PURPOSE: This study was to examine the rate of recovery from the consciousness impairment from two sessions of comprehensive consciousness stimulation program. Which was developed for this study, was higher than the one which was obtained naturally with only conventional care.
METHOD: The subjects were selected among the patients who were admitted in the Intensive Care Unit or in the Sub-Intensive Care Unit in one of the university hospital, located in Inchon. For the treatment of the deterioration of his/her consciousness level resulting from neurological causes.
RESULTS: The effect of the first intervention on consciousness state began to appear two weeks the intervention initiation and to disappear two weeks after the end of the intervention. The significant effect of the second session of the consciousness stimulation program also began to appear two weeks the second intervention initiation and persisted until 4 months after intervention was terminated.
CONCLUSION: It appeared that the first intervention effect had gradual onset and gradual decay, while the second intervention effect had gradual onset and permanent duration.