurs in connection with eating, during period of psychological conflict or as an habitual practice. 4. Smoking behavior is related to the perception of harmfulness to health, influence of others and the accessability of cigarettes. 5. College women experienced a change in their state of health, emotional relaxation, change in their social relationships. It is suggested that the results of this study may contribute to the development of strategies for the purpose of decreasing smoking behavior among female college students.

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Development of a Role Conflict Scale for Clinical Nurses
Moon Sil Kim, Sang Yeun Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(4):741-750.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop a role conflict scale for nurses in hospitals. The process of study was as follows. The first step was the study of selected literature on role conflict in general and to translate into Korean language the role conflict and ambiguity scale developed by House. From this process, a scale for role conflict inventory -general was made by consulting with two professors majored in educational evaluation and one professor who is an authory on educational administration. In the second step, 24 clinical nurses were asked to describe the situations having job-related role conflict. In the third step, the role conflict inventory-specific was derived from the role conflict inventory-general, and data selected from the step two. The confidence and clarity of this role conflict inventory-specific was strengthed by consulting one clinical psychologist, two professors of nursing college and ten doctoral students of nursing. With this tool being tested, the results are summarized as follows. 1. Reliability Internal consistency reliability was tested by cronbach alpha, corrected item total correlation and correlation matrix. The cronbach alpha level was .94 and one item among 37 items was below .35 and the rest items were .42 above in the corrected item total correlation. There was no negative correlation in the correlation matrix. 2. Construct validity. In the construct validity test, four factors have an eigen value 1.0 over. Factor 1 represented role ambiguity, composed of 15 items with .90 reliability level. Factor 2 represented deficiency of ability and skill, composed of 11 items with .90 of reliability level. Factor 3 represented working environment, composed of 6 items with .85 of reliability level. Final factor represented deficiency of job-related collaboration, composed of 5 items with .69 reliabilty level. These results contribute to measuring the level of role conflict for nurses, and to the managment of the nurses' role conflict.

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A Relation Study on Burden, Health promotion Behavior and Health Status of the Family Caregiver of Intensive Care Unit Patient
Eun Sil Kim, Jeong Sook Park, Chung Ja Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(5):654-664.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the burden, health promotion behavior and health status and to describe the relationship of the burden, health promotion behavior and health status of the family caregivers of intensive care unit patients. METHOD: The subjects were 48 family caregivers of ICU patients in a University Hospital. Data were collected between June, 1 and July, 31, 2000 using structured questionnaires. Research tools used were Suh and Oh's Burden Scale, Revised Walker, Sechrist, and Pender's HPLP(1987) ; Revised Nam's Health State Scale(1965). RESULT: The mean score of burden of family caregiver was 3.01(full score was 5). The mean score of health promotion behavior of family caregiver was 2.52 (full score was 4). And the mean score of health status of family caregiver was 0.68(full score was 1.00). The score of psychological health state was a little higher than the physiological one. In correlational analysis, the burden and the health status of caregivers were reversely correlated . The correlation between the burden and the health promotion behavior, and the health behavior and health status were not significant. CONCLUSION: The more burden caregivers of ICU patients felt, the worse their health status. So nurses need to understand the family caregiver's burden and apply nursing care that can reduce burden, in order to improve the health status of family caregivers.

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Gender Difference in Delinquent Behavior among Korean Adolescents
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):492-505.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This paper examined gender differences in a rate, type, relevant variables of delinquent behavior, and a gender differences regarding the relative influence of family,personality, academic achievement, sexual abuse and alcohol drug abuse on delinquent behavior among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected by self-report questionnaires. Subjects consisted of 2,100 adolescents (male 1,396, female 704) in Korea, using proportional stratified random sampling method. Statistical methods were Chi-square, t-test and path analysis. RESULT: Male adolescents had higher rate of delinquent behavior, and more all types of delinquent behavior (antisocial, aggressive, and psychopathic) than female. Male adolescents showed more dysfunctional family dynamic environments, higher antisocial personality and sociability than female adolescents. Female adolescents had higher depressive tendencies than male. The most powerful contributing variables on male delinquent behavior were age, antisocial personality, parent-child relationship, isolation feelings, and sexual abuse in this order named. Drug abuse, isolation feelings, antisocial personality and parent-child relationship tended to be contributing variables for female delinquent behaviors in this order named. CONCLUSION: This investigation will provides a foundation for theory that addresses the complexities of both gender-specific and gender influences on delinquent behavior and development of preventive strategies for female delinquency.

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Correlation between Personality, Family Dynamic Environment and Suicidal attempt among Korean Adolescents Population
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(2):231-242.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to identify the rate of suicidal attempts, investigate difference of rate of suicidal attempts between students and delinquents, and examine correlation between personality, family dynamics, environment, and suicidal attempts among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected through questionnaire surveys. Internal consistencies for this questionnaire ranged from 0.63 to 0.88. The subject used in this study consisted of 922(delinquent : 367, student : 555), using the proportional stratified random sampling method. Statistical methods employed were Chi-square and t-test. RESULTS: 1) The rate of suicidal attempts were 10.8%, and the highest peak age of suicidal attempt was 17-18 year old (16.9%).2) Delinquents(19.6%) showed a higher rate of suicidal attempts than students (5.1%). Among the students, girls (43.3%) showed a higher rate of suicidal attempt than boys (19.1%). Whereas, boys (80.9%) showed a higher rate of suicidal attempt than girls (56.7%) among delinquents.3) Those who attempt suicide have more familial problem such as incest, psychosis, depression, attempted suicide, committed suicide, and alcoholism in their family. They also have more dysfunctional family dynamics, environment, and maladaptive personalities than non-attempters. CONCLUSIONS: Suicide and suicidal behaviors are multifaceted events. For suicide prevention, independent assessments of variables such as familial problems, personality, family dynamics, and environment must be considered.

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The Influence of a Family Dynamic Environment, Personality, and Smoking on Delinquent Behavior Among Korean Adolescents
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(4):641-655.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the important factors on juvenile delinquency and to examine relationships between sex, age, the family environment, the personality of adolescents, smoking, and juvenile delinquency.
Data collection was done through questionnaire surveys. The subjects for this study consisted of 1,948 adolescents delinquents : 784, students : 1,164 in Korea, using proportional stratified random sampling method. Statistical methods employed were chi-square, t-test and path analysis. Results: The results of this study were as follows : 1. The delinquent adolescents were reared in a more dysfunctional family environment, and had a higher maladaptive personality than the other student adolescents. 2. The delinquent adolescents showed the larger amount of smoking than the student adolescents. The cause of increased smoking tendency among delinquents simply were 'for social relation', 'for diversion', 'for nicotine addiction', whereas 'for tension relieving' among non-delinquent adolescents. 3. The most powerful contributors on delinquent behavior were antisocial personality tendencies, smoking, sex, strength of parent- child relationships, and the age of the adolescents in this order.
Our cross-sectional findings indicate that smoking was one of the most powerful contributing variables to delinquent behavior, but family environment, personality, sex and age of adolescents were also proved to be strong exogenous variables to smoking in adolescents.

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A Study for a Curriculum for the Oriental Clinical Nurse Specialist Program
Hyang Yeon Lee, Kwuy Bun Kim, Kyoul Ja Cho, Hye Sook Shin, Kwang Joo Kim, Myoung Ja Wang, Sook Young Kim, Jeong Ah Kim, Hyun Sil Kim, Kyung Min Park, Ok Hee Ahn, Mi Jung Oh, Kang Yi Lee, Hye Sook Jang, Eun Young Jeon, Young Hae Chung, Seon Hee Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(6):1467-1478.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop a curriculum for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program based on the understanding of Korean human beings so as to develop nursing as a profession and promote the client's health. The design of this study was based on literature review and nominal group study. The research was managed by East-West Nursing Research Institute of nursing science college at Kyung Hee University. The research team was composed of 17 professors of nursing departments of oriental medical colleges. We obtained opinions from Oriental Nurses Association, Oriental Nursing Research Association, and professors in oriental medical college. We reviewed articles, curriculums of other clinical nurse specialist programs, medical laws and the curriculum development plan for the oriental clinical nurse specialist program from Korean Nurses Association. We discussed a curriculum thoroughly in numerous meetings. We developed a following curriculum: 1. Educational philosophy was founded on the oriental human view which was based on Chun-In union theory. It was founded on the oriental health view which recognized health being in harmony with nature and the balance of body function with the harmony of Yin-Yang in the five elements. In addition, it was founded on oriental nursing view to promote these health states. 2. Educational goals were to train oriental clinical nurse specialists, oriental nursing educators and oriental nursing researchers who developed knowledge of oriental nursing theory, nursing practice and created a leadership. 3. Curriculum consisted of 48 credits, of which 36 credits are based on lectures and laboratory classes and 12 credits are based on clinical practice. 36 credits consisted of 5 general subject credits and 31 core subject credits. General subjects consisted of nursing theory, nursing research, law and ethics. Students who had earned master's degrees are not required to take the general subjects. Core subjects consisted of 11 subjects such as advanced physical examination and laboratory, oriental nursing theory, original text of oriental nursing, oriental medical nursing, oriental pediatric nursing, oriental gynecologic nursing, oriental gerontologic nursing, oriental pharmacology, oriental constitutional nursing, advanced nursing of channels and acupuncture points and laboratory and oriental rehabilitation nursing and laboratory. In addition, clinical practice in a hospital ward, out patient department, herb prepation room, department of physical therapy and health promotion center in oriental medical hospitals for 12 weeks. To admit this program, students should complete prerequisites of introduction to oriental nursing and nursing of channels and acupuncture points. 4. Course contents of each subjects were developed to include the course's goal and objectives and specific items. 5. Evaluation involved lecture, laboratory and in field practice. We applied various evaluation systems and methods that were based on both knowledge and skills of the students to ensure full credibility and validity.

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Comparison of the Costs of Care and Nursing Services for Terminally Ill Patients Receiving Home Hospice Care in Comparison to Institutional Care
Tae Wha Lee, Won Hee Lee, Myung Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):1045-1054.   Published online March 29, 2017
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As cost pressures have escalated, policy makers, politicians, health care providers and families have tried to devise ways to reduce health care costs. While originally developed to enhance patient control and to provide better care at the end of life, hospice care has recently received significant attention as a mean of reducing health care costs. As a program providing care for patients who are dying at their homes, hospice has expanded slowly since the opening of the first hospice in Korea in 1963. Therefore, a variety of services that responds to the needs and concerns of many dying people and their families is limited The purpose of this study was to determine the potential cost savings at the end of life among patients who used home hospice compared with the patients who received institutional care in Korea. This study used a retrospective, descriptive design. The sample for this study included 46 patients who died of lung cancer: 25 patients who received home hospice care and 21 patients who received institutional care. Data on patient characteristics, kinds and frequencies of provided treatment and nursing services, and hospice and hospital charges during the last month before death were collected. Cost of care was measured by the average cost per patient per day in the last month of life. The results of the study indicated that there were significant differences in average cost of care between home hospice sample and institutional care sample (t=9.956, p<.001; home hospice sample: M=18,102 won, institutional care sample: M=317,578 won). The cost of the home hospice sample was approximately 6% of the cost of institutional care. The majority of the home hospice nursing services were education (35.7%) and supportive counseling (25.2%), followed by medication management (13.6%), assessment (12.1%), basic nursing (7.2%), treatment (5.5%) and others. In institutional care sample, basic nursing and treatment were more emphasized than education or supportive counseling among the nursing services provided. The results of this study showed the potential for hospice to reduce costs and implications for policymakers and clinicians to incorporate hospice program into the formal health care delivery system in Korea.

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Structural Model Of Delinquent Behavior Influencing by Media Violence
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(1):148-159.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to test the theoretical model designed to explain juvenile delinquency by media violence. Data were collected through questionnaire survey over a period of 3 months. Subjects served for this study consisted of 537 adolescents including 217 delinquent adolescents and 320 student adolescents in Korea, sampled from Korean student population and delinquent adolescent population confined in juvenile correctional institutions, using proportional stratified random sampling method. In this study, exogeneous variable was family dynamic environment and endogeneous variables were character of adolescent including need satisfaction/ frustration, sociability, antisocial personality tendency, complaints of psychosomatic symptoms and depressive trend, juvenile delinquent behavior and media violence themes including the extent of interest in and exposure and modelling impulsiveness and modelling to media violence themes. A total of 18 instruments were used to operationalized concepts in this model. A validation study indicated that internal consistencies for the 18 instruments which the researcher used were reliable. The one month test-retest correlation for these instruments ranged from 0.54 to 0.88. Statistical methods employed were descriptive statistics and covariance structural modelling. In summarized conclusion, it was found that media violence served as the most contributor to juvenile delinquency by direct effect of 0.64(t=10.18). That is, as the adolescents have to be the higher extent of interest in and exposure and modelling impulsiveness and modelling to media violence themes, they will show the more frequency of delinquent behavior. The single most powerful contributor by total effect of 0.73(t=7.90) (direct effect=0.19, indirect effect=0.54) to the development of delinquent behavior identified in this study was a construct defining family dynamic environment. That is, as the adolescents had to be more unstable family dynamic environment, they became more frustrated to their psychological need, and revealed the more maladaptive personality pattern, consequently they behaved the higher misconducts such as juvenile delinquency through media violence.

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Correlation between alcohol use and juvenile criminal behavior patterns in Korea
Hyun Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1134-1146.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to examine the correlation between juvenile alcohol use and their criminal patterns. The data were collected through questionnaire surveys. Subjects serving for this study were 971 delinquent adolescents in Korea, sampled from 6 juvenile corrective institutions and 2 classification judging institutions, using a census method. Their age range was between 12 and 21. Data were analysed by IBM PC using SAS program. Statistical methods employed were Chi-square and frequency analysis. 1. Of 877 respondents, the number of adolescents committed criminal behaviors while the intoxicated were 230(26.2%), and 647(73.8%) were in a non-intoxicated state. 2. Adolescent under intoxication showed a higher rate of aggressive crimes and assault crimes, whereas adolescents under the non-influence of liquor tended to commit property crimes and Violations of criminal special law. Drunken under intoxication showed the higher rate of aggressive crimes and assault crimes, whereas adolescents under the non drunken state. Most crimes have happened without any tools in both group. 3. In comparison of the alcohol user and the non-user, most alcohol-related crimes among adolescents were committed at AM 0:00 to AM 4:00 during the weekend in the dark, cloudy, and stormy rainy day, while non-alcohol related crimes were at a afternoon of weekday in the clear day. The places that the criminal activities occurred were streets, amusement places such as disco-theque, fields and their own house among alcohol users, whereas victim's house, another person's house and restaurant were chosen among non-alcohol users. 4. The victims assaulted by juvenile offenders in both drunken and non-drunken state were mostly passer-by(65.4%), followed by their friends(25.1%). And the conditions of victims showed a significant differences between the drunken adolescents and the non-drunken adolescents. The victim's conditions assaulted by intoxicated delinquent adolescents were in quarreling or drunken state, whereas non-alcohol related crimes were directed against victims in a sleeping or irresistible state. 5. Almost over the half of delinquent adolescents perceived their delinquency as wrong behaviors, and alcohol non-user tended to more significantly perceive their criminal acts as wrong conducts. About the half of respondents answered that they committed their criminal acts in spite of having a very good judgement while doing crimes, the author did not found a significant difference between the two groups. The reasons given for crimes were manifested as follows: it can be seen that to get money for amusements'(30.4% of all motives) were most common. followed by to commit accidentally the offences'(23.8%). curiosity or heroism'(18.9%). alcohol related crimes tended to be accidental and impulsively without any clear planning, while non-alcohol related crimes tended to be purposeful, directed to make money, motivated by curiosity or a desire to live heroically. In Conclusions, the correlation between alcohol use and juvenile criminal behaviors has been examined in this study. Generally, alcohol use had been found to be highly correlated with aggressive assault crimes including robbery, burglary and rape etc.

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Subjectivity of Leadership Behavior for Nurse Manager in Hospital
Moon Sil Kim, Su Jeong Han, Jung A Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1072-1086.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study has been attempted using the Q methodology to clarify leader type of nurse managers that head nurses and general nurses recognize, and to clarify its relative relation. Sixty-three statements were extracted through interviews with general and professional people interested in the subject of nurse leaders to extract the Q population. Atotal of 314 Q population was formed added with 251 questions extracted from related documents. Final 32 Q samples were selected by reorganization of 314 Q population after reexamining statements through inquiry of 1 professor of the nurse department, 2 students in course of nurse science masters degree and 2 students in course of doctoral degree. The P sample selection standard of this study were 25 nurses and 30 head nurses. Examination subjects themselves filled out 32 statements classified in a measure of 9 points from agreeable items to disagreeable items, Principal component factors were analyzed using the QUANL pc program after grading the contents of the P sample. Nurses recognizing subjective structure for leader behaviors of nurse manager were analyzed to be 3 factors: vision presentation type, self-capability consideration type, relationship consideration type, and head nurses recognizing subjective structure were analyzed to be 2 types ; task pursuit leader type, and concord pursuit type. Nursing manager's leader behavior, expected by staff nurse are more complex and higher level which may combined with task pursuit leader type in concord pursuit leader of head nurse. Also according to Hersey and Blanchard theory(1977), the effectiveness of leadership becomes to be larger as the accordance rate between the behaviors of nurse leaders and followers reaction increase. Two suggestions have been made based on the conclusion. 1. Studies on creating strategies in relation to development, management, selection of nurse leaders should be made based on this study. 2. There is a need for relative study of production and degree of similarity of leadership types based on this study.

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Nursing Interventions Classification(NIC) Use in Korea: Oriental Medicine Hospitals and General Hospitals
Young Hee Yom, Sung Sil Kim, In Sook Kim, Won Sook Park, Eun Ju Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(4):802-816.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purposes of this research were to identify nursing interventions performed by Korean nurses and to compare the interventions performed by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals and with those performed by nurses working in the general hospitals. The samples consisted of 144 Korean nurses working in three hospitals, 70 nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals and 74 nurses working in the general hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Classification(NIC) Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was translated to Korean and verified using the method of back-translation. The questionnaire consists of 433 intervention labels and definition. Thirteen interventions were used at least daily by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals, while twenty-one interventions were used at least daily by nurses working in the general hospitals. the most frequently used interventions by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals were Documentation, shift Report vital signs Monitoring, Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Positioning, Fall Prevention, Exercise Promotion, Intravenous(IV) Therapy, Pressure Ulcer care, and Bed Rest Care in that crder. For nurses working in the general hospitals the most frequent intervention was Analgesic Administration, followed by the interventions of Medication Administration : Parenteral and Intravenous Therapy(IV) Therapy, Documentation, Intravenous(IV) Insertion, shift Report, Fall Prevention, vital Signs Monitoring, Medication Adnninistraction : and , fluid Monitoring, and Medication Management in that order. The interventions performed least often by nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals were Hemodialysis Therapy and Bleeding Reduction : Antepartum Uterus, while the interventions performed least often by nurses working in the general hospital were Rape Trauma Treatment and Contact Lens Care. The nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals performed the interventions in the Physiological : Complex domain significantly more often than the nurses working in the general hospitals, while the nurses working in the general hospitals performed the intervention in the Behavior domain significantly more often than the nurses working in the oriental medicine hospitals. This study suggests that further study will be needed to developed and validate more interventions sensitive to Korean culture.

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Development of an Education Program for Hospice Care and Its Performance
Boon Han Kim, Moon Sil Kim, Hung Kyu Kim, Tae Joon Jeong, Young Ran Tak, Hye Ryoung Kim, Mi Young Chon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):576-584.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop an education program for hospice care and to examine the effect of program. The education program for hospice care was developed based on the philosophy and principle of Hospice and integrated with various professional areas related to the problems with witch terminal patients and their family might be associated. The program was continued for 16 weeks and consisted of lectures and practices. The courses of this program were The Concept and Principle of Hospice, The Role of the Hospice Nurse, The Characteristics of Terminal Disease, Physical Care in Terminal Patients, Death Orientation, Psychological care for Terminal Patients, Spiritual care for Terminal Patients, and Care for the Family. To identify the effect of the education program for hospice care, the difference in death orientation of subjects between the pre and post performance of the education program was examined using the t-test. The finding of this statistic indicated that this education program for hospice care was effective in terms of changing the death orientation of subjects with positive direction. The education program for hospice care was performed several times at Kwangrim Hospice Missionary, Chungbuk University Hospital, and Wooam Church. Case studies were reported for a description after the performance of education. put this at the beginning 8 the sentence. In conclusion, the education program for hospice care was developed effectively. Therefore, this program should be used to educate and activate the subjects in community to be participants in hospice care.

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