PURPOSE: To find the experience about clients with hypertension and to help them to care for themselves in the community.
METHOD: All data was collected from August 1999 to October 1999, through in-depth interviews, observation, and telephone interview with 7 participants who have been diagnosed with hypertension for 1 to 10 years. According to Strauss and Corbin's Methodology, the data was continuously coded into concepts and categories, and then new data was analyzed simultaneously by a constant comparative method.
RESULTS: There are 171 concepts, and then they were grouped into 34 the lower categories and 15 to the upper categories. The course of the coping of fear in hypertensive client consisted of 6 processes. The awareness of seriousness was context, and the fear was core phenomenon about the coping experience. We also found that hypertensive clients have 3 patterns, depending on the awareness degree of seriousness and the fear about hypertension.
CONCLUSION: Our nurses should recognize the importance of effective management and seriousness about hypertension, offer clients the importance of family support and the information of etiology, symptoms and signs of hypertension, and provide the correct information on hypertensive medication. We should be able to guide their fear about hypertension to positive self-management, so that they may manage their disease thoroughly and effectively.