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Effect of Resistance Exercise Program for Middle-Aged Women with Myofascial Pain Syndrome on Shoulder Pain, Angle of Shoulder Range of Motion, and Body Composition Randomized Controlled Trial, RCT
Kim, WonJong , Hur, Myung-Haeng
J Korean Acad Nurs 2020;50(2):286-297.   Published online April 30, 2020
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to identify the effects of myofascial pain syndrome on shoulder pain, range of motion, and body composition around the shoulder in middle-aged women.
A total of 72 women participated in the randomized controlled trial. The subjects were grouped into an experimental group (n=39) and a control group (n=33). The experimental group received a resistance exercise program using an elastic band for 8 weeks, 3 days a week. The control group followed a normal daily for 8 weeks. Measurements were conducted three times; before the experimental treatment (pre-test), the 2nd and 8th weeks after treatment.
Regarding the general characteristics and homogeneity of the dependent variables, there were no significant differences between the two groups, except for the thickness of the left and right muscles and the left fat. After treatment, shoulder pain was significantly different between the two groups (F=18.54, p <.001) and the range of shoulder motion was significantly different (left, F=86.70, p <.001; right, F=98.66, p <.001). Furthermore, there were a significant differences in the thickness of muscles between the two groups (left, F=40.20, p <.001; right, F=29.57, p <.001); however, the thickness of fat was not significantly different.
The resistance exercise program reduces shoulder pain and improves the range of motion of the shoulder joint and increases muscle mass on around the shoulder. It suggests to conduct a study to confirm the long-term exercise effect.
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Effects of an Exercise Program on Body Composition, Cardiopulmonary Function, and Physical Fitness for Obese Children
Myung Soon Kwon, Kyung Sook Hwang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2007;37(4):568-575.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The study was done to investigate the effects of an exercise program on body composition, cardiopulmonary function and physical fitness in obese children.


Thirty nine children in grades 4, 5, and 6 in elementary school were employed: experimental group(20) and control group(19). The subjects in the experimental group participated in an exercise program for 8weeks, thirty five minutes per session, four times per week. This data was analyzed by ANCOVA and paired t-test.


The Height(F=2.615, p=0.027) of the experimental group was significantly different from the control group. Also, in the experimental group, there were significant differences of height(t=4.79, p=0.000), cardiac rate(t=-6.461, p=0.000), body mass index(t=-2.13 p=0.046), muscle strength(t=3.48, p=0.003), and muscle endurance(t=3.20, p=0.005). Otherwise, in the control group, there were significant differences of weight(t=2.27, p=0.036), waist-hip ratio(t=3.16, p=0.005), and muscle endurance(t=-2.38, p=0.030).


Jumping rope improved the body composition, cardiopulmonary function, and physical fitness for obese children.

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Effects of a Exercise Program on Body Composition, Physical Fitness and Lipid Metabolism for Middle-Aged Obese Women
Kun Ja Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(7):1248-1257.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to examine the effects of an exercise program for middle-aged obese women.


The exercise program combined folk dance and resistance training. The subjects group consisted of 85 middle-aged obese women between 40 and 60 years of age. Three 8 week sessions consisted of a 55-80% maximum heart rate (MHR) exercise for 60-90 minutes a day and 3 times a week from March to November, 2004. Data was collected through a pre- and post-exercise test before and after each session. Data was collected with Inbody, dynamometer and blood. This data was analyzed by descriptive statistics, and a paired t-test with an SPSS/PC(10.0 version) program.


There were significant positive changes in body weight, body fat mass, body mass index, percent body fat, muscle strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, and balance quality, but no significant positive changes in skeletal mass, fat free mass, percent abdominal fat(waist-hip ratio), visceral fat area, agility, total cholesterol, high density lipoprotein cholesterol, or triglycerides.


This study showed that an exercise program has partially positive effects for middle-aged obese women. The results of this study show that exercise at community health centers should continue for middle-aged obese women's health.

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Effects of Walking Exercise on Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors and Body Composition in Obese Middle School Girls
Young Hae Kim, Young Ok Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(5):858-867.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to determine the effects of walking exercise training(WET) on metabolic syndrome risk factors and body composition in obese middle school girls.


A non-equivalent pretest-posttest experimental design was used. Twenty seven subjects participated in this study from one women's middle school in Busan. The participants were purposely allocated to an experimental group (n=14) and a control group (n=13). The experimental group participated in 30-60 minutes of WET with 55 to 75% of a maximal heart rate six days a week for 12 weeks.


The prevalence of individual risk factors on metabolic syndrome were improved in the experimental group after the intervention. The high waist circumference(WC), high triglyceride(TG), low high density lipoprotein cholesterol(HDL-C), high blood pressure(BP) and high fasting glucose(FG) were 21.4, 21.4, 14.3, 28.6 and 7.2%, respectively. There were significant differences in WC (F=22.24, p<.001), TG (F=5.34, p=0.30), body weight(F=21.99, p<.001), fat mass(F=19.17, p<.001), and % body fat(F=17.93, p<.001) between the experimental and control group after the intervention. However, there were no significant differences in HDL-C, FG and BP between the experimental and control group after the intervention.


These results indicate that WET is effective in decreasing risk factors of the metabolic syndrome and body composition components in obese middle school girls. These findings suggest that WET can be useful as a nursing intervention in the prevention of obesity-related disorders in obese adolescents.

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The Effects of Short Term Comprehensive Life Style Modification Program on Glycemic Metabolism, Lipid Metabolism and Body Composition in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Ji Soo Yoo, Suk Jeong Lee, Hyun Chul Lee, So Hun Kim, Eun Seok Kang, Eun Jeong Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(7):1277-1287.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to evaluate the effects of a short term comprehensive life style modification program on glycemic metabolism, lipid metabolism and body composition in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients.


A nonequivalent control group with a pre post test was designed. Data collection was done from October 2003 to June, 2004 at a hospital. Glycemic metabolism was measured by a.c., p.c. and HbA1c, and lipid metabolism was measured by cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Body Composition was measured by body weight, body mass index, waist, measurement waist per hip ratio, body fat, muscle weight and abdominal fat tissue(intra abdominal distance). The Experimental group, which was composed of 29 participants, was educated based on a life style modification protocol at a weekly meeting for 12 weeks and carried out exercise, diet along individual parameters and self monitoring, while 24 participants in the control group received only diet education.


1.The experimental group showed a significant lower a.c.(t=2.11, p=.04) and HbA1c(t=2.65, p=.01) compared to those of the control group. 2. The experimental group showed a significant lower LDL than the results of the control group(t=2.42, p=.02). 3. The experimental group showed a significant lower weight(t=3.09, p=.00), BMI(t=3.01, p=.00), body fat(t=2.94, p=.01) and abdominal fat tissue(t=3.05, p=.01) than those of the control group.


The results provided evidence for the effectiveness of a short term comprehensive life style modification program composed of exercise, diet, support, self efficacy elevation and self monitoring in type 2 diabetes mellitus.

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The Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Hormones, Blood Lipids and Body Composition in Middle-Aged Obese Women according to β3-Adrenergic Receptor Gene Polymorphisms
In Hong Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(6):1108-1116.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This research was conducted to provide basic information about the effects of aerobic exercise on physiological change in middle-aged obese women according to differences of β3-adrenergic receptor polymorphisms.


Twenty-nine middle aged obese women with over 30%BMI were divided into three groups according to β3-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphism[Variable Group(VG):9, Normal Group(NG):10, Control Group(CG):10]. The VG and NG groups performed walking at 50% exercise intensity for 30 minutes a day, 4 days a week, for 12 weeks. The data was analyzed using the SPSS program.


The level of leptin, insulin and % body fat in the VG and NG groups was significantly lower than those of the CG after 12 weeks. In addition, the level of HDL-C in the VG and NG was significantly higher than that of the CG after 12 weeks. However, TC, TG and body weight between groups didn't appear significant at the end of 12 weeks.


Aerobic exercise didn't cause differences in persons with differing β3-adrenergic receptor gene polymorphisms, but aerobic exercise affected the physiological change in middle-aged obese women. The findings suggest that aerobic exercise is a desirable nursing intervention for obesity control in middle-aged obese women.

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The Relationship Between Body Composition and Bone Mineral Density in College Women
Myung Hee Kim, Ju Sung Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(3):312-320.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

To investigate body compositons and bone mineral density(BMD) in college women and to find the relationship between them.


From January to March of 2001, BMD at four parts(forearm, lumbar, femur and whole body), body mass index(BMI), body fat mass(BFM), lean body mass(LBM) and body fat percentage(%Fat) were measured with the Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry. Other physical characteristics were measured with a scale, a height measurer, and questionnaires.


Grouping by the BMI, 43.2% showed low weight, and 5% over weight. When applying the percent Fat, 43.8 % was diagnosed as obesity group. The fact indicate that a majority of college women have unbalanced body composition with high percent Fat, compared to their body weight. Assessing the BMD with the WHO standards, 91.4~95.7% of the BMD of forearm and whole body was normal. But, 40.3% and 33.1~43.9% showed osteopenia at lumbar and femur, and 1.4 %, 0.7~7.2% showed osteoporosis. The BMD at all parts showed significant correlation each other(r=.29~.89, p=.001~.000). Body weight and BMI showed correlations to with BMDs at all parts of the body(r=.19~.46, p=.025~.000; r=.18~.45, p=.039~.000). But the percent Fat had a correlation with only femur neck BMD(r=.19, p=.024).


This study showed a majority of healthy college women were exposed to the risk for osteoporosis. Additional study is required to develop nursing interventions to remove the risk factors of osteoporosis. In particular, the acquisition of balanced body composition is necessary, increasing body weight and BMI through the increase of LBM, not through the quantitative increase of BFM.

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Effect of Smartphone Apps Applying BodyThink Program on Obesity in Adolescent Girls
Min-Kyung Jun, Ju-Young Ha
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(3):390-399.   Published online June 30, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of smartphone apps applying BodyThink program on BMI, percentage of body fat, skeletal muscle rate, body image, and self-esteem of adolescent girls.


Sixty-eight high school girls with a BMI of over 25kg/m2 were recruited to participate in this study. Girls from four schools were divided into two groups: the experimental group, which used the smartphone apps applying BodyThink program, and the control group, which used smartphone apps and small group counseling. The experimental group received the BodyThink program 6 times, scheduled once a week, with each session lasting 40~50 minutes. Test measures were completed before and after the 6 week intervention period for all participants. Collected data was analyzed using Shapiro-Wilk test, descriptive statistics, χ2 test, independent t-test, Mann-Whitney U test with the SPSS/WIN 18.0 program.


The girls in the experimental group significantly improved their results in BMI(Z=-1.67, p=.042), percentage of body fat (Z=-3.01, p=.001), skeletal muscle rate (t=-3.50, p<.001), and self-esteem (t=2.66, p=.005) after the program, compared to the girls in the control group.


Mobile applications applying psychological and emotional intervention programs have the potential to be effective alternative methods to improve the body composition and self-esteem of obese adolescent girls.

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Bone Mineral Density, Biochemical Bone Turnover Markers and Factors associated with Bone Health in Young Korean Women
Young-Joo Park, Sook Ja Lee, Nah-Mee Shin, Hyunjeong Shin, Yoo-Kyung Kim, Yunjung Cho, Songi Jeon, Inhae Cho
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(5):504-514.   Published online October 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to assess the bone mineral density (BMD), biochemical bone turnover markers (BTMs), and factors associated with bone health in young Korean women.


Participants were 1,298 women, ages 18-29, recruited in Korea. Measurements were BMD by calcaneus quantitative ultrasound, BTMs for Calcium, Phosphorus, Osteocalcin, and C-telopeptide cross-links (CTX), body composition by physical measurements, nutrients by food frequency questionnaire and psychosocial factors associated with bone health by self-report.


The mean BMD (Z-score) was -0.94. 8.7% women had lower BMD (Z-score≤-2) and 14.3% women had higher BMD (Z-score≥0) than women of same age. BTMs were not significantly different between high-BMD (Z-score≥0) and low-BMD (Z-score<0) women. However, Osteocalcin and CTX were higher in women preferring caffeine intake, sedentary lifestyle and alcoholic drinks. Body composition and Calcium intake were significantly higher in high-BMD. Low-BMD women reported significantly higher susceptibility and barriers to exercise in health beliefs, lower bone health self-efficacy and promoting behaviors.


Results of this study indicate that bone health of young Korean women is not good. Development of diverse strategies to intervene in factors such as exercise, nutrients, self-efficacy, health beliefs and behaviors, shown to be important, are needed to improve bone health.

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Effects of Progressive Resistance Training on Body Composition, Physical Fitness and Quality of Life of Patients on Hemodialysis
Woo-Jung Song, Kyeong-Yae Sohng
J Korean Acad Nurs 2012;42(7):947-956.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDF

To investigate the effect of progressive resistance training (PRT) on body composition, physical fitness, quality of life, lipid and nutritional profile of patients on hemodialysis (HD).


A non equivalent comparison group pretest and posttest design study was used with 40 participants who were randomly assigned to the exercise group (20 participants) and the comparison group (20 participants). The exercise group received PRT for 30 minutes per session, 3 sessions a week, for 12 weeks, while the comparison group received usual care. The PRT consisted of upper and lower body exercises using elastic bands and sandbags. Outcome measures evaluated were: body composition, physical fitness, quality of life, and lipid profile.


Skeletal muscle mass, grip, leg muscle strength, and quality of life all improved significantly in the exercise group. Body fat rate, total cholesterol and triglyceride rate decreased significantly in the exercise group.


These results suggest that PRT improves body composition, physical fitness, quality of life, and lipid profile of patients on HD. PRT using elastic bands and sandbags can be utilized as part of a regular care plan for these patients.

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The Effect of an Exercise Program on Body Composition and Physical Fitness in Obese Female College Students
Hyang Dong Kim, Jeong Sook Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2006;36(1):5-14.   Published online February 28, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to analyze the effects of an exercise program on body composition and physical fitness of obese female college students.


Data was collected from September 29, 2003 to December, 29, 2003. The research design was arandomized control group pretest-posttest experimental design. The subjects were college nursing students at K University. Forty four students, 20 in the experimental group and 24 ina control group, with more than 30% body fat were randomly assigned. The subjects in the experimental group participated in an exercise program for 12 weeks, sixty minutes per session, five times per week. Body composition and physical fitness was measured by a body composition analyzer, cardiovascular endurance, muscle endurance, muscle strength(grip strength, back strength), flexibility, balance, agility(whole body reaction time) and power(standing long jump).


Body weight(F=4.76, p=0.035), body fat(kg)(F=5.68, p=0.022) and body mass index(F=5.73, p=0.021) of the experimental group were significantly different from the control group, but there were no significant differences in body fat(%), lean body mass, muscle mass and WHR. Back strength(F=6.50, p=0.015), flexibility(F=14.62, p=0.000), muscle endurance(F=7.98, p=0.007), power(F=5.76, p=0.021) and balance(F=2.46, p=0.018) of the experimental group were significantly different from the control group, but there were no significant differences in cardiovascular endurance, grip strength or agility.


The exercise program was effective in improving body weight, body fat(kg), body mass index, back strength, muscle endurance, flexibility, balance and power of obese female college students.

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