Many in nursing look back on Nursing Reserch history and proudly point to the fact that emphasis in nursing research has changed from studying the nurse to studying nursing practice. In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on seeking a method of evaluating the quality of nursing care. In spite of these attempts, however, an instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care that is actually applicable in the clinical area has not been found. The Purposes of this study are as follows; 1 ) To develop the instrument to be used in evaluating the quality of nusring care provided in the Neuro- Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital. 2 ) To evaluate the quality of nursing care in the clinical area. 3 ) To provide the necessary information for improvement of quality of nursing care. The instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care, developed by the ivestigator, was composed of 7 nursing goals and divided into 65 standards of nursing performance. The 7 nursing goal are as follows; 1) Maintenance of airway 2) Maintenance of fluid & electrolyte balance 3) Maintenance of elimination 4) Personal hygiene 5) Optimum activity 6) Prevention of accidents 7) Emotional care The study population defined was composed of all the case (51) who were admitted in the Neuro-Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital from May 7-13, 1976. The observation method was used and the data was subjected to the %, χ2-test, T-test, F test and Correlation. The results of the study were as follows ;
In order to prepare for the coming twenty first Century and to meet changing societal dedmands and health needs, it is necessary to develop a new conceptual framework for curriculum the colleges of nursing. The specific objectives of this project were to; 1) address the problem areas of the existing curriculum which were identified in the first phase of this study; 2) develop a conceptual framework which will meet faculty, student and societal needs; and 3) identify the content of the curriculum. In order to accomplish the objectives, the curriculum committee held 30 weekly meetings during the period of October, 1992 and December, 1993, There also were two workshops with college of nursing faculty members. The Philosophy and objectives of education were revised on the basis of the essential concepts of nursing; human being, nursing, environment, and health. From these basic concepts, six essential components were identified for the conceptual framework. These were nuring process, communication, professional roles, client, and nursing. These six components are interrelated in the curriculum. The complex interrelationship among the six components were presented on horizontal and vertical axes. Concepts related to steady improvement were put on a vertical axis. For example, concepts of client, health, and nursing are included in all levels of nursing curriculum and students are expected to retain and accumulate more complex contents as they progress in curriculum. Concepts on the horizontal axis are nursing process, communication, and professional roles. These concepts are unique to nursing and are common to any level of curriculum. Students are expected to study these concepts through all levels of the curriculum. It is expected that the objectives of the college of nursing will be accomplished when the courses and content of the curriculum are based on this conceptual fremework.
This study was done to verify validity of nursing diagnoses related to difficulty in respiratory function. First, content validity was examined by an expert group considering the etiology and the signs/symptoms of three nursing diagnoses-ineffective airway clearance, ineffective breathing pattern, impaired gas exchange. Second, clinical validity was examined by comparing the frequencies of the etiologies and signs/symptoms of the three nursing diagnoses in clinical case studies with the results of the content validity. This study was a descriptive study. The sample consisted of 23 experts (professors, head nurses and clinical instructors) who had had a variety of experiences using nursing diagnoses in clinical practice, and 102 case reports done by senior student nurses of the college of nursing of Y-university. These reports were part of their clinical practice in the ICU. The instrument used for this study was a checklist for etiologies and signs and symptoms based on the literature, Doenges and Moorhouse (1988), Kim, McFarland, McLane (1991), Lee Won Hee et al. (1987), KimCho Ja et al. (1988). The data was collected over four month period from May 1992 to Aug. 1992. Data were analyzed using frequencies done with the SPSS/PC+ package. The results of this study are summarized as follows: 1. General Characteristics of the Expert Group: A bachelor degree was held by 43.5% and a master or doctoral degree by 56.5% of the expert group. The average age of the expert group was 35.3 years. Their average clinical experience was 9.3 years and their average experience in clinical practice was 5.9 years. The general characteristics of the patients showed that there were more women than men, that the age range was from 1 to over 80. Most of their medical diagnoses were diagnoses related to the respiratory, system, circulation or neurologic system, and 50% or more of them had a ventilator with intubation or a tracheostomy. The number of cases for each nursing diagnoses was: -Ineffective airway clearance, 92 cases. -Ineffective breathing pattern, 18 cases. -Impaired gas exchange, 22 cases. 2. The opinion of the expert group as to the classification of the etiology, and signs and symptoms of the three nursing diagnoses was as follows: -In 31.8% of the cases the classification of etiology was clear. -In 22.7%, the classification of signs and symptoms was clear -In 17.4%, the classification of nursing interventions was clear. 3. In the expert group 80% or more agreed to 'dyspnea' as a common sign and symptom of the three nursing diagnoses. The distinguishing signs and symptoms of (Ineffective airway clearance) were 'sputum', 'cough', 'abnormal respiratory sounds: rales'. The distinguishing sings and symptoms of (Ineffective breathing pattern) were 'tachypnea', 'use of accessory muscle of respiration', 'orthop-nea' and for (Impaired gas exchange) it was 'abnormal arterial blood gas'. 4. The distribution of etiology, and signs and symptoms of the three nursing diagnoses was as follows: -There was a high frequency of 'increased secretion from the bronchus and trachea' in both the expert group and the cade reports as the etiology of ineffective airway clearance. -For the etiologies for ineffective breathing pattern, 'ain', 'anxiety', 'fear', 'obstructions of the trachea and bronchus' had a high ratio in the expert group and 'decreased expansion of lung' in the case reports. -For the etiologies for impaired gas exchanges, 'altered oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood' and 'excess accumulation of interstitial fluid in lung' had a high ratio in the expert group and 'altered oxygen supply' in the case reports. -For signs and symptoms for ineffective airway clearance, 'dyspnea', 'altered amount and character of sputum' were included by 100% of the expert group. 'Abnormal respiratory, sound (rale, rhonchi)' were included by a high ratio of the expert group. -For the signs and symptoms for ineffective breathing pattern, 'dyspnea', 'shortness of breath' were included by 100% of the expert group. In the case reports, 'dyspnea' and 'tachypnea' were reported as signs and symptoms. -For the sign and symptoms for impaired gas exchange, 'hypoxia' and 'cyanosis' had a high ratio in the expert group. In the case report, 'hypercap-nia', 'hypoxia' and 'inability to remove secretions' were reported as signs and symptoms. In summary, the similarity of the etiologies and signs and symptoms of the three nursing diagnoses related to difficulty in respiratory function makes it difficult to distinguish among them. But the clinical validity of three nursing diagnoses was established through this study, and at last one sign and symptom was defined for each diagnosis.
Computerization has been applied in most areas of health care in recent years. But computerized standardized nursing care plans have not yet been adequately developed even though they can significantly contribute to an improvement in the quality of nursing care. Therefore, this study was done to develop computerized nursing care plans. For this purpose, the study had the following objectives: 1) to develop a computerized program for standardized nursing care plans which include defining characteristics, relating factors, expected outcomes and nursing interventions 2) to test applicability of the computerized programs to the actual clinical situation of the clinical nurse. Application of the system development life cycle by davis was used as the study methodology. There are five stages in this method; strategy planning development, system analysis, system design, system practice and system evaluation. The first four steps in this methodology were used in this project. Two clinical nurses were selected to apply this computerized program in the clinical situation. The results of the study are as follows; 1) Ten standardized nursing care plans including defining characteristics, relating factors, expected outcomes and nursing interventions which had been proven to have validity in the clinical setting were computerized using the Foxbase Program. 2) These programs were applied to the actual clinical situation by two clinical nurses working at Severance Hospital. For further study, continuous revision should be done by the users. Evaluation related to the utilization of the program should also be done.
This study was undertaken at Yonsei University Medical Center to identify the crisis responses and nursing problems of patients who had been diagnosed with cancer, and changing patterns of grieving over time periods, and to analyse the effectiveness of follow up care through home visiting nursing. This study was carried out in three stages. The 1st study data were collected from a total of 205 patients who had been diagnosed with cancer from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31.1987 using a cross-sectional method. The 2nd study data were collected three times from 30 patients with cancer at 4 weeks intervals from March 1 to June 31.1988 using a longitudinal method. The 3rd study data were collected from two different groups from March 1 to June 31, 1988. One was an experimental group who was visited by nurses and the other one was a control group not visited by nurses. The subjects of the 3rd study consisted of 60 patients with cancer and a Quasi-experimental research design was used. The results were as follows : 1. The patients did not experience one stage at a time among the five stages of grieing, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, as identified by Kubler Ross. They experienced a combination of stages, especially of the bargaining and the depression stages. This stages did not change with the passing of time. 2. The patients expressed more physical and socioeconomical problems than emotional problems. And they used more problem coping methods than emotional coping methods. 3. Follow up care through home visiting nursing positively influenced the patient's quality of life, especially their pyhsical well-being and symptom control. The patients responsed positively to the home visiting nursing, stating that it was helpful to them. It was concluded that the development of a home visiting nursing program is needed for the effective home care of patients with cancer.
This study aimed to analyse the test contents of the national examination for the registered nurses (NERN) over 3 years from 1991 to 1993 in Korea. In recent years in Korea, the MCQ(multiple choice question) has been showing to be a highly recognized method for assessing the qualification of registered nurses. Unfortunately, nursing faculties have found NERN had some bad MCQs through having evaluation workshop for Some MCQs often provide so many unwriting clues which become a bias of the results, and some items fell into the category of the lower level of educational taxonomy such as isolated recall a fact or data. Frequently the stems of the questions are ambigous, unclear, disputable, esoterical or trivial. Considering those fallacies of the national examination, it is very critical to review the test items to see whether it is of high quality, is more fair, reliable and objective in depth. Therefore, this study was done to provide data for the improvement of the test contents as well as the teachers's assessment skill. For this study, the ad hoc committe was composed of 16 members, including 5 education board members of Korean Academic Nurses Association and 11 nursing faculty members. This committe had one day panal discussion and filled the checklist for this study. The porcess of analysing data was held over 10 times during 1992-1994. The analysis focussed on educational taxonomy such as cognitive domain(kowledge), psychmotor domain (skill), affective domain(attitude) and the level of learning such as recall, understanding, problems solving, and learning area of theory and practice, and the learning content categorised by nursing process and disease process. The test analysed using difficulty index and the structure of the test items was analysed. The conclusions and suggestion as follows: 1. In learning area, the average ratio of the theory and practice was 1: 1.1 which was less than 1: 2 suggested by Korean National Health Institute, and the ratio was differnt by the 8 learing sujects of nursing. 2. In category of the educational taxonomy, the knowledge domain was emphasized mostly(79. 7%), the skill domain was 14.9%, and the attitude domain was 5.4% only. 3. In the level of learning, generally, the test items of the level of recall(45.5%) and the understanding (46.3%) were covered almost and the problem solving was 8.1%. 4. In the learning contents, generally, the test items related to nursing process was 67.2% and that of disease process was 32.8%. However, this proportion was different by the 8 leaning subjects. Even though the nursing diagnosis has been emphasized in nursing curricula recently, the test items of this was identified very few. 5. In the structure of the test item, some were not clear, incorrect grammar, unclear description and some have clues to answer. 6. In the item analysis, the non-acceptable level of the difficulty indes(means too easy) was 65.7%, and the acceptable level was 33.9%. Considering the reseults we would like to suggest the followings, 1. Since the test items of knowledge domain was dominant, the test items of the practice domain and attitude domain should be emphasized more. 2. The regular review and analysis of NERN should be arranged in order to improve the quality of the test items which will give influence to the nursing education positively.
PURPOSE: This study was to identify priority areas of nursing research in Korea. METHOD: A data analysis was done for the PhD subjects (n=133) who responded at the national level two-rounds delphi survey. Subjects were asked to assign a score from 1 to 7 for 29 nursing research areas regarding 3 aspects: the degree of nurses research leadership; the degree of contribution to nursing professions; and the degree of contribution to health and welfare of patients/clients. RESULT: For the overall three aspects, research area on clinical nursing practice was identified as the first priority, followed by nursing education, home health nursing, nursing research, and chronic disease. For nursing research leadership, research area on clinical nursing practice, nursing education, home health nursing, nursing research, and nursing diagnosis were identified. Concerning contribution to the nursing profession, the first priority was nursing education, followed by clinical nursing practice, nursing research, nursing policy, and home health nursing. Concerning contribution to the health/welfare of patients, clinical nursing practice, home health care, geriatric nursing, chronic disease, and symptom management were ranked as top 5 research priorities. CONCLUSION: The findings of this national survey will assist in building insights into the research needs of nurses practicing in Korea.
This study was conducted to identify the effects of a planned exercise program based on Bandura's self efficacy model on metabolism, and the exercise compliance in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. The study design was a nonequivalent pre-test post-test control design. Thirty four type 2 diabetes mellitus patients, who received follow-up care regularly through the diabetic out-patient clinic, were randomly sampled for this study. Twenty patients were assigned to the experimental group and fourteen patients were assigned to the control group. In the experimental group, a planned exercise program is composed of an individualized exercise prescription for 12 weeks, an individual education, and even a telephone coach program. In the case of the control group, they were instructed to continue with their usual schedules. The data collection period was from March 1999 to February 2000 Data were analyzed using SPSS/WINDOW 10.0program. The results were as follows. 1. In the experimental group, the level of fasting blood sugar has significantly decreased from 188.20 mg/dl to 155.55 mg/dl after planned exercise program (F= 16.86, p=.000). For lipid metabolism, body fat per cutaneous decreased from 27.16% to 26.57% after planned exercise program. The score of self efficacy has increased from 64.20 to 66.65 after planned exercise program and it was statistically significant (F=4.850, p=.040) The functional vital capacity has increased from 3.28 liter to 3.37 liter and it was statistically significant(F=7.300, p=.020). 2. In an after effect of a planned exercise program, 35 percent of the subjects who participated in a planned exercise program continued to exercise for another six months. In conclusion, the planned exercise program can improve cardiopulmonary function, glucose, and lipid metabolism. This program was show a positive effect on the self efficacy and exercise compliance.
This study was to evaluate the effects of a short term comprehensive life style modification program on glycemic metabolism, lipid metabolism and body composition in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.
A nonequivalent control group with a pre post test was designed. Data collection was done from October 2003 to June, 2004 at a hospital. Glycemic metabolism was measured by a.c., p.c. and HbA1c, and lipid metabolism was measured by cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Body Composition was measured by body weight, body mass index, waist, measurement waist per hip ratio, body fat, muscle weight and abdominal fat tissue(intra abdominal distance). The Experimental group, which was composed of 29 participants, was educated based on a life style modification protocol at a weekly meeting for 12 weeks and carried out exercise, diet along individual parameters and self monitoring, while 24 participants in the control group received only diet education.
1.The experimental group showed a significant lower a.c.(t=2.11, p=.04) and HbA1c(t=2.65, p=.01) compared to those of the control group. 2. The experimental group showed a significant lower LDL than the results of the control group(t=2.42, p=.02). 3. The experimental group showed a significant lower weight(t=3.09, p=.00), BMI(t=3.01, p=.00), body fat(t=2.94, p=.01) and abdominal fat tissue(t=3.05, p=.01) than those of the control group.
The results provided evidence for the effectiveness of a short term comprehensive life style modification program composed of exercise, diet, support, self efficacy elevation and self monitoring in type 2 diabetes mellitus.
This study was to evaluate the effects of a physical activity reinforcement program on exercise compliance, depression, and anxiety in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis(CAPD) patients.
A nonequivalent control group with a pre-post test was designed. Data collection was done from December, 2002 to June, 2003 at a hoapital. The degree of depression and anxiety of the patients was assessed by the score of SCL-90-R, and exercise compliance was measured by exercise period, frequency, time and intensity. The experimental group was composed of 19 participants who were educated based on an exercise education protocol and carried out walking exercises two to four times a week after hearing verbal persuasion biweekly through the telephone or a face-to-face interview for 12 weeks, while 17 participants in control group received no intervention.
1. The experimental group showed significant improvement in self-efficacy of exercise compliance (U=79.00, p=.01), exercise period (χ2=20.84, p=.00), exercise frequency (χ2=9.03, p=.01), exercise time (χ2=9.03, p=.01) and exercise intensity (χ2=11.09, p=.00) compared to those of the control group. 2. The experimental group showed a lower depression score (U=84.50, p=.01) than the results of the control group. 3. However, there were no changes in anxiety level compared to the control group.
The physical activity reinforcement program was found to have an effect on exercise compliance and the depression score of CAPD patients. The results provided evidence for the importance of physical activity and verbal persuasion in CAPD patients.
Nursing intervention studies often suffer from a selection bias introduced by failure of random assignment. Evaluation with selection bias could under or over-estimate any intervention's effects. PS matching (PSM) can reduce a selection bias through matching similar Propensity Scores (PS). PS is defined as the conditional probability of being treated given the individual's covariates and it can be reused to balance the covariates of two groups.
This study was done to assess the significance of PSM as an alternative evaluation method of nursing interventions.
An intervention study for patients with some baseline individual characteristic differences between two groups was used for this demonstration. The result of a t-test with PSM was compared with a t-test without matching.
The level of HbA1c at 12 months after baseline was different between the two groups in terms of matching or not.
This study demonstrated the effects of a quasi-random assignment. Evaluation using PSM can reduce a selection bias impact that affects the result of the nursing intervention. Analyzing nursing research more objectively to reduce selection bias using PSM is needed.
This study was to evaluate the effects of a comprehensive life style modification program on glycemic control and stress response in type 2 diabetes.
The participants(n=34) with type 2 diabetes were divided into either a usual care(control) or treatment(experimental) group. The experimental group(n=21) received a program that was based on a comprehensive life style modification protocol at a weekly meeting for 16 weeks. They also participated in individually prescribed exercise and diet along with stress management and self monitoring. The participants were followed for 6 months, during which postprandial glucose, HbA1C, and stress response inventory were measured.
The experimental group showed a significant lower postprandial glucose and stress response compared to those of the control group. However, there was no significant change in the HbA1C value in either group.
These results suggest that a type 2 diabetes comprehensive lifestyle modification program may lead to clinical improvement in glycemic control and reduce the stress response.
This study was a systematic review and meta-analysis of the effects of exercise programs in patients with type II diabetes mellitus.
Two investigators systematically searched and reviewed English articles from PUBMED from 1988 to 2004, selecting randomized controlled trials on structured exercise programs for DM patients. Out of 87 studies identified, a meta analysis was done for eleven studies which satisfied inclusion criteria and focused on glycemic indices, lipid indices, and cardiac function indices.
The means and standard deviations were compared for experimental groups that received exercise-only or exercise and diet programs and control groups that received no intervention or only diet education. The groups were considered homogeneous as the p value of the Q score in each variable group was over 0.05. The experimental groups demonstrated a moderate positive effect on HbA1c and VO2max (d=0.55 & 0.5), and a small positive effect on fasting blood glucose and cholesterol (d=0.38 & 0.27) compared to the control groups. HDL and LDL cholesterol levels, however, showed a very low positive effect (d=0.11 & 0.12) in the experimental groups. Aerobic exercise was more beneficial than resistance exercise on HbA1c (d=0.59 vs 0.28) in the groups.
Regular exercise has a positive effect on HbA1c, fasting blood glucose, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, and VO2max in Type 2 diabetic patients.