Many in nursing look back on Nursing Reserch history and proudly point to the fact that emphasis in nursing research has changed from studying the nurse to studying nursing practice. In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on seeking a method of evaluating the quality of nursing care. In spite of these attempts, however, an instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care that is actually applicable in the clinical area has not been found. The Purposes of this study are as follows; 1 ) To develop the instrument to be used in evaluating the quality of nusring care provided in the Neuro- Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital. 2 ) To evaluate the quality of nursing care in the clinical area. 3 ) To provide the necessary information for improvement of quality of nursing care. The instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care, developed by the ivestigator, was composed of 7 nursing goals and divided into 65 standards of nursing performance. The 7 nursing goal are as follows; 1) Maintenance of airway 2) Maintenance of fluid & electrolyte balance 3) Maintenance of elimination 4) Personal hygiene 5) Optimum activity 6) Prevention of accidents 7) Emotional care The study population defined was composed of all the case (51) who were admitted in the Neuro-Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital from May 7-13, 1976. The observation method was used and the data was subjected to the %, χ2-test, T-test, F test and Correlation. The results of the study were as follows ;