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The Influence of Grit on Turnover Intention of University Hospital Nurses: The Mediating Effect of Job Involvement
Ji Yeong Jeong, Youn Sook Seo, Jung Hoon Choi, Seong Hee Kim, Min Sook Lee, Sung Hwa Hong, Jung Suk Choi, Da Eun Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(2):181-190.   Published online April 30, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study aimed to confirm the mediating effect of job involvement in the relationship between grit and turnover intention among nurses working at university hospitals.


Participants included 437 nurses from university hospitals located in C city, Gyeongnam. Data were collected from January 8 to 19, 2018, using self-report questionnaires. Data were analyzed using the t-test, analysis of variance, Scheffe's test, Pearson's correlation coefficient, and multiple regression, with the SPSS/22.0 program. A mediation analysis was performed according to the Baron and Kenny, and bootstrapping methods.


There were significant relationships between grit and job involvement (r=.40, p<.001), grit and turnover intention (r=−.29, p<.001), and turnover intention and job involvement (r=−.52, p<.001). Job involvement showed partial mediating effects in the relationship between grit and turnover intention.


Grit increased job involvement and lowered turnover intention. Therefore, to reduce nurses' turnover intention, it is necessary to develop a program and strategies to increase their grit.

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Response Patterns of Nursing Unit Managers regarding Workplace Bullying: A Q Methodology Approach
Jin Kyu Choi, Byoungsook Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(5):562-574.   Published online January 15, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The purpose of this study was to identify the response patterns of nursing unit managers regarding workplace bullying.


Q methodology was used to identify the response patterns. Thirty-six Q samples were selected from the Q population of 210 that included literature reviews and in-depth interviews with clinical nurses and nursing managers. Participants were 30 nursing unit managers who had experience managing workplace bullying and they classified the Q samples into a normal distribution frame measured on a nine-point scale. The data were analyzed using the PC-QUANL program.


Five types of response patterns were identified: (1) sympathetic-understanding acceleration, (2) harmonious-team approach, (3) preventive-organizational management, (4) passive observation, and (5) leading-active intervention. The preventive-organizational management type was most frequently used by the nursing unit managers.


The results of this study indicated that nursing unit managers attempted to prevent and solve workplace bullying in various ways. Therefore, it is necessary to develop and conduct leadership training and intervention programs that appropriately address the response patterns of nursing unit managers, such as those identified in this study.

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Mediation Effect of Self-Efficacy on the Relationship between Perceived Self-Management Support and Health-Related Quality of Life among Cancer Survivors
Bo Gyeong Lee, Tae Sook Lee, Soo Hyun Kim
J Korean Acad Nurs 2019;49(3):298-306.   Published online January 15, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study aimed to examine the levels of perceived self-management support, self-efficacy for self-management, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in cancer survivors, and to identify the mediating effect of self-efficacy in the relationship between perceived self-management support and HRQoL.


This study used a descriptive correlational design. Two hundred and four cancer survivors who had completed treatment participated in the study. Measurements included the Patient Assessment of Chronic Illness Care Scale, the Korean version of the Cancer Survivors’ Self-Efficacy Scale, and the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient analysis, and multiple regression analysis using Baron and Kenny's method for mediation.


The mean score for perceived self-management support was 3.35 out of 5 points, self-efficacy was 7.26 out of 10 points, and HRQoL was 65.90 out of 100 points. Perceived self-management support was significantly positively correlated with self-efficacy (r=.29, p<.001) and HRQoL (r=.27, p<.001). Self-efficacy was also significantly correlated with HRQoL (r=.59, p<.001). Furthermore, self-efficacy (β=.55, p<.001) had a complete mediating effect on the relationship between perceived self-management support and HRQoL (Z=3.88, p<.001).


The impact of perceived self-management support on HRQoL in cancer survivors was mediated by self-efficacy for self-management. This suggests that strategies for enhancing self-efficacy in cancer survivors should be considered when developing self-management interventions for improving their HRQoL.

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Chronically Ill Patients' Perception of Hospital Nurses
Byoung-Sook Lee, Mi-Aie Lee, Yong-Sook Eo
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(3):311-322.   Published online June 30, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this qualitative research was to investigate chronically ill patients' perception of hospital nurses.


Individual in-depth interviews and qualitative content analysis were used for data collection and analysis respectively. Participants were 13 chronically ill hospitalized patients or outpatients in three universities hospitals. All interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim. Data were analyzed using the qualitative content analysis suggested by Graneheim and Lundman (2004).


Three themes emerged from the 10 sub-themes, which were categorized from the 21 condensed meaning units by interpreting the underlying meanings. The three themes were “person giving comfort and support by caring”, “person facilitating the process of healing”, and “person taking the initiative in power relations”. Two themes involved positive experiences of patients and the other included negative ones.


The results showed that the participants perceived the hospital nurses as devoted to caring for patients and facilitating treatments, but authoritative in performing their duty. Based on these results, it is recommended that hospital nurses improve their nursing knowledge, skills and humanistic attitude.

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Impact of Parents’ Problem Drinking on Suicidal Ideation of Their University Student Children : The Multiple Mediating Effects of Childhood Trauma, Experiential Avoidance and Depression
Eun Sook Lee, Eun Ju Bong
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(5):565-577.   Published online January 15, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

The purpose of this study was to construct and test a hypothetical model about impact of parents’ problem drinking on suicidal ideation of their children who are university students and the multiple mediating effects of childhood trauma, experiential avoidance, and depression based on stress-vulnerability model.


A purposive sample of 400 university students was recruited from three universities in provincial areas and the data were collected between October and November 2016. The collected data were then analyzed using SPSS 20.0 and AMOS 20.0 programs. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were performed. Multiple mediating effects analysis using phantom variable and bootstrapping were implemented to verify the mediating effect of the research model.


We found no significant direct effect on depression and suicidal ideation of parents’ problem drinking, but multiple mediating effects of childhood trauma and experiential avoidance between parents’ problem drinking and depression (B=.38, p=.001). The path from parents’ problem drinking to suicidal ideation was significantly mediated by childhood trauma and depression (B=.02, p=.016) and by childhood trauma, experiential avoidance, and depression (B=.05, p=.011), but experiential avoidance did not have a significant direct effect on suicidal ideation (B=.02, p=.616). Conclusions: Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested that in order to decrease depression and prevent suicide of university students, considering of parents’ problem drinking and childhood trauma, intervention methods that decreased chronic use of experiential avoidance and strengthen acceptance should be developed and made available to them.

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Development of Job Satisfaction Scale for Clinical Nurses
Byoung-Sook Lee, Yong-Sook Eo, Mi-Aie Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2018;48(1):12-25.   Published online January 15, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDF
Abstract Purpose

This study was performed to develop the Job Satisfaction Scale for Clinical Nurses (JSS-CN) and verify its validity and reliability.


A preliminary 42-item version of the JSS-CN was developed through literature reviews and in-depth interviews. The draft scale was developed using thirty-seven items selected following content validity evaluation. Finally, thirty-three items with response options on a 5-point Likert scale were selected based on internal consistency reliability and construct validity. Subsequently, the test-retest reliability and convergent validity of the JSS-CN were verified.


Six factors, namely, recognition from the organization and professional achievement, personal maturation through the nursing profession, interpersonal interaction with respect and recognition, accomplishment of accountability as a nurse, display of professional competency, and stability and job worth, were identified, which explained 59.7% of the total variance. The JSS-CN's Cronbach's a for the total scale was .95, and the intra-class correlation coefficient was .90. The correlation coefficient between the scores of the JSS-CN and Slavitt's scale was .75, and that between the JSS-CN and job performance was .53.


Results showed that the JSS-CN has good reliability and validity. Therefore, it is concluded that the JSS-CN could be a useful tool for the measurement of the job satisfaction of clinical nurses in Korea.

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Experience of Becoming a Father of a High Risk Premature Infant
Jeong Eon Park, Byoung Sook Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2017;47(2):277-288.   Published online April 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was performed to identify the experience of becoming a father of a high risk premature infant.


Grounded theory was used for this research. The participants were 12 fathers who had premature infants lighter than 2,500g of birth weight, less than 37 weeks of gestational age and having stayed 2 weeks or longer in a NICU right after birth. Theoretical sampling was done to identify participants and indepth interviews were done for the data collection. For data analysis, the process suggested by Corbin and Strauss was used.


For these participants the core phenomenon of the experience of becoming a father of a high risk premature infant was ‘striving through with belief and patience’. The phenomenon was ‘being frustrated in an unrealistic shock’. Contextual conditions were ‘uncertainty in the health status of the premature baby’ and ‘no one to ask for help’ and intervening conditions were ‘possibility in the health recovery of the premature baby’ and ‘assistance from significant others’. Action/interaction strategies were ‘withstanding with belief in the baby’ and ‘enduring with willpower as head of the family’ and the consequence was ‘becoming a guardian of the family’.


For the participants, the process of becoming the father of a high risk premature infant was striving through the situation with belief in their babies' ability to overcome the crisis and waiting for the babies' recovery with patience.

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A Study on the Aspects of Chronic Circulatory Disease Through Treatment Analysis of Employee's Medical Insurance
Keel Sook Lee, Yeen Kang Chung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(3):38-66.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Based on the statistical data of FKMIS during five years from 1981 to 1985, the major findings of studying on the treatments of employee's medical insurance covered people were made as follows. 1. During five years, the total number of treatment case was increased 25.14% annually, and so doubled. The consultation rate was increased from 2.086 to 2.856, showng annual increase of 8.17% and total increase of 36.91%. In the case of in-patient, the rate was from 0.056 to 0.602, showing annual increase of 2.58%. And in out-patient, the rate was from 2.030 to 2.794, showing annual increase of 8.31%. The male: female ratio of treatment case was changed from 1: 1.1 to 1:1.2. 2. Case of chronic disease was on the increase every year. The ratio of medical expenditure of that disease to the total medical expenditure was increased from 22.99% in 1984 to 25.0% in 1985. 3. As a whole, the consultation rate of circulatory disease was increased from 26.10 in 1981 to 46.53 in 1985, showing an nual increase of 15. 55 %. The rate of in-patient was increased from 2. 06 to 2.94, showing annual increase of 9.30%. The rate of out-patient was from, 24.04 to 43.59, showing annual increase of 16.04%. 4. The duration (days) of circulatory, disease in 1985 by types is as follows. In the case of in-patient, rheumatic fever rehumatic heart disease (22. 67), ischaemic disease (17.39), ccrebrovascular disease (17.18), disease of pulmonary circulation and other from of heart disease (15.82), hyperte nsive disease (13.18), other disease of circulatory disease(11. 55). In the case of out-patient, visiting day (11.57 day) and medical expenditure per case (7,853 won) is lower than that of other diseases (4.39 day, 4,361 won). 5. Cases of circulatory chronic disease were two times as many as those of non-chronic disease. Incidence of the out-patient was shown higher than that of in-patient. In the case of duration per case, the chronic disease (12.92 days) was longer that of non-chronic disease (9.8 day). 6. The male: female ratio of chronic rheumatic heart disease is 34.56 : 65.44 (in-patient) and 34. 67 : 65.33 (out-patient). The consultation rate(case per 1,000 persons) was increased from 1.11 in 1983 to 1.30 in 1985, showing annual increase of 8.22 %. The duration, visiting day, was decreased slightly, but medication day wasincreased from 13. 93 in 1983 to 16.72 in 1985, showing annual inc rease of 9.56%. 7. The male: female ratio of hypertensive dise ase (case) was 39.36 : 60.64(in-patient) and 40.67 : 59.33 (out-patient). The consultation rate was increased from 19.59 in 1983 to 25.36 in 1985, showing annual increase of 13.78%. Duration, visting day, was decreased slightly, but medication day was increased from 11.82 in 1983 to 12.77 in 1985, showing annual increase of 3.94%. 8. The male:female ratio of chronic pulmonary-ischaemic heart disease (case) was 48.90 : 51.10 (in-patient) and 43.66 : 56. 34 (out-patient). The consultation rate of chronic pulmonary-ischaemic heart disease was increase from 0.69 in 1983 to 1. 12 in 1985, showing annual increase of 27.40%. Duration, visiting day, was decreased from 2.67 in 1983 to 2.36 in 1985, and medication day was decreased from 0.69 in 1983 to 1.12 in 1985, showing annual decrease of 2.09%, 9. The male: female ratio of cerebrovascular disease (case) was 47.90 : 52.10 (in-patient) and 52.28:47.72 (out-patient). The consulatation rate was increased .frorm 2.12 in 1983 to 2.89 in 1985, showing annual increase of 16.76%. Duration, visiting day, was decreased slightly, but medication day was increased from 12. 67 in 1983 to 13.85 in 1985, showing annual increase of 4.55%. 10. In case of artery and capillary disease, the male: female ratio of case was 61.80: 38..20 (in-patient) and 51.77 : 48. 23 (out-patient). But duration, visiting day, was increased from 3.45 in 1983 to 3.60 in 1985, showing annual increase of 2.15 % and the medication day was increased from 10. 06 to 10.18, showing annual increase of 0.59%.

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A Study on the Role Conflict of Head Nurse
Sung Ae Pakr, Byung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1985;15(1):44-51.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the role conflict of head nurse; to identify the degree of the role conflict, the sources of the conflict, and the relation between the degree of the conflict and the general characteristics of head nurse. During the period from July 23, 1984 to August 4, 1984, data were collected from 109 head nurses working in 7 general hospitals in seoul. The results of this study were; 1. The degree of the role conflict of head nurse was moderate. But among the three areas in performing head nurse's role, the degree of role conflict as a operational manager was slightly serious. 2. In the various sources of the role conflict of head nurse, the main sources were the shortage of personnel (20.7%), lack of equipment (19.3%), and lack of time(17.6%). 3. In comparison of the degree of role conflict of head nurse, there is no significant difference in the general characteristics of head nurse. But the role conflict of head nurse as a operational manager, there is a significant difference in hospital types in which the head nurse were working(P<0.01). And as a operational manager, there is a significant difference of role conflict in educational levels(P<0.01).

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A Survey on Changes of Postoperative Pain of Surgical Patients according to Time Variation
Eun Ok Lee, Soo Jin Kim, Kyung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1984;14(1):60-68.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The main purpose of this study is to observe patterns of pain of surgical patients following surgery. The postoperative pain was checked with the interval of every 2 hours from 6 hours to 80 hours after surgery. Graphic rating scale from unidimensional concept of pain and sensory intensity scale and unpleasantness scale from two dimensional concept of pain were used for pain measurement. Thirty two patients were participated in this study in which 22 were undergone upper abdominal surgery, 7 thyroid or neck surgery and 3 other surgeries. The findings obtained from this study were as follows: 1) In all cases of using 3 different pain measurement tools, postoperative pain was markedly decreased since 36 hours after surgery. In case of patient's less cooperation, either sensory intensity scale or graphic rating scale may be chosen for the measurement of pain. 2) Pain amounts measured by sensory intensity scale were highly correlated with those measured by unpleasantness scale in all situations except several situations having few cases included. Unpleasantness scale may be separately used for the measurement of affective response due to pain. 3) Almost 90% of total amount of analgesics used for relief of pain were used within 36 hours after surgery. 4) Mean frequency of analgesics used by every patient during 80 hours following surgery was 0.84.

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A Survey on Knowledge and Attitude of Food and Nutrition Held by Schoolgirls in Korea
Moon Hee Jung, Myeong Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):63-72.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This survey was conducted to provide fundamental data for a practical school health education by grasping the extent to what schoolgirls in Korea made out the conceptions for nutrition often misunderstood. Questionnaires were given to schoolgirls in the 3 classes per grade in a school in Seoul and in the 2 classes in a school in a rural area from the ist grade in the middle school to the 3rd grade in the high school; which were selected at random by school nurses. 96.6% of qnestionnaires were collected (total 1,689) and by means of computational treatment of them the anthor obtained statistically highly significant results. 1. on the average sghoolgirls had incorrect conceptions on 9.29 items (37.16%) of total 25 items which are often misunderstood. 2. Shoolgirls in higher grades revealed misconceptions on less items than those in lower ones : on 9.66 items in the case of those in the middle school and on 8.82 items in the case of those in the high school. 3. Three major misconceptions of total 25 ones were as follows, (1) Chemical additives are dangerous in food (86.7%). (2) Spinach is a highly concentrated source of vitamins and minerals (82.8%). (3) The more vitamins you take the better (71.3%).

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A Study on the Influences of Stressful Events and Coping Behavior on Mental Health
Pyoung Sook Lee, Hyun Bin Rhim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(1):57-64.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of the study was to find out the relationship between experienced stressful events and its coping behavior within mentally wellness and illness, and to define the effective coping method under the stressful situation. By doing so, during the period of April, 1978- to March, 1979 the objects of this study were 100 persons who were under the psychiatric facilities in their first hospitalization, and who were registered in psychiatric out patient department in the form general hospitals located at Seoul selected as a experimental group. As a control group 100 persons who never experienced psychiatric treatmcntd who were not under the current medical treatment, and who were earring appropriate social roles in their community were selected, and in both groups utilized questimaires for Social Readjustment Pating Scale and Coping Scale. This study was tested by X2 examinationand by F-ratio (analysis of variance). Results were as follows : Hypothesis 1 . The actually experienced life events were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, but they did not show the significant difference between the groups. (p> 0.05) Thus hypothesis 1 was rejected. Hypothesis : 2 . The stress scores were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also did show the significant difference between the groups (p<0.05) . Therefore hypothesis 2 was supported. Hypothesis 3 . The non-effective coping behavior were expected to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group, and also did show the significant difference between the two groups(p< 0.001). Also hypothesis 3 was supported. Hypohthesis 4 . The higher stress score groups (above 250 LCU) were expected to utilize non-effective coping method more frefuently than in the lower stress score groups (below 249 LCU), and not only they showed high in utilizing non-effective coping method but also showed high in utilizing effective coping method. Thus hyphothesis 4 was partially supported, (p < 0.001) The following are drawn out based on the result of this study that the stress scores were higher, and more utilized non-effective coping method in the emotionally disturbances than in the emtionally healthies.

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An Analysis of Suicidal Accidents on Psychiatric In-patients
Pyoung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1975;5(2):11-22.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Suicides have been considered to be one of the grave problems of modern societies. According to recent police statistics of Republic of Korea, 28.6 suicides in every 100,000 were reported. Psychiatric patients are believed to be predisposed to suicidal tendencies. This study was performed to investigate the characteristics of suicidal attempts and to analyse the environmental factors involved in the suicidal accidents of patients admitted to psychiatric hospitals. Records of 66 suicidal accidents from three psychiatric hospitals during the period of January 1971 through June 1976 were sampled. Data were analysed by perceritile score. Results are as follows; 1. The age group of 21~30yrs. was revealed to be the highest in frequency of suicidal attempts (50.0%) Among the succesful suicides; the age group of 3l~40 yrs. in men and the age group of 21 -30 yrs. in women revealed to be the highest in frequency, Among the unsuccesful suicides; the age group of 21-30yrs. in both sex revealed to be the highest in frequency. 2. Suicidal accidentsoecurred more frequently to the unmarried(63. 6%). Among the succesful suicides; higher frequency was shown ro unmarried in men and the frequency is contrasted in women. Among the unsuccessful; the unmarried in both sex were revealed to be highest in frequency. 3. Schizophrenia was revealed the highest of suicidal attempts in frequency (81. 8%). 4. Suicides were most frequently attempted in the spring(46. 9%). Among the successful suicides; highest frequencies were shown in men in the winter and in women in the summer sesaon. Among the unsuccessful suicides; highest frequencies were shown in men in the winter and in women in the spring. 5. Suicidal attempts were most frequently occurred in hospital wards (40.9%). In women, unsussesful attempts were found to be the highest on authorized leave at their home. 6. The hanging was revealed to be the most frequently adopted methods for suicidal atte mpts (31. 8%). Among the successful suicides;hanging was the most frequent method adopted in men while in women the drug over-dose. Among the unsuccessful suicides; stabbing by sharp devices while in women drug-overdosage was adopted as well.

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An Experimental Study on the Influences of Nurses' Communication Method upon Psychiatric Patient's Response
Pyoung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1974;4(2):78-92.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

It is the purpose of this study to make clear the way in which people can lead a more desirable human life, that is, to ascertain the method of achieving therapeutic change through transaction between nurses and psychiatric patients. The various problems proposed by the above-stated aims of study can be shown, such as: What kind of influences does the method of a nurse's communication have upon the response of psychiatric patiants? 1) What are the general methods of communication used by the nurses? 2! Are there any differences between the control group and experimental group in the patients' "Child" response? 3) Are there any differences between the control group and experimental group in the Patients-"Adult" response? 4) What is the most desirable method of communication for therapeutic change in the patients? In an effort to solve the above questions this study attempted and managed to draw a random sampling of 200 patients being accommodated in the National Mental Hospital by dividing them into two groups, experimental groups and conrol groups, and recording the transactions between nurses and patients. In the course of carrying out this study, the experimental group was interviewed by the nurses specially trained in the P.A.C theory, and the control group interviewed at random by the nurses with no special training in communication. Further, the communication between nurses and patients in a free, relaxed atmosphere was allowed only for 15 minutes, whereupon the nurses were requested to make process-recording according to her memory of nurse- patient transaction. The process-recording which recorded a series of transactions between the nurses and the patients-was analyzed according to Berne and Harris' transactional Analysis Standard. Through this standard, the writer of this study examined the significance of difference to compare the transactions brought forth between the experimental group and the control group. The following is a summary of the study which the writer of this thesis undertook. Hypothesis I. The method of communication which the nurses usually apply to the patients will be higher in "Parent" than in "Adult". The communication which the nurses carried out in the control group turned out fo be not significant between "Adult" and "Parent" Accordingly hypothesis 1. came to be rejected. Hypothesis 2. The patients "Adult" response will be higher in the experimental group than in the control group. According to the result of a CR examination, as the communication showed a significant difference on P<.01 level' hypothesis 2 became affirmative. Hypothesis 3. The patients' "Child" response will be higher in the control group than in the experimental group. Hypothesis 3 proved affirmative since it showed an significant degree on P<.01 level according to the result of a CR examination. Hypothesis 4 "Adult" response of the patient will be higher in frequency by nurses' "Adult" stimulus than nurse's "Parent" stimulus Chi-square examination revealed significant differenne on P<.05 level. H-ypo. 4 is affirmed. The following conclusions are drawn out based on the result of this study. 1) The generally used method of communication stimulus used by nurses for patients proved to be "Adult" and "Parent" in similar proportion. 2) The group in which the nurses could increase pthe atients' "Adult" response proved to be higher in the experimental group than in the control group. Therefore, the communication (or stimulus) which has been applied in the experimental group can be said to be possible method of achieving therapeutic change. 3) Since the patients' "Child" response were higher in the control group than in the experimental group the communication method used in the control group was suggested as the less agreeable method of achieving therapeutic change than that used in the experimental group. 4) "Adult" response of patient was elicited in significantly greater percentage when the "Adult" stimulus was used by the nurse. Therefore, the most desirable method of - communication to give therapeutic change definitely was shown to be the "Adult" stimulus. Recommendations for further studies are as follows: 1) Studies on nurses' role perception in nurse-patient relationships. 2) Studies on patients' response to the method of cammunication used by nurses according to variables such as sex, social status, educational background, state of health. 3) Application of T.A. method to various groups of patients. 4) Study of various methods to improve student skill in use of process recording.

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A Study of the Reasons For Wanting Children Among Women Under Thirty Five Years of Age Residing in the Yonsei Community Health Area
Chung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1973;3(2):81-90.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Since there is nothing in the literature regarding how Koreans value their children, this is an exploratory study attempting to (1) generate ideas as to why women of child- bearing age want children and (2) discover aspects of the interaction between the value of children and the fertility behavior according to socio-economic class and level of education. Fifty women from the Yonhee A Citizen's Apartment and 50 women from the slum area Surrounding the Yonhee Apartment were interviewed by the investigator during the period of October 10 to October 25, 1972. All of the women interviewed were under 35 years of age and had more than one child. The questionnaire consisted of questions regarding the general characteristics of the respondents, the status of current family planning practice, the number of induced abort- ions and the reasons for wanting children. An open ended question followed by a forced choice question was the method used to determine the reasons for wanting children. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Half of all the respondents were between 30 and 34 years of age. 2. Four percent of die respondents had no schooling, 51 percent had graduated from primary school, and 45 percent were educated beyond middle school. 3. The most important reasons for wanting children given by the respondents were categorized as follows: (1) carrying on the family name, (2) old age security, (3)value of life, (4) fun of rearing children, (5) avoidance of loneliness, (6) responsibility of women. 4. The number of consistent answers between the open ended and forced choice questions regarding reasons for wanting children was significantly different. Only 30 women among the total respondents gave consistent answers. Carrying on the family name was the category in which there was the highest rate of consistency. 5. The reasons for wanting children were not significantly different for age, educational level, and number of living children for all of the respondents. 6. In response to the question "If you want to have only one child, which sex would you prefer?" 96 percent of the respondents said they would select a son. 7. Major suggestions for further study were to differentiate. (1) between reasons women want children and reasons women have children and (2) between reasons men want children and reasons women want children.

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A Survey of the Effect of Nursing Students on Community Health Knowledge
Won Jung Cho, Eui Sook Kim, Chung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1973;3(2):111-120.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to determine whether or not the delivery of health services effects the health knowledge of the recepients of that service. It was hypothesized that the practical application of theory, though health services rendered by public health nursing students during their field experiences, would have a positive relationship with the quantity and quality of health knowledge of the female population of a given community. In April 1970, ninety five women(between an age 15-49) from Koyang-Gun were interviewed regarding their knowledge and attitudes in four areas of health; maternal health, child hsalth, family planning and tuberculosis prevention. After 1 1/2 years(Nov. 1971), during which time the women received home visits by student nurses, the women were again interviewed using the original questionnaire. Additionally, they were asked where they had received information about each question. During the 1 1/2 year period the visits were made by a total of 112 students. They visited the community twice a week. The result were as follows: Maternal health There was marked improvement in the knowledge of specific aspects of maternal health such as the proper instruments needed for cutting the cord and nutritional precaution of pregnancy (p<0. 05). In each case 42. 0 percent of more of this knowledge was attributed to information gained from the nursing students. However even after the nursing students' visits, the knowledge of other general areas of maternal remained poor. Child health There were increases in the knowledge of the respondents for the time to supplement breast feeding and for time to wean infants (p<0. 05). In each case 35. 0 percent or more of this information was attributed to the student. The increase in knowledge regarding types of immunization was more often attributed to the clinic nurse than to the nursing students. Knowledge of the necessity of booster immunization was poor both before and after the visits by the nursing students. Family planning There were significant increases in correct information regarding the time of I.U.D. insertion (p<0.05) and method of taking the oral pill (p<0.05). More than 42.0 percent of the increase was attributed to the nursing students' visits. However there was a slight decrease in correct information about concept of family planning. Tuberculosis There was a general lack of improvement in all areas concerned with tuberculosis. Two thirds of the respondents felt tuberculosis was hereditary and did not know what B.C.G. was. From this study, it could be concluded that in specific area the health knowledge cf the female population studied was positively effected by the visits of the nursing students. The study also, suggests, however, that there was a marked uneveness in the overall increase in health knowledge.This raises serious questions which require further research. Suggested areas for further research are (1) Adequacy of the course content preparing nurses for the field experience. (2) A public health nursing manual for student reference. (3) Where and when specific aspects of health can be taught most effectively.

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A Review of the Operation Community Health Practitioner System as a Reorientation of Primary Health Care
Yeo Shin Hong, In Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(4):568-583.   Published online March 31, 2017
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In the changing social and economic conditions, reorientation of the health care system is a process of rearranging health care resources keeping in mind the appropriativeness, relevancy, and efficacy of health care programs. Also it has been recognized recently that the CHP program is in need of review for the same reasons, that is to say, the ease in which health care facilities are available, the high rate of coverage with insurance and the development of an effective transportation system. Therefore there is a social inclination to think that there are no remote areas and to question the roles of public health facilities, health centers, health sub centers and CHP posts. This paper was done to review problems and to propose new directions for the CHP system. The findings of this study are as follows; 1) It is necessary that primary health care should be simplified into three parts, medical treatment, preventive care services and the organization of administration and logistics. Also each department should be supplemented with the appropriate professional personnel in order to develop a task oriented system. The reorientation of the CHP system should be managed in keeping with that of other public health care systems. Therefore it is necessary to look at the CHP system problems as one aspect of the reorientation process of public health care systems, and to work to find new ways to address these problems. 2) The location of the CHP post should be decided by the needs of the community in both the medical and preventive areas. If the people have a minimum need, the location of the CHP post should be altered and the existing roles of the CHP should be modified to allow for flexibility according to the community needs. 3) Use of the problem solving method in regular team meetings will prove to be as efficient as continuing education programs in improving job competancy. 4) The supervision of CHP's activities should be made by the same type professional personnel, that is, senior CHPs or charge nurses in the public health center at the county level. 5) The operational expensies of CHP post should be supported by the administrative department of the public health center and should create working conditions that will allow the CHP to concentrate on community health service programs. 6) The organizations for community participation, working committees, community health workers and a number of the local assembly, should be activated to provide for participation in finding solutions to health related problems in the community.

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Effects Nursing Interventions on Anxiety and / or Stress : A Meta - Analysis
Eun Ok Lee, Hae Hyang Song, Byung Sook Lee, Joo Hyun Kim, Eun Hee Lee, Eun Joo Lee, Chai Soon Park, Gyeong Ja Chun, Myun Sook Jung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(4):526-551.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the commonalities of various nursing interventions and effective intervention methods in each intervention through analysis and synthesis of many accumulated research papers. The study analyzed the effects of various nursing interventions on anxiety and/or stress. For this purpose, 64 experimental studies with randomized or nonequivalent control group pre-test-posttest design were selected were selected from journals of medical and nursing schools, the Korean Nurse, the Korean Nurses' Academic Society Journal, the Central Journal of Medicine, the New Medical Journal, the Nurse Monthly, and from theses and dissertations conducted from 1970 to 1991. The selected studies were classified according to three characteristics : 1) the research sample, 2) types and methods of nursing interventions, and 3) statistical tests. The following analysis was done : 1) Confirmation of the accuracy of data drawn from each study by paired review, 2) Estimation of the homogenity of pre-test scores of the dependent variable between control and experimental groups warranted the effect size of post-scores, 3) If the homogenity of pre-test scores did not warrant, the change scores from pre-test to post-test were used to estimate the effect size, 4) Use of the effect size of each study among homogenious studies was tested for each intervention method, such as relaxation, information, and touch and/or support. Finally, for the studies not showing homogenity, and ANOVA test was used to identify patterns for each intervention. Some findings are summarized as follow: The effect sizes for relaxation and information were greater than those for touch and / or supportive technique. Studies using random assignment had greater effect sizes than nonrandomized sample studies using the same intervention. For healthy people, group education was more effective than individual teaching. However, for patients, relaxation and touch and / or supportive techniques given on individual basis were more effective than when given in a group situation. Measuring anxiety and stress by biological indicators was less effective than by self-report. Budzynski's relaxation method was the most effective. The more frequently the techniques applied, the larger the effect size. On the bases of these findings, the following recommendations were made : 1. A combination of information, relaxation, and touch-supportive techniques should be sued for greater effect in reducing the level of anxiety and / or stress. 2. Information is the first choice of intervention to reduce the level of anxiety and/or stress of health people ; other intervention may be added depending on the conditions of the subjects.

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Analysis of Studies of Anxiety and Stress Conducted in Korea form 1970 to 1990
Eun Ok Lee, Eun Joo Lee, Eun Hee Lee, Kyung Za Chun, Joo Hyun Kim, Chai Soon Park, Byung Sook Lee, Myun Sook Jung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(3):271-296.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purposes of this study were 1) to identify patterns and trends of studies of anxiety and stress and 2) to provide direction on which to base further research. Research studies of anxiety and stress were selected from journals of medical and nursing schools, the Korean Nurse, the Korean Nurses' Academic Society Journal, the Central Journal of Medicine, the New Medical Journal, Monthly Nurse, and from theses and dissertations, which had been conducted for the 20 years from 1970 to 1990. The total population of the studies numbered 463. Seven studies were excluded from the analysis because of duplication, so that 252 studies of anxiety and 204 of stress were analyzed. These studies were analyzed for 1) time of publication or presentation, 2) research design, 3) characteristics of subjects used in each study, 4) types of correlated variables, and 5) types of nursing interventions. Findings obtained in the study were as follows : 1. The number of studies related to anxiety and stress has increased rapidly since the early 1980's. 2. The studies were primarily descriptive throughout the 20 years. However, correlational studies, comparative studies and experimental studies slowly increased. 3. Anxiety studies tend to be conducted more on patients and stress studies with normal subjects in non-experimental research. However, experimental studies were conducted more with patients than with normal subjects. 4. In correlational studies, the trend was to study physical conditions in relation to anxiety, and coping and adaptation in relation to stress. 5. In experimental studies, teaching and information therapy and relaxation were the most popular interventions for anxiety, and supportive care for stress. On the bases of these findings, the following recommendations were made : 1. These patterns of studies related to anxiety and stress in Korea need to be compared with studies conducted in other countries. 2. More attention is needed in terms of research design, reliability and validity of tools, and results of statistical analysis. 3. Meta-analysis should be done to analyze and integrate the results of various studies. 4. For theory testing and identification of useful intervention methods, experimental studies with the same protocols must be conducted rather than more descriptive studies.

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Idenpdfication of Nursing Activities for Determination of Nursing Cost
Jung Ho Park, Su Ja Hwangbo, Eun Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1992;22(2):185-206.   Published online March 31, 2017
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In this study nursing activities were examined to determine the nursing cost. A professional nursing group developed a tool for the investigation. 128 nursing activities were identified by the tool in 16 nursing care areas as referenced in the literature. Each activity was examined for four essential factors to define nursing cost ; time consumed for the care, level of professional skill, degree of independency and performer of the care. The activity was rated by a five point Likert scale. The investigation was conducted with the nursing staffing working in the 21 university hospitals in Korea and having more than four years experience especially in medical or surgical wards. The participating nursing staff were screened on the basic of the recommendation of the nursing director. The data were gathered from June 12th to August 12th, 1989. All the data were analyzed for mean, standard deviation, percent, and correlation coefficients between items. The results are summarized as follows : 1. Direct nursing care was classified into 16 large areas and 128 small activities. 2. No significant correlation was found between the study items of each activity. 3. Among 128 nursing activities, Those performed less than 50% of the time by a nurse were excluded from the nursing cost. Also excluded activities which were given less than 9 marks in all three items, time consumed, level of professional skill, and degree of independency. As a result, 83 activities in 14 nursing care areas were selected for the proposal to estimate nursing cost.

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A Study of the Ethical Values of Korean Nurses
Young Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(2):249-270.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of this study is to identify whether ethical values of Korean nursed are deontological utilitarian . Nurse's ethical value questionnaire was developed from review of literature and interview of nurses in the clinical settings. Content validity was tested from three nursing faculties and staffs. Ethical problems are categorized into four areas : 1) human life area 2) nurse-patient relationship area 3) nurse-nursing task relationship area 4) nurse-colleague relationship area The data were obtained from the 404 nurses in the clinical settings from Feb. to Mar. in 1990 by ethical value questionnaire. The analysis of data was done by Pearson's correlation coefficient, t-test, anova. 1. The ethical values of human life slightly took up the position of utilitarian. 2. The ethical values of nurse-patient relationships slightly took up deontological position. 3. The ethical values of nurse-nursing task relationships slightly took up deontological position. 4. The ethical values of nurse-colleague relationships greatly took up deontological position. 5. The ethics of nurses related to demographic characteristics of religion, attitude of nursing, ethical standards, education level and post. Those who have religion took up more deontological position than those who have not. Those who have positive attitude of nursing and firm ethical standards took up more deontological position than those who have not. Those who have higher education level and post took up more deontological position than those who have not.

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Validation of an Instrument to Measure Exercise of Self-Care Agency and its Predictors
Hyang Sook So, Eun Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(3):273-284.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The aim of this investigation was to delineate concepts contributing to the Exercise of Self-Care Agency (E.S.C.A.) Scale developed by Kearney & Fleischer (1979) and to test its construct validity and its predictors. The results are summarized as follows : 1. By means of principal factor analysis and maximal likelihood factor analysis upon data generated from 280 undergraduate students, the factors of Concern about Health Knowledge, Self-Concept, Information-Seeking Behavior, Decision-making and Responsibility, Self-esteem, and Passivity emerged. The total percent of variance explained by the 6 factors was 75.1 % 2. To assess factor independence and instrument homogeneity, correlations among the 6 factors were computed. The correlations ranged from .24 to .46 indicating that the factors and the items were not too similar or redundant. 3. Test-retest reliability of the total scale is r=.70. Cronbach's a coefficient for internal consistency of the total scale is .86 and that of the factors ranged from .750 to .661 (only factor 6 .497). 4. In additional analysis of the Exercise of self-Care Agency Scale in relationship to Multiple Health Locus of Control, Family Environmental Scale, and Cornell Medical Index using stepwise multiple regression, the Internal Health Locus of Control Score predicted 21.8%(F=53.34, P=.0001), Family Environmental Score 8.3 %(F=22.59, P=.0001), Modified Cornell Medical Index Score 5.4%(F=15.74, P=. 0001) of the score of the E.S.C.A.

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Changes in Fatigue and the Quality of Life of Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy
Eun Sook Lee, Jucia Jo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):489-502.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Quality of life(QOL) and fatigue in cancer patients receiving the radiotherapy was assessed. The subjects were 46 cancer patients who daily attended the radiotherapy department. Assessment was done on four occasions ; the first assessment was done on the treatment simulation visit, the second one was four week after treatment started, the third one at the completion of treatment and the last assessment was done between six and eight week following treatment. The results are as follows : The fatigue scores of the patients at each stage of assessment ranged from 5.49 points to 7.67 points and highest score was recorded at the third assessment hat is, at the completion of treatment. The fatigue points showed an increase from the 1st. to 3rd. stage. However, at the 4th. stage, fatigue points decreased to the level at the first stage, fatigue points decreased to the level at the first stage of assessment. QOL were assessed in three areas namely, physical, emotional and social/functional. The QOL scores in the physical area showed the highest score, followed by social/functional and emotional areas. The QOL scores decreased gradually to the third. stage of assessment thereafter recovered to the level of the first. stage. Correlation between QOL and fatigue scores during the treatment indicated that the level of QOL decreased as the level of fatigue increased. In particular, fatigue persisted after completion of the treatment and showed a significantly negative correlation with QOL. The present study strongly suggests that a strategy to restore the emotional well being level of the patient should be devised in order to improve QOL and reduce fatigue of patients receiving radiotherapy.

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Resourcefulness: A Concept Analysis
Soon Rim Suh, Young Im Park, Sung Jae Kim, In Ja Kim, Mee Ock Gu, Young Hee Yang, Eun Nam Lee, Song Ja Park, Eun Ok Choi, Dong Suk Lee, In Sook Lee, Eun Ok Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(2):329-340.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Resourcefulness was analyzed by Walker and Avant's method to make a theoretical framework for nursing. Also, the appropriate Korean terminology was identified. "Resourcefulness" means the ability to use internal and external resources to eliminate or to control stress. 'Resourcefulness' is chosen to be the most appropriate term to reflect the concept of resourcefulness. Upon the concept analysis availability, controllability, confidence, and self-instruction were identified as the defining characteristics of resourcefulness. Contrary to other work, "availability" means the ability to use the social resources as well as the internal cognitive-behavioral resources. "Controllability" means the ability to delay or control immediate gratification of one's needs or to divert one's own mood in order to solve problem. "Confidence" is the self-efficacy belief in one's control ability. "Self-instruction" is the cognitive ability to instruct oneself positively. Resourcefulness is learned by active experience, vicarious experience, and formal or informal instruction or a need for change. As a result of the use of resourcefulness, the target behavior performed immediately and ultimately improve the quality of life or adaptation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the instrument including the defining attributes identified in this study. Also, it is necessary to simultaneously analyze the related concepts of self-efficacy, self-control, and self-regulation for appropriate use.

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Development of a Measurement Tool of Caring to Evaluate Quality of Nursing Care
Byoung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):653-667.   Published online March 30, 2017
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It is important to find indicators of quality nursing care to establish the excellence of nursing practice and for the development of nursing as a profession. Caring is one of the indicators which can represent professional nursing care. The purpose of this study was to develop a measurement tool of caring that could be used as an instrument for the evaluation of quality of nursing care. The Target population for the developed tool of caring is the adult patient. The mearsurement tool of caring was developed through the following steps. (1) A list of caring behaviors was made using qualitative researches on caring that has been done in Korea. (2) Caring behaviors in nurses were selected using the list of caring behaviors developed from Watson's 10 factors of caring, (3) Items for the measurement tool of caring were developed using the caring behaviors of nurses (4) Content validity of the developed items was evaluated by an expert panel. (5) The mearsurement tool of caring was developed after a pilot study (6) Internal consistency, and construct validity of the developed tool were verified. (7) The mearsurement tool of caring with the items verified for the internal consistency and construct validity was confirmed. As a result of the study, a mearsurement tool of caring, composed of 27 items with 3 factors, was developed. The Reliability coefficient of the tool was . 9578. The tool is a 5 point Likert scale. The factors of the tool and the number of items for each factor are, 1) accessibility and availablility, 15 items; 2) emotional support and giving information, 8 items; 3) providing a protective environment, 4 items.

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Concept Analysis of Caring
Byoung Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):337-344.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Caring is being rediscovered as a central and unifying concept of the nursing. Traditionally, nursing profession has emphasized spirit and activities of caring. But there is little efforts to study the caring phenomena scientifically and systematically in nursing, and then the concept of caring is still remained unclear and ambiguous. Changes of social, and health care environment are threatening the philosophy and practice of caring, so it is urgent to identify caring more scientifically and to rediscover the nature of nursing discipline. Knowledge of the caring is essential component for the development of nursing as a science and a profession. The first thing to study a concept is thought to be the analysis of the concept. So in this study, concept analysis of caring was perfomed to clarify the concept of caring as a basis for the study of caring afterward. The approach used for the concept analysis of caring was the approach presented by Walker and Avant. The defining (or critical) attributes of caring identified in this study were (1) a series of activities for helping others, (2) concern and devotion, (3) interpersonal relationship, and (4) scientific and systematic process. The identified antecedents of caring were (1) awareness of other's needs for help, and (2) moral and cognitive motivation for helping others. The identified consequences of caing were (1) healing, (2) satisfaction, and (3) growth. And the consequences of caring were revealed to both of the care giver and the care receiver. The empirical referents of caring could be the behaviors of interpersonal relationship through scientific and systematic process with concern and devotion for others.

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The Effect of Circumvaginal Muscle Exercise on Sexual Function in Married Women
Young Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(1):148-164.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The effect of circumvaginal muscle (CVM) exercises to improve sexual function in married women has not been investigated by currently acceptable research methods, nor have appropriate instruments and techniques to carry out such investigation been available. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of CVM exercise on sexual function, and of measuring CVM function after CVM exercises. The research tools used were a modified Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory questionnare and a pressure sensitive intravaginal balloon device. This research was conducted in Kwangju-city and Chonnam province, Korea from July, 1994 to July, 1995. The research used a non-equivalent control pre-post test quasi-experimental design. Forty-five healthy married female volunteers, aged 30?8, and were randomly assigned by age using the matching fixed-length blocks to two groups. The experimental group consisted of 21 women who were assigned a 25 -minute per day CVM home exercise program for six weeks. The control group of 24 women did not do the CVM home exercises. The CVM home exercise was developed by Dougherty (1989a) and adopted to Korea by Lee (1993). Data were analyzed by x2-test, Paired t-test, Spearman product-moment correlation using SAS/PC+. The results are summarized as follows: 1. There were no significant differences in the characteristics of the subjects between the exper imental and control groups before the CVM home exercises. 2. Hypothesis 1 that married women who participated in CVM home exercises would have higher mean scores on the sexual function (SF) than in those who did not participate in home exercise was supported. 3. Hypothesis 2 that married women who participated in CVM home exercises would have higher vaginal pressure on SF than in those who did not participate in home exercises was supported (mean maximum pressure, t= -7.338, P<.0001, peak maximum pressure, t=-11.164, P<.0001). 4. Hypothesis 3 that the more often (number of days) and the more frequent (numbers of times per day) that married women do CVM home exercise, the higher their mean scores on SF and vaginal pressures was supported (r =0.233, P<.01; r=0.352, P<.05). A six week CVM home exercise program using a tape recording showed that SF can be improved. Results of this study showed that married women who exercise on a regular basis for six weeks improve their sexual function and increase the mean vaginal pressure and peak maximum pressure (tested by electronic monitor). In conclusion, CVM exercise is effective in increasing SF.

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A Study on the Nursing Time in Nursing Units in Hospital to Applied Computer System
Chun Ja Chang, Ik Wha Kang, Eun Ja Lee, Byung Youn Kim, Min Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(3):441-456.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was done to determine direct and indirect nursing time in nursing units in hospital to applied computer system and expect that those results contribute to measure efficiency of nursing practice and planning of nursing manpower. The design for study was a descriptive study. The study results are as follows. 1. Patients admitted to the Internal Medicine and General Surgery units were grouped into four: Group I, 32.9% of the total patients, consisted patients whose condition was considered minor: Group II, 26.1%, was of those whose condition was considered moderate, Group III, 41. 8%, moderate severe and Group IV, 29.2% the most severe. 2. Nursing intervention times by care type were as follows: four minutes spent for suction, eight minutes, for simple position change, ten minutes, for sheet change, seven minutes for a hot or cool compress, six minutes for dressing change, four minutes for I.M.injection, six minutes for patient health education and five minutes for body temperature check. 3. Direct care time by patient group revealed the following: Group I rquired 191.4 minutes, Group II required 331.1 minutes, Group III rquired 499.4 minutes, and Group IV rquired 1328.0 minutes. 4. The ratio of time for adequate nursing care and direct care time in the Internal Medicine and General Surgery units was 67.4%-83.4% and 94.7%-99.3% in the Intensie Care Unit. 5. Average daily direct care time per patient was 5.5 hours in the Internal Medicine unit and 11.5 hours in the Intensive Care Unit. 6. Time spent in indirect care was 48.3 minutes for computer recording, 34.8 minutes for giving and receiving patient information for shift duty, 28.0 minutes for eating and resting time, 26.6 minutes for transfering and identifying patients, 25.6 minutes for identifying Doctor's order, 23.9 minutes for recording vital signs. 7. Time spent in indirect care was 282.2 minutes by head nurses (charge nurses), 258.7 minutes by nurses and 261.6 minutes by nurse aids. 8. The average nurse's workload was 9.3 hours and daily indirect nursing time required 46.3%-50. 5% of above mentioned workload time. 9. The average daily indirect care time per patient was expected to be 57.7 minutes in the Internal Medicine unit and 3.3 hours in the Intensive Care Unit.

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A Development of Decision Support System for Nurse Scheduling
Yong Sun Choi, Eun Sook Lee, Jung Ho Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(1):80-87.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The critical problem of nurse scheduling in the hospital is determining the day-to-day shift assignments for each nurse for the specified period in a way that satisfies the given requirements of the hospital. As nurse scheduling involves many factors and requirements, manual scheduling requires much time and effort to produce an adequate schedule. A PC-based decision support system, developed in Turbo-C++, for nurse scheduling was introduced. The system is composed of 4 sub-systems: 1) Entering basic information for each nursing unit; 2) Generation of an appropriate initial schedule and revised schedule for a given period, maximally satisfying each nurse's duty requests; 3) Provision of variety of statistical information, and 4) Help messages for each modular function. Icons and a mouse are used for easier graphic user interface and reducing the need for typing efforts. This system can help nurses develop quick and easy schedule generation and allow more time for the patient care.

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A Statistical Study on the Key Words in the Titles of Nursing Related Theses
Ok Ja Ko, Sang Hae Kim, Hee Gerl Kim, Kum Jae Lee, Young Sook Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1994;24(1):58-69.   Published online March 30, 2017
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In order to see the development of Nursing related research activities in Korea over the last three decades, abstracts of almost all of the Master and Ph.D theses that appeared from 1961 up to August 1991 were collected. The number of theses was 2354, from which an index of key words has been constructed. Key words were defined as those terms in each thesis title that convey major objectives of the given thesis study and the important nursing concepts dealt with in the thesis. Although all the key words were picked from the thesis title only, full use was made of the abstracts in deciding the principal objectives and essential contents of the thesis studies and their important concepts as well. In total, 539 kinds of key words were identified from the 2354 titles, and the identified words were all found to be in the International Nursing Index. On an average each title has two key words. Which key words were most frequently used, how they have changed with time, what kind of concept is preferably dealt with by each graduate school, and the concepts to which a given key word is likely to be connected were examined. The results are summerized below: 1) For each decade the theses numbers were as follows: 54(2.3%) from the 60's, 413(17.5%) from the 70's, 1523 (64.7%) from the 80's, and 364(15.5%) from the 90's. Master's thesis contributed 96% (2252) of the papers and Ph. D's theses filled the remaining 4% (102). 2) A total of 539 key words were used, averaging about 2 for each thesis. The most frequently used key words were 'Nurse', 'Anxiety', 'Knowledge/Attitude/Practice', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Attitude', 'Job-Satisfaction', 'Mental Disorder', 'Operation', 'Elderly', 'Nursing Role'. 3) Each decades key words can be classified as: the 60's: 'Nursing Education', 'Pulmonary Tuberculosis', 'Mother-Child Health', 'Growth and Development', 'Public Facilities', 'Mental Disorder'; the 70's: 'Nurse', 'Family Planning', 'Attitude'/'Knowledge, Attitude/Practice', 'Curriculum in Nursing Education', 'Clinical Practice in Nursing', 'Analysis of the Work of the Nurse', 'Health Education of School',; the 80's: 'Nurse', 'Anxiety', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Operation', 'Nursing Role', 'Job Satisfaction'; the 90's: 'Nurse', 'Elderly', 'Family-Support', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Home Care'. Key word 'Nurse' appears continuously and most frequently through the years, which indicates that there has been active study of the characteristics of nurses and related fields. The concept 'Anxiety' has been studied steadly from the 80's and it shows that interest in health and disease are increasing which comes as a result of society changing to an industrial and informational community. 4) Looking into each graduate school's study area: key words 'Anxiety', 'Nurse', 'Mental Disorder', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Operation', 'Attitude', 'Hemodialysis', were studied in the regular graduate school: 'Family Planning/Contraception', 'Knowledge/Attitude/Practice', 'Physical Health-State/Physical Health Examination', 'Nurse', 'Using Clinical Facilities', 'Health Education of School', were studied in the Graduate School of Public Health'; 'Nurse', 'Anxiety', 'Stress/Stressor', 'Job-Satisfaction', 'Clinical Practice Education', 'Nursing Education', were studied in the Graduate School of Education; 'Nurse', 'Job Satisfaction', 'Nursing Role', 'Administration-Employmet/Employment Management', 'Leadership', 'Personnel Profile', 'Nursing Manpower/Changing Working Place', were studied in the Graduate School of Public Administration. 5) The Connection between key words were: 'Nurse <=> Job Satisfaction', 'Stress/Stressor <=> Coping/Ajustment', 'Nurse <=> Nursing Role', 'Anxiety <=> Giving Information', 'Nurse <=> Stress/Stressor', 'Anxiety <=> Operation', 'Nurse <=> Burnout', 'Knowledge, Attitude, Practice <=> Family Planning', 'Nurse Administration <=> Employment', 'Anxiety <=> Muscle Relaxation Technic', 'Anxiety <=> Mental Disorder'. From the above it can be noted that many nursing concepts were handled in the thesis titles. But there were more than enough papers on the characteristics of the nurse. It is suggested that in depth research be made on 'Nursing Accidents', 'Ethics', 'Nurse-Patient Interactions', 'Spritual Care', 'Dying', 'Hospice', 'Resident Helper' and that thre should be in depth research relating to the physical and mental development of youth and in particular physical concepts like 'Drug-Abuse', 'Child -Abuse and Teaching'.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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