Chun Chon Professional School of Nursing This study was conducted to find out status of delivery environments, defivery attendants, and various immunization practices towards 513 babies who were born during the period, from January 1, 1972 to December 31, 1974, in Dongnae Area, Shiridong Myon, Chunseong Gun, Ganwon Do. The results and findings obtained from the study are summarized as follows: 1. Of all deliveries, 10.7% of the babies were reported born at the hospitals. 2. Deliveries atteneded by qualified professionals such as, doctors, midwives or public health nurses, were 22. 2% of the total deliveries. Those who delivered alone without having anyone's assistants were as much as 9. 7%. The percentage of the deliveries attened by the professional groups were increased year by year among the younger group mothers with the babies brith order being first or second place. 3. Sewing scissors were most frequently used as a tool for cutting the umbilical cord, indicating 87.5% in this area. Sterilized tools were used among 50.3% of the women. 4. The usage af vinyl sheet and cement bag paper were frequently used as a delivery sheet, indicating 32.3%. Delivery set which was distributed by the health center was used 18 .0%. (excluded the deliveries attended by professional attendants) 5. Immunization practices for the infant were observed as relatively high rate; 92.8% of the infant received D. P. T., 81.3% received against poliomyelitis, 52.8% for small pox, 78 . 9% with B. C. G., and 18. 5%against measles. The percentage af babies compelted 3 times shot for D. P. T. and 2 times shot for poliomyelitis vaccine turned out be to 67.8% and 87. 5%, respectively.