1Assistant Professor and Researcher, Nursing Policy Research Institute, Yonsei University College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.
2Assistant Professor, Department of Nursing, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea.
3Professor and Researcher, Nursing Policy Institute, Yonsei University College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.
4Assistant Professor and Researcher, Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University College of Nursing, Seoul, Korea.
© 2011 Korean Society of Nursing Science
Funding for the study was provided by a 2007 New Faculty Research Seed Money Grant at Yonsei University and a pilot grant from the Center for Nursing Outcomes Research (P30-NR-005043) and Advanced Training in Nursing Outcomes Research (T32-NR-007104) at the Center for Health Outcomes & Policy Research at the University of Pennsylvania.
*Missing responses excluded; †Others included psychiatric (n=18), nursery (n=17), obstetrics and gynecology (n=14), delivery room (n=27), anesthesiology (n=10), dialysis unit (n=51), rehabilitation (n=12), outpatient (n=7), float pool/multiple units (n=8), and others (n=2).
BSN=bachelor of science in nursing.
*NA='not available' indicates the saturated state; PES-NWI=Practice Environment Scale of Nursing Work Index; PES_P=nurse participation in hospital affairs; PES_F=nursing foundations for quality of care; PES_M=nurse manager ability, leadership, and support of nurses; PES_S=staffing and resource adequacy; PES_R=collegial nurse-physician relations; RMR=root mean square residual; GFI=goodness of fit index; AGFI=adjusted goodness of fit index; NFI=normal fit index; CFI=comparative fit index.
*Missing responses excluded; †Others included psychiatric (n=18), nursery (n=17), obstetrics and gynecology (n=14), delivery room (n=27), anesthesiology (n=10), dialysis unit (n=51), rehabilitation (n=12), outpatient (n=7), float pool/multiple units (n=8), and others (n=2).
BSN=bachelor of science in nursing.
*NA='not available' indicates the saturated state; PES-NWI=Practice Environment Scale of Nursing Work Index; PES_P=nurse participation in hospital affairs; PES_F=nursing foundations for quality of care; PES_M=nurse manager ability, leadership, and support of nurses; PES_S=staffing and resource adequacy; PES_R=collegial nurse-physician relations; RMR=root mean square residual; GFI=goodness of fit index; AGFI=adjusted goodness of fit index; NFI=normal fit index; CFI=comparative fit index.
RMR=root mean square residual; GFI=goodness of fit index; AGFI=adjusted goodness of fit index; NFI=normal fit index; CFI=comparative fit index.
PES-NWI=Practice Environment Scale of Nursing Work Index.
*Missing responses excluded; †Others included psychiatric (n=18), nursery (n=17), obstetrics and gynecology (n=14), delivery room (n=27), anesthesiology (n=10), dialysis unit (n=51), rehabilitation (n=12), outpatient (n=7), float pool/multiple units (n=8), and others (n=2). BSN=bachelor of science in nursing.
*NA='not available' indicates the saturated state; PES-NWI=Practice Environment Scale of Nursing Work Index; PES_P=nurse participation in hospital affairs; PES_F=nursing foundations for quality of care; PES_M=nurse manager ability, leadership, and support of nurses; PES_S=staffing and resource adequacy; PES_R=collegial nurse-physician relations; RMR=root mean square residual; GFI=goodness of fit index; AGFI=adjusted goodness of fit index; NFI=normal fit index; CFI=comparative fit index.
RMR=root mean square residual; GFI=goodness of fit index; AGFI=adjusted goodness of fit index; NFI=normal fit index; CFI=comparative fit index.
PES-NWI=Practice Environment Scale of Nursing Work Index.