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Effect of Acculturative Stress on Multicultural Adolescents’ Life Satisfaction: Sequential Multiple Mediating Effects of Bicultural Acceptance Attitude, Self-Esteem, and Social Withdrawal -Using the 2016 Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study-
Kim, Soo Mi , Kim, Hyeon Ok
J Korean Acad Nurs 2022;52(3):324-340.   Published online June 30, 2022
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study determined acculturative stress’ effect on the life satisfaction of multicultural adolescents based on Roy’s Adaptation Model and some earlier studies. Further, it examined the sequential multiple mediating effects of bicultural acceptance attitude, self-esteem, and social withdrawal on life satisfaction.
Participants included 1,163 multicultural adolescents who participated in the sixth Multicultural Adolescents Panel Study. A hypothesis test was conducted using Hayes’ Process Macro Model 81.
Life satisfaction increased with a decline in acculturative stress. Each of bicultural acceptance attitude, self-esteem, and social withdrawal had a single mediating effect on the relationship between acculturative stress and life satisfaction in multicultural adolescents. The sequential multiple mediating effects of bicultural acceptance attitude and self-esteem were confirmed significant after their impact on the relationship between acculturative stress and life satisfaction was analyzed. Bicultural acceptance attitude and social withdrawal were found to have a significant sequential multiple mediating effect on the relationship, as well.
This study’s results demonstrate that acculturative stress reduction is critical to improving multicultural adolescents’ life satisfaction. Bicultural acceptance attitude, self-esteem, and social withdrawal have a single mediating or sequential multiple mediating effect on the relationship between multicultural adolescents’ acculturative stress and life satisfaction. The findings, which highlight mediating effects, indicate that by increasing bicultural acceptance attitude and self-esteem, and reducing social withdrawal, multicultural adolescents’ life satisfaction can be improved.
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A Study on Self-esteem, Coping Type and the Quality of Life in Mothers of Handicapped Children
Mi Kyung Sim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):673-682.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between self-esteem and quality of life(QOL) and between coping type and quality of life (QOL) in mothers of handicapped children and further to identify the level of self-esteem and quality of life of the subjects. The subjects of this study were the 51 mothers of handicapped children who were registered in two special schools in Taejon. The data were collected using a questionnaire and the period of the data collection was from April 18th to May 26th, 1997. The instruments for this study were Resenberg's self-esteem scale, Folkman and Lazarus's Ways of Coping Checklist(WCC) and the quality of life scale designed by Ro, You Ja. The results were analyzed using SPSS/PC+. Data analysis included the descriptive correlational statistics of ANOVA, Pearson Correlational Coefficient, and t-test. The results are as follows : 1. The level of self-esteem showed a mean score 34.51 and the level of QOL, a mean score 137.55. An Active type of coping was used more often than a passive one. 2. The level of self-esteem differed according to monthly income and was significantly higher in mothers of children with acquired handicaps than those of children with congenital handicaps. The level of QOL differed according to monthly income. 3. There was positive correlation between health status and self-esteem(r=.355, p<.05), and between health status and QOL(r=.367, p<.01). 4. Test for hypothesis ; Hypothesis 1, "The higher the level of self-esteem in mothers of handicapped children, the higher their level of quality of life will be." was supported(r=.755, p<.001). Hypothesis 2, "The QOL level for the active coping group as compared to the passive coping group will be higher." was not supported.

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A Structural Model for Health Promotion and Quality of Life in People with Cancer
Pok Ja Oh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):632-652.   Published online March 30, 2017
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It has been noted that a genetic alteration of cells influenced by unhealthy lifestyle in addition to a series of other carcinogens increases the incidence of various neoplasmic diseases. Therefore the importance of a lifestyle that minimizes such an impact on health should be emphasized. Since stomach cancer, the most common neoplasmic disease in Korea, is related to personal lifestyle and as there is a possibility of its recurrence, patients with stomach cancer need to lead a healthy lifestyle. Also the quality of life which patients experience is negatively affected by the side effects of treatments and the possibility of recurrence. Therefore an effective nursing intervention to enhance quality of life and encourage healthy lifestyle is needed. The purpose of this study is to provide a basis for nursing intervention strategies to promote health and thus enhance quality of life. A hypothetical model for this purpose was constructed based on Pender's Health Promotion Model and Becker's Health Belief Model, with the inclusion of some influential factors such as hope for quality of life and health promoting behavior. The aims of study were to: 1) evaluate the effectiveness of patient's cognitive-perceptual factors on health promoting behaviors and quality of life; 2) examine the causal relationships among perceived benefit, perceived barrier, perceived susceptibility and severity, internal locus of control, perceived health status, hope, health concept, self efficacy, self esteem, health promoting behaviors and quality of life; 3) build and test a global hypothetical model. The subjects for this study were 164 patients who were being treated for stomach cancer were approached in the outpatient clinic on a University Hospital. The data from the completed questionnaires were analyzed using Linear Structural Relationships (LISREL). The results of research are as follows: 1) Hypothetical model and the modified model showed a good fit to the empirical data, revealing considerable explanational power for health promoting behaviors(54.9%) and quality of life(87.6%) 2) Self efficacy and hope had significant effects on health promoting behaviors. Of these, hope was affected indirectly through self efficacy and self esteem. 3) Perceived health status, hope and self esteem had significant direct effect on the quality of life. Of these variables, perceived health status was the most essential factor affecting general satisfaction in life. 4) Self-efficacy, as a mediating variable, was positively affected by perceived benifit and hope. 5) Self-esteem, as a mediating variable, was positively affected by perceived health status and hope. 6) Hope was the main variable affecting self efficacy, self esteem, health promoting behaviors and quality of life. The derived model in this study could effectively be used as a reference model for further study and could suggests a direction for nursing practices.

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The Effects of Exercise Therapy and Exercise-Behavior Modification Therapy on Obesity, Blood Lipids, and Self-esteem of the Obese Middle-aged Women
In Hong Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(6):844-854.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: To examine the effect of the exercise therapy, and exercise-behavior modifi- cation therapy on obesity, blood lipids and self-esteem of the obese middle-aged women. METHOD: A total of 35 middle-aged women (BMI: over 30) were selected for this research. Walking at a 50% intensity was administered 4 days a week for 12 weeks, while the behavior modification therapy performed for 60~90 minutes per week for 12 weeks. RESULT: Body weight and BMI has significantly reduced in the case of EG and E.BG. The result of comparing body weight between groups showed significant difference between EG and CG, and E.BG and CG whereas BMI showed significant difference between EG and CG only. TC, TG, LDL-C, %TC/HDL-C have shown significant decrease in EG and E-BG, while HDL-C displayed significant increase in EG and E.BG. And HDL-C showed significant decrease in CG. As for comparison between groups, significant difference was noted in EG and CG, and E.BG and CG at TC, HDL-C, LDL-C, and in EG and CG at %TC/HDL-C. Self-esteem displayed significant increase in EG and E.BG; however, there was no significant different in CG. As for comparison between groups, there was significant difference noted in E.BG and CG only. CONCLUSION: The results showed that the exercise therapy and the exercise-behavior modification therapy were effective in changing obesity, blood lipids and self-esteem of the obese middle-aged women.

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Effects of Group Art Therapy Program on Body Image and Self-esteem in College Women
Kil Soo Chung, Seoung Eun Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(5):743-755.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of the 8-week, 16-session group art therapy program on body image and self-esteem in college women. METHOD: Data collected by self-reported questionnaires from 58 college women in Inchon who were selected by criteria of this study, from the 6 of March to 10 of May, 2002. The 11 experimental group participated in a 8-week group art therapy program. Descriptive statistics, homogeneity test, hypothesis, and reliability test were performed statistically by utilizing SPSS PC+ 8.0 program. RESULT: 1. 'The experimental group showed significantly higher scores in body image than the comparison group. 2. No significant differences were found between two groups in self-esteem. CONCLUSION: The findings showed the possibility of applying group art therapy as an effective intervention for clients with negative body image to improve their body image.

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The Correlational Analysis between Perceived Heath Status, Self-Esteem, and Self-Care Agencies among Adolescents
Hee Jung Jang, Yun Hee Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(2):186-195.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: This study was to identify and clarify the relationship between perceived health, self-esteem, and self-care agencies for promoting self care among Korean adolescents. METHOD: Data were collected from 817 adolescents in schools located in Seoul, Kyungki-do, and Chuncheon from Sept, 16th to Sept, 28th, 1999, and from Mar 10th to Mar 25th, 2000. The instruments used for this study were the Health Self-Rating Scale, Self-Care Agency Assessment Questionnaire (Denyes, 1981), the Self-Esteem Questionnaire (Rosenberg, 1971). RESULT: 1) The mean perceived health status among Korean adolescents was 8.75 (SD=1.72) 2) The mean self-esteem was 27.27 (SD=4.64). 3) The mean self-care agency was 99.64 (SD=21.02) and the average self-care agency score was 3.99 (SD=0.84). In the subcategories, the highest degree was feelings towards health (4.15), followed by ego strength (4.06), attending to health (3.87), general health knowledge (3.56), and the lowest degree was specific health knowledge (3.20) 4) There was statistical significant differences between demographic factors and self-care agencies, expecially, gender (t=28.65), grade (F=3.79), pocket money (t=5.72), and height (F=9.82) 5) The statistical relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies were found to have a positive correlation. 6) Self-care agencies among adolescents was the highest factor predicting self-esteem (15%). CONCLUSION: The relationship between perceived health status, self-esteem, and self-care agencies revealed a significant positive correlation among adolescents. Therefore, nursing intervention for adolescents needs to develop self-esteem programs to increase self-care agencies.

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The Effect on the Self-Esteem Promotion Program on Self-Esteem and Mental Health of Adolescents with Minor Delinquency
Eun Young Choi, Eun Joo Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(7):1181-1188.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This research was performed to investigate the effectiveness of self-esteem promotion program(SEPP) to adolescents with minor delinquency on self-esteem and mental health. Samples of this study were 36 adolescents with signs of minor delinquency in the third grade of middle schools who reside in K city. Data analysis was conducted by chi-square test which tests the general homogeneity between the experiment group and the control group. To test hypothesis how SEPP affects on self-esteem, mental health, and delinquency, paired t-test was performed. The results were summarized as follow; 1. After the experimental treatment, self-esteem score was not statistically significant. 2. After the experimental treatment, mental health score was statistically significant. 3. After the experimental treatment, self reported delinquency score was statistically significant. As the result of this research, the SEPP increased the degree of mental health and decreased that of delinquency of the adolescents who committed minor delinquency. Self-esteem is difficult to be changed by itself in number for a short time, but there is potential effect, which can be expected the preceding changes of mental health and behavior of participants.

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Self-Esteem, Health Status and Life Satisfaction in Elderly Women According to the Spouse's Perspective
Hye Sook Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(6):1119-1119.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was designed to identify degrees of self-esteem, health status, and life satisfaction in elderly women and investigate the relationship between these factors. The results will contribute to effective nursing intervention for promoting the quality of life for elderly women.
The subjects of this study included 129 elderly women. The data was collected through personal interviews using questionnaires from Nov. to Dec. of 2000. The measurement tools were the self-esteem scale developed by Rosenberg and translated by Byong-Je Jong (1974), the health status scale developed by Young Ja Lee (1989), and the life satisfaction scale developed by Jin Youn (1982). The data was analyzed by the SPSS computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, x2-test, t-test and the pearson correlation coefficient.
The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: 1. There was a significant difference in age (x2=12.952, p=.000), religion (x2=6.140, p=.000), spending money (x2=.7.511, p= .000), living expenses load (x2=16.189, p= .000), and the major support provider (x2=6.539, p=.000), according to general characteristics in the existence elderly women. 2. There was a significant difference in self-esteem (t=7.05, P=.000), Health status (t=-10.09, P=.000), and life satisfaction (t=6.62, P=.000) between the two groups. 3. There was a significant positive correlation between self-esteem and health status (r=.406, P=.000), self-esteem and life satisfaction (r=.524, P=.000), and health status and life satisfaction (r=.504, P= .0000) in elderly women.

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Effects of Group Art Therapy Program on Self-Esteem and Mental Health Status in Chronic Schizophrenic Inpatients
Kil Soo Chung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(6):1314-1323.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of the study was to determine the effects of the 8-week, 15-session group art therapy program on self-esteem and mental health status in chronic schizophrenic inpatients. The sample consisted of two groups of chronic schizophrenic inpatients: 10 patients with an average of total disease duration of 8.90 years who participated in a 8-week group art therapy program, and 8 comparison subjects with an average of total disease duration of 8.25 years who did not participate in the program. A pretest-posttest quasiexperimental design was used to assess self-esteem and mental health status at the beginning and at the end of the 8-week, 15-session group art therapy program. The time points for obtaining data were matched for both groups. The effectiveness of the 8-week group art therapy program was assessed by Rosenberg's Self-esteem Scale(Rosenberg, 1965) and SCL-90- R(Derogatis et al., 1973). SPSSWIN 8.0 was utilized for data entry and analysis employing Mann-Whitney U test. The findings of the study indicated the followings: (a) No significant differences were found between two groups in self-esteem and (b) The experimental group showed significantly lower scores in obsessive-compulsive symptom dimension and interpersonal sensitivity symptom dimension on the SCL-90-R than the comparison group after participating in the group art therapy program. In conclusion, the findings showed the possibility of applying group art therapy as an effective nursing intervention for patients with lack of verbal communication skills and social interaction to improve their interpersonal relationship.

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An Analytical Study on Health-Promoting Lifestyle Patterns and Associated Variables of Korean Immigrant Elderly in Seattle
Kyeong Yae Sohng, Hye A Yeom
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1058-1071.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Although healthy lifestyle have been proved as an effective way of improving higher well-beings for individuals, researches on health -promoting behaviors of minority elderly with a specific ethnic heritage have been sparsely tried. This study was designed to explore health-promoting lifestyle patterns of Korean immigrant elderly living in Seattle. USA and its relationships with two associated elderly were recruited from two senior centers and interviewed with a structured questionnaire. Data were collected from October 1998 to January 1999, and analyzed using SPSS program through which t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficients were tested. As the results, the mean HPLP score of the Korean immigrant elderly was 2.54 (SD =.36), showing significant differences by education (F=3.61, P=.016), economic status (F=3.01, P=.034), and current health status (F=3.69, P=.008). In self-esteem, two socioecomic variables showed statistical association with self-esteem; martial status (t= 2.47, P=.015) and living situation (F= 4.03, P= .021). The HPLP subscales that showed higher mean scores were nutrition (M=3.01, SD= .52) and interpersonal support (M= 2.65, SD= .47) while lower mean scores were detected in the domain of excercise (M= 1.92, SD= .74) and stress management (M= 2.26, SD= .47). Perceived health status revealed significant positive correlation with health-promoting lifestyle patterns (r= .19, P=.043) and self-esteem (r= .19, P= .043) and self-esteem (r= .32, P= .001) in the present study. It is concluded that engagement in health-promoting lifestyle patterns should be actively encouraged to enhance personal health of Korean immigrant elderly. Developing health promotion programs focused on exercise and stress management is also imperatively suggested not only for better health practices of Korean immigrant elderly population but also for enhancing their level of well-beings and life satisfaction.

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Stressful Life Event., Close Relationship, Self-Esteem, and Depression in College Women
Sun Ah Kim, In Ohg Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(5):1021-1029.   Published online March 29, 2017
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Koreans rarely complain of depression or other psychological problems because mental illness is viewed as a stigmatizing and threatening experience. This study examined the relationships among stressful life events, close relationships, self-esteem, and depression in 400 college women aged 18 to 30 years. Depression was positively related to stressful life events(r=.21 p=<.01). Depression and stressful life events were negatively associated with self-esteem(r=-.67: r=-.11, p<.01; p<.05 respectively). Close relationships with women and men friends were each negatively associated with depression (r=-.24; r=-.16, p<.05). Close relationships with women and men friends were positively associated with self-esteem (r=.23; r=.20, p<.01). Forty nine percent of variance in depression rates in this sample was explained. After adjustment for degrees of freedom, a total of 49% of the variance in depression was explained by self-esteem and stressful life event. This investigation into the relationships among the variables influencing depression for college women is a critical issue as health professional interventions are those designed for specific populations to meet unique care needs and since young Korean women may be at considerable risk for depression.

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A Study on Quality of Life and Related Factors of Ostomates
Kyung Sook Song, Young Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(4):817-828.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This is a descriptive study on quality of life(QOL) and related factors of ostomates to provide a basic data for development of nursing interventions. The subjects were 110 ostomates who were members of the Daegu or Daejon branches of the Korean Ostomy Association. Data collection was performed between March 1st and April 6th, 1998. Measurements of QOL, self-care, family support, self-esteem, and hope were used as the study tools. Data were analyzed with the SAS program by using t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlation and stepwise multiple regression. The results are as follows : 1) The score on the QOL scale ranged from 97 to 226 with a mean of 164.53(+/-28.29). 2) The score of QOL on the general and ostomate-related characteristic showed significant differences according to monthly income, monthly participation in ostomate meetings, combined treatments after operation, types of evacuation management, problems of ostomy, help in caring for the ostomy, length of time since ostomate surgery, and presence or absence of readmission after discharge. 3) There were significant positive correlations between quality in life and other factors ; self-esteem(r=0.7107, P<0.001), hope(r=0.6584, P<0.001) family support(r=0.6191, P<0.001), perception of health condition(r=0.6017, P<0.001), and self-care(r=0.2286, P<0.05). 4) The variables that affected the quality of life of the subjects were self-esteem, level of family support, perception of health condition, monthly participation in ostomate meetings, combined treatments after operation, monthly income, level of hope, and age in that order. The variance of quality of life was R2=77.20 percent by calculating the sum of those variables. In conclusion, it is necessary for nursing intervention to promote self-esteem, family support, and hope in the care of ostomates in order to improve QOL.

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Study on the Effects of the Supportive Nursing Intervention Program for Body Image and Self Esteem of the Child with Cancer
Sang Eun Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(3):679-687.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The increased potential for the lifespan of a child with cancer is largely due to advance in drug treatment, radiation treatment, and surgical techniques. In this generation cancer has become associated with chronic illness. Therefore supportive nursing intervention for children with cancer is needed to promote normal growth and development. This study was designed to develop and test the supportive nursing intervention program for promoting body image and self-esteem of children with cancer. The supportive nursing intervention program involved emotional, physical, informational, and social support. The subjects were 41 children with cancer(20 in intervention group, 21 in control group) in K city. Measurements were taken concerning body image and self-esteem from both groups during pre and post test. The data were analyzed using Cronvach's alpha, x2-test, paired t-test and t-test. The results were as follows: The intervention group had a more positive body image as measured by the Body Cathexis Scale(t=2.436, p=.020) and a more self esteem as measured by the Cpopersmith self-inventory (t=2.768, p=.009) than the control group at post test. According to this study, the supportive nursing intervention program was effective for promoting the body image and self-esteem of children with cancer. Repeated research is needed to develop a refined supportive nursing intervention program for children with chronic illness.

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The Effects of Prevention Programs on Drug Use in Korean Adolescents
Sayaja Kim, Sunah Kim, Sung Suk Kong, Myung Ah Kim, Mia Seo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):150-160.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Drug abuse is one of the most serious problems among the Korean adolescents today and has been associated with delinquent behavior in adolescents. The number of adolescents who abuse drugs is increasing yearly. Solutions to the problem, however, have not been well developed. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a drug use prevention program which was developed by researchers. The program was a modified DARE(Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program for Korean adolescents. MEHTODS: This study used an experimental, one-group pretest-posttest design with a convenience sample of 122 middle school students who were at one middle school located in Seoul. Data were collected using a self-administered questionnaire where 'knowledge and attitude about drug use', 'social skill', and 'self-esteem' were measured. The program had 12 sessions to improve knowledge and attitudes towards drugs, decision making skills, social resistance skills, management of stress and self-esteem of students. Teaching strategies for each session were varied : lectures, group discussion, role-playing, question-and-answer sessions and audiovisual materials. Paired t-test was used to analyze the differences between the pre- and post-test scores on knowledge of and attitudes towards drug use, social skills, and self-esteem. RESULTS: There were significant differences in knowledge and attitudes about drug use between pretest and post-test(p<.05), but no significant differences in social skill and self-esteem(p>.05). CONCLUSION: Our results showed that the drug use prevention program was not effective in promoting social-skill and self-esteem of Korean adolescents. These findings might be due to the respondents being in the period of early adolescence(puberty) and not being good at group discussion. So, further study is needed to develop a drug use prevention program appropriate to students 9 and 10 years old, and to encourage small group discussion.

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A Study on Self-Esteem, IADL, and Life Satisfaction in the Elderly
Jeoung Sun Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(1):148-158.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study was designed to identify degrees of self-esteem, instrumental activities of daily living and life satisfaction in the elderly and to investigate the relationship between these factors thus contributing to effective nursing interventions to promote quality of life for both noninstitutionalized and institutionalized elderly. The subjects for this study included 130 noninstitutionalized and institutionalized elderly. The data were collected through personal interviews using a questionnaire, the time being from August 25 to September 7, 1997. The measurement tools were the Self-esteem Scale Developed by Rosenberg and translated by Jon, Byong Je(1974), the IADL scale developed by Lawton and Brody(1968). and the Life Satisfaction developed by Youn, Jin(1982). The data were analyzed by the S.P.S.S computer program and included descriptive statistics, t-test, One was ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient. The conclusions of this study are summarized as follows ; 1. There was a significant difference in Self-Esteem(t=7.05, P=.000). IADL(t=4.36, P=.000). and Life Satisfaction(t=6.63, P=.000) between the noninstitutionalized elderly and the institutionalized elderly. 2. There was a significant positive correlation between self-esteem and IADL(gamma=.4028). self-esteem and life satisfaction(gamma=.6415). and IADL and life satisfaction(gamma=.3884) in the noninstitutionalized elderly(P<.001). and between self-esteem and life satisfaction(gamma=.3883, P<.001). IADL and life satisfaction(gamma=.2501, P<.05) in the institutionalized elderly. 3. According to the general characteristics of the noninstitutionalized and institutionalized elderly : Self-Esteem of the noninstitutionalized elderly was significantly different, according to educational level(F=4.491, P=.031). job(F=2.53, P=.014). living expense load(F=2.861, P=.044). and self-esteem, and of the institutionalized elderly, it was significantly different according to educational level only(F=4.480, P=.006). IADL of the noninstitutionalized elderly was significantly different according to age(F=3.018, P=.021). living expense load(F=3.084, P=.033). pocket money(F=3.606, P=.010). and for the institutionalized elderly, it was significantly different according to age(F=2.899, P=.042), and religion(F=2.847, P=.044). Life Satisfaction of the noninstitutionalized elderly(F=2.718, P=.037) and institutionalized elderly(F=3.165, P=.030) was significantly different according to pocket money.

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The Effect of a Health Maintenance Program on Physical Function and Mental Health of the Elderly in Nursing Homes
Ki Wol Sung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(4):478-489.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a Health Maintenance Program on physical functions and mental health of the elderly in nursing homes.


Sixty elderly(over 65 years old) in a randomized control study participated in a 16-week group-based intervention including functional exercises and health education. The participants were divided into 3 groups(Health Maintenance Program Group, Supportive Music Exercise Group, and Control Group) of 20 elderly each. Data was collected from Dec. 1st, 2005 to Mar. 30th, 2006. Physical function of lower body strength was assessed using a 30-second chair test, flexibility was assessed using a sit-and-reach test, and static balance was assessed by the ability to balance on one leg with open and closed eyes. Depression was assessed using the Korean Form of the Geriatric Depression Scale and self esteem was assessed using Rosenberg's Self Esteem Questionnaire. Data was analyzed by Chi-square test, One-way ANOVA, and Repeated measure two factor analysis.


A Health Maintenance Program significantly increased muscle strength, flexibility and static balance, but depression and self-esteem scores were not significantly changed.


Findings demonstrated that a Health Maintenance Program was more effective on physical function than mental health of the elderly in nursing homes.

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Effectiveness of Reality Therapy Program for Schizophrenic Patients
Jeongsook Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(8):1485-1492.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The present study aims to verify the effectiveness of the reality therapy for patients with schizophrenia.


It is designed as a quasi-experimental study by which a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest is conducted. The test was conducted with 30 patients with schizophrenia who were hospitalized at a mental hospital in South Korea. Fifteen of the patients participated in the reality therapy program while another 15 in the control group. The effects are measured by marking scores in the areas of the locus of control, self-esteem, and problem-focused stress coping of each participant.


The general characteristics and dependent variables related to outcome variables were controlled to be equal between the two groups. It turns out that the internal locus of control, self-esteem, and problemfocused stress coping are statistically significant.


Findings show that the reality therapy caused positive changes in terms of the internal locus of control, self-esteem, and problem-focused stress coping of the observed schizophrenic patients.

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The Relationship between Early Neo-maternal Exposure, and Maternal Attachment, Maternal Self-esteem and Postpartum Depression in the Mothers of NICU Infants
Young Mee Ahn, Mi Ran Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(5):798-809.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was performed to investigate the quantities of three neo-maternal exposures; visiting frequency, auditory contact and physical contact, and to examine the relationship between the quantities of each exposure and maternal attachment, maternal self-esteem and postpartum depression in 40 mothers of NICU babies during the first week in the NICU.


Each neo-maternal exposure was counted at every mother's visit to the newborn and maternal attachment, maternal self-esteem and postpartum depression were measured using the maternal attachment inventory, the maternal self-report inventory and Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (EPDS) on the first and seventh day in the NICU.


The Mean of each neo-maternal exposure was 8.77(2.81) for the visiting frequency, 5.82(3.66) for the auditory contact and 5.60(2.89) for the physical contact during 7 days in the NICU. No significant changes were found in the scores of maternal attachment, maternal self-esteem and postpartum depression between the first and the seventh day in the NICU. The quantities of neo-maternal exposures were positively related to the scores of maternal attachment and maternal self-esteem but not related to postpartum depression.


The results of the study suggest the lack of early neo-maternal exposure in cases of NICU hospitalization negate its beneficial effects on maternal psychological well-being in increasing maternal attachment and self-esteem. More efforts are neededfor the neo-maternal interaction and the reevaluation of NICU visitation hours in order to promote maternal-infant interaction.

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A Study of Elder Abuse in the Domestic Setting: Coping Strategies and the Consequences of Elder Abuse
Kyoung Mi Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(6):1047-1056.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of the study was to research how elder abuse affected the abuse results (self-esteem, depression, somatization) through coping strategies.


A convenient sample consisted of 499 subjects from 65 to 85 years old. Data was collected using structured questionnaires from July to August, 2002. The SPSS WIN 10.0 version was used for data analysis.convenient sample consisted of 499 subjects from 65 to 85 years old. Data was collected using structured questionnaires from July to August, 2002. The SPSS WIN 10.0 version was used for data analysis.


The pathway of elder abuse affecting elder's self-esteem was researched by passive coping, emotional abuse, financial abuse, and physical abuse as the variables that directly affected self-esteem. The pathway of elder abuse affecting elder's depression was researched by passive coping, aggressive coping, verbal abuse, and neglect as the variable that directly affected depression. The pathway of elder abuse affecting somatization was researched by neglect, emotional abuse, and aggressive coping as the variables that directly affected somatization.


We should develop a systematized intervention program so that elders can learn positive coping in their abuse circumstance.

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The Effect of Drug Abuse Prevention Program for Elementary School Students
Jeong Hea Sung, Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(3):421-429.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study is to evaluate the effects of drug abuse prevention program for elementary school students.


The design of this study is nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects of experimental group were 27 students and the subjects of control group were 25 students in fifth grade of elementary school in C City, Gyeongsangbuk-do. The experimental group had Drug Abuse Prevention Program, which was two days per week program, for 5 weeks. And post-test was carried out in the same way as the pre-test. Data analysis was done using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test, t-test, Paired Samples t-test using with SPSS WIN 11.0.


the experimental group, to which drug abuse prevention program was given, was improved in knowledge of drug and unacceptable attitude of drug compared to the control group, but there were no significant differences of self-esteem and assertiveness between two groups.


The drug abuse prevention program was effective to increase knowledge and attitude of drug in elementary school students.

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Situational Meaning and Maternal Self-esteem in Mothers with High Risk Newborn
Hyun Jeong Shin
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(1):93-101.   Published online March 28, 2017
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This study was designed to explore the relationship of situational meaning with maternal self-esteem in mothers with high risk newborn.


The subjects of this study were 82 mothers with high risk newborn. Data were collected using a translated Family Meaning Attribution Scale and Maternal Self-Report Inventory. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, Pearson Correlation Coefficients and Stepwise Multiple Regression.


The average score of the situational meaning in high risk newborn mothers was 64.01(possible score is between 0-96) and the average score of each item was 1.98. The average score of the maternal self-esteem in high risk newborn mothers was 81.96(possible score is between 26-104) and the average score of each item was 3.15. No significant differences were found in situational meaning according to general characteristics except whether it was a planned pregnancy or not. No significant differences were found in maternal self-esteem according to general characteristics except disease or admission experience during pregnancy. There was significant positive correlation between situational meaning and maternal self-esteem.


It is necessary for nurses to provide high risk newborn mothers with care for improving situational meaning that is attributed to the mothers. It can be helpful to improve maternal self-esteem and in the end it will facilitate the maternal transition in mothers with high risk newborn.

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The Study for Development of Day Hospital Program of Eating Disorders
Seong Sook Kong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(1):25-34.   Published online March 28, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop the day hospital program for Korean eating disorders patients and to examine the effect of the day hospital program on improving frequency of binging and purging, eating disorders symptoms, self-esteem, and depression.


The subjects were 24 binge eaters visited at eating disorders clinic “M”. They participated in a modified day hospital program based on the Toronto Day Hospital Program. All subjects completed the Eating Disorders Inventory(EDI)-2, Rosenberg Self-Eesteem Scale, Beck Depression Inventory(BDI) at pre and post intervention, and recorded daily food records.


In paired t-test analysis, frequency of binging and purging, self-esteem, depression, and 11 sub-scales of EDI-2(drive for thinness, bulimia, body dissatisfaction, ineffectiveness, interoceptive awareness, perfectionism, interpersonal distrust, maturity fear, asceticism, impulse regulation, social insecurity) were significantly improved after treatment.


The results of this study suggest that the day hospital program for Korean eating disorders patients may be an effective initial approach to overcoming various eating disorders symptoms. Further studies should investigate longer term outcome data using a larger sample.

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Comparison of Maternal Self-esteem, Postpartal Depression, and Family Function in Mothers of Normal and of Low Birth-weight Infants
Young Mee Ahn, Jung Hyun Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(5):580-590.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study investigates the degree of maternal self-esteem, postpartal depression, and family function in mothers of normal and of low birth-weight infants.


A retrospective cohort design was applied to compare the variables of interest between a group of 73 mothers with normal birth weight infants and a group of 45 mothers with low birth-weight infants, using the maternal self-report inventory(MSRV), Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale(EPDS) and Family APGAR(FAPGAR).


The total mean score was 82.57 for MSRV, 8.45 for EPDS, and 6.83 for FAPGAR with no differences between two groups. A positive correlation was found between MSRV and FAPGAR, while a negative correlations between MSRV and EPDS, and FAPGAR and EPDS. Regardless of the direction of the relationship, the degrees of the correlations were stronger in low birth-weight mothers group than in normal group.


No differences in MSRV, EPDS and FAPGAR between the normal and the low birth-weight group considered as beneficial effects of the follow-up management which low birth-weight group was engaged in. This suggested the early intervention(follow-up) for the family with risk factor(low birth-weight) could reduce negative outcomes such as the impaired maternal self-esteem and family function, and the occurrence of postpartal depression, retrospectively.

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Body Image, Self-esteem and Depression in College Female Students: Normal and Overweight
Hye Sook Shin, Seung Nam Paik
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):331-338.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships among variables of body image, self-esteem and depression in college female students according to the normal and overweight.


The subjects of this study consisted of 245 college female students. The data was collected through personal interviews using questionnaires from May to June of 2001. The data was analyzed by the SPSS computer program, and it included descriptive statistics, χ2-test, t-test and the pearson correlation coefficient.


Demographics provided a significant difference in grade, household income, weight control experience. There was a perceived health status difference, according to the normal and overweight subjects. There was a significant difference in body image, self-esteem and depression between the two groups. There was a significant positive correlation between body image and self-esteem, and negative correlation between body image and depression, and self-esteem and depression in college female students.


The Findings of this study give useful information to construct further studies in intervention program relating overweight control for college female students.

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Factors Influencing Quality of Life of Alcoholics Anonymous Members in Korea
Jae-Soon Yoo, Jongeun Lee, Woo-Young Park
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(2):305-314.   Published online April 29, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to determine quality of life (QOL) related factors in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members based on PRECEDE Model.


A cross sectional survey was conducted with participants (N =203) from AA meeting in 11 alcohol counsel centers all over South Korea. Data were collected using a specially designed questionnaire based on the PRECEDE model and including QOL, epidemiological factors (including depression and perceived health status), behavioral factors (continuous abstinence and physical health status and practice), predisposing factors (abstinence self-efficacy and self-esteem), reinforcing factors (social capital and family functioning), and enabling factors. Data were analyzed using t-test, one way ANOVA, Tukey HSD test and hierarchical multiple regression analysis with SPSS (ver. 21.0).


Of the educational diagnostic variables, self-esteem (β=.23), family functioning (β=.12), abstinence self-efficacy (β=.12) and social capital (β=.11) were strong influential factors in AA members' QOL. In addition, epidemiological diagnostic variables such as depression (β= - .44) and perceived health status (β=.35) were the main factors in QOL. Also, physical health status and practice (β=.106), one of behavioral diagnostic variables was a beneficial factor in QOL. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis showed the determinant variables accounted for 44.0% of the variation in QOL (F=25.76, p<.001).


The finding of the study can be used as a framework for planning interventions in order to promote the quality of life of AA members. It is necessary to develop nursing intervention strategies for strengthening educational and epidemiological diagnostic variables in order to improve AA members' QOL.

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Effect of Adolescents' Abuse Experience on Suicidal Ideation: Focused on Moderated Mediation Effect of Self-esteem on Depression and Anxiety
Ji Young Kim, Kyunghee Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(5):752-760.   Published online October 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to examine the moderating mediation effect of self-esteem on the relations among adolescents' abuse experiences, depression and anxiety, and suicidal ideation.


The participants were selected using secondary data from a population in the 2012 Korea Welfare Panel Survey (KOWEPS). Data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 and SPSS Macro, and bootstrapping and hierarchical regression analysis were performed to analyze multilevel models.


First, analysis of the mediating effect of the adolescents' abuse showed that there was significant mediating influence between suicidal ideation and depression and anxiety. Second, hierarchical regression analysis showed that self-esteem had significant mediation effect on depression and anxiety in adolescents' suicidal ideation. Third, SPSS Macro showed that self-esteem also significantly moderated the mediating effect of adolescents' abuse experiences on suicidal ideation through depression and anxiety.


The study results suggest that in future research on adolescent's abuse experience, the risk of suicide in depression and anxiety scores should be selected through evaluation of each individual's self-esteem scale. Coping strategies with immediate early intervention should be suggested.

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Effects of Self-management Program applying Dongsasub Training on Self-efficacy, Self-esteem, Self-management Behavior and Blood Pressure in Older Adults with Hypertension
Myoungsuk Kim, Misoon Song
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(4):576-586.   Published online August 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a self-management program applying Dongsasub training based on self-efficacy theory, and to verify the program effectiveness on self-esteem as well as self-efficacy, self-management behaviors, and blood pressure.


The study design was a non-equivalent, pre-post controlled quasi-experiment study. Thirty-eight patients aged 65 and older from a senior welfare center in Seoul participated in this study (20 patients in the experimental group and 18 patients in the control group). The self-management program applying Dongsasub training consisted of eight sessions. After development was complete the program was used with the experimental group. Outcome variables included self-efficacy, self-esteem, self-management behaviors measured by questionnaires, and blood pressure measured by electronic manometer.


Self-efficacy (t=2.42, p =.021), self-esteem (t=2.57, p =.014) and self-management behaviors (t=2.21, p =.034) were significantly higher and systolic blood pressure (t=-2.14, p =.040) was significantly lower in the experimental group compared to the control group. However, diastolic blood pressure (t=-.85, p =.400) was not significantly different between the two groups.


The results indicate that the self-management program applying Dongsasub training can be used as a nursing intervention in community settings for improving self-management behaviors for older adults with hypertension.

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Effectiveness of Forgiveness Therapy on Resilience, Self-esteem, and Spirituality of Wives of Alcoholics
Hee Kyung Kim, Mihyoung Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(3):237-247.   Published online June 30, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

In this study the effects of forgiveness therapy on the resilience, self-esteem, and spirituality of wives of men suffering from alcohol abuse was examined.


The study design was a quasi-experimental design. Forgiveness therapy was conducted once a week for 12 weeks. Data were obtained from March 2012 to December 2013. Participants were chosen from women in two Alcohol Counseling Centers. Of the 29 participants, 16 were assigned to the experimental group and 13 to the control group. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, χ2-test, and repeated measure ANOVA.


There were statistically significantly differences for resilience, self-esteem, and spirituality between the experimental and control groups. Forgiveness therapy improved the resilience, self-esteem, and spirituality in the experimental group compared to the control group (p<.05). In follow-up tests, the experimental group had a statistically significantly increase only in self-esteem.


This study results show that forgiveness therapy is effective in improving resilience, self-esteem, and spirituality in wives of men suffering from alcohol abuse. Therefore, forgiveness therapy can be considered a useful nursing intervention to promote improvements in emotional stability and provide pain relief for these wives.

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Effects of Perceived Health Status, Self-esteem and Family Function on Expectations Regarding Aging among Middle-aged Women
Yoo Rim Kweon, Hae Ok Jeon
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(2):176-184.   Published online April 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate expectations regarding aging by middle-aged women in the community, and identify factors contributing to their expectations about aging.


Participants in the survey for this study were 303 middle-aged women from community health centers and religious facilities in Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, and Chungcheongbuk Province. Data were collected from March 2 to April 17, 2012 using self-report structured questionnaires. The instruments were the Health Perceptions, Rosenberg Self-esteem Scale (RSES), Family APGAR, Expectations Regarding Aging (ERA-12). The data were analyzed using t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson correlation coefficients and hierarchical multiple regression with IBM SPSS/WIN 20.0 program.


Perceived health status (β=0.16, p=.009) and self-esteem (β=0.20, p=.001) of middle-aged women were identified as significant predictors of expectations regarding aging, after adjusting for age, education, occupation, monthly income and menstrual status.


These results suggest that nurses should make an effort to improve expectations about aging among middle-aged women. Ultimately, community health programs for middle aged women need to be developed to achieve successful aging.

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Body Image Dissatisfaction as a Mediator of the Association between BMI, Self-esteem and Mental Health in Early Adolescents: A Multiple-group Path Analysis across Gender
Mi Heui Jang, Gyungjoo Lee
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(2):165-175.   Published online April 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to examine not only the relationships between body mass index (BMI), self-esteem, body image dissatisfaction (BID) and mental health, according to gender, but the mediating role of BID on mental health in relation to BMI and self-esteem among early adolescents.


Data from 576 (296 boys and 280 girls) elementary school students in grades 5 to 6 were collected. A multiple-group path analysis was utilized to examine the relationships between BMI, self-esteem, BID and mental health by gender.


In the path analysis for all students, poor mental health was related directly to BID, while it was indirectly related to BMI and self-esteem. In the multiple-group path analysis of both genders, BID was found to have a significant direct and indirect effect on mental health for girls alone.


The findings suggested that BID should be examined early to prevent poor mental health in early adolescent girls. This study helps to elucidate the role of early adolescent BID on mental health and provides insight for further prevention and intervention programs in school and community mental health settings.

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