The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of the day care service for the elderly and family with the stroke.
Data were collected from September 2002 to March 2003 by self report questionnaires and interview. 50 elderlies and families(Gr I) who used day care center were compared with 51 elderlies and families (Gr II) who didn't used. The data were analyzed using independent sample t test and chi square test.
The general characteristics, stressors, and situational variables related to outcome variables were homogeneous between two groups. The caregiver burden(t=-2.287, p=.024) score in the Gr I was significantly lower than in the Gr II. However there was no evidence of an effect day care center attendance on the depression of the elderly, the relationship between elderly and caregiver, and the family functioning.
Findings indicate that day care service was effective in reducing the caregiver burden of the elderly, however more day care service programs(elderly health management, rehabilitation...)will be added.