Every patient, who enters the hospital has a potential for becoming anxious. The control of hospitalization anxiety experienced by hospital patients is considered to be an important factor in the process of recovery from illness. This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between informativeness and hospitalization anxiety in order to give basic data for psycho-social aspect of nursing care for hospitalized patients. One hundred patients admitted to Kyungpook National University Hospital during theper-iod of Jan. to June 1075 were sampled and divided into two groups: fifty of experimental and fifty of control group. The set of informations prepared by the investigator were given additionally to experimental group while the control group only received routine infor rmations. Both groups were rated according to the Hospitalization Informativeness Scale which consisted of 24 questionairs and 4 categories and Hospitalization Anxiety Scale one or two days prior to discharge from the hospital. The results of the study were as follows; 1. Mean values of Hospitalization Informativeness Scale revealed significant differences at 0.01 level with experimental group showing higher mean value. Age, sex and educational states did not influence the mean values of Hospialization Informativeness Scale in both groups. 2. The length of hospitalization did not influence significantly on the mean value of Hospitalization Informativenese Scale in both groups. 3. Rank difference correlation coefficiency between mean value of Hospitalization Inform a-tiveness Scale and the importance of information the patient's perceived were revealed significant at 0.01 level in all 4 categories such as admission discharge, treatment and nursing activities, diagnostic test, diagnosis and prognosis, health teaching for the patient and family in experimental group. While, only two categories such as treatment and nursing activities and health teaching for the patient and family in control group were re-avealed significant correlation. 4. Mean value of Hospitalization Anxiety Scale revealed siginficant rifference at 0.05 level with the experimental group showing lower Hospitalization Anxiety Scale. 5. Correlation coefficiency between Hospitalization Informativeness Scale and Hospitalization Anxiety Scale were revealed significant at 0.01 level in experimental group but there was no siginficant correlation in control group.
Suicides have been considered to be one of the grave problems of modern societies. According to recent police statistics of Republic of Korea, 28.6 suicides in every 100,000 were reported. Psychiatric patients are believed to be predisposed to suicidal tendencies. This study was performed to investigate the characteristics of suicidal attempts and to analyse the environmental factors involved in the suicidal accidents of patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals. Records of 66 suicidal accidents from three psychiatric hospitals during the period of January 1971 through June 1976 were sampled. Data were analysed by perceritile score. Results are as follows; 1. The age group of 21~30yrs. was revealed to be the highest in frequency of suicidal attempts (50.0%) Among the succesful suicides; the age group of 3l~40 yrs. in men and the age group of 21 -30 yrs. in women revealed to be the highest in frequency, Among the unsuccesful suicides; the age group of 21-30yrs. in both sex revealed to be the highest in frequency. 2. Suicidal accidentsoecurred more frequently to the unmarried(63. 6%). Among the succesful suicides; higher frequency was shown ro unmarried in men and the frequency is contrasted in women. Among the unsuccessful; the unmarried in both sex were revealed to be highest in frequency. 3. Schizophrenia was revealed the highest of suicidal attempts in frequency (81. 8%). 4. Suicides were most frequently attempted in the spring(46. 9%). Among the successful suicides; highest frequencies were shown in men in the winter and in women in the summer sesaon. Among the unsuccessful suicides; highest frequencies were shown in men in the winter and in women in the spring. 5. Suicidal attempts were most frequently occurred in hospital wards (40.9%). In women, unsussesful attempts were found to be the highest on authorized leave at their home. 6. The hanging was revealed to be the most frequently adopted methods for suicidal atte mpts (31. 8%). Among the successful suicides;hanging was the most frequent method adopted in men while in women the drug over-dose. Among the unsuccessful suicides; stabbing by sharp devices while in women drug-overdosage was adopted as well.
Professional School of Nursing One hundred and fifty seven cesarean sectioned patients among 2010 deliveries, were reviewed with the following clinical charts from January, 1973 to December, 1974 at Taegu Presby -terian medical Center. The results are as follows; 1) The section rate was 7.8% 2) In age distribution, the most frequent age was 26~30ys and it's rate was 37%, and others were as follows; 31~35ys 24.2%,21~25ys 21%,36~40vs 10. 8%,41~45vs 7% respectively. 3) In indication, the cephalopelvic disproportion was the most prevalent and it's rate was 29. 3%, and others were as follows; malpresentation 14% previous cesarean section 10.8% uterine dysfunction 9.6%, toxemia 4%,elderly primigravida 4%, fetal distress 2.5% post maturity 3.2%, wanted cesarean section 1.9%, pelvic deformity 1.2% twin 1.9%,abrup- tio placenta 1.2%, Vaginal stricture 1.2%, and others 2.5%. 4) In type of operation, lower cervical transverse type was 82.1%, classical type 17%, and cesarean hysterectomy was 0.9% respectively. 5) General Anesthesia was major type and it's rate was 63%, and spinal anesthesia 17.2%, epidural anesthesia 14% and other combined type was 5.8%. 6) Perinatal mortality was 11.4%. 7) There was no maternal death. 8) Among the cesarean section complications, wound infection was 8.4%, headache 4.4%, urinary tract infection 1. 2% and one case in endometritis. 9) In combined surgery, tubal ligation was 31.2%, appendectomy 7.6%,posterior repair 1.2 %, salpingoop- horectomy 1.9%, and one case in resection of uterine septum. 10) Cesarean section was performed 61.3% in multipara and 38.2% in primipara. 11) 47(30%) had received artificial abortions. 12) 28(17.8%) had previously experienced cesarean section.
The purpose of this study was to measure the extent of stress exsisting in hospitalized patients which might play an important part in delaying recovery of patients. The study was conducted July 10th through 16th, 1975; a total of 146 patients from 2 general hospitals in Seoul were sampled. Questionaire, formulated by the researcher, were used to gather necessary information concerning stress in accordance with the physical, psychological, economical and social variables. Data were analysed by mean stress score, and the significances were tested by Critical Ratio. The results were as follows; 1. No significant difference was revealed in accordance with sex, however, male patients showed higher stress scores on the economic variables. 2. No significant difference was apparent in accordance with marital tatus, however, the unmarried showed a tendency of higher stress scores at all variables. 3. Significant difference was revealed between the age group of 35-49 years and that of over 50 years; the age gruup of 18-34, and 35~49 years showed higher stress scores. 4 . No significant difference was revealed in accordance with previous experience of hospitari-zation, however, the group with previous experience tends to show higher stress scores in all varibles. 5. No significant difference was revealed in accordance with the types of admission, however, group admitted on emergency showed higher stress scores compared to the group abmitted planned in advance at social and economic variables. 6. No significant difference was revealed in accordance with the length of hospitalization,howe-ver, tendencies were apparent that the longer the length of hospitalization, the lower the mean stress scores.
This study was conducted to find the shortest optimum time for taking oral temperature and axillary temperature, which does not affect reliability of body temperature. For this purpose, first, the time at which all the samples are reaching maximum temperature is identified. Second, the mean maximum temperature is compared with the mean temperature of each co-nsecutive measurement by T-test, to find the time at which no significant changes in temperature occurs along time sequence. Third, optimum temperatures are set at points of - 0. 2degrees F, - 0. 4 degrees F, - 0. 6degrees F, -0. 8 degrees F, -1.0degrees F, -1.2degrees F, -1.4degrees F, from maximum temperature. A point of time at which 90% of samples reach at optimum temperature is identified and definded as opti mum time. The study sample, a total of 164 cases were devided into two groups according to their measured body temperature. The group with body temperature below 37degrees C (A group) and above 37degrees1'C (B group) were compared on the time required to reach maximum temperature and optimum temperature. The results are as follow. 1 . The time required for total sample to reach maximum temperature was 13 minutes inboth groups by oral method, 15 minutes in A group and 13 minutes in B group by axilkry method. Time required for 90 % of cases reach maximum temperature by oral method was 10 minutes in both group. By axilkry method, 12 minutes in A group. (Ref: table 2) 2. Statistical analysis by means of T-test, the time whiph does not show a significant change by oral method were 12 minutes in A group and 11 minutes in B group, and by axillary method 14 minutes in A group and 11 minutes in B group. (Ref; table 5, 6.) 3. Where optimum temperature was definded as maximum temperature minus 0.2degrees F, optimum time was found 8 minutes in both groups by oral method, and 11 minutes in A group and 9 minutes in B group by axillary method. 4 . Where optimum temperature was definded as maximum temperature minus 0.4 degrees F, optimum time was found 7 minutes in A group and 6 minutes in B group by oral method, and 9 minutes in A group and 7 minutes in B group by axilkry method. 5. Where optimum temperature was definded as maximum temperature minus 0. 8degrees F, optimum time was found 6 minutes in A group and 6 minutes in B group by axilkry method. (Ref: table 7. 8, 9, 10) 6. The commonly practiced temperature taking time, 3 minutes in oral method and 5 minutes in axfllary method con be accepted as pertinent when physiological variation of body temperature at the mean level of -1.2degrees F, is accepted. 7 . The difference in time required to resister maximum temperature was compared between the group with body temperature below 37degreesC and above 37degrees 1 C, and found no significant difference in oral method and 1- 4 minute difference in axillary method with shorter time requirement in feverish group.
A purpose of this study was to compare the breast massage and manual expression of the breast before engorgement after delivery with the time of engorgement, the throbbing pain in breast, the first amount of breast milk and involution of the uterus. The subjects selected for this study were 138 women (experimental group;69, control group ;69) who were admitted to the Dept. of Obstet. and Gyneco. of Kyung Hee University Hospital from Jan. 5 to June 5 , 1975. The results of study were as follows; 1 . The average age of the women 26. 9 years old in the expermental group and 27. 6 years old in the control group. As to religion, the number of those who had no religion was 58.0 percent and 62.4 percent respectively. Classified according to occupation, there were 87.0 percent in house wives of the boths group. Educational background; 87.0 percent of high school graduates or above, 78.3 percent respectively. The occupation of husband 53.7 percent of company employees stood highest and 42.0 percent respectively. In according to the grade of wards, 55.1 percent and 52.2 percent of four-men room stood highest. 2. Physical condition:Body weight before this pregnancy(T=0.4962, N. S.), the size of breast (X2df2= 0.1728, N. S.), the shape of nipple(X2df 3 =1.3804, N. S.), hemoglobin's level of the first day after de livery (T=1.2572, N. S.), the above were showed non significant between the experimental group pnd control group The investigator found any difference between the two groups of the health condition during the pregnancy. 3 . The rate of no experience of breast massage during pregnancy was 85 percent and 75.4 percent (X2dfl=2. 2562, N. S.). 4. As to the meal during hospitalization after delivery; The boths of the groups in ordinary food took usually of meeyok soup and milk(X2df8=2. 5957, N. S.). 5 . The relation between the first step of breast massage, second step of the manual expression of breast before engorgement after delivery and time of engorgement: average time of engorgement in the experimental group (2.1 days+/-0.8) was shortened than the control group (3.3 days +- 1.2). (T=-6.9045, P<0.005). It took less time in the experimental group of primipara (2. 2days+/-0. 7) than in the control group (3. ldays+/-l. 2) and it also took less time in the experimental group of multipara (2.0 days+/-0.9) than in the control group (3. 5days+/-l. 4). (Primipara T=-3.9266, 0< 0.005. Mu-ltipara T=5.2356, P<D. 005). 6 . The relationship between the first step of the massage and second step of manual expre-ssion and the throbbing pain at the time of engorgement: The experimental group showed less effect than control group (X2df4=27. 3342, p<0. 005), The separate study of primipara and multi-para showed remarkable difference in the group of primipara) X2df4=20. 7285, p< 0. 005) and little difference in the multipara group(X2df4 =8.8351, p< 0. 10). 7 . The relationship between the first step of the breast massage, second stop of the manual expression and first amount of breast milk:The average amount of breast milk increased more conspicuously in the experimental group (33. 8ml+/-23. 4) than in the control(29. 8ml+/-25. 3) (T= 0.8262, N. S. ). No remarkable difference was found in the respective groups thai investigated in the groups of primipara arid of multipara. (Primipara T= 1.1467, N. S., Multipara T=-0. 0354, N. S.). 8. The relationship between the first step of breast massage and second step of manual expression of breast and involution of uterus: Average time needed for uterine involution was sooner in the experimuntal group of primipasa (- 3.3 F. B. +/-1.1), than the control group of primipara (-2. 5F. B. +/-1.2), and it was sooner in the experimental group of muitipara (-3. 0 F. B. +/-1.3), than the control group of multipara (-2. 3 F. B. +/-0.9). Primipara T=- 2.9272, p<0.005, Multipara T=2. 5557, p< 0. 01).
Chun Chon Professional School of Nursing This study was conducted to find out status of delivery environments, defivery attendants, and various immunization practices towards 513 babies who were born during the period, from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1974, in Dongnae Area, Shiridong Myon, Chunseong Gun, Ganwon Do. The results and findings obtained from the study are summarized as follows: 1. Of all deliveries, 10.7% of the babies were reported born at the hospitals. 2. Deliveries atteneded by qualified professionals such as, doctors, midwives or public health nurses, were 22. 2% of the total deliveries. Those who delivered alone without having anyone's assistants were as much as 9. 7%. The percentage of the deliveries attened by the professional groups were increased year by year among the younger group mothers with the babies brith order being first or second place. 3. Sewing scissors were most frequently used as a tool for cutting the umbilical cord, indicating 87.5% in this area. Sterilized tools were used among 50.3% of the women. 4. The usage af vinyl sheet and cement bag paper were frequently used as a delivery sheet, indicating 32.3%. Delivery set which was distributed by the health center was used 18 .0%. (excluded the deliveries attended by professional attendants) 5. Immunization practices for the infant were observed as relatively high rate; 92.8% of the infant received D. P. T., 81.3% received against poliomyelitis, 52.8% for small pox, 78 . 9% with B. C. G., and 18. 5%against measles. The percentage af babies compelted 3 times shot for D. P. T. and 2 times shot for poliomyelitis vaccine turned out be to 67.8% and 87. 5%, respectively.