The objectives of this study have been conducted to establish effective clinical teaching program to I.C.U in terms of proper assignment of the clients for the students, proper rotation schedule, priorities in critical nursing problems and selection of the teaching and learning. We have analyzed statistically 1,850 patients who have been admitted during a period from January 1977 to October 31 1979 in Ewha Woman's University Hospital, The results are as follows: 1. The proportion to the total inpatients number was 6.5% and mortality rate was 16.3%. 2. The average hospitalized days were 5.8 days in I.C.U and the total death was occured from 1st hospital day to 5th hospital day. So it shows a certain difficulties for clinical experiences of the senior students in I.C.U. 3. In the age of the death, 41.3% of the patients were in the 41-60 year age group. It shows highest mortality rate in socially active and productive age groups. 4. The mortality rates of the departments of the medicine was 18.7%, general surgery 18.5%, and neurosurgery 14.7%. 5. The number of patients admitted to the department of neurosystem was 30.6%, cardiovascular system 22.6%, respiratory system 11.1% and urinary system 2.9%. 6. On utilizing instruments and machine for diagnosis and client's assessment in I.C.U, they have utilized everything a usual. But they never utilize angiogram and cardiac catheterization in cardiovascular system, and retroperitoneal pneumography in the urologic system. Further more we would recommend as follows. 1. In consideration of the average hospital days and the date of death, the rotation program for clincal experience need to be adjusted as continuing practice program in apposite to current alternative practice program for comprehensive nursing care. 2. Socioeconomic needs for the patient's families and himself should be emphasized by the students in addition to physical needs. 3. Course content for critical care might be built up in considering of core disease centered nursing problems. 4. The diagnostic procedures and client's assessment items which could not experience in our university hospital by the students might be considered and refilled as filled trips to another hospital and visual aids.