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Original Article
Comparison of sleep and related variables between young and old adults
Shin Mee Kim, Jin Joo Oh, Mi Soon Song, Yeon Hwan Park
The Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):820-830.
Published online: March 30, 2017

Daejon College, Korea.

Dankook University, Korea.

Seuol National University, Korea.

Copyright © 1997 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Sleep is an essential component for health and the quality of life individuals, and is affected by multiple factors. Thereby, sleep impairment is know to be frequent even in health subjects. The purpose of the study is to compare sleep patterns and related factors between healthy young and old adults and to identify aging effects upon sleep in a cross-sectional way. The survey questionnaire was developed by translation and modification of two well-know sleep questionnaires which were originally developed by Monroe(1967) and Ellis, et al.(1982). Discussion with experts and pilot study were completed to finalize the contents of the questionnaire that was used in this study. Results are as follows : 1. Sleep complaints were lower in older adults. 2. The most frequent variables that explain sleep satisfaction were feeling rested in the morning in the older adults and feeling rested and falling asleep within five minutes in the young adults. 3. Regarding sleep-disturbing factors, physical factors were more frequently reported in the older adults and environmental factors are reported more frequently in the young adults. and there was no difference related to the emotional factors between the two groups. 4. Young adults were practiced strategies for better sleep more often than the older adults, and they were mainly in-home activities just before sleep. 5. Sleep patterns which change with aging were as follows : going to bed and waking up earlier ; not staying in the bed long after waking up ; getting harder to fall asleep ; frequent arousal after sleep onset ; getting harder to go back to sleep after arousal during night sleep. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that sleep and related factors of the young and the older adults are different. Also, sleep patterns change with aging and those changes seem to be negative for sleep in the elderly. Repeated studies are needed to establish more concrete information regarding sleep patterns. In addition, further research is needed to develop more reliable, valid, and feasible sleep measure tools, and to develop and evaluate nursing interventions.

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        Comparison of sleep and related variables between young and old adults
        Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing. 1997;27(4):820-830.   Published online March 30, 2017
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