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Volume 31(5); October 2001
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Original Articles
A Survey on Functional Status among Low-Income Older Adults Living at Home
Kyung Ja June, Yoon Mi Cho
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):749-758.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to analyze the functional status of low income elderly living at home according to their socio-economic factors, sensory function, health status, medical service utilization, commodity and types of chronic disease.
Functional status was defined by the level of mobility, ADL and IADL categorized as independently functional, mildly impaired, moderately disabled, and severely disabled. The data was collected by home-visit interviews with 567 community dwelling adults who were 65 years of age or more with low a income status subsidized by government in ChonAn.
9.9% of community dwelling older adults were severely disabled, and 44.4% were moderately disabled in their functional status. There were significant differences in the functional status by age, education, religion, and types of family structure. The older adults with hearing impairment or dental problems had a significantly higher rate of severe disability. Self-rated health status and medical service utilization were also significant factors to the differences in functional status. The functional status of older adults was also significantly related to the presence of chronic health problems such as chronic back pain, stroke, and Alzheimer-dementia.
The results confirmed that community dwelling older adults with low income status were more functionally disabled in comparison to general older adults at national level, while the relating factors to their functional status seemed similar to other studies on older adults. Further studies were suggested to look into functional status longitudinally and focus on the changes of functional status by managing modifiable influencing factors.

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The Coping Experience in Hypertensive Clients
Jeong Seop Lee, Sei Young Oh, Hye Sook Han, Yeo Jin Yi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):759-769.   Published online March 29, 2017
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PURPOSE: To find the experience about clients with hypertension and to help them to care for themselves in the community.
All data was collected from August 1999 to October 1999, through in-depth interviews, observation, and telephone interview with 7 participants who have been diagnosed with hypertension for 1 to 10 years. According to Strauss and Corbin's Methodology, the data was continuously coded into concepts and categories, and then new data was analyzed simultaneously by a constant comparative method.
There are 171 concepts, and then they were grouped into 34 the lower categories and 15 to the upper categories. The course of the coping of fear in hypertensive client consisted of 6 processes. The awareness of seriousness was context, and the fear was core phenomenon about the coping experience. We also found that hypertensive clients have 3 patterns, depending on the awareness degree of seriousness and the fear about hypertension.
Our nurses should recognize the importance of effective management and seriousness about hypertension, offer clients the importance of family support and the information of etiology, symptoms and signs of hypertension, and provide the correct information on hypertensive medication. We should be able to guide their fear about hypertension to positive self-management, so that they may manage their disease thoroughly and effectively.

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Effects of Back Massage with Lavender Essence Oil on the Stress Response of the ICU Nurses
Sung Hee Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):770-780.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This quasi-experimental study was to explore the effects of back massage with Lavender essence oil on the stress response of the ICU nurses.
Twenty nurses were selected as an experimental group and twenty nurses were in the control group. Lavender essence oil mixed with Jojova carrier oil was used to massage the neck, shoulder, back, and low back. Massage was done three times a week for 20 minutes for 2 weeks by the massage therapist. The stress response was measured with a subjective stress score, Cortisol and IgA level in saliva. The cortisol level in saliva was analyzed by an radioimmunoassay before and after back massage. The level of IgA in saliva was analyzed by an immunoturbidimeter assay and subjective stress scores was measured by Visual Analogue Scale. The data was analyzed using SPSS 8.0 and the hypotheses were tested by ANCOVA and the Pearson coefficient correlation.
1) Score of subjective stress decreased significantly after the use of back massage with Lavender essence oil. 2) Level of Cortisol in saliva did not change significantly after the use of back massage with Lavender essence oil. 3) Level of IgA in saliva increased significantly after the use of back massage with Lavender essence oil. 4) After the use of back massage with Lavender essence oil, there was significant negative correlation between subjective stress and level of IgA in saliva.
Back massage with Lavender essence oil is an effective intervention to reduce the stress response in the ICU nurses.

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Concept Analysis of Professional Nurse Autonomy
Sung Ai Chi, Hyung Sook Yoo
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):781-792.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Professional nurse Autonomy is an essential attribute of a discipline striving for full professional status. PURPOSE: This study was to clarify the concept of professional nurse autonomy to provide basic data needed for development of professional autonomy enhancing strategies. METHOD: This study use the process of Walker & Avante's concept analysis based on Wade's research (1999), and field data of 21 nurses. RESULTS: Professional nurse autonomy is defined as competency and creative performance of the professional nurse in practice, to decide independently or interdependently nursing activities and to be had accountable for results of decisions, that reflect advocacy and caring. It was identified that critical attributes include responsible discretionary decision making, collegial interdependence, initiative, creativity, and caring, advocacy, cooperative relationship with clients, receptive capacity to others, activeness, self confidence, and devotion and responsibility to their profession. Antecedents include personal characteristics, educational background, experience and structural characteristics that enhance professional nurse autonomy. Consequences of professional nurse autonomy are feelings of self-efficacy, empowerment, job satisfaction, reduction of intention to leave their job. CONCLUSION: According to these results, it is recommended that the curriculum provides an environment for learning professional nurse autonomy, and that is used as basic data to develope strategies to enhance professional autonomy of nurse in practice and it's effects.

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Analysis of Nursing Interventions Performed by Chosunjok Nurses in Yanbian Using NIC
Young Hee Yom, Kwu Eun Lee, Hae Kyung Chang, Eun Ju Kim, Chun Yu Li, Kyung Yun Kim, Zhen Yu Huang, Moon Ae Yuk
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):793-807.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: To identify nursing interventions performed by Chosunjok nurses in Yanbian using NIC.
The sample consisted of 36 nurses working in 2 hospitals. The Nursing Interventions Use Questionnaire developed by the Iowa Intervention Project team was used for data collection. The instrument was translated to Korean using the method of back-translation.
Twenty-eight interventions were performed at least daily. Interventions in the Physiological: Basic domain were most frequently used at least daily. The most frequently used interventions was Positioning, followed by the interventions Pressure Ulcer Prevention, Intravenous (IV) Therapy, Hypothermia Treatment and Intravenous (IV) Insertion. The least frequently used interventions was Electronic Fetal Monitoring: Antepartum. Nurses working in special medical care units performed interventions most often, while nurses working in general surgical units performed them least. Nurses working in general medical, special medical and other care units performed interventions in the Physiological domain more often than the nurses working in general surgical units.
Chosunjok nurses in Yanbian performed physiological interventions frequently. Further studies will be needed to compare interventions performed by nurses in two countries.

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A Study of Gerontological Nursing Curriculum
S J Chon, E S Kong, G B Kim, N C Kim, C H Kim, C K Kim, H K Kim, Y J Ro, K R Shin, M S Song, S Y Ahn, K J Lee, Y W Lee, N O Cho, M O Cho, K S Choi
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):808-817.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: To survey the present status of the gerontological nursing course at three year diploma programs, baccalaureate degree programs (BSN), and graduate programs in Korea, and to analyze the contents of the syllabus and gerontological nursing textbooks to provide the basic data in developing a standard model for gerontological nursing curriculum. METHOD: Data was collected from all the nursing programs in Korea from Nov. 2000 to Feb. 2001 by mail and fax. RESULT: The gerontological nursing courses has been offered 36 diploma program, 40 BSN, and 17 graduate programs. And the credits of the gerontological nursing course offered by the program were as follows : one credit (10 diploma and 8 BSN), two credits (22 diploma and 29 BSN), and three credits (1 BSN). The contents of curriculum were analyzed by comparing the core curriculum of NGNA. The majority of the schools included Gerontological Nursing in General, Theory of Aging, Aging Processes, Care Plan Options, and Common Health Problems. The subjects which very few school cover are Legal/ Ethical Issues, Evaluation, Regulatory & Reimbursement Issues, Education Issues, Nursing Research in Gerontology, and Environmental Issues of Older Adults. There were some differences in these results among diploma courses, BSNs, and graduate schools. The gerontological nursing textbooks contained similar contents to those of the diploma and the baccalaureate programs.

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The Study on the Effect of Stage Based Exercise Motivational Intervention Program for the Elderly
Pyoung Sook Lee, Sung Ok Chang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):818-834.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study aims at confirming exercise effects on obesity, mobility, self-efficacy, process of change, and decisional component by stage based exercise motivational intervention program for the elderly. The stage based exercise intervention program was constructed based on Transtheoretical Model.
The design of this study is nonequivalent control group with repeated measuring by quasi-experimental study. The subjects of this study, composing of experimental group of 32 and control group of 28 were selected at one institution for the aged in Seoul.
1) The body fat (weight, BMI and circumference of waist), of the intervention group was significantly decreased than the control group. 2) The mobility of the intervention group was not significantly increased than control group. 3) The self-efficacy, Pros, Process of Change for exercise of the intervention group was not significantly increased than the control group. 4) The Cons for exercise of intervention group was not significantly decreased than the control group.
The above result have informed us that a stage-based exercise motivational intervention program for the elderly has the effect of decreasing old persons' body fat and has value as an effective means of nursing for the elderly.

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Relationship between Personality Type, SAT score and GPA of Student Nurses
Ji Young Lim, Il Young Yoo, Soon Nahm Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):835-845.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to identify the relationship between personality type, college admission SAT scores and GPA scores of student nurses.
The data was collected from 270 student nurses enrolled in a baccaleaureate program in Seoul. MBTI was used to identify students' personality and SAT score and GPA score were collected over 4 years. The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS Win. package.
1. There were slightly more extrovert (E) type (54.4%) students than the introvert (I) type; more sensing (S) type (71.1%) than the intuitive (N) type. 2. The introvert type students had significantly higher SAT scores than those of the extrovert type (p=.002). 3. The judging type students had significantly higher GPA scores throughout their college years than the perceiving type. 4. There was no statistically significant relationship between SAT and GPA scores. SAT scores did not accurately predict students' academic achievement in college in this sample.
The distribution of the personality types in the sample was different from the general population which may suggest that college admission criteria is biased toward certain personality type. Since different personality types process information and cope with the outside world differently, effective teaching strategies need to be considered for each class.

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Korean Nursing Students' Experience of Ethical Problems and Use of Ethical Decision-Making Models
Sung Suk Han, Hyeoun Ae Park, Sung Hee Ahn, Miriam E Cameron, Hyo Sook Oh, Kyeong Uoon Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):846-857.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was conducted to study on 1) What is nursing students' experience of ethical problems involving nursing practice? 2) What is nursing students' experience of using ethical decision-making models?
In order to answer these two questions, we selected 97 senior baccalaureate nursing students from two Korean universities using a conceptual framework and method of content analysis.
From 97 ethical problems emerged five content categories, the largest being ethical problems involving health professionals (69%); the basic nature of the nursing students' experience of ethical problems consisted of conflict, resolution, and rationale; 94% of the students stated that using an ethical decision-making model was helpful.
Although additional research is needed, these findings have important implications for nursing ethics education and practice.

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Effects of Motivation-Enhancing Program on Health Behaviors, Cardiovascular Risk factors, and Functional status for Institutionalized Elderly Women
Rhayun Song, Kyung Ja June, You Ja Ro, Chun Gill Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):858-870.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to compare changes in health behaviors, motivational factors, cardiovascular risk factors, and functional status (SIP) after implementing the 6-month motivation-enhancing program to institutionalized elderly women.
Sixty-four elderly women participated. Face to face interviews with blood sampling and anthropometric assessment were conducted at the pretest, 10 weeks and 6 months during the program.
1. The program participants showed significantly better health behaviors over 6 months. The mean motivational level was also significantly improved, especially for perceived benefits, perceived barriers, and emotional salience. 2. The mean of cardiovascular risk factors for the participants was 21.8 at the level of low to moderate risk. After completing the program, total risk score was significantly decreased to 18.7 at 10 weeks, and further to 17.7 at 6 months. A significant reduction was also found in HDL and LDL-cholesterol levels, blood pressure, obesity, inactivity, and stress. 3. The functional status (SIP) was 11% at the baseline and significantly changed in positive direction at 10 weeks (M=9.3) and at 6 month (M=6.3). The significant improvement was also found in physical and psychosocial dimensions and sleep/rest dimension.
The motivation enhancing program was effective to reduce cardiovascular risks and to improve the functional status of institutionalized elderly women by motivating them to perform better health behaviors.

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A Study of the Perception Gap on Nursing Service between Consumers and Providers
Mi Aie Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):871-884.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: this study was to investigate the perception gap on nursing service between consumers and providers.
the questionnaire founded on the SERVQUAL was developed and distributed to 300 patients and 210 nurses at the three subjected general hospitals in three provincial city, Korea during February to March, 2001. For data analysis, Cronbachs' Alpha, frequency, t-test, and paired t-test were used.
1. In the gap analysis on the 20 properties constituting nursing service, providers almost all perceived higher than consumer in quality. Among them, the number of properties being statistically significant was 7 in the expectation, 18 in the important and 7 in the performance. 2. In the comparison analysis of the perception gap on the expectation-performance and the important-performance, it turned out that the subjected hospitals had to improve their equipment and facilities immediately. It was suggested a good strategy to strengthen the responsiveness factor and the assurance factor of nursing service.
it could be concluded that nurses have to recognize the blind spot of their perception and endeavor to take away the perception gap between consumers and providers.

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The Analysis of the Effects of Intervetion Program of Sensory Stimulation for Comatous Patients on Their Consciousness Status
Hyun Soo Oh
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):885-896.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study was to examine the rate of recovery from the consciousness impairment from two sessions of comprehensive consciousness stimulation program. Which was developed for this study, was higher than the one which was obtained naturally with only conventional care.
The subjects were selected among the patients who were admitted in the Intensive Care Unit or in the Sub-Intensive Care Unit in one of the university hospital, located in Inchon. For the treatment of the deterioration of his/her consciousness level resulting from neurological causes.
The effect of the first intervention on consciousness state began to appear two weeks the intervention initiation and to disappear two weeks after the end of the intervention. The significant effect of the second session of the consciousness stimulation program also began to appear two weeks the second intervention initiation and persisted until 4 months after intervention was terminated.
It appeared that the first intervention effect had gradual onset and gradual decay, while the second intervention effect had gradual onset and permanent duration.

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A Comparison between Home Care Nursing Interventions for Hospice and General Patients
Jin Sun Yong, You Ja Ro, Sung Suk Han, Myung Ja Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):897-911.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of the study was to compare home care nursing intervention activities analyzed by the Nursing Intervention Classification (NIC) system for hospice and general patients.
For the descriptive survey study, data was collected by reviewing charts of 151 hospice patients and 421 general patients who registered in the department of home health care nursing at K Hospital.
According to the NIC system application, there were 2380 total nursing interventions used for the hospice patients and 8725 for the general home care patients. For both sets of patients (hospice vs. general), the most frequently used nursing intervention in level 1 was the Physiological: Complex domain (40.13 vs. 31.06 percent), followed by the Safety domain; in level 2, the Risk Management class (28.4 vs. 27.70 percent), followed by Tissue Perfusion Management; and in level 3, Vital Sign Monitoring (6.18 vs. 4.84 percent), followed by Health Screening.
The study showed that there was a lack of specialized hospice nursing interventions such as emotional, family and spiritual support, and care for dying hospice patients.

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A Study on Self-Efficacy and Quality of Life in Schizophrenic Patients
Eun Sun Rho, Hye Jin Kwon, Eun Jung Ryu
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):912-920.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study is to identify the correlation that exists between quality of life and self-efficacy of schizophrenic patients, focusing on the influence of related factors on these varables. METHOD: The subjects of this study were 151 schizophrenic patients. The data were collected using questionnaires. The instruments used for this study were the general self-efficacy scale developed by Sherer & Maddex (1982), the specific self-efficacy scale modified and complemented by these co-researchers on the basis of the past studies and modified SIP by Voruganti (1996). The period of data collection was from July. 2000 to Jan. 2001. Data analysis was done by SPSS, t-test, ANOVA and the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. RESULT: 1. The level of self-efficacy showed a mean score of 60.0 and the level of quality of life, a mean score of 47.0. 2. The general characteristics affecting the self-efficacy of schizophrenic patients were staying with family (p=0.05) and employment (p=0.00). 3. The general characteristics affecting the quality of life of schizophrenic patients were staying with family (p=0.04), employment (p=0.05) and duration of illness (0.03). 4. A positive correlation was identified between self-efficacy and quality of life (r=-0.469, p=0.000). CONCLUSION: The study suggests that nursing intervention strategy should be worked out to develop a psychiatric rehabilitation program that can promote self-efficacy and thus enhance the quality of life of schizophrenic patients.

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Sexual Behavior and Related Factors of Coitus of Teenage Girls in Korea
Soon Bok Chang, Soyaja Kim, In Young Han, Young Ju Park, Hyun Cheol Kang, Sun Kyoung Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):921-931.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of pregnancy, abortion, delivery and contraceptive use and the relationship between the related factors and the early coitus among Korean teenagers.
The subjects of this study were 12,733 teenagers age 13-19 years in 7 major cities and 9 provinces in Korea. Data was collected from 2 Oct., to 28 Oct., 2000 and analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 Program.
The results showed pregnancy rate 4.5%, delivery rate 0.5%, abortion rate 0.4%. Adolescent girls who experienced coitus relatively went to vocational school, coeduaction school, night school in the general characteristics (p=0.000). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus tend to go to video room (18.5%), go the singing room (60.7%), the bar (54.8%), petting with the partner during the dates. There were overlapping juvenile delinquencies such as drinking (89.2%), pornography (65.3%), bond inhalation (2.7%), leaving homes (43.7%), smoking (14.5%), cyber sex (70.8%), phone sex (12.9%). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus were more suffering from Wangtta (26.1%) than who had not. They showed significant positive attitudes toward coitus; such as feeling of excitement (6.6%), nature (37.9%), beauty (8.7%). On the other hand, they had more guilty (2.8%) than the inexperienced (p=0.000). The main factors relating to early coitus were 'to confirm love' (46.9%), 'afraid of rejection' (32.2%). They think the benefits of coitus were 'more intimacy with boyfriends' (20.6%), 'satisfaction of curiosity' (16.8%). The losses on coitus were 'worry about pregnancy' (73.7%) and 'unability to refuse sexual contacts' (28.7%)
It could be concluded that it is necessary to plan different sex education programs according to general characteristics and delinquency behaviors of teenage girls in Korea.

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A Model for Community Based Mother Infant Care Center: TMIC (transitional mother infant care center) using a Sanhujoriwon
Eun Kwang Yoo, Young Mee Ahn
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(5):932-947.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was 1) analyze the current state of Sanhojoriwon; and 2) to suggest the new model for the community based mother infants health care delivery system: strategies of TMIC are related to Public Health policy, cost-effectiveness, mother infant care provision of medical professionalism, and so on.
Forty-seven workers from seventeen Sanhojoriwon participated to analyze several aspects of Sanhojoriwon. Using a questionnaire developed at Korean Sanhojori Research Forum (KSARF), such as the traditional and medical concept of the Sanhojori, postpartum care, Korean traditional postpartum care, job description on women and infant care at Sanhojoriwon, professional management, health care policy and the educational need.
Based on the descriptive study results, the TMIC, the community based transitional mother infants care center was suggested as a new model for the cyclic public health care system related on the reproductive health, using an already existing related center, Sanhojoriwon. Also, several strategies were presented on the TMIC.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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