To examine the effects of a smartphone application-based exercise program on self-efficacy expectations (SEE) and outcome expectations regarding exercise (OEE), physical fitness, activity level, physiological indices, and health-related quality of life in a sample of hemodialysis patients.
A quasi-experimental control group pre-test post-test design was used. Subjects were recruited from two university hospitals in G city. The subjects were assigned randomly by coin toss: 33 participants to the experimental group and 30 to the control group. A literature review and the self-efficacy theory were used to develop the smartphone program. Experts designed and verified the program to be userfriendly and in consideration of user interaction. Data were collected through a self-report pre-test post-test questionnaire and online medical records.
In the experimental group, the levels of physical fitness and physical activity were significantly improved post-test, but the scores on health-related quality of life and the physical indices did not improve. In the experimental group, the SEE and OEE post-test scores were also significantly higher than the pre-test scores, but the control group’s scores did not change.
The smartphone application-based exercise program based on self-efficacy theory significantly improved the level of physical fitness and activity, SEE, and OEE for hemodialysis patients. The use of this application-based exercise program for hemodialysis patients might be an effective nursing intervention tool for improving SEE, OEE, level of physical fitness, and physical activity.
The purpose of this study was to construct a grounded theory as the basis for nursing intervention by describing and analysing the holistic lived experiences of clients receiving long-term hemodialysis. The subjects of this study were fifteen persons receiving regular hemodialysis regimen at artificial kindly treatment centers in two different university hospitals, and who were able to participate in conversation and were available for long and deep interviews. Eight of the subjects were male and seven were female and their ages ranged from 30's to 60's. The length of the hemodialysis experience ranged from two months to six years. The collection and analysis of data were done in accordance with the grounded theory methodology of Strauss and Corbin. The method to collect the data mainly depended on long and deep interviews, participant observation and focused group interviews and the equipment used to collect data were a portable tape recorder and field notes. The study is summarized as follows: 1. The meaning of holistic lived experiences of clients receiving long-term hemodialysis was found to be uncertainty, which was identified as the core category. 2. The main categories following the core care category were found to be shock, ambiguity, social support and quality of life. 3. Through the main category the type of behavior newly formed by clients receiving long-term hemodialysis was found to be as follows. That is to say, in the circumstances of shock caused by the identified fact and the ambiguity of hemodilysis they formed a quality of life based on social support, which was found to be kind of chaotic phenomenon. 4. The lived experiences of clients receiving long-tern hemodialysis was found to include nine categories ; emotional shock, feelings of isolation, burden, unclearness, dependency, help from others, coping strategies, maintenance of self-esteem and transitional life. 5. The intervening factors influencing each category are as follow : 1) The factors influencing 'emotional shock' were found to be sex, age, the level of knowledge received in advance, locus of control, the period of struggle against the disease before hemodialysis and whether any serious illness existed. 2) The factors influencing 'feelings of isolation' were found to be religion and the length of the hemodialysis experience. 3) The factors influencing 'burden' were found to be sex, economic situation, economic situation, employment status and the length of the hemodialysis experience. 4) The factors influencing 'unclearness' were found to be-sex, age, religion, economic situation, the length of the hemodialysis experience, whether they had a transfusion and whether there were any complications. 5) The factors influencing 'help from others' were found to be religion, economic situation, past experiences and whether family members lived together. 6) The factors influencing 'coping strategies' were found to be age, level of education, experiences of illness and locus of control. 7) The factors influencing 'maintenance of self-esteem' were found to be the length of the hemodialysis experience and self-actualization. 8) The factors influencing 'transitional life' were found to be age, religion, economic situation, employment status, locus of control, past experiences and whether there was a plan for a kidney transplant.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effect of structured patient education on knowledge and behavior about selfcare in hemodialysis patients, and to find the strategy to promote their selfcare behavior. In conclusion, structured patient education in hemodialysis patients was improved the level of knowledge and behavior about selfcare. But there was a little relationship between the knowledge and behavior about selfcare. That is ; structured patient education is the effective nursing intervention to improve their selfcare knowledge and behavior, but further research is needed to find the factor to increase selfcare behavior in hemodialysis patients.
The purpose of this study was to discover practical health problems which hemodialysis clients experienced so as to present basic data for development of a health assessment tool. The research subjects were 70 clients receiving hemodialysis in Seoul and Inchon from Mar. 1996 to Sep. 1996. Data were collected by researcher's informal indepth interview and nurses' open ended question. Content analysis was applied to collect similar contents and common experiences in order to derivate concepts and categories for better understanding of hemodialysis clients' experiences. As a result, 9 categories derivated to identify the health problems of clients receiving hemodialysis were as follows: 1) They experienced 'the decreased digestive function' which contained the changed appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea. 2) They experienced 'the decreased respiratory and circulatory function' which contained dyspnea, changed blood pressure, tingling sensation and the fear of aggrevated vascular condition. 3) They experienced 'the aggrevated oral condition' which contained dry mouth and destruction of teeth and their soft tissue. 4) They experienced 'the decreased sensory function' which contained visual disturbances, sensation difficulty, and hearing loss. 5) They experienced 'the aggrevated skin condition' which contained dark brown skin color, dry skin (and hyperpigmentatic freckle, seborrheric kera-tosis, scale), itching sense, and alopethia. 6) They experienced 'the decreased urinary reproductive function' which contained anuria or oliguria, dysmenorrhea, sterility and decreased libido. 7) They experienced 'the restricted activity' which contained decreased activity, muscle cramp and stiffness of joint. 8) They experienced 'the changed mental status' which contained memory disturbance, decreased cognition, disorientation, neurosis and psychosis. 9) They experienced 'the aggrevated general condition' which contained kyphosis, weight loss, fatigue, sleep disturbance, bleeding tendency, inflammation, generalized edema and foul Oder of uremia.
It is important to evaluate nutritional status of elderly patients receiving dialysis, since wasting and malnutrition are their common problems. This study aims at assessing their nutritional status by the type and duration of dialysis. The nutritional status such as somatic fat and protein storage was evaluated with anthropometric measure including weight/height ratio, triceps skinfold thickness and midarm muscle circumference. It was also measured with albumin, transferrin, C3 and IGF-1 and calroie and protein intakes. The general clinical condition of patients was evaluated with the severity of uremia and metabolic acidosis, which were measured through the levels of serum urea, creatinine and bicarbonateion. The data were analyzed by using t-test, ANOVA, Wilcoxon -rank sums test, Scheffe test, Kruskal -Wallis test and Pearson correlation coefficients. The results are following; 1. There was no significant difference in the calorie and proten intakes by the type and duration of dialysis received. 2. As for the anthropometric measures, no significant difference was found by the type of dialysis in body mass index, triceps skinfold thickness and midarm muscle circumference. Yet these anthropometric measures differed significantly by the duration of dialysis in those elderly patients receiving hemodialysis(HD group), but this finding was not found in those receiving continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis(CAPD). 3. Regarding the indicators of uremia and metabolic acidosis, blood urea mtrogen(BUN) and creatinine were lower in the CAPD group than in the HD group, whereas bicarbonate ion was higher in the CAPD group than in the HD group, with no statistical significance. In the HD group, creatinine incresed significantly with the increase of the duration of dialysis. 4. Serum trasferrin and C3 were significantly higher in the CAPD group than in the HD group. However, each of biochmical indices did not show statistical significance by the duration of dialysis in both HD and CAPD groups. 5. Anthropometric measures were significantly associated with dietary intake. Significant correlations were observed between biocarbonate ion, BUN and creatinine. In addition, the correlations between serum protein and albumin and between transferrin and C3 were statistically significant. Yet, IGF-1 revealed no significant correlation with other nutritional indices. The above findings indicate that there were no difference in nutritional status mearsured with protein and calroie intakes between the type and duration of dialysis, but CAPD seems to benefit correcting uremia and metabolic acidosis than HD. Studies of dietary management for dialysis patients need to be pursued in order to improved the quality of aged patients receiving dialysis.
The purpose of this study is to develop self-efficacy promotion program and to test its effects on self-efficacy, self-care, physiologic index of hemodialysis patients after applying this program to them. Preliminary study was carried out to identify the levels and types of self-care, self-efficacy of hemodialysis patients. To develop self-efficacy promoting program, several discussions with nursing professors and nurse specialists on hemodialysis patients were made after in-depth literature review on the area. Through these processes, the self-efficacy promoting program including 20 minutes long videotape and other counciling documents were completed. This videotape consisted of specific self-care techniques for hemodialysis patients including management of fistula, measurement of blood presure and body weight, special diets, medications, exercise and rest, management of physical problems and social adjustment. Two group equivalent pre and post test quasai-experimental research design was used in this study. The total subjects were 34 hemodialysis patients who received hemodialysis three time per week at 1 university hospital. Seventeen experimental group subjects were matched with control group subjects in sex and age. Data were analysed with the SPSS window program. Homogeniety between experimental and control group pretest data was tested by 2 and t-test. There were no significanct differences in general characteristics, illness history, specific self-efficacy and self-care between the two groups. The differences of general self-efficacy of two groups were tested with the Repeated Measure ANCOVA because of significant differences of pretest data of general self efficacy between two groups. The differences of self-efficacy and self-care of two groups were tested with Repeated Measure ANOVA and the differences of physiologic indecies including blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level and interdialytic weight gain were tested by t-test. The results were as follows: 1. There was no significant difference in general self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and no interaction by groups and by time. 2. There was significant difference in specific self-efficacy between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 3. There was significant difference in self-care between the two groups over four different time, and interaction by groups and by time. 4. There were no significant differences of blood potassium level and blood phosphorus level, but there was significant difference of interdialytic weight gain between the two groups. From the results above, it can be concluded that the self-efficacy promotion program for hemodialysis patients was effective to improve degree of specific self-efficacy and self-care and to decrease interdialytic weight gain. Considering results, the followings are recommended: 1) Repeated studies are needed for another hemodialysis patients. 2) This program can be used for improving degree of self-efficacy and self-care of hemodialysis patients by nurse practitioner and nurse educator.
The hemodialysis patients with chronic renal disease have experienced negative emotions, especially
depression among with physical, social, and psychological changes. Based upon a stress-coping theory, group
imago psychotherapy which can induce effective coping through self awareness and positive emotional
responses is implemented to the hemodialysis patients. The effects of the imago psychotherapy in regards to
comfort and depression are studied here.
Group imago psychotherapy was performed on forty-three subjects(twenty subjects in the experimental
group and twenty-three subjects in the control group).
The results of the study were as follows.
After being given group imago psychotherapy, the comfort scores of the experimental group were
significantly higher than those of the control group (F=15.33, p= .003).
Moreover, after being given treatment, the depression scores of the experimental group were significantly
lower than those of the control group (F=9.14. p=.0044).
Specifically, the scores on comfort in the experimental group under emotion-focused coping style were
significantly higher than those of the control group (F=18.59, p= .0002).
The mean difference on comfort scores in the experimental group under problem - focused coping style was
higher than that of the control group. But their scores were not significant (F=0.19, p= .6729).
The scores on depression in the experimental group under emotion-focused coping style were significantly
lower than those of the control group (F=14.62, p= .0006).
The mean difference on depression scores in the experimental group under problem - focused coping style
was much lower than that of the control group. But their scores were not significant (F=0.31, p=.5947).
There was a significant positive correlation between comfort and depression variables.
After group imago psychotherapy the hemodialysis patients recognized positive changes in emotional reponses,
self awareness, self control, ease of mind, and felt overall more relaxed.
Imago psychotherapy is a nursing intervention which as this study has shown can improve to comfort. The
of this study can be applied to general nursing practices. In the view of holistic nursing, the
development of the nursing practice combined with imago psychotherapy will contribute to the enlargement of
the nursing field with conventional nursing practices.
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of anticipated variables on hemodialysis that was impact patients' quality of life. The subjects of the study were 104 patients who were over 18 years old. They were enrolled at Kidney dialysis unit in General Hospital located in T and M city, Republic Korea. And the duration of treatment was more than 6 months. They all met the research criteria and agreed to participate in the research. The research instrument have 25 questionnaire which were originally Ferrans' (1985) instrument to measure the quality of life for hemodialysis patients and later changed by Lee, Suk-Ja into the 35 items after eliminating repeated contents, the Cronbach's alphain this study was .87. The stress instrument was measured by 36 items which were modified and supplemented the instrument developed by Kim, Yong-Kyong(15) for hemodialysis patients, and the Cronbach's alphawas .9333. Depression instrument was 20 questions modified BDI(Beck Depression Inventory) to meet hemodialysis patients' conditions, and Cronbach's alpha was .92. The period of collecting data was from March 6 to June 25, 1999 and the data was analyzed by SPSS/PC, and the statistical techniques were ANOVA(variables analysis), Scheffe test, Multiple Regression. The findings of this study were as follows: 1. The effect of general characteristics on hemodialysis patients' quality of life, the characteristics showing a statistically, significant difference were the existence of an occupation(t=6.7353, P= .0109), marital status (F=4.3550, P= .0290), economic status (F=4.6475, P= .0118) and presence of care support (F=2..4738, P= .0494). 2. The effect of general characteristics on the patient's stress, the characteristics showing a significant difference were gender (t= 4.1143, p= .0451), education level (F= 4.3550, p= .008), the existence of an occupation (t=8.7498, p= .0038), and presence of care support(F=3.1715, p= .0169). 3. The effects of general characteristics on depression, the characteristics were education level (F=3.7517, P= .0069), the existence of religion(t=9.4843, p= .0027), an occupation (t=15.3745, p= .0002), marital status (F=3.3400, P= .0223) and presence of care support (F=3.7605, p= .0069). 4. The Multiple Regression is used to identify the effect of anticipated variables on the patient's quality of life. The variables were depression (T=-9.656, P=.000), marital status (T=-2.287, P=.0243) and the regression expression was Y=117.62053 - 1.13618X1 + 2.66213X2(X1: Depression, X2 : Marriage), The explanation of the total regression expression appeared to be 52.578%.
This study was designed to investigate the effect of aromatherapy on skin xerosis and pruritus in patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis. Twenty one subjects of this study were selected from St. Paul's Hosipital in Seoul. All the subjects were received the mineral oil massage at the arm without fistular three timesper week for 4 weeks. After 2 weeks period of wash-out, the subjects were received the aromatherapy of lavender and tea tree essence oil in the same way. This study was carried out from March 20 to June 13, 1998. Pruritus score, skin pH and stratum corneum hydration were measured before and after each treatment. But, biochemical parameters were measured before the treatment of the mineral oil massage, after the treatment of the mineral oil massage and the aromatherapy. Data of this study were analyzed by paired t-test, repeated measures ANOVA, Bonferroni multiple comparisons and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results were as follows: 1. Pruritus score was significantly decreased after the aromatherapy, while no significant change after the treatment of the mineral oil massage. Therefore, there was a significant difference in the priritus score between the two treatments. 2. Stratum corneum hydration was significantly increased after the aromatherapy, while no significant change after the treatment of the mineral oil massage. Therefore, there was a significant difference in the stratum corneum hydration between the two treatments. 3. Skin pH was significantly increased after the treatment of the mineral oil massage, while no significant change after the aromatherapy. Therefore, there was no significant difference in the skin pH between the two treatments. 4. After the aromatherapy, the serum calcium was significantly increased. Whereas the serum parathyroid hormone intact was significantly decreased compared with the treatment of the mineral oil massage. But the level of the serum Ca and PTH-intact were within the normal range. 5. Stratum corneum hydration was decreased corresponding to the duration of hemodialysis, while pruritus score and skin pH showed no change corresponding to the duration of hemodialysis and the age of the subjects. The correlation of pruritus score on skin pH, stratum corneum hydration and biochemical parameters was not significant. In conclusion, this findings indicate that aromatherapy may be effective in decreasing skin xerosis and pruritus score in uremic pruritus patients undergoing maintenance hemodialysis.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the spiritual well-being of hemodialysis patients and the correlation between spiritual well-being and demographic characteristics and disease related characteristics. The subjects for this study were 98 patients who were diagnosed as having chronic renal failure and were being treated at the hemodialysis units of three hospitals located in Seoul, Pusan and Taegu, Korea. Data were collected from October 27, 1997 to November 15, 1997 by an investigator interviewing with a structured questionnaire. Palautizion and Ellison(1982)'s spiritual well-being scale was used after some modification. The results of this study are as follows; To analyze the differences between demographic characteristics, spiritual well-being, and disease characteristics and the spiritual well-being, T-test and ANOVA were used. 1. There were statistically significant differences in spiritual well-being for the demographic characteristics of age(p=0.0145) religious affiliation(p=0.0001) and level of education(p=0.04). 2. There were statistically significant differences in spiritual well-being for the disease characteristics perceived health status(p=0.0014) and vigor(p=0.01). 3. The mean score for spiritual well-being in hemodialysis patients was 57.10of a possible range 22-88. Among the components of spiritual well-being, the mean score for religious well-being was 27.01 of a possible range 11-44, and for existential well-being 30.09 of a possible range of 11-44. 4. Correlation between general characteristics and spiritual well-being showed that there were significantly positive correlations for level f education(p=0.0036), perceived health status(p=0.0001), vigor(p=0.0036), perceived health status(p=0.0001), vigor(p=0.0036) and religion (p=0.0004).
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effects of a pruritus intervention program on pruritus and sleep satisfaction in patients undergoing hemodialysis.
This study was designed for a nonequivalent control group repeated measures quasi-experimental study. Hemodialysis patients were recruited from a kidney center at a university hospital located in G city, Korea. The subjects consisted of 43 patients 21 for the experimental group and 22 for the control group. The 2-week pruritus intervention program was given to the experimental group only.. An analytical survey was done before and after the pruritus intervention program.
There was a significant decrease in pruritus and increase in sleep satisfaction in the experimental group compared to the control group. There was significant improvement in clinical symptoms and sleep satisfaction after completing the pruritus intervention program in the experimental group.
Pruritus intervention program in hemodialysis patients decreased pruritus severity and increased sleep satisfaction, which can be used as an efficient nursing intervention for hemodialysis patients.
The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of music therpy on anxiety and depression in patients undergoing hemodialysis.
The study was designed using a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The subjects consisted of 36 patients (Experimental group: 18, Control group: 18) who received hemodialysis in three hospitals located in Seoul. The measures were a Music Preference Questionnaire (MPQ), anxiety measurement, and depression measurement. Data was collected from December 26, 2004 to April 2, 2005 through questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by the SPSS 10.0 program.
The first hypothesis that patients undergoing hemodialysis who received music therapy would have less anxiety than patients undergoing hemodialysis who did not receive music therapy was supported (F=8.05, p=.008). The second hypothesis that patient undergoing hemodialysis who received music therapy would have less depression than patients undergoing hemodialysis who did not receive music therapy was supported(F=11.86, p=.002).
The results of this study suggest that music therapy may be applied as a method of nursing intervention contributing to the improvement of quality life by reducing their anxiety and depression of patients undergoing hemodialysis.
This study examined the characteristics of fatigue and the relationship between fatigue and its related factors in Korean patients on hemodialysis.
A cross-sectional correlational study was conducted with 104 patients on hemodialysis in Seoul, Korea.
Of a total of 104 subjects, eighty-one (77.9%) complained of fatigue. Fatigue severity was measured by the self-rating Visual Analogue Scale-Fatigue (VAS-F) with a mean score of 36.5 (SD=17.49, range 2 - 81). The mean duration of fatigue was 3.8 hours (SD=5.3, range 0 - 24). Depression was most significantly correlated with fatigue (beta=.43, p<.00), with interdialytic weight gain (beta=.25, p<.05) being the second most significant correlate.
This study shows that nursing interventions for patients who experience fatigue while on hemodialysis should be focused on both psychological problems, such as depression, as well as on physiological problems, such as interdialytic weight gain.
The purpose of this study was to construct and test a hypothetical model of self-management in patients with hemodialysis based on the Self-Regulation Model and resource-coping perspective.
Data were collected from 215 adults receiving hemodialysis in 17 local clinics and one tertiary hospital in 2016. The Hemodialysis Self-management Instrument, the Revised Illness Perception Questionnaire, Herth Hope Index and Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support were used. The exogenous variable was social context; the endogenous variables were cognitive illness representation, hope, self-management behavior, and illness outcome. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation analysis, factor analysis, and structural equation modeling were performed.
The hypothetical model with six paths showed a good fitness to the empirical data: GFI=.96, AGFI=.90, CFI=.95, RMSEA=.08, SRMR=.04. The factors that had an influence on self-management behavior were social context (β=.84), hope and cognitive illness representation (β=.37 and β=.27) explaining 92.4% of the variance. Self-management behavior mediated the relationship between psychosocial coping resources and illness outcome.
This research specifies a more complete spectrum of the self-management process. It is important to recognize the array of clinical resources available to support patients' self-management. Healthcare providers can facilitate self-management through collaborative care and understanding the ideas and emotions that each patient has about the illness, and ultimately improve the health outcomes. This framework can be used to guide self-management intervention development and assure effective clinical assessment.
In this single repeated measures study, an examination was done on the effects of dialysate flow rate on dialysis adequacy and fatigue in patients receiving hemodialysis.
This study was a prospective single center study in which repeated measures analysis of variance were used to compare Kt/V urea (Kt/V) and urea reduction ratio (URR) as dialysis adequacy measures and level of fatigue at different dialysate flow rates: twice as fast as the participant’s own blood flow, 500 mL/min, and 700 mL/min. Thirty-seven hemodialysis patients received all three dialysate flow rates using counterbalancing.
The Kt/V (M±SD) was 1.40±0.25 at twice the blood flow rate, 1.41±0.23 at 500 mL/min, and 1.46±0.24 at 700 mL/min. The URR (M±SD) was 68.20±5.90 at twice the blood flow rate, 68.67±5.22 at 500 mL/min, and 70.11±5.13 at 700 mL/min. When dialysate flow rate was increased from twice the blood flow rate to 700 mL/min and from 500 mL/min to 700 mL/min, Kt/V and URR showed relative gains. There was no difference in fatigue according to dialysate flow rate.
Increasing the dialysate flow rate to 700 mL/min is associated with a significant nicrease in dialysis adequacy. Hemodialysis with a dialysate flow rate of 700 mL/min should be considered in selected patients not achieving adequacy despite extended treatment times and optimized blood flow rate.
The purpose of this study was to examine effects of a dietary program based on self-efficacy theory on dietary adherence, physical status and quality of life (QoL) in hemodialysis patients.
A non-equivalent control group pre-post test design was used. The intervention group received the dietary program for 8 weeks from August 4 to September 26, 2014. The control group received only usual care.
ANCOVA showed that dietary adherence (F=64.75,
Findings show that the dietary program based on self-efficacy theory is an effective nursing intervention program to improve adherence to diet, and to maintain physical status and QoL for hemodialysis patients.
The purpose of this study was to explore the experience of fluid management in hemodialysis patients by describing how they manage fluid intake and what affects fluid management.
Purposive sampling yielded 11 patients who have received hemodialysis for one year or longer in one general hospital. Data were collected through in-depth interviews and analysed using Giorgi's phenomenological method. Data collection and analysis were performed concurrently.
The findings regarding how hemodialysis patients manage fluid intake were classified into four constituents: 'recognizing the need for fluid control', 'observing the status of fluid accumulation', 'controlling fluid intake and output', 'getting used to fluid management'. The factors that affect fluid management of hemodialysis patients were revealed as 'willpower', 'change in the mindset', 'support system', and 'emotional state'.
The study results show that hemodialysis patients manage fluid intake through food and exercise as well as interpersonal relationships. These findings suggest that strategies in the development of nursing interventions for hemodialysis patients should be directed at assisting them in familiarization with fluid management based on an understanding of their sociocultural contexts.
This study was done to examine the relation of uncertainty, uncertainty appraisal, and self-management in patients undergoing hemodialysis, and to identify factors influencing self-management.
A convenience sample of 92 patients receiving hemodialysis was selected. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and medical records. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlations and multiple regression analysis with the SPSS/WIN 20.0 program.
The participants showed a moderate level of uncertainty with the highest score being for ambiguity among the four uncertainty subdomains. Scores for uncertainty danger or opportunity appraisals were under the mid points. The participants were found to perform a high level of self-management such as diet control, management of arteriovenous fistula, exercise, medication, physical management, measurements of body weight and blood pressure, and social activity. The self-management of participants undergoing hemodialysis showed a significant relationship with uncertainty and uncertainty appraisal. The significant factors influencing self-management were uncertainty, uncertainty opportunity appraisal, hemodialysis duration, and having a spouse. These variables explained 32.8% of the variance in self-management.
The results suggest that intervention programs to reduce the level of uncertainty and to increase the level of uncertainty opportunity appraisal among patients would improve the self-management of hemodialysis patients.
To investigate the effect of progressive resistance training (PRT) on body composition, physical fitness, quality of life, lipid and nutritional profile of patients on hemodialysis (HD).
A non equivalent comparison group pretest and posttest design study was used with 40 participants who were randomly assigned to the exercise group (20 participants) and the comparison group (20 participants). The exercise group received PRT for 30 minutes per session, 3 sessions a week, for 12 weeks, while the comparison group received usual care. The PRT consisted of upper and lower body exercises using elastic bands and sandbags. Outcome measures evaluated were: body composition, physical fitness, quality of life, and lipid profile.
Skeletal muscle mass, grip, leg muscle strength, and quality of life all improved significantly in the exercise group. Body fat rate, total cholesterol and triglyceride rate decreased significantly in the exercise group.
These results suggest that PRT improves body composition, physical fitness, quality of life, and lipid profile of patients on HD. PRT using elastic bands and sandbags can be utilized as part of a regular care plan for these patients.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of stretching, muscle strengthening, and walking exercise on the cardiopulmonary function and health-related quality of life in hemodialysis patients.
Twenty-one patients in the intervention and the control group participated in the exercise respectively on maintenance hemodialysis at four university hospitals. The exercise was composed of 20 to 60 min per session, 3 sessions a week for 12 weeks. The effect of exercise was assessed by cardiopulmonary function (peak oxygen uptake, peak ventilation, peak respiration rate, maximal heart rate, and exercise duration) using a cycle ergometer. Grip strength was measured by dynamometer, and flexibility was measured by sit and reach measuring instrument. Health-related quality of life was measured using Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36.
Peak oxygen uptake, peak ventilation, peak respiration rate, exercise duration, grip strength, flexibility, and physical component scale were significantly improved in the intervention group after 12 week's exercise compared to the control group.
These findings indicate the exercise can improve cardiopulmonary function, grip strength, flexibility, and physical component scale of health-related quality of life in hemodialysis patients.
The purpose of this study was to discover kidney transplant and hemodialysis patients' quality of life(QOL) and provide basic data to improve their QOL.
One hundred two hemodialysis patients and 106 kidney transplant patients were given a self-administered questionnaire from Mar. 6 to Mar. 31, 2006. The instrument consisted of demographic variables, therapeutic-related characteristics and QOL. Collected data was processed using the SPSS 12.0 statistical program for real numbers, percentages, ANCOVA, t-test, ANOVA, Stepwise multiple regression and the Scheffe test.
Kidney transplantpatients' QOL was higher than hemodialysis patients. The demographic variables which showed a significant difference in overall QOL were religion, children and monthly income for kidney transplantpatients and educational background for hemodialysis patients. The therapeutic-related variable which showed a significant difference in overall QOL was the patients' perceived health condition for both groups. The influencing factor on overall QOL for both groups was the health condition perceived by themselves. The total variance of the variable for QOL was 42% for kidney transplant patients and 19% for hemodialysis patients.
This study revealed that kidney transplant patients have a higher QOL and how patients perceive their health is the strongest influencing factor for QOL. However, there is a large difference between the demand and supply of kidney donors. To solve this problem the standards for donation should be reviewed and revised.
The purpose of this study was to analysis the effects of a structured drug education program on knowledge and medication compliance for hemodialysis patients.
Hemodialysis patients were recruited from a kidney center, at a university hospital located in G city, Korea. Thirty subjects in the control group received no intervention and 30 subjects in the experimental group received a structured drug education program.
There were significant increases in medication knowledge and medication compliance in the experimental group compared to the control group.
According to the above results, this education program for hemodialysis patients increased knowledge and medication compliance. These findings suggest that a structured drug education program can be used as an efficient nursing intervention for hemodialysis patients.
This study was done to investigate correlations between compliance and physiological parameters of hemodialysis patients.
The subjects were 102 patients on hemodialysis at 3 hospitals in B city. Data was collected using Shon(1986)'s questionnaire and measuring physiological parameters (serum urea nitrogen, creatinine, hemoglobin, albumin, potassium, phosphorus, interdialytic weight gain).
Mean scores of compliance with the therapeutic regimen was 4.00±0.55 on a 5 point scale. The area of visiting hospitals and taking medicines were shown to have high compliance with therapeutic regimens; on the other hand, the areas concerning diet and symptoms were shown to be low. Interdialytic weight gain and phosphorus were significantly related to the compliance with therapeutic regimens.
Hemodialysis patients' therapeutic compliance was related to the physiological parameters(potassium, phosphorus, interdialytic weight gain). Therefore, these findings give hemodialysis patients useful information for raising their therapeutic compliance.