A purpose of this study was to compare the breast massage and manual expression of the breast before engorgement after delivery with the time of engorgement, the throbbing pain in breast, the first amount of breast milk and involution of the uterus. The subjects selected for this study were 138 women (experimental group;69, control group ;69) who were admitted to the Dept. of Obstet. and Gyneco. of Kyung Hee University Hospital from Jan. 5 to June 5 , 1975. The results of study were as follows; 1 . The average age of the women 26. 9 years old in the expermental group and 27. 6 years old in the control group. As to religion, the number of those who had no religion was 58.0 percent and 62.4 percent respectively. Classified according to occupation, there were 87.0 percent in house wives of the boths group. Educational background; 87.0 percent of high school graduates or above, 78.3 percent respectively. The occupation of husband 53.7 percent of company employees stood highest and 42.0 percent respectively. In according to the grade of wards, 55.1 percent and 52.2 percent of four-men room stood highest. 2. Physical condition:Body weight before this pregnancy(T=0.4962, N. S.), the size of breast (X2df2= 0.1728, N. S.), the shape of nipple(X2df 3 =1.3804, N. S.), hemoglobin's level of the first day after de livery (T=1.2572, N. S.), the above were showed non significant between the experimental group pnd control group The investigator found any difference between the two groups of the health condition during the pregnancy. 3 . The rate of no experience of breast massage during pregnancy was 85 percent and 75.4 percent (X2dfl=2. 2562, N. S.). 4. As to the meal during hospitalization after delivery; The boths of the groups in ordinary food took usually of meeyok soup and milk(X2df8=2. 5957, N. S.). 5 . The relation between the first step of breast massage, second step of the manual expression of breast before engorgement after delivery and time of engorgement: average time of engorgement in the experimental group (2.1 days+/-0.8) was shortened than the control group (3.3 days +- 1.2). (T=-6.9045, P<0.005). It took less time in the experimental group of primipara (2. 2days+/-0. 7) than in the control group (3. ldays+/-l. 2) and it also took less time in the experimental group of multipara (2.0 days+/-0.9) than in the control group (3. 5days+/-l. 4). (Primipara T=-3.9266, 0< 0.005. Mu-ltipara T=5.2356, P<D. 005). 6 . The relationship between the first step of the massage and second step of manual expre-ssion and the throbbing pain at the time of engorgement: The experimental group showed less effect than control group (X2df4=27. 3342, p<0. 005), The separate study of primipara and multi-para showed remarkable difference in the group of primipara) X2df4=20. 7285, p< 0. 005) and little difference in the multipara group(X2df4 =8.8351, p< 0. 10). 7 . The relationship between the first step of the breast massage, second stop of the manual expression and first amount of breast milk:The average amount of breast milk increased more conspicuously in the experimental group (33. 8ml+/-23. 4) than in the control(29. 8ml+/-25. 3) (T= 0.8262, N. S. ). No remarkable difference was found in the respective groups thai investigated in the groups of primipara arid of multipara. (Primipara T= 1.1467, N. S., Multipara T=-0. 0354, N. S.). 8. The relationship between the first step of breast massage and second step of manual expression of breast and involution of uterus: Average time needed for uterine involution was sooner in the experimuntal group of primipasa (- 3.3 F. B. +/-1.1), than the control group of primipara (-2. 5F. B. +/-1.2), and it was sooner in the experimental group of muitipara (-3. 0 F. B. +/-1.3), than the control group of multipara (-2. 3 F. B. +/-0.9). Primipara T=- 2.9272, p<0.005, Multipara T=2. 5557, p< 0. 01).