Suicides have been considered to be one of the grave problems of modern societies. According to recent police statistics of Republic of Korea, 28.6 suicides in every 100,000 were reported. Psychiatric patients are believed to be predisposed to suicidal tendencies. This study was performed to investigate the characteristics of suicidal attempts and to analyse the environmental factors involved in the suicidal accidents of patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals. Records of 66 suicidal accidents from three psychiatric hospitals during the period of January 1971 through June 1976 were sampled. Data were analysed by perceritile score. Results are as follows; 1. The age group of 21~30yrs. was revealed to be the highest in frequency of suicidal attempts (50.0%) Among the succesful suicides; the age group of 3l~40 yrs. in men and the age group of 21 -30 yrs. in women revealed to be the highest in frequency, Among the unsuccesful suicides; the age group of 21-30yrs. in both sex revealed to be the highest in frequency. 2. Suicidal accidentsoecurred more frequently to the unmarried(63. 6%). Among the succesful suicides; higher frequency was shown ro unmarried in men and the frequency is contrasted in women. Among the unsuccessful; the unmarried in both sex were revealed to be highest in frequency. 3. Schizophrenia was revealed the highest of suicidal attempts in frequency (81. 8%). 4. Suicides were most frequently attempted in the spring(46. 9%). Among the successful suicides; highest frequencies were shown in men in the winter and in women in the summer sesaon. Among the unsuccessful suicides; highest frequencies were shown in men in the winter and in women in the spring. 5. Suicidal attempts were most frequently occurred in hospital wards (40.9%). In women, unsussesful attempts were found to be the highest on authorized leave at their home. 6. The hanging was revealed to be the most frequently adopted methods for suicidal atte mpts (31. 8%). Among the successful suicides;hanging was the most frequent method adopted in men while in women the drug over-dose. Among the unsuccessful suicides; stabbing by sharp devices while in women drug-overdosage was adopted as well.