Han-Thought is a philosophy unique to the native to Korean culture.
From the point of view of etymological analysis, the word "Han" means "Large", "High" or "Whole" Ancient Korean people planted their philosophical roots deep in what has come to be know an Han-Thought. The goal of this study was to explore "Han-Thought" for concepts and principles which may contribute to the building of Korean nursing philosophy, ethic, paradigm, theory and eventfully practice.
Ontologily, our ancient people attempted to learn what was most essential and meaningful in life Han-Thought embraces the thought of complete harmony with in wholeness.
Han encompasses everything in the universe.
A characteristic of Han-Thought is that all things relate each other in harmonic balance, not in conflict.
The harmonious balance of all things excludes both disruption and confrontation, marking all things into a large oneness.
Thus Han-Thought applied to Holism traditionally embraced by nursing philosophy.
The principles of Han-Thought emphasize the love of peace.
Extreme individualism and egoism are not allowed in Han-Thought.
The Han-Thought provide a humanistic and ethical foundation for nursing philosophy.
Han-Thought is a valuable philosophy for Korean nurses to explore toward the development of the discipline in Korea.