This study was to investigated the factors influencing the decisions of nurses to resign. The purpose was to contribute information useful for the effective management of nurse staffing resources.
The specific objectives were as follows :
1. To investigate the level of job satisfaction of nurses who resign.
2. To analyze the relationship of job expectations and the decisions to resign.
3. To investigate the major reason for nurses' resignations.
4. To identify the relationship of the general characteristics of the nurses and the factors influencing their decisions to resign.
5. To analyze the relationship of the intention to resign and the factors influencing the decisions to resign.
The sample consisted of 90 nurses who worked at Y hospital in Seoul from march. 1987 to Feb. 1988 and who had resigned.
The instruments used for this study were slavitt et al's index of Work Satisfaction Scale and job expectations scale developed by the researcher. Analysis of data was using frequency, t-test and ANOVA.
The results of study were as follows ;
1. There was no difference in the job satisfaction level of nurses who resigned compared with nurses in active service but the subcategory interaction score was lower and the subcategory salary score was higher than for nurses in active service.
2. Low job expectation scores influenced the decision to resign.
3. The major reason of resigning were personal problems such as marriage, childbirth, and relocation of family.
4. The length of employment and the number of different service areas of the nurses who resigned were associated with the job satisfaction level.
5. The nurses who had have an intention to resign while in active service had lower scores for job satisfaction and the job expectation score was a greater influence on the decision to resign.
In conclusion, the factors influencing the decisions of nurse to resign were job satisfaction, job expectations and intention to resign while still in active service.