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Original Article
An Experimental Study on the Shortest optimum time for Body Temperature measurement
Yeo Shin Hong, Sun Ok Lee
The Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1975;5(2):38-50.
Published online: April 3, 2017

Department of Nursing, Seoul National Unversity, Korea.

Department to Nursing, Chosun University, Korea.

Copyright © 1975 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • This study was conducted to find the shortest optimum time for taking oral temperature and axillary temperature, which does not affect reliability of body temperature. For this purpose, first, the time at which all the samples are reaching maximum temperature is identified. Second, the mean maximum temperature is compared with the mean temperature of each co-nsecutive measurement by T-test, to find the time at which no significant changes in temperature occurs along time sequence. Third, optimum temperatures are set at points of - 0. 2degrees F, - 0. 4 degrees F, - 0. 6degrees F, -0. 8 degrees F, -1.0degrees F, -1.2degrees F, -1.4degrees F, from maximum temperature. A point of time at which 90% of samples reach at optimum temperature is identified and definded as opti mum time. The study sample, a total of 164 cases were devided into two groups according to their measured body temperature. The group with body temperature below 37degrees C (A group) and above 37degrees1'C (B group) were compared on the time required to reach maximum temperature and optimum temperature. The results are as follow. 1 . The time required for total sample to reach maximum temperature was 13 minutes inboth groups by oral method, 15 minutes in A group and 13 minutes in B group by axilkry method. Time required for 90 % of cases reach maximum temperature by oral method was 10 minutes in both group. By axilkry method, 12 minutes in A group. (Ref: table 2) 2. Statistical analysis by means of T-test, the time whiph does not show a significant change by oral method were 12 minutes in A group and 11 minutes in B group, and by axillary method 14 minutes in A group and 11 minutes in B group. (Ref; table 5, 6.) 3. Where optimum temperature was definded as maximum temperature minus 0.2degrees F, optimum time was found 8 minutes in both groups by oral method, and 11 minutes in A group and 9 minutes in B group by axillary method. 4 . Where optimum temperature was definded as maximum temperature minus 0.4 degrees F, optimum time was found 7 minutes in A group and 6 minutes in B group by oral method, and 9 minutes in A group and 7 minutes in B group by axilkry method. 5. Where optimum temperature was definded as maximum temperature minus 0. 8degrees F, optimum time was found 6 minutes in A group and 6 minutes in B group by axilkry method. (Ref: table 7. 8, 9, 10) 6. The commonly practiced temperature taking time, 3 minutes in oral method and 5 minutes in axfllary method con be accepted as pertinent when physiological variation of body temperature at the mean level of -1.2degrees F, is accepted. 7 . The difference in time required to resister maximum temperature was compared between the group with body temperature below 37degreesC and above 37degrees 1 C, and found no significant difference in oral method and 1- 4 minute difference in axillary method with shorter time requirement in feverish group.

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        An Experimental Study on the Shortest optimum time for Body Temperature measurement
        Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 1975;5(2):38-50.   Published online April 3, 2017
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      An Experimental Study on the Shortest optimum time for Body Temperature measurement
      An Experimental Study on the Shortest optimum time for Body Temperature measurement

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