The study investigated the effects of nursing information given verbally and a booklet on the knowledge, physical symptoms, anxiety and daily activities of patients recovering from open heart surgery from just before discharge to six weeks after discharge. The convenience sample was of patients who had undergone open heart surgery in Seoul National University Hospital. The first 25 patients who agreed to participate in the study became the control group. They did not receive the intentional information but the usual nursing care. The next 28 patients became the experimental group who received a booklet about their post-discharge care which was discussed with them by the researcher before discharge. This study used a non equivalent group non-synchronized quasiexperimental design. The tool included a 30 items knowledge scale, a 9 item physical symptom scale, Spieberger's state anxiety scale, and a 28 items daily activity scale. The instruments were applied before discharge and at two and six weeks after discharge. For data analysis, frequency, t-test, Pearson's Correlational Coefficient and Cronbach's alpha were used. The results were as follows : 1. Information given through the booklet was effective in increasing the knowledge of patients recovering from open heart surgery. The experimental group's knowledge was higher at 2 weeks after discharge than prior to discharge(P<0.05). 2. There was no significant difference in physical symptoms between the two groups at two and six weeks after discharge. 3. Information given through the booklet was effective in decreasing the State Anxiety two weeks after discharge(P<0.001) but at six weeks after discharge, there was no significant difference in anxiety between the control and the experimental groups. 4. There was no significant difference in daily activity between the two groups at two and six weeks after discharge. 5. There was a negative correlation between knowledge at discharge and at 2 weeks and anxiety at 2 weeks after discharge. There was a positive correlation between knowledge at discharge and daily activity at 2 weeks after discharge. There was a negative correlation between knowledge at 2 weeks and Physical symptom at 6 weeks after discharge.
The nursing intervention for the prevention of the pulmonary complication and of the function lowering of pulmonary ventilation which emerge with high generation frequency during the nursing of operation patient is necessary for performing the qualitative nursing for operation patient. So, this researcher tried this study so as to obtain the data which can be utilized for the trial of nursing intervention, by grasping the effect that the deep breathing with Incentive Spirometer has on the function of pulmonary ventilation, analyzing the factor to have influence on the function of pulmonary ventilation, and applying the effective method of deep breathing to the clinic. By making 42 patients who underwent the operation of upper abdomen after admitting G Hospital in Seoul from Mar. 7, 1991 to Apr. 30. 1991 as the object, they were classified into the experiment group that the deep breathing was made with the use of Incentive Spiromenter and the comparison group that the deep breathing exercise was made without the use of Incentive Spirometer. And then, by measuring Tidal Volume and Forced Vital Capacity with Respirometer and O2 Saturation with Pulse Oximeter at preoperation postoperation 24 hours, 72 hours, and 120 hours data were collected. The collected data were analyzed with %, average, standard deviation, x2-test, t-test and ANOVA by SPSS. The result of this study is as follows : 1. As for the hypothesis that the function of pulmonary ventilation at postoperation 24 hours, 72 hours and 120 hours will be better in the experiment group that the deep breathing was made with the use of Incentive Spirometer, in comparison with the comparison group that deep breathing was made without the use of Incentive Spirometer, experiment group and comparison group didn't show the significant difference in Tidal Volume, Forced Vital Capacity and O2 Saturation at postoperation 24 hours and 72 hours. But experiment group and comparison group showed the significant difference in Tidal Volume at postoperation 120 hours(p<0.01). So, this hypothesis was supported partially. 2. The variables that there were the significant differences about the function of pulmonary ventilation experiment group at postoperation 24 hours statically were smoking existence(p<0.05), and the variables that there were not significant differences about the function of pulmonary ventilation were distinction of sex, age, anesthetic duration, smoking extents, body weight, surface area of body, existence of narcotic use, regular exercise existence, and past experience existence of respiratory disease. As above results, it appeared that the method of deep breathing with the use of the Incentive Spirometer is more effective for the function recovery of pulmonary ventilation, in comparison with the deep breathing without use of Incentive Spirometer and that smoking existence was he factor to have influence on the function of pulmonary ventilation. In the aspect of clinic, the trial of nursing intervention of deep breathing with use of Incentive Spirometer is expected. And, in the aspect of study, the study through various operative site patients about the effect of Incentive Spirometer use at the clinic will have to be confirmed.
The purpose of this study was to determine the amount of soleus muscle atrophy in rats due to 28 days of decreased activity induced by hindlimb suspension, to observe the restoration of mass and relative muscle weight of the atrophied soleus muscle at day 28 of recovery to control value, and to compare the effect of run training on the mass and relative muscle weight of the atrophied soleus muscle at day 28 of recovery with that of sedentary rats. Adult female Wistar rats were maintained for 28 days with hindlimb suspension. Rats were then assigned randomly to a cage sedentary or running group. Soleus muscle mass and relative muscle group. Soleus muscle mass and relative muscle weight following hindlimb suspension were compared with a control value. The muscle mass and relative muscle weight of the running and cage sedentary groups following hindlimb suspension were compared with those of a control group. Soleus muscle mass and relative muscle weight of the run training group were compared with those of cage sedentary group. The results obtained were as follows : 1. Soleus muscle mass and relative muscle weight was reduced to 53.28% and 51.11% respectively by hindlimb suspension. 2. Soleus muscle mass and relative muscle weight of the training group day 28 of recovery was restored to the control value. 3. Soleus muscle mass of the training group was greater than that of the cage sedentary group by 6.6% without statistical significance at day 28 of recovery. 4. Relative soleus muscle weight of the training group was significantly greater than that of the cage sedentary group by 15.79%. From these results, it may be concluded that run training during the posthypokinetic period facilitates the recovery of the atrophied soleus muscle mass of rats.
Han-Thought is a philosophy unique to the native to Korean culture. From the point of view of etymological analysis, the word "Han" means "Large", "High" or "Whole" Ancient Korean people planted their philosophical roots deep in what has come to be know an Han-Thought. The goal of this study was to explore "Han-Thought" for concepts and principles which may contribute to the building of Korean nursing philosophy, ethic, paradigm, theory and eventfully practice. Ontologily, our ancient people attempted to learn what was most essential and meaningful in life Han-Thought embraces the thought of complete harmony with in wholeness. Han encompasses everything in the universe. A characteristic of Han-Thought is that all things relate each other in harmonic balance, not in conflict. The harmonious balance of all things excludes both disruption and confrontation, marking all things into a large oneness. Thus Han-Thought applied to Holism traditionally embraced by nursing philosophy. The principles of Han-Thought emphasize the love of peace. Extreme individualism and egoism are not allowed in Han-Thought. The Han-Thought provide a humanistic and ethical foundation for nursing philosophy. Han-Thought is a valuable philosophy for Korean nurses to explore toward the development of the discipline in Korea.
The purpose of this exploratory study was to analyze nursing role conceptions and test the relationships between nursing role conceptions and professional commitment among selected Korean nurses. Data were obtained from convenience sample of 262 practising nurses of varying positions, education, and experience. The total sample represents a response rate of 93 percent. Subscales of Nursing Role Conceptions(Pieta, 1976) were used to measure professional, service, and bureaucratic role conceptions ; the tool to measure professional commitment was developed by the investigator. The results of this developed were as follows. 1. Professional role conception and service role conception were positively related (normative r=.61 ; categorical r=.64). Bureaucratic role conception scores(32.6+/-4.97) were higher than professional and service role conception scores. 2. Experience was positively related to bureaucratic professional categorical role conception(r=.17, p<.01), and negatively related to bureaucratic professional role discrepancy(r=-.12, p<.01). There was no relationship between experience and service role conception. This study also showed that nurses who had longer experience tended to have higher role conceptions on all three subscales. 3. Nurses with a master's degree had significantly higher professional and bureaucratic role conceptions scores. Bacealaureates graduates had the lowest bureaucratic categorical role conception scores ; associate nurses had the lowest professional categorical conception scores. 4. Nursing supervisors and head nurses had significantly higher bureaucratic categorical role conception scores, whereas they had lower bureaucratic normative and professional role conception scores. 5. Age and experience were positively related to profession commitment(r=.24, r=.28). Hierarchical multiple regression analyses showed that the combination of nursing role conceptions explained greater variance in professional commitment pair of the variables alone. Further research employing dynamic designs is needed to execute rigorous of causal models of nursing role conceptions and professional commitment. The findings of this study suggest that antecedents and moderating variables of nursing role conception and professional commitment need to be explored for further theoretical specification and empirical evaluation.
This study investigated the effect of supportive nursing care including modified guided imagery on the discomfort, self-esteem, erythrocyte semdimentation rate(ESR) and quality of life(O.L.) in persons with rheumatoid arthritis(R.A.). The purpose was to contribute to the development of theoretical nursing care to enhance the Q.L. of persons with chronic illness. From Nov. 22, 1990 to May 2, 1991, 49 patients registered at a rheumatic clinic at one general hospital in Seoul, were accepted according to the research criteria as subjects for this study. Among these, 26 were selected for an experimental group to be treated with an interpersonal interview and modified guided imagery, the, other 23 became the control group not treated for the purpose of measuring and comparing the effect of the treatment. Statistical analysis was done by a SAS program for X2-test, unpaired t-test, Person correlation coefficients and factor analysis. The results were as follows : 1. The pre-experimental discomfort level of the total subject group averaged 25.42 (S.D.=8.77), and the difference between the pre/post experimental discomfort levels of the two groups was not statistically significant. 2. The pre-experimental self-esteem scores of the total subject group averaged 27.48 (S.D.=3.95), and the difference between the pre/post experimental self-esteem scores of the two group was not statistically significant. 3. The pre-experimental Q.L. scores of the total subject group averaged 28.70 (S.D.=5.99), and the difference between the pre/post experimental Q.L. score of the two groups was statistically significant (t=2.1748, df=47, p=.0347). 4. The pre-experimental mean of the ESR of the total subject group was 34.48 S.D.=19.50)mm, and the difference between the pre/post experimental ESR scores of the two groups was not statistically significant. 5. The Family support scores of the total subject group averaged 41.28(S.D.=10.27). 6. The total subject group Q.L. score was correlated with self-esteem score(r=.3984, p=.0046). In this study, supportive nursing care including modified guided imagery increased the quality of life scores for this group of persons with R.A. significantly. So the concept of supportive nursing care of this study may be effective in enhancing the quality of life persons with chronic illness. Further investigations related to the methodology and with other groups of clients was recommended.
The study problem was to determine the reliability of the Stewart pain circle measurement tool with Korean subjects. The purpose was to assess the tool for potential use in research in Korea. The subjects were 95 primary school students and 103 university students in Seoul. The study was conducted from May to June 1990, using Stewart's pain color circle tool. To determine the difference in the rated intensity of the order of the pain circles, statistical mean and standard deviation were employed. Item reliability and test-retest reliability were used to explore for reliability. ANOVA and t-test were used to explore for differences in the rated intensity of the order of the pain color circles according to the subjects' general characteristics. The findings were as follows ; 1. Higher level pain intensity was assigned to color circle numbers 2, 4, and 6(These contain large amounts of color). Lower level pain intensity was assigned to numbers 1, 3, and 5(These contain small amounts of color). Higher and lower levels of pain intensity selection patterns were the same as Stewart's but the highest rating of pain was different. The highest pain intensity rating was given to the color red in this study instead of black as in Stewart's test. 2. University students and primary school students' ratings were not very different. 3. Pain color circle reliability was alpha=0.3468, Test-retest reliability was supported (t=0.02~0.97, p=0.337~0.988). 4. Differences in the rating of the pain intensity order were related to the subjects' age and sex, but not to religion. It was concluded tat the pain color circle measurement tool is worth for further study as a research instrument with both Korean adult and child clients for validity and reliability.
Recognition of the usefulness and the importance of the nursing diagnosis is increasing. There is a prevailing opinion that nursing diagnosis should be used to improve the quality of nursing care. Developing standardized nursing care plans based on nursing diagnoses is therefore considered one of the most essential projects for professional growth and improvement in the nursing world of Korea. Consequently, in the first stage of this research project, the ten nursing diagnoses used most frequently with patients on medical and surgical wards were determined and related nursing care plans were developed, implemented and evaluated. The application of the standardized nursing care plans raised the nurses' confidence and proved to the effective in enhancing the quality of nursing care. This study was initiated as the next stage, to develop, test and determine the validity of nursing care plans for the remaining nursing diagnoses. Nineteen medical and surgical wards were selected for the study ; the 176 staff nurses working on those wards and 1211 patients hospitalized there (603 patients during the nursing care plan use) took part in the project. The following summarizes the results of the study : 1. After listing all the nursing diagnoses up to the 20th in frequency from each ward except the ten used in the first study, 22 nursing diagnoses were selected. Two related to 'self care deficit', were combined into one. Standardized nursing care plans were established for these 21 nursing diagnoses. 2. The first page of each nursing care plan lists the related factors and defining characteristics as supporting data. The application rate distribution revealed that the majority were recorded less than 50% of the time. For each nursing diagnosis, only one to three related factors were recorded more than 50% of the time regardless of the number of suggested related factors, and similarly, only one to five defining characteristics were recorded more than 50% of the time regardless of the number of suggested defining characteristics. Therefore, these factors and defining characteristics were proposed as the common related factors and the typical signs and symptoms for each nursing diagnosis. 3. The application rate distribution for the expected outcomes, and the nursing orders that were the main data of each nursing care plan occurred more than 50% of the time, unlike the related factors and the characteristics that occurred less frequently. These findings supported the clinical validity. 4. In an effort to evaluate indirectly the effect of the use of the standardized nursing care plans, nurses' job satisfaction and perceptions of their ability in the use of the nursing process were measured and compared. Scores after the use of the plans were significantly higher than those before. The experience in actually using the standardized nursing care plans with patients increased the nurses' professional and emotional satisfaction and their confidence in using the nursing process. Also when the nurses who actually used the nursing care plans were asked to rate their effectiveness, the highest score was given to 'the ease of establishing the nursing goal', followed by 'improved professional advice and care for patients', 'the efficiency and systemization of charting', 'the definite recognition of the nursing problem', and 'the selection of effective and appropriate nursing interventions' in descending order. The results indicate the nurses were very positive about the effect of the real clinical application of standardized nursing care plans, and that the objective of this study to utilize the nursing diagnosis to strengthen the nursing process was attained.
This study was designed to measure the physical, mental-emotional and social health status of elderlies according to rural areas, medium-small cities, and large city environment. Data collection was done from July 18 to August 17, 1990. The subjects were a convenience sample after their place of residence was stratified into large, medium-small cities and rural areas. Those who attended elderly centers in Seodaemun, Mapo, and Kangnam districts in Seoul were considered to be residents of a large city and interviewed by trained research assistants and student nurses. Elderlies living in Chungju, Jinju, Chuncheon, and Jeonju cities were coded as resident of medium-small cities and were interviewed by professors of nursing college. Rural residents were interviewed by the community health practioners working in community health practioners working in community health clinics in North and South Kyongsang, North and South Jeolla, and Kyonggi provinces. The tool used in this study was the health assessment tool developed by Choi, Young Hee in 1990. This tool was organized into 20 physical health status, 17 mental-emotional health status, and 37 social health status items. Physical health status items consisted of six factors-personal hygiene activity ability, external activity utilizing traffic, mass media, and spare time ability, sexual ability, digestive system related ability, sexual ability, sensory ability, and elimination ability. Mental-emotional health status items consisted of two factors-mental health factor and emotional health factor. Social health status items consisted of seven factors-grandparental role ability, parental role ability, spoused role ability, friendship role ability, kinship role ability. Data Analysis included frequencies, percentage mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, and chi-square test. The results of the analysis are as follows : 1. The mean physical health status score for large city residents was 4.1132, for rural residents 4.0787, and for medium and small city residents 3.9565. There were significant differences according to residential area for personal hygiene activity ability, external activity ability, sexual ability, and digestive system related ability items 2. The mean mental-emotional health status score for rural residents was 3.8291, for medium and small city residents 3.7967, and for large city residents 3.7807. There was a significant difference according to residential area in the mental health ability item. 3. The mean social health status score for medium and small city residents was 3.0000, for rural residents 2.9362, and for large city residents 2.8960. There were significant differences according to residential area for kinship role ability and religious believer role ability items. The following conclusion was derived from the above results : 1. The physical health status of elderlies residing in medium-small cities and in rural areas was lower than that of those residing in Seoul, a large urban area. Therefore, more medical facilities are needed in rural area so as to monitor their health, prevent disease, and promote their health. 2. The mental-emotional status and social health status of elderlies residing in the large city were lower than the of those residing in medium-small cities and rural areas. This may reflect weakening of the strong traditional family bond that may happen with urbanization. Continued support for elderly parents is essential and education should emphasize the traditional cultural norm and value of filial piety. 3. Facilities and programs for elderly are needed so that they may spend their time more valuably in their urban environment.
This study was to investigated the factors influencing the decisions of nurses to resign. The purpose was to contribute information useful for the effective management of nurse staffing resources. The specific objectives were as follows : 1. To investigate the level of job satisfaction of nurses who resign. 2. To analyze the relationship of job expectations and the decisions to resign. 3. To investigate the major reason for nurses' resignations. 4. To identify the relationship of the general characteristics of the nurses and the factors influencing their decisions to resign. 5. To analyze the relationship of the intention to resign and the factors influencing the decisions to resign. The sample consisted of 90 nurses who worked at Y hospital in Seoul from march. 1987 to Feb. 1988 and who had resigned. The instruments used for this study were slavitt et al's index of Work Satisfaction Scale and job expectations scale developed by the researcher. Analysis of data was using frequency, t-test and ANOVA. The results of study were as follows ; 1. There was no difference in the job satisfaction level of nurses who resigned compared with nurses in active service but the subcategory interaction score was lower and the subcategory salary score was higher than for nurses in active service. 2. Low job expectation scores influenced the decision to resign. 3. The major reason of resigning were personal problems such as marriage, childbirth, and relocation of family. 4. The length of employment and the number of different service areas of the nurses who resigned were associated with the job satisfaction level. 5. The nurses who had have an intention to resign while in active service had lower scores for job satisfaction and the job expectation score was a greater influence on the decision to resign. In conclusion, the factors influencing the decisions of nurse to resign were job satisfaction, job expectations and intention to resign while still in active service.
In order that nursing care an essential quality of nursing practice be acceptable and satisfying, it is necessary that client's culture be respected and that nursing practice be appropriate to that culture. Since cultural elements are an important influence on health practices and life patterns related to medical treatment, recovery from and prevention of disease, nurses need to have an understanding and knowledge of social and cultural phenomena to aid in the planning of nursing interventions. To understand the health practices surrounding health and illness, the health beliefs practices of both folk and professional healing systems should be ascertained. Cultural data are required to provide care of high quality to clients and to reduce possible conflict between the client and the nurse. It is nursing's goal to provide clients from various cultures with quality nursing care which is satisfying and valuable. The problem addressed by this study was to identify Korean health practices which would contribute to the planning of professional caring practice with the culture : ultimately this study was intended to make a contribution to the development of the science of nursing The concrete objectives of this study were ; 1) to identify Korean health practices, 2) to interpret the identical health practices through traditional cultural thought, and 3) to compare the Korean health practices with those of other cultures. The investigator used to ethnosceintifc approach outlined by spirally in a qualitative study. To discover ancestral wisdom and knowledge related to traditional health practices, the subjects of this study were selected from residents of a small rural mountain village in south west Korea, a place considered to be maintaining and transmitting the traditional culture in a relatively well-preserved state because of being isolated from the modern world. The number of subjects was 18, aged 71 to 89. Research data were collected from January 8 to March 31, 1990. Five categories of health practices were identified ; "Manage one's own mind", "Moderation in all thing", "Live in accord with nature", "Live in mutuality with others", and "Live to the best of one's ability". Values derived from these ways of thinking from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism help fashion a traditional way of life, exemplified by the saying "Beneficence to all". Korean though and philosophy is influenced primarily by Confucianism, Confucian principles of ethics, embedded deeply in the peoples' minds, from the idea that "heaven and human being are intimately united" based on concept that "heaven is, so to speak, reason". Twoe Gae's theory of existential subjectivity develops the concept of self which is the basis of the spirit of reverence in modern Confucian philosophy. The human mind is granted from heaven out of the idea of matter, and what control the mind is the spirit of reverence. Hence the idea of "The primacy of the mind" and provided that one should control one's own mind. The precepts of duty to parents, respect for elders and worship of ancestors, and moderation in all behavior put a restraint on life which directed that one live earnestly according to Nature's laws with their neighbors. Not only Confucianism, but also Buddhism and Taoism have had an important effect upon these patterns of ideas. When Compared with western culture, Korean health practices tend to be more inclusive, abstract and intuitive while westerner health practices found to be more concrete, practical and personal. Values and beliefs based and pragmatism and existentialism influence western civilization. Ethical values may be founded on utilitarianism, which considers what is good for the persons in their circumstances as the basis of conduct and takes a serious view of their practical lives including human aspirations rather than an absolute truth. These philosophical and ethical ideas are foundations for health practices related to active, practical and progressive attitudes. This study should be enable nursing not only to understand clients as reflections of the traditional culture when planning nursing practice, but to develop health education corresponding to cultural requirements for the purpose of protection against disease and improvement of health, and thus promote sound health practice. Eventually it is hoped that through these processes quality nursing care as the central idea of the science of nursing will be achieved.
The purposes of this study were to find out the effects of hospice care for the quality of life of the terminally-ill patients and to analyze the relationship between the effect of hospice care and the general characteristics of subjects. The subjects of the study were 32 terminally-ill patients hospitalized in the two general hospitals in Seoul, which have the hospice care unit. The data were collected using the questionnaire with interviews. The were done from Sept. 28, 1989 to March 20, 1991. The tools used for the research were 17-item questionnaire regarding general characteristics, 42-item questionnaire about the quality of life(11-item for physical, 16 for psychosocial, and 15 for spiritual). The questionnaires were to measure the quality of life by means of the measure instruments of Betty R. Farwell(1989), Stein Kaasa(1989), Palm Pamela(1987), and Hwa-sook Choi(1987). 42 items were used after pre-test. In accordance with each purpose in this study, frequency and percentage were used on the general characteristics of subjects. ANOVA, t-test, and Pearson correlation were employed to evaluate the general characteristics of subjects and different level of quality of life before-and-after hospice care. The results of the study may be summarized as follows : 1. The effects of hospice care. Main Hypothesis : "The quality of life of the terminally-ill patients will be different from before-and-after hospice care" was supported(t=6.82, df=31, p=.000). Sub Hypothesis 1 : "The quality of life of the terminally-ill patients in the physical aspects will be different from before-and-after hospice care" was not supported(t=0.07, df=31, p=.946). Sub Hypothesis 2 : "The quality of life of the terminally-ill patients in the psychosocial aspects will be different from before-and-after hospice care" was supported(t=4.69, df=31, p=.000). 2. Relationship between the general characteristics of subjects and the effects of hospice care. (1) The more the number of family, the higher the quality of life in the number psychosocial aspects. (2) The higher the age of the patient, the lower the quality of life in the psychosocial aspects. (3) The high educational level of patients enjoy the high quality of life in general. (4) The high religious level of patients enjoy the high quality of life in the spiritual aspects. As a results of analysis above : 1. The most effective aspects of the hospice care to the terminally-ill patients was spiritual aspects. The next effective aspects was psychosocial area. 2. The least effective aspects of the hospice care to the terminally-ill patients was physical aspects. Further study is needed to improve the quality of life in the physical aspects.