The purpose of this study is to help the care of patient and to his family through comparison of the level of anxiety which between the family of admitted patient and the family without in patient, and to his family through comparison of the level of anxiety which between the family of admitted patient and the family without inpatient and exclude the factors which raised the level of anxiety in them. The experimental group in this study were samples of 200 patient's family selected by random sampling in H. University hospital located in Seoul (Department of patient were internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics and neuropsychiatry). The control group were samples of 70 family without inpatient selected by random sampling in Seoul. The data were collected through STAI (State-Trait Anxiety Inventory) by Spielberger (1970) for measurement to level of state and trait anxiety from April 1st to April 15th in 1982. The contents of data analysis by EDPS included the difference of level of anxiety between experimental and control group, correlationship between general characteristics of experimental group and level of anxiety, and correlation of trait and state anxiety in experimental group. The Findings of this study were as follows: 1) Level of anxiety of experimental group is higher than control group. 2) In the correlation between general characteristics and level of anxiety of experimental group, there were no significant difference which revealed in correlation with age of family member, family life cycle, marital status, the relation between patient and family member, the degree of symptom, number of admission, admission or nonadmission of medical insurance, number of family member, and division of disease to level of anxiety. However, according to the sex of family member, hospitallzation period, a monthly income of family, the degree of confidence toward medical team, religion of family, academic background of family, a tendency of significant
differences to level of anxiety were seen. To put them in the concrete, they were as follow; a) Level of anxiety on female family member is higher than male in experimental group. fa) Admission period of patient is positively related to the level of anxiety of patient's family. c) The degree of confidence of patient's family toward medical team is in inverse proportion to the level of anxiety. d) A monthly income of patient's famly is in inverse proportion to the level of anxiety. e) Level of anxiety of believer in patient's family is lower than unbeliever, f) The academical background of patient's family is in inverse proportion to the level of anxiety. g) Level of state anxiety of patient's family at the time of admission is positively related to the evel of trait anxiety.