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Development of a Triage Competency Scale for Emergency Nurses
Sun Hee Moon, Yeon Hwan Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(3):362-374.   Published online January 15, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study aimed to develop a triage competency scale (TCS) for emergency nurses, and to evaluate its validity and reliability.


Preliminary items were derived based on the attributes and indicators elicited from a concept analysis study on triage competency. Ten experts assessed whether the preliminary items belonged to the construct factor and determined the appropriateness of each item. A revised questionnaire was administered to 250 nurses in 18 emergency departments to evaluate the reliability and validity of the scale. Data analysis comprised item analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, contrasted group validity, and criterion-related validity, including criterion-related validity of the problem solving method using video scenarios.


The item analysis and confirmatory factor analysis yielded 5 factors with 30 items; the fit index of the derived model was good (χ 2/df =2.46, Root Mean squared Residual=.04, Root Mean Squared Error of Approximation=.08). Additionally, contrasted group validity was assessed. Participants were classified as novice, advanced beginner, competent, and proficient, and significant differences were observed in the mean score for each group (F=6.02, p=.001). With reference to criterion-related validity, there was a positive correlation between scores on the TCS and the Clinical Decision Making in Nursing Scale (r=.48, p<.001). Further, the total score on the problem solving method using video scenarios was positively correlated with the TCS score (r=.13, p=.04). The Cronbach's α of the final model was .91.


Our TCS is useful for the objective assessment of triage competency among emergency nurses and the evaluation of triage education programs.


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  • Effects of Critical Thinking Disposition, Clinical Judgement, and Nurse–Physician Collaboration on Triage Competency Among Triage Nurses
    Ji-Won Song, Hyung-Ran Park
    Healthcare.2025; 13(4): 405.     CrossRef
  • Triage—clinical reasoning on emergency nursing competency: a multiple linear mediation effect
    Won-Oak Oh, Myung-Jin Jung
    BMC Nursing.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Korean Triage and Acuity Scale education using role-playing and its effects on triage competency: A quasi-experimental design
    Yon Hee Seo, Sun-Og Lim, Vanessa Carels
    PLOS ONE.2024; 19(10): e0311892.     CrossRef
  • Construction of learning objectives and content for emergency triage nurses in tertiary general hospitals: A Delphi study
    Linyuan Zhang, Bo Gao, Fang He, Chao Wu, Juan Du, Li Zhang, Juan Liang, Hongjuan Lang
    Nurse Education in Practice.2024; 80: 104145.     CrossRef
  • Concept analysis of psychiatric nursing competency in psychiatric nursing
    Hwa-Bok Choi
    Archives of Psychiatric Nursing.2024; 52: 130.     CrossRef
  • Patient Satisfaction With the Level of Competence of the Triage Nurse in Hospital Emergency Departments
    Meritxell López Hernández, Montserrat Puig‐Llobet, Sergio Higon Fernández, Marta Franco Freirut, Yolanda Moreno Mateos, Jordi Galimany Masclans
    Journal of Clinical Nursing.2024;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Enhancing triage accuracy in emergency nurses: The impact of a game-based triage educational app
    Sun-Hee Moon, Su Ol Kim
    International Emergency Nursing.2024; 72: 101398.     CrossRef
  • Emergency nurses’ communication experiences with patients and their families during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative study
    Soyoung Shin, Hye Jin Yoo
    International Emergency Nursing.2023; 66: 101240.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Emergency Department Nurses' Grit, Self-Leadership, and Communication on Their Triage Competencies: A Descriptive Survey Study
    Gwiseon Jeong, Hyeongsuk Lee
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2023; 35(4): 356.     CrossRef
  • Factors affecting triage competence among emergency room nurses: A cross‐sectional study
    Seokhwa Hwang, Sujin Shin
    Journal of Clinical Nursing.2023; 32(13-14): 3589.     CrossRef
  • Professional Self-Concept, Job Stress, and Triage Competency Among Emergency Nurses: Secondary Data Analysis of a Cross-Sectional Survey
    You-Jin Cho, Young-Ran Han, Yeo-Won Jeong
    Journal of Emergency Nursing.2022; 48(3): 288.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of Competency-Based Triage Education Application on Emergency Nurses’ Triage Competency and Performance
    Sun-Hee Moon, In-Young Cho
    Healthcare.2022; 10(4): 596.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with School Nurses’ Triage Competency in South Korea
    Jaehee Yoon, Heesook Son
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(16): 8279.     CrossRef
  • Development of emergency nursing care competency scale for school nurses
    Jaehee Yoon
    BMC Nursing.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Factors associated with the undertriage of patients with abdominal pain in an emergency room
    Boo Young Oh, Kisook Kim
    International Emergency Nursing.2021; 54: 100933.     CrossRef
  • Development and validity of the Korea psychiatric triage algorithm
    Jeongmin Ha, Kyeongmin Jang, Misuk An
    BMC Nursing.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
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Comparison of sleep and related variables between young and old adults
Shin Mee Kim, Jin Joo Oh, Mi Soon Song, Yeon Hwan Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):820-830.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Sleep is an essential component for health and the quality of life individuals, and is affected by multiple factors. Thereby, sleep impairment is know to be frequent even in health subjects. The purpose of the study is to compare sleep patterns and related factors between healthy young and old adults and to identify aging effects upon sleep in a cross-sectional way. The survey questionnaire was developed by translation and modification of two well-know sleep questionnaires which were originally developed by Monroe(1967) and Ellis, et al.(1982). Discussion with experts and pilot study were completed to finalize the contents of the questionnaire that was used in this study. Results are as follows : 1. Sleep complaints were lower in older adults. 2. The most frequent variables that explain sleep satisfaction were feeling rested in the morning in the older adults and feeling rested and falling asleep within five minutes in the young adults. 3. Regarding sleep-disturbing factors, physical factors were more frequently reported in the older adults and environmental factors are reported more frequently in the young adults. and there was no difference related to the emotional factors between the two groups. 4. Young adults were practiced strategies for better sleep more often than the older adults, and they were mainly in-home activities just before sleep. 5. Sleep patterns which change with aging were as follows : going to bed and waking up earlier ; not staying in the bed long after waking up ; getting harder to fall asleep ; frequent arousal after sleep onset ; getting harder to go back to sleep after arousal during night sleep. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that sleep and related factors of the young and the older adults are different. Also, sleep patterns change with aging and those changes seem to be negative for sleep in the elderly. Repeated studies are needed to establish more concrete information regarding sleep patterns. In addition, further research is needed to develop more reliable, valid, and feasible sleep measure tools, and to develop and evaluate nursing interventions.


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  • Effects of sittercise on elderly subjects’ depression and sleep quality
    Moon-Suk Lee, Seon-Rye Kim, Gyung-Hun Min, Byung-Jun Cho
    Journal of Physical Therapy Science.2016; 28(4): 1120.     CrossRef
  • Sleep Disorder Experience in Older Patients with Depression
    Seong-Sook Jun, Su-Jung Ha
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2014; 44(3): 270.     CrossRef
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Model Development of Change of Family Functioning with Chronic Illness
Eun Ok Lee, He Sook Kim, Young Sook Park, Misoon Song, Insook Lee, Yeon Hwan Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):467-484.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The main objectives of this study were to investigate the concept of family function from the perspective of the contemporary Korean family, and to construct model of change of family function whit chronic illness. The hybrid model approach was applied in which three phases(theoretical phase, empirical phase, and analytic phase) of concept development were explored for family functioning. The study was conducted from 1997 to 1998. In empirical phase, two groups of purposive samples were drawn : normal family group composed of six families without ill family member, and ill family group composed of seven families of which wives have rheumatoid arthritis. Only families with child(or children)in primary or secondary schools were included in the study. The results were as follows: In theoretical phase, six dimensions of family concept were emerged : affective, structural, control, cognitive, financial, and reproductive dimension. In order to analyze the Korean normal family function in middle class with middle-age women, financial and reproductive dimension were not included. In empirical phase, five dimensions(affective, structural, control, cognitive, and external relationship) were fond from the normal family data. External relationship dimension is very important factor as a resource of the support, especially when their parents or siblings had no help or support to them. In the affective dimension, Korean family emphasized harmony and balance rather than affective expression harmony and balance rather than affective expression between couples and between parents and children. They also showed common goals of the families to solve their problems to control the family members. The priority of the goals was getting into the higher education of their children or helping their unhealthy parents or family members. Six dimension(affective, structural, control, cognitive, external relationship, and financial) of family functions were emerged from the ill family data. From the analysis of ill family data, types of restructuring house chore after wives illness were developed : (a) negociated, (b) accomodated, and (c) isolated, enduring types. Although the dimensions of family functioning identified in this study are similar to the conceptualizations that exist in the western literature, there where distinct differences in the nature of major themes and subconcepts under these family function dimensions.


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  • Development of the Japanese Version FFS (Family Functioning Scale): Reliability and Validity for Family on Child-Fostering Phase
    Mitsuko Kanzaki, Chifumi Otaki, Kazue Maeda, Taeko Hori, Akemi Take, Hiroko Otsuka, Taeko Noguchi, Sumiko Maehara
    Journal of Japan Academy of Nursing Science.2012; 32(1): 50.     CrossRef
  • To Holroyd E (2005) Commentary on Lee et al. (2004)
    Insook Lee, Eun‐Ok Lee, Hesook Suzie Kim, Young Sook Park, Misoon Song, Youn Hwan Park
    Journal of Clinical Nursing.2006; 15(5): 654.     CrossRef
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The Risk of Malnutrition, Depression, and the Perceived Health Status of Older Adults
Yeon Hwan Park, Eunyoung E Suh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(6):941-948.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the risk of malnutrition and its relationship with depression and perceived health status. METHODS: A total number of 154 elderly over 60 years participated in the study through a community elderly center. The risk of malnutrition was measured by NSI (Nutritional Screening Initiative), depression by CES-D, and health status by a self-rated Likert scale. RESULTS: About one fourth (22.7%) of the subjects had a high risk, and 31.2% had a moderate risk of getting malnutrition. Regarding depression, 34.4% (53 elderly) of the subjects had a high risk. Overall health status had a mean of 3.46 within the range of 1 to 5. In relation to demographic factors, female elderly (chi-square=6.68, p= .04), aged younger than 75 years old (chi-square=8.60, p= .01), and having co-morbidity (F=9.81, p= .001) were significantly related to a high risk of malnutrition. Having a higher depression score, higher number of co-morbidity, and lower perceived health status were significantly related to a higher risk of becoming malnourished. CONCLUSION: The elderly's risk of getting malnutrition was significantly related to their depression and perceived health status. With these findings nursing interventions focusing on these factors should be developed in order to improve the elderly's multidimensional well-being.


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  • Assessment of nutritional status using anthropometric index among older adult and elderly population in India
    Junaid Khan, Aparajita Chattopadhyay, Subhojit Shaw
    Scientific Reports.2023;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • The longitudinal reciprocal relationship between food insecurity and depressive symptoms among Korean elderly who live in poverty: application of auto-regressive cross-lagged model
    Jayoung Cho
    Asia Pacific Journal of Social Work and Development.2023; 33(2): 86.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Coronary Risk Factor and Nutrient Intake Status of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease and Normal Subjects : Data Obtained from the 2015-2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Hyun Kyung Oh, Ho Kyung Ryu
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2022; 33(2): 189.     CrossRef
  • Physical Function Monitoring Systems for Community-Dwelling Elderly Living Alone: A Comprehensive Review
    Sungbae Jo, Changho Song
    Physical Therapy Rehabilitation Science.2022; 11(1): 49.     CrossRef
  • Malnutrition and other risk factors of geriatric depression: a community-based comparative cross-sectional study in older adults in rural Bangladesh
    Md. Ziaul Islam, Tasnim Rahman Disu, Sharmin Farjana, Mohammad Meshbahur Rahman
    BMC Geriatrics.2021;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Malnutrition and its determinants among older adults people in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
    Tadele Abate, Berhanu Mengistu, Asmamaw Atnafu, Terefe Derso
    BMC Geriatrics.2020;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Food and nutrient intake status of Korean elderly by perceived anxiety and depressive condition: data from Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2013 ~ 2015
    Da-Mee Kim, Kyung-Hee Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(1): 58.     CrossRef
  • Malnutrition and its association with functional, cognitive and psychological status among Palestinian older adults in long-term care houses
    Manal Badrasawi, Kamal Badrasawi, May Hamdan, Alma A. Irshaid
    Educational Gerontology.2019; 45(12): 708.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Risk of the Elderly Receiving a Home-Delivered Meal Service Program and the Factors for Nutritional Risk
    Na-Young Yi, Jung-Hwa Choi
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(3): 197.     CrossRef
  • Depression and Cognitive Function of the Community-dwelling Elderly
    Seong Ok Seo, Ae Young So
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2016; 27(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Depression Symptom, Anthropometric Assessment, and Nutrient Intake of Elderly Females Who Eat Congregate Meals at Lunch in Rural Area
    Sujung Lee, Hyunsuk Ryu, Kyunghee Song, Hongmie Lee
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2015; 28(4): 517.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Korean DASH Diet Education with Calcium/Vitamin D Supplements on Nutrient Intakes, Food Consumption, Bone Turnover Markers and Bone Mineral Density among Korean Elderly Women
    Haeyoung Lee, Smi Choi-Kwon, Seung-Hye Choi
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2015; 27(1): 94.     CrossRef
  • A study on dietary habits and food intakes in adults aged 50 or older according to depression status
    Seungjae Lee, Yuri Kim, Sunhee Seo, Mi Sook Cho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2014; 47(1): 67.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Health-Promoting Behaviors in People Living with HIV
    Young Mi Park, Gisoo Shin, Jiyoung Kim
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2014; 26(2): 234.     CrossRef
  • The Effect of a Community-Based Nutrition Intervention Program on Dietary Behavior and Nutritional Status of Low-Income Elderly Women in Gwangju City
    Bok Hee Kim, Ji-Suk Yang, Seung-Hee Kye, Yoonna Lee
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2014; 27(3): 495.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence and Its Influencing Factors on Depression among Elderly Vulnerable People in Urban Community
    Hye-Ryoung Kim
    The Korean Journal of Health Service Management.2013; 7(3): 275.     CrossRef
  • Prevalence of Depression and its Risk Factors among Aged at Social Service Centers in One Urban Community
    Hye-Ryoung Kim
    The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing.2013; 16(2): 79.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of the Characteristics of the Older Adults with Depression Using Data Mining Decision Tree Analysis
    Myonghwa Park, Sora Choi, A Mi Shin, Chul Hoi Koo
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2013; 43(1): 1.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Malnutrition and Social Network on Health-related Quality of Life in Elders
    Hee Kyung Kim, Hae Kyung Chang, Mi-Ra Lee, Youn-Jung Son, Su Jeong Han, Nam Young Yang, Myoung-Ran Yoo, Seon Young Choi, Youn Mi Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing.2013; 20(2): 98.     CrossRef
  • Depression Health Literacy and Help-seeking Intention of the Aged Receiving Customized Home Visiting Health Care Services
    Doo-Nam Oh, Ji Yun Lee
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2012; 23(3): 276.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Exercise Compliance among Older Adults
    Young-Ji Ko, Ju-Hee Lee
    Journal of muscle and joint health.2012; 19(2): 223.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Risk, Perceived Health Status, and Depression of the Young-Old and the Old-Old in Low-Income Elderly Women
    Myung-Suk Lee
    Journal of agricultural medicine and community health.2012; 37(1): 12.     CrossRef
  • Characteristics of Eating Behavior in Elders with Dementia residing in Long-Term Care Facilities
    Kyoung Min Lee, Jun-Ah Song
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2012; 42(4): 466.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Depression and Quality of Life in Elderly Customized Home Visiting Health Services
    Yunhee Kwon, Chungnam Kim, Oh-Gye Kwag
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2011; 22(3): 262.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Foot Reflexology on Sleep, Depression and Skin Temperature of the Female Elderly at Home
    Chung Soon Kim, Se Hwa Hong, Se Ryeong Kim, Yeo Jin Kim
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2011; 22(4): 409.     CrossRef
  • Impact of Body Mass Index and Perceived Health Status on Depression in Elderly Women Living Alone in the Community
    Eun Kyeung Song, Youn-Jung Son
    Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing.2011; 20(4): 376.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain and Depression on Health-related Quality of Life by Gender in Community-dwelling Older Adults
    Seung-Hee Lee, Soon-Ok Yang
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2010; 21(1): 21.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Aroma Hand Massage On Sleep, Depression and Quality of Life in the Institutionalized Elderly Women
    Soon Yi Seo, So Young Chang
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2009; 15(4): 372.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship of Quality of Sleep, Depression, Late-Life Function and Disability (LLFDI) in Community-Dwelling Older Women with Urinary Incontinence
    Kyung Rim Shin, Younhee Kang, Jiwon Oak
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2008; 38(4): 573.     CrossRef
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The Current Status of Adult Day Care in Korea: Operation, Staffing, and Service
Yeon Hwan Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(4):613-623.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to describe the operation, staffing, and services provided at adult day care centers in Korea.


The study was a cross-sectional descriptive survey. The subjects were 209 centers among 280 centers registered in Korea (response rate 74.6%). The data was collected from August to December in 2006.


48.8% of centers were located in a city area. The centers were based on the Social Model 65.5% of the centers were open Monday to Friday, an average of 7~8 hours per day. Dementia, stroke or frail elderly could use the center, and 57.4% of centers were used for dementia and stroke elderly together. The enrollment of elderly was 13.5. The number of total staff was 8.27, the number of RN's and social workers was 0.67, and 2.54 respectively. The social services(Meal preparation 98.6%, Special event 98.1%, Transportation, 97.1%) were provided more than the health services(Physical therapy 98.1%, ADL training 95.2%, Counseling 84.7%, Vaccination 82.8%, Health monitoring 78.9%, Health education 78.5%, Bathing 66.1%, and Speech therapy 28.2%).


These results suggest we have to develop a health-focused adult day health care model based on the needs of elderly and their families. Nurses will have an important role in adult day health care.


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  • Korean Terminology for Frailty
    Chang Won Won M.D.
    Journal of the Korean Geriatrics Society.2012; 16(2): 51.     CrossRef
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A Study on the Related Factors of the Wellbeing of Family Caregivers in Elderly with Stroke
Yeon Hwan Park, Su Jeong Yu, Shin Mi Kim, Yun Jung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(2):373-380.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the factors related to the wellbeing of the family caregivers of the elderly with a stroke.


The subjects of this study were 199 elderly treated in four oriental hospitals in Korea, and their primary family caregivers. The data was collected by interviewsand a self reported questionnaire, during the period from October, 2003 to April, 2004.


The results of this study were as follows. The mean score of wellbeing of family caregivers was 60.6412.63. The factors related to wellbeing of family caregivers were sex, age, education, depression, illness severity, ADL, paralysis, and speech disability in elderly characteristics. Among family caregivers characteristics, education, relation, and burden were significantly related. In situational variables, family income and the previous relationship between the elderly and family caregivers were related to wellbeing. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of wellbeing was the burden of family caregivers. A combination of the depression of elderly and age of family caregivers accounted for 50.3% of the variance of wellbeing.


On developing the nursing intervention for improving wellbeing of family caregivers, many factors should be considered, especially caregiver burden, and elderly depression.

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The Effects of the Day Care Service Program for the Elderly and Family with the Stroke: Compared with the Elderly and Family in Home
Yeon Hwan Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(7):990-998.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the day care service for the elderly and family with the stroke.


Data were collected from September 2002 to March 2003 by self report questionnaires and interview. 50 elderlies and families(Gr I) who used day care center were compared with 51 elderlies and families (Gr II) who didn't used. The data were analyzed using independent sample t test and chi square test.


The general characteristics, stressors, and situational variables related to outcome variables were homogeneous between two groups. The caregiver burden(t=-2.287, p=.024) score in the Gr I was significantly lower than in the Gr II. However there was no evidence of an effect day care center attendance on the depression of the elderly, the relationship between elderly and caregiver, and the family functioning.


Findings indicate that day care service was effective in reducing the caregiver burden of the elderly, however more day care service programs(elderly health management, rehabilitation...)will be added.


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  • The Long-term Care Utilization of the Elderly with Dementia, Stroke, and Multimorbidity in Korea
    Boyoung Jeon, Soonman Kwon, Hongsoo Kim
    Health Policy and Management.2013; 23(1): 90.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing the Quality of Life of Caregiver using Day Care Service
    Hyun Jeong No, Yeon Hee Choi
    Journal of East-West Nursing Research.2013; 19(1): 1.     CrossRef
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Physical Activity and Sleep Patterns in Elderly Who Visited a Community Senior Center
Yeon Hwan Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(1):5-13.   Published online February 28, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between physical activity and sleep patterns of the elderly.


The subjects of this study were 154 elderly who visited a community senior center in Korea. Data was collected by an interview and a self reported questionnaire, during the period from June to October, 2006. Physical activity was measured by IPAQ Korean version (2006), and sleep pattern by Korean Sleep Scale A developed by Oh et al. (1998).


The prevalence of chronic illness in the subjects was 73.4 %. The mean time of vigorous activity was 6.62±31.27 minutes/day during the past week. Moderate activity time was 28.85±50.31 minutes/day and walking time was 28.85±50.3 minutes/day. The total sleep time was 397.63±111.53 minutes/day. Physical activity of the elderly significantly correlated with sex, chronic illness, job, and sleep patterns of the elderly. Stepwise multiple regression analysis revealed that the most powerful predictor of sleep pattern was the satisfaction of sleep. A combination of the number of chronic illnesses, moderate physical activities (MET), and total time of sleep accounted for 44.4% of the sleep pattern.


Moderate physical activity is more effective than vigorous physical activity for improving the sleep quality of the elderly.


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  • Factors Associated with Vancomycin-ResistantEnterococcusInfections in Hematologic Cancer Patients in Korea: A Retrospective Case-Control Study
    Jiyoung Kim, Ja Yun Choi
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2022; 34(1): 97.     CrossRef
  • Developing and testing a Korean patient classification system for general wards based on nursing intensity
    Yukyung Ko, Bohyun Park, Hanju Lee, Donghwan Kim
    Nursing Open.2021; 8(4): 1870.     CrossRef
  • Factors Associated with Physical Activity in Older Adults by Region: Based on the 2017 Community Health Survey
    Hyun-Ju Lee, Yeongsuk Lee, Jungmi Yun
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2020; 31(Suppl): 563.     CrossRef
  • Older adults’ willingness to share their personal and health information when adopting healthcare technology and services
    Tae Kyung Kim, Moon Choi
    International Journal of Medical Informatics.2019; 126: 86.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional Risk of the Elderly Receiving a Home-Delivered Meal Service Program and the Factors for Nutritional Risk
    Na-Young Yi, Jung-Hwa Choi
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(3): 197.     CrossRef
  • Relationships among Muscle Mass and Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Physical Activity, and Nutrient Intake in Elderly Women: Based on the 4th-5th (2008-2011) Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES)
    Doo-Hwan Jung, Jung-Hyun Kim
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2018; 29(4): 469.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Laughter Therapy on Depression and Sleep among Patients at Long-term Care Hospitals
    Ji Hyoung Han, Kyung Min Park, Heeok Park
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2017; 29(5): 560.     CrossRef
  • Sleep patterns and it's influencing factors of hospitalized elderly in long-term care hospital
    Hyo-Yoel Jang, Tae-Im Kim
    Journal of the Korean Data and Information Science Society.2016; 27(3): 773.     CrossRef
  • Health Status and Factors related to Health Behaviors of Older Adults Using a Senior Center
    Ji-Yeon Ha, Yeon-Hwan Park
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2015; 27(4): 428.     CrossRef
  • Factors Influencing Physical Activity in Elderly Women at Senior Citizen Centers
    Kyung Hee Seo, Young Eun
    Journal of muscle and joint health.2015; 22(3): 236.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of Physical Activity Measured by International Physical Activity Questionnaire and Actigraph Accelerometer, and Participation Intention for Physical Activity of Breast Cancer Survivors
    Jee Yeon Park, Nahyun Kim, Sun Hee Kang
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2015; 17(2): 104.     CrossRef
  • The Influence of Physical Activity and Depression on Sleep Quality in Community-dwelling Older Adults: A Comparison between Young-old and Old-old
    Ahrin Kim
    Journal of Korean Biological Nursing Science.2015; 17(4): 287.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of the Urinary Incontinence and Quality of Sleep on Fall Efficacy of the Community Dwelling Elderly
    Eun-Suk Yun
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(4): 2142.     CrossRef
  • Literature Review for the Effects of Physical Activity on Musculoskeletal Outcomes in Community-dwelling Older Adults
    Kyung Choon Lim, Jeung-Im Kim, Young Ran Chae
    Korean Journal of Women Health Nursing.2014; 20(4): 297.     CrossRef
  • Validity and Reliability of Korean Version of International Physical Activity Questionnaire Short Form in the Elderly
    Min Young Chun
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2012; 33(3): 144.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Physical Activity and Related Factors to Physical Activity for the Elderly with Diabetes Mellitus
    Hye-Yeon Kang, Mee-Ock Gu
    Journal of muscle and joint health.2012; 19(1): 57.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a regular walking exercise program on behavioral and biochemical aspects in elderly people with type II diabetes
    Kiwol Sung, Sangkeun Bae
    Nursing & Health Sciences.2012; 14(4): 438.     CrossRef
  • A Comparison of Pain, Pain Interference and Fatigue according to the Level of Physical Activity in the Elderly with Chronic Pain
    Bo Kyoung Cha, Chang Seung Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2011; 22(2): 161.     CrossRef
  • A Comparison of Pain, Pain Interference and Fatigue according to the Level of Physical Activity in the Elderly with Chronic Pain
    Bo Kyoung Cha, Chang Seung Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2011; 22(2): 162.     CrossRef
  • Factors related to the Quality of Sleep in the Elderly Women
    Young-Hee Kim, Jin-Sook Han
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2011; 12(10): 4467.     CrossRef
  • Predictors of Physical Activity in Korean Older Adults: Distinction between Urban and Rural Areas
    Seungmi Park, Yeon-Hwan Park
    Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing.2010; 40(2): 191.     CrossRef
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