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A Comparison of Hospice Care Research Topics between Korea and Other Countries Using Text Network Analysis
Eun-Jun Park, Youngji Kim, Chan Sook Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(5):600-612.   Published online October 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study aimed to identify and compare hospice care research topics between Korean and international nursing studies using text network analysis.


The study was conducted in four steps: 1) collecting abstracts of relevant journal articles, 2) extracting and cleaning keywords (semantic morphemes) from the abstracts, 3) developing co-occurrence matrices and text-networks of keywords, and 4) analyzing network-related measures including degree centrality, closeness centrality, betweenness centrality, and clustering using the NetMiner program. Abstracts from 347 Korean and 1,926 international studies for the period of 1998–2016 were analyzed.


Between Korean and international studies, six of the most important core keywords-“hospice,” “patient,” “death,” “RNs,” “care,” and “family”-were common, whereas “cancer” from Korean studies and “palliative care” from international studies ranked more highly. Keywords such as “attitude,” “spirituality,” “life,” “effect,” and “meaning” for Korean studies and “communication,” “treatment,” “USA,” and “doctor” for international studies uniquely emerged as core keywords in recent studies (2011~2016). Five subtopic groups each were identified from Korean and international studies. Two common subtopics were “hospice palliative care and volunteers” and “cancer patients.”


For a better quality of hospice care in Korea, it is recommended that nursing researchers focus on study topics of patients with non-cancer disease, children and family, communication, and pain and symptom management.

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A Study of the Experience of Patients with Terminal Cancer Who are in an Independent Hospice Center
Boon Han Kim, Young Ran Tak, Mi Young Chon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):668-677.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study is a phenomenological study done to promote understanding of the dying process in patients with terminal cancer who were in an independent hospice center. The purpose of study was to explore and understand indepth information on the dying process in order to provide data for holistic hospice care in nursing and to give insights in to practical applications in the nursing care. In ?depth interviewing was done from may, through November, 1995 with 11 patient with cancer who were being cared for at K Hospice Care Center. Experiences in the dying process were discussed as they expressed feelings about death including (a) feeling of isolation because family members try to hide the diagnosis of cancer, (b) hopelessness, (c) guilt, anger, and hostility, (d) suffering from pain, (e) fear of death. However, subjects did not deny death itself and were developing peace of mind and acceptance of death through religion.

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A Comparison between Home Care Nursing Interventions for Hospice and General Patients
Jin Sun Yong, You Ja Ro, Sung Suk Han, Myung Ja Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):897-911.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to compare home care nursing intervention activities analyzed by the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) system for hospice and general patients.
For the descriptive survey study, data was collected by reviewing charts of 151 hospice patients and 421 general patients who registered in the department of home health care nursing at K Hospital.
According to the NIC system application, there were 2380 total nursing interventions used for the hospice patients and 8725 for the general home care patients. For both sets of patients (hospice vs. general), the most frequently used nursing intervention in level 1 was the Physiological: Complex domain (40.13 vs. 31.06 percent), followed by the Safety domain; in level 2, the Risk Management class (28.4 vs. 27.70 percent), followed by Tissue Perfusion Management; and in level 3, Vital Sign Monitoring (6.18 vs. 4.84 percent), followed by Health Screening.
The study showed that there was a lack of specialized hospice nursing interventions such as emotional, family and spiritual support, and care for dying hospice patients.

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Factors Influencing Pain with Terminally Ill Cancer Patients in Hospice Units
You Ja Ro, Nam Cho Kim, Young Sun Hong, Jin Sun Yong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(2):206-220.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of depression, discomfort, spirituality, physical care, and opioid use on pain with terminally ill cancer patients residing in hospice units. The convenient sample of this study consisted of 41 terminally ill cancer patients at three hospice units in university affiliated hospitals. Patients were interviewed with structured questionnaires three times at predetermined intervals: admission to the hospice unit (Time 1), one week later (Time 2), and two weeks later (Time 3). The data was collected from January 1998 to January 1999 and was analyzed using ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient, and multivariate multiple regression. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The mean age of the participants was approximately 55 years old. In terms of diagnosis, lung cancer showed the highest frequency (19.5%), followed by stomach cancer and rectal cancer (17.1%). The motive of seeking hospice unit admission was control (72. 2%), followed by spiritual care (50%), and symptom relief (38.9%). 2. Regarding the type of pain felt, the highest pain frequency the participants experienced was deep pain (55%), followed by multiple pain (25%), intestinal pain (10%), then superficial (5%) and neurogenic pain (5%). For the level of pain measured by VAS, there was no significant difference among the three time points; Time 1 (5.04 +/-2.21), Time 2 (4.82+/-2.58) and Time 3(4.73+/-2.51). 3. There was significant change seen in spirituality and physical care in each time interval. Namely, the longer the length of admission at the hospice unit, the higher the importance of spirituality (p=0.0001) and the more the physical care the participants received (p=0.01). The opioid use at the three time points showed the following frequencies : Time 1 (75.6%), Time 2 (85.4%) and Time 3 (75.6%). 4. Regarding factors influencing pain, the pain level was significantly affected by the depression level (p <0.01) and the opioid use (p <0.1). These results were the most significant at the two time points (Time 1 and Time 2). At Time 3 (two weeks later), the pain level was significantly affected by the depression level (p <0.05) and the amount of physical care the participants received (p <0.1). In conclusion, the terminally ill cancer patients had moderate pain, were generally depressed, and were treated with opioid analgesics. As approaching death, the patients received more physical care due to increased physical symptoms experienced and they had a higher perception of the importance of spirituality. Thus, health care professionals need to provide continuous care for each of them to die comfortably physically, psycho- logically, and spiritually.

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A Study on the Development of an Independent Hospice Center Model
You Ja Ro, Sung Suk Han, Myun Gja Kim, Yang Sook Yoo, Jin Sun Yong, Kyun Gja June
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(5):1156-1169.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study was aimed at developing an independent hospice center model that would be best suited for Korea based on a literature review and the current status of local and international hospices. For the study, five local and six international hospice organizations were surveyed. Components of the hospice center model include philosophy, purpose, resources (workers, facilities, and equipment), allocation of resources, management, financial support and hospice team service. The following is a summary of the developed model: Philosophies for the hospice center were set as follows: based on the dignity of human life and humanism, help patients spend the rest of their days in a meaningful way and accept life positively. On the staff side, to pursue a team-oriented holistic approach to improve comfort and quality of life for terminally ill persons and their families. The hospice center should have 20 beds with single, two, and four bed rooms. The center should employ, either on a part-time or full-time basis, a center director, nurses, doctors, chaplains, social workers, pharmacists, dieticians, therapists, and volunteers. In addition, it will need an administrative staff, facility managers and nurses aides. The hospice should also be equipped with facilities for patients, their families, and team members, furnished with equipment and goods at the same level of a hospital. For the organizational structure, the center is represented by a center director who reports to a board and an advisory committee. Also, the center director administers a steering committee and five departments, namely, Administration, Nursing Service, Social Welfare, Religious Services, and Medical Service. Furthermore, the center should be able to utilize a direct and support delivery systems. The direct delivery system allows the hospice center to receive requests from, or transfer patients to, hospitals, clinics, other hospice organizations (by type), public health centers, religious organizations, social welfare organizations, patients, and their guardians. On the other hand, the support delivery system provides a link to outside facilities of various medical suppliers. In terms of management, details were made with regards to personnel management, records, infection control, safety, supplies and quality management. For financial support, some form of medical insurance coverage for hospice services, ways to promote a donation system and fund raising were examined. Hospice team service to be provided by the hospice center was categorized into assessment, physical care, emotional care, spiritual care, bereavement service, medication, education and demonstrations, medical supplies rental, request service, volunteer service, and respite service. Based on the results, the study has drawn up the following suggestions: 1. The proposed model for a hospice center as presented in the study needs to be tested with a pilot project. 2. Studies on criteria for legal approval and license for a hospice center need to be conducted to develop policies. 3. Studies on developing a hospice charge system and hospice standards that meet local conditions in Korea need to be conducted.

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Comparison of the Costs of Care and Nursing Services for Terminally Ill Patients Receiving Home Hospice Care in Comparison to Institutional Care
Tae Wha Lee, Won Hee Lee, Myung Sil Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(4):1045-1054.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

As cost pressures have escalated, policy makers, politicians, health care providers and families have tried to devise ways to reduce health care costs. While originally developed to enhance patient control and to provide better care at the end of life, hospice care has recently received significant attention as a mean of reducing health care costs. As a program providing care for patients who are dying at their homes, hospice has expanded slowly since the opening of the first hospice in Korea in 1963. Therefore, a variety of services that responds to the needs and concerns of many dying people and their families is limited The purpose of this study was to determine the potential cost savings at the end of life among patients who used home hospice compared with the patients who received institutional care in Korea. This study used a retrospective, descriptive design. The sample for this study included 46 patients who died of lung cancer: 25 patients who received home hospice care and 21 patients who received institutional care. Data on patient characteristics, kinds and frequencies of provided treatment and nursing services, and hospice and hospital charges during the last month before death were collected. Cost of care was measured by the average cost per patient per day in the last month of life. The results of the study indicated that there were significant differences in average cost of care between home hospice sample and institutional care sample (t=9.956, p<.001; home hospice sample: M=18,102 won, institutional care sample: M=317,578 won). The cost of the home hospice sample was approximately 6% of the cost of institutional care. The majority of the home hospice nursing services were education (35.7%) and supportive counseling (25.2%), followed by medication management (13.6%), assessment (12.1%), basic nursing (7.2%), treatment (5.5%) and others. In institutional care sample, basic nursing and treatment were more emphasized than education or supportive counseling among the nursing services provided. The results of this study showed the potential for hospice to reduce costs and implications for policymakers and clinicians to incorporate hospice program into the formal health care delivery system in Korea.

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Model Development of Korean Professional Hospice Care Education
Euy Soon Choi, You Ja Ro, Sung Suk Han, Nam Cho Kim, Hee Seung Kim, Ho Ran Park, Sung Hee Ahn
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1011-1020.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop an education program of hospice care for the professional in order to care for nurses for terminally ill patients facing death and their families. The Modified Tyler-Type Ends-Means model was used to guide the curriculum development of the study. The curriculum include a philosophical conception of hospice education, fundamental concepts, purpose, objective and the educational contents. The content was developed based upon a 70% or more demand in educational demand analysis. The education program has a total of 360 hours consisting of 172 hours of theoretical study and 188 hours of practice including fundamental nursing care for hospice.

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Development of an Education Program for Hospice Care and Its Performance
Boon Han Kim, Moon Sil Kim, Hung Kyu Kim, Tae Joon Jeong, Young Ran Tak, Hye Ryoung Kim, Mi Young Chon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):576-584.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop an education program for hospice care and to examine the effect of program. The education program for hospice care was developed based on the philosophy and principle of Hospice and integrated with various professional areas related to the problems with witch terminal patients and their family might be associated. The program was continued for 16 weeks and consisted of lectures and practices. The courses of this program were The Concept and Principle of Hospice, The Role of the Hospice Nurse, The Characteristics of Terminal Disease, Physical Care in Terminal Patients, Death Orientation, Psychological care for Terminal Patients, Spiritual care for Terminal Patients, and Care for the Family. To identify the effect of the education program for hospice care, the difference in death orientation of subjects between the pre and post performance of the education program was examined using the t-test. The finding of this statistic indicated that this education program for hospice care was effective in terms of changing the death orientation of subjects with positive direction. The education program for hospice care was performed several times at Kwangrim Hospice Missionary, Chungbuk University Hospital, and Wooam Church. Case studies were reported for a description after the performance of education. put this at the beginning 8 the sentence. In conclusion, the education program for hospice care was developed effectively. Therefore, this program should be used to educate and activate the subjects in community to be participants in hospice care.

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A Comparison of Quality of Life between the Families of Hospital Hospice Patients and Those of Home: Based Hospice Patients
You Ja Ro, Chun Gill Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(3):773-785.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study aims at providing more qualitative care in family nursing practice. It is designed to analyze the degree of quality of life(QL) among families of the patients. The subjects consisted of 79 families of hospital hospice patients and 74 families of home-based hospice patients. The ages of the subjects were 17-74 years, at five university hospitals in Seoul, Inchon, and Kyung Gi Province, and one clinic in Chunchon. The data were collected from September, 1996 to August, 1997. The instrument used for the study was the Quality of Life Scale(QLS), which was composed of six factors, developed by Ro. You Ja, The analysis was done using t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, and Stepwise multiple regression. The results were as follows : 1. There were no statistically significant differences between the families of hospital hospice patients and the families of home-based hospice patients ; however, the mean score of the families of hospital hospice patients was higher than that of the families of home-based hospice patients. The scores on QLS ranged from 75 to 224 with a mean score of 140.58 in the families of hospital hospice patients. In the families of home-based hospice patients, the scores ranged from 79 to 214, showing a mean score of 135.25. Among six factors of QLS, family relationships showed the highest score in the families of hospital patients. Self-esteem and relationship with the neighborhood were significantly higher in the families of hospital hospice patients than the families of home-based hospice patients(t= 2.69, P= 0.008 ; t= 2.04, p= 0.043). 2. In the families of hospital hospice patients, QL had significant relationship with family member's age (F= 2.52, P=0.029), marital status (F= 3.57, P = 0.018), economic state(F= 6.07, P= 0.004), and education level(F =3.77, P=0.014), In the families of home based hospice patients, QL had significant relationship with marital status(F=2.53, P=0.049), education level(F= 4.35, P=0.007), occupation(F=3.93, P=0.002), and patient's age(F=2.73, P=0.020). 3. Economic status accounted for 17% of QL, and diagnosis accounted for an additional 7% of QL in the families of hospital hospice patients by means of stepwise multiple regression analysis, In the families of home-based hospice patients, relationships with patient accounted for 12% of QL. The findings showed that self-esteem and relationship with the neighborhood were significantly higher in the families of hospital hospice patients than the families of homed-based hospice patients and family relationships showed the highest value in QL. These finding should be considered in nursing practice.

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Experience of Spiritual Conflict in Hospice Nurses: A Phenomenological Study
Byoung Sook Lee, Su Young Kwak
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(1):98-109.   Published online February 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This aim of this phenomenological study was to describe and understand the experience of spiritual conflict in hospice nurses by identifying the meanings and structures of the experience.


Participants were 12 nurses working for one year or more at hospice units of general hospitals in a metropolitan city and experiencing of spiritual conflict as hospice nurses. Over six months data were collected using individual in-depth interviews and analyzed with the method suggested by Colaizzi.


The experience of spiritual conflict in participants was organized into three categories, six theme-clusters, and 13 themes. The participants felt existential anxiety on death and a fear of death which is out of human control and skepticism for real facts of human beings facing death. They also experienced agitation of fundamental beliefs about life with agitation of the philosophy of life guiding themselves and mental distress due to fundamental questions that are difficult to answer. Also they had distress about poor spiritual care with guilty feelings from neglecting patients' spiritual needs and difficulties in spiritual care due to lack of practical competencies.


Findings indicate the experience of spiritual conflict in hospice nurses is mainly associated with frequent experience of death in hospice patients. The experience of spiritual conflict consisted of existential anxiety, agitation of fundamental beliefs and distress over poor spiritual care. So, programs to help relieve anxiety, agitation and distress are necessary to prevent spiritual conflict and then spiritual burnout in hospice nurses.

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Effect of Debriefing Based on the Clinical Judgment Model on Simulation Based Learning Outcomes of End-of-Life Care for Nursing Students: A Non-Randomized Controlled Trial
Kyung In Jeong, Ja Yun Choi
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(6):842-853.   Published online January 15, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study was conducted to identify effects of debriefing based on the clinical judgment model for nursing students on their knowledge, skill performance, clinical judgment, self-confidence and learner satisfaction during simulation based end-of-life care (ELC) education.


Simulation based ELC education was developed in six steps as follows: selection of learning subjects and objects, development of learning tools, a trial run of simulation-based education, students’ skill training, and evaluators’ training. Forty-eight senior nursing students (25 in the experimental group and 23 in the control group) participated in the simulation-based ELC education using a high-fidelity simulator. Debriefing based on the clinical judgment was compared with the usual debriefing.


ANCOVA showed that there were differences in knowledge (F=4.81, p=.034), skill performance (F=68.33, p<.001), clinical judgment (F=18.33, p<.001) and self-confidence (F=4.85, p=.033), but no difference in satisfaction (t=-0.38, p=.704) between the experimental and control groups.


This study found that debriefing based on the clinical judgement model is effective for supporting nursing students for reflecting on clinical judgment and improving their diverse competencies in complex clinical settings such as ELC.

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Development and Evaluation of an Education Program for Professional Palliative Care Nursing
Young-Ran Yeun, Min Kwon, Kyoung-Soon Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(1):139-146.   Published online February 15, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study aimed to develop a “Palliative Care Professional” education program and evaluate its effects on the recognition of good death, palliative care, and the meaning of life for nurses.


It was developed based on the hospice care program for volunteers being used in the Hospice Palliative Care Research Center of S University in Seoul. It was also based on the studies which investigated the educational needs of nurses in palliative care. This program consisted of 5 sessions and 16 content items for 2 weeks. A nonequivalent control group non-synchronized design was utilized and participants were assigned to the experimental group (n= 42) or the control group (n= 44).


The recognition of a good death (F= 11.44, p= .001), palliative care (F= 4.15, p= .045), and the meaning of life (F= 5.12, p= .026) increased more significantly for participants in the experimental group than in the control group. Participants felt that they gained further knowledge in palliative patient management and refined their clinical practice.


The results of the study indicate that this program could serve as a practical program for palliative care nursing in the nursing field and suggests that more attention should be directed to the diverse educational needs of nurses.

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Experience in Acceptance of Hospice by Patients with Terminal Cancer : A Phenomenological Research
Su Young Kwak, Byoung Sook Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(6):781-790.   Published online December 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to further understanding of the experience in acceptance of hospice by patients with terminal cancer and to explore the structure of this experience.


A phenomenological methodology was used for the study. Participants were nine patients who were admitted to the hospice unit of a university hospital. In-depth interviews were done for data collection and the data were analyzed using Colaizzi's method.


Four categories, eight theme clusters and 18 themes were identified for the experience in acceptance of hospice by patients with terminal cancer. The three categories were 'Hope for a comfortable death', 'Overcoming barrier of prejudice about hospice', 'Incessant craving for life', 'The last consideration for self and family'.


While accepting the hospice care, participants experienced inner conflict between giving up medical treatments that prolong life and choosing a comfortable death, and also experienced an incessant craving for life. By accepting hospice care, they showed a human dignity that entails careful concerns for both self and family members.

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Development and Validation of the Hospice Palliative Care Performance Scale
So-Hi Kwon
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(3):374-381.   Published online June 13, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop and validate a hospice·palliative care performance measure which would cover more than just physical symptoms or quality of life.


Through an intensive literature review, the author chose questions that measured aspects of physical, emotional, spiritual, social, or practical domains pertinent to hospice·palliative care for inclusion in the scale. Content validation of the questions was established by 15 hospice·palliative care professionals. A preliminary Hospice Palliative Care Performance Scale (HPCPS) of 20 questions was administered to 134 pairs of terminal cancer patients from 5 hospice palliative care units and their main family caregiver. A validation study was conducted to evaluate construct validity and internal consistency.


Factor analysis showed 14 significant questions in five subscales; Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Social, and Patient' rights. There were no significant differences between the ratings by patients and family members except for three out of the 14 questions. The measure demonstrated construct validity, and Cronbach's α of the subscales ranged from .73 to .79.


The HPCOS demonstrated acceptable validity and reliability. It can be used to assess effectiveness of hospice·palliative care for terminal cancer patients in practice and research.

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Development and Evaluation of 「Hospice Smart Patient」 Service Program
Chai-Soon Park, Yang-Sook Yoo, Dong-Won Choi, Hyun-Jeong Park, Ji-In Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2011;41(1):9-17.   Published online February 28, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop and implement the Hospice Smart Patient Program and to evaluate its effectiveness.


It was quasi-experimental non-equivalent pre-post study. Breast cancer patients who underwent surgery, chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or who needed palliative care, participated in the study. Participants were divided into two groups, experimental and control groups based on their preferences. The program was developed after literature review and discussion among experts on hospice and palliative care. Participants who were in the experimental group received either face-to-face or phone 「Hospice Smart Patient」 Service at least once a week for 5 months.


There was a significant difference in quality of life and communication skill between the two groups after the service was provided. In addition, participants in experimental group showed improved decision making skills, mastery sense, and understanding of hospice and palliative care, which would be beneficial in improving their quality of life.


We have concluded that the 「Hospice Smart Patient」 Program is useful for cancer patients in decision making, improving self-control and choosing hospice care to improve their quality of life.

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Effects of Oral Care with Essential Oil on Improvement in Oral Health Status of Hospice Patients
Hee-Young Kang, Song-Sook Na, Yun-Kyung Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(4):473-481.   Published online August 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to examine the effects of oral care with essential oil in improving the oral health status of hospice patients with terminal cancer.


The participants were 43 patients with terminal cancer admitted to K hospital in G city, Korea. Twenty-two patients were assigned to the experimental group and 21 to the control group. Participants in the experimental group received special mouth care with essential oil (application of essential oil mixture consisting of geranium, lavender, tea tree, and peppermint). The control group received special mouth care with 0.9% saline. The special mouth care was performed twice daily for one week in both groups. The scores for subjective oral comfortness, objective oral state, and numbers of colonizing Candida albicans were measured before and after the treatment.


The score for subjective oral comfortness and objective oral state were significantly higher in the experimental group compared to the control group. The numbers of colonizing Candida albicans significantly decreased in the experimental group compared to the control group.


Oral care with essential oil could be an effective oral health nursing intervention for hospice patients with terminal cancer.

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Effects of Aroma Hand Massage on Pain, State Anxiety and Depression in Hospice Patients with Terminal Cancer
So Young Chang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2008;38(4):493-502.   Published online August 31, 2008
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of aroma hand massage on pain, state anxiety and depression in hospice patients with terminal cancer.


This study was a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects were 58 hospice patients with terminal cancer who were hospitalized. Twenty eight hospice patients with terminal cancer were assigned to the experimental group (aroma hand massage), and 30 hospice patients with terminal cancer were assigned to the control group (general oil hand massage). As for the experimental treatment, the experimental group went through aroma hand massage on each hand for 5 min for 7 days with blended oil-a mixture of Bergamot, Lavender, and Frankincense in the ratio of 1:1:1, which was diluted 1.5% with sweet almond carrier oil 50 ml. The control group went through general oil hand massage by only sweet almond carrier oil-on each hand for 5 min for 7 days.


The aroma hand massage experimental group showed more significant differences in the changes of pain score (t=-3.52, p=.001) and depression (t=-8.99, p=.000) than the control group.


Aroma hand massage had a positive effect on pain and depression in hospice patients with terminal cancer.

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A Study on the Curriculum Development for the Professional Hospice Nurse in Korea
Choi, Euy Soon , Ro, You Ja , Han, Sung Suk , Kim, Nam Cho , Kim, Hee Seung , Park, Ho Ran , Ahn, Sung Hee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):1027-1035.   Published online December 31, 1997
The purpose of this study is to develop the first domestic professional hospice educational program. We investigated the present condition of Korean hospice education and analyzed the prerequisite need for a dedicated hospice course in the professional education process. Research was conducted between June and November 1996 for nursing professors teaching at each nursing education institute to find out how much hospice is being discussed and by whom, in which course it is being discussed, and also to find out the contents that needed to be include in the professional education process. From a total of 49 colleges(29 three year colleges, 20 four year colleges) out of 99, 162 nursing professors replied, the collection rate was 49.5%. The conclusions are as follows: 1. The present condition of the hospice nursing education. 1) Whether hospice is included in the education program. (1) 89-65% of 3 year colleges and 90% of 4year colleges included hospice education in their education program. (2) In graduate studies three schools included hospice their program and three schools expressed their plans to include hospice education. 2) Hospice related education were commonly discussed in adult nursing(26.3%), fundamental nursing(22.8%), and psychiatric nursing(20.2%). In 3 year colleges its commonly discussed in the first and second year and in 4 year colleges it is taught in the second and third year. 3) Hospice related theory/practical education hours were averages of 6.5/7.0 hrs in 3 year colleges and 14.2/11.3 hrs in 4 year colleges. 4) The majority of professors in charge of hospice education were in the following order adult nursing, psychiatric nursing, and fundamental nursing. 5) The courses that are thought to be adequate to manage hospice related education were adult nursing(29.3%), community health nursing(21.7%) and the described method education was the method currently being used(36.5%). 2. The demand for hospice nursing education. 1) Over 70% demanded professional hospice education program, the highest demand was for the value and meaning of life followed by the role and qualification of the hospice team and the mental maintenance of a dying patient. 25 categories showed over 90% demand. 2) The highest demand was for the value and meaning of life(98.2%) and the lowest demand were for danjeon breathing(71.0%) and acupuncture(71.0%). 3) Other contents that need to be discussed in the professional hospice education program were hospice nursing, the attitude and reaction of death, bereavement care, and the prospect of hospice.
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