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Volume 7(2); December 1977
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Original Articles
A Study of the Nursing Needs of Hospitalized Medical Patients by Means of Nursing History
Kynng Ai Chun
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):1-10.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Personalized patient centered nursing care is increasingly difficult to achive despite the fact that it remains one of our consistent goals. So, we must find away to individualized nursing care. One means, to achieve this is by use of the nursing history form, which has been developed to help the nurse make maximum use of her limited time with the patient, by obtaining systematically the information needed to plan his nursing care. The nursing history form can be used to collect data about individual nursing needs but also it lends itself to the collection of epidemiologic data relevant to the needs of patient population . So this study was undertaken in an attempt to describe the general characteristics of the population studied, to find out their perceptions and expectations related to their illness and hospitalization, to find out specific basic needs and to examine the relationship between the patients nursing needs and demographic characteristics through the responses to the nursing history questions. The study population defined and selected was all the patiens (70) who were admitted to Yonsei University Hospital from October 1 - 15, 1975. The direct interview method was used and the data were categorized by the investigator, according to the nature of responses to each question and were subjected to the percentile and the chi- square tests. The findings can be summarized as follows : 1. General chracteristics of the study population ; The population was made up mainly of urban patients who were highly educated. The age was equally distributed. 2. Patients,perceptions and expectatons related to illness and hospitalization; 88.6 % of the patients knew about the reason for hospitalization but 64.5% could state symptoms only. 37. 5% recognized the cause of illness. Approximately three fourth of the patients expressed on expectation for early recovery. 60.0% of the patient responses indicated. that they expected less than 10 days of hospitalization. Of the total responses regarding hospitalization, 45.7% were negative about the post hospitalization expectation, 45.7% expected to return to work. Yonsei University College of Nursing As a result of these findings, we can see that there is a great educational need, a psychological need and environmental need for adaptation to the hospital and a socio-economic need for the post - hospitalization period. Specific basic needs ; The physical needs include the problem of getting sufficiant sleep (50.0%), difficulty in food intake (47.1%), problems with hospital diet (47. 0%), abnormal condition of the skin(44. 3%), problems with bowel elimination(35.7%), assitance with bathing(35. 7%), pain(30.0%), difficulty in walking(30.0%), difficulty in seeing(30. 0%) problems in urina ry elimination(20. 0%), and difficulty in hearing(10. 0%), Nursing needs and epidemiologic characteristics ; Age distribution was related to the condition of the mouth but no significant differences were observed statistically with the patients responses to the other nursing history questions according to the epidemiologic varibles of age, sex, education and residence.

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A Study on the Development of an Instrument for Evaluating the Quality of Nursing Care
Ji Soo Yoo
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):11-21.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Many in nursing look back on Nursing Reserch history and proudly point to the fact that emphasis in nursing research has changed from studying the nurse to studying nursing practice. In recent years, much emphasis has been placed on seeking a method of evaluating the quality of nursing care. In spite of these attempts, however, an instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care that is actually applicable in the clinical area has not been found. The Purposes of this study are as follows; 1 ) To develop the instrument to be used in evaluating the quality of nusring care provided in the Neuro- Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital. 2 ) To evaluate the quality of nursing care in the clinical area. 3 ) To provide the necessary information for improvement of quality of nursing care. The instrument for evaluating the quality of nursing care, developed by the ivestigator, was composed of 7 nursing goals and divided into 65 standards of nursing performance. The 7 nursing goal are as follows; 1) Maintenance of airway 2) Maintenance of fluid & electrolyte balance 3) Maintenance of elimination 4) Personal hygiene 5) Optimum activity 6) Prevention of accidents 7) Emotional care The study population defined was composed of all the case (51) who were admitted in the Neuro-Surgery Constant Care Unit of Severance Hospital from May 7-13, 1976. The observation method was used and the data was subjected to the %, χ2-test, T-test, F test and Correlation. The results of the study were as follows ;

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A Study of Nursing Activities Performed by Nursing Personnel in Postanesthetic Room
Kyung Sook Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):22-30.   Published online April 3, 2017
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An analysis of the Nursing activities was carried out during the period of October 6 -10, 1975 for five days, at postanesthetic room in Seoul National University Hospital. Continuous Time Study method was applied to this study by Observing and checking the activities performed by 8 nursing personnel at head nurse, staff nurse, and nurse aide level. Six nursing Students and 6 staff nurses observed and recorded all activities during the day and the evening for 5 days after certain process of training. Following results were obtained; 1 . Percentages of nursing activities were identified at each level of nursing personnel according to the skill Level 1 ) Thirty three point forty two percent of the total head nurse's activities were spent by administrative activities, 21.33% by Clerical activties, 10.63% by Nursing activities, 6.54% by Messenger activities, 4.0% by Housekeeping activities, and24, 08% by Unclassified activities, 2 ) Forty point forty two percent of the total staff nurses' activities were spent by Nursing activities, 12.7% by Administrative activities, 8.03% by Housekeeping activities, 3.08% by Clerical activities, 2.03% by Messenger activities. 0.08% by Dietary activities, and 34.19 % by Unclassified activities. 3 ) Thirty six point sixty three percent of the total nurse aide' s activities were spent by Messenger activities, 14.4% by Housekeeping activities, 2.2% by Nursing activities, 1.0% by Clerical activities, 0.83% by Administrative activities, and 44.94% by Unclassified activities, 2 . Percentages of nursing activities were identified at each level of nursing personnel according to area of activity. 1) Thirty three point ninty six percent of the total head nurse's activities were spent by Unit - Centered activities, 30.26 % by Patient - Centered activities, 8.69% by Personnel-Centered activities and 24.09% by Other - Centered activities. 2 ) Fifty two point seventy four percent of the total staff nurses' activities were spent by Patient - Centered activities, 11.5% by Unit-Centered activities, 1.68% by Personnel-Centered activities and 34.02% by Other-Centered activities. 3 ) Forty nine point sixty seven Percent of the total Nurse aide' s activities were spent by Unit-Centered activities, 5.13% by Patient-Centered activities, 0.27% by Personnel -Centered activities and 4-1.93%by Other-Centered activities. 3 . Percentages of staff nurses' activities were identified at each skill Level according to their shifts. 1 ) Forty four point eighty one percent of the total day time activities were spent by Nursing activities, 13.62% by Administrative activities, 6.37% by Housekeeping activities, 2.08% by Clerical activities, 1.74% by Messenger activities, 0.07% by Dietary activities and 31.31 % by Unclassified activities. 2 ) Thirty three point eighty seven percent of the total evening time activities were spent by nursing activities, 10.51% by Housekeeping activities, 10.0% by Administrative activities, 4.58% by Clerical activities, 2.46 % by Messenger activities, 0.0 9 % by Dietary activities and 38.49% by Unclassified activities. 4. There was no great difference among activities of 5 days.

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A Study of Anxiety of Families of Psychiatric Patients at Discharge
Key Sook Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):31-42.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study investigated the anxiety of families of psychiatric patients at discharge. The purpose was to contribute to the improvement of psychiatric nursing care , rehabilitation and social adjustment of psychiatric patients and community mental health. The objectives of this study were to identify the acceptance of the psychiatric nurse by the families, their anxiety at the time of discharge, whether any help was wanted to reduce anxiety, the attitude toward the patient after discharge and feelings about the patients. The population studied consisted of 180 family members of patients from 10 mental hospitals (including local clinic) in Seoul and Kyung-Ki province, from March I to April 30, 1977. The date were collected by an interview schedule, and compared and analysed by Computer using chi-square - test. Results were as follows : 1. Many of the families (83.6 %) expressed a acceptance of psychiatric nurse. 2. A little more than, half of the families (51.1%) experssed happiness but a large ponton (38.9%) had "anxious" feelings at. discharge. 3. Almost all families (32. 6 %) wanted a physician's help to reduce discharge anxiety. Younger families tended to want the physician' s help more. 4. Many of the families(83.1 %) wanted a nurse's help. Families of patients patients admitted for the 1 st time wanted the nurse' s help more. 5 .Comparing the feelings at a previous discharge with the present discharge, 49. 1 % of the familes expressed greater happiness at the latter than the former. 6. More than half of the families responsed positively toward the patient. Unmarried family members responsed more positively than married. Families of 1 st admission patients responsed more positvely than families of readmission patidnts. 7. Many families(78.8 %)had positively feelings toward the patients. More negative responses came from women than from men, from lower education levels, lower incomes and readmission patients.

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Study of The Area of Nursing Need by the Family Developmental Stage
Boo Ok Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):43-59.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Community Health Service considers the family as a service unit and places the emphasis of its service on the health problems and the nursing needs of the family rather than the individual. From the conceptual point of view that the community health service is both health maintenance and health promotion of the family, the community health nurse should have a knowledge of the growth and development of the family and be responsible for the comprehensive support of normal family development. The community health nurse often is in a position to make a real contribution to normal family development. In order to investigate the relationship between the areas of nursing need and family development, the following objectives were established. 1. To discover the general characteristics of the study population by the stage of family development. 2 . To discover specific nursing needs in relation to the family developmental stage, and to determine the intensity of the nursing needs and the ability of the family to cope with these needs. 3 . To discover overall family health nursing problems in relation to the family developmental stage and determine the intensity of the nursing need and the problem solving ability of family. Definitions : The family developmental stages as classified by Duvall were used stage 1. Married couples (without children) stage 2. Childbearing Familes (oldest child birth to 30 months of age) stage 3. Families with preschool children (oldest child 2 1/2 to 6 years) stage 4. Families with schoolchildren (oldest child 6 to 13 years). stage 5. Families with teenagers (oldest child 13 to 20 years) stage 6. Families as launching centers (first child gone to last child's leaving home). stage 7. Middle aged parents (empty nest to retirement) stage 8. Aging family members (retirement to death of both spouses) The areas of nursing need were defined as those used in the study, "A Comprehensive Study about Health and Nursing Need and a Social Diagram of the Community," by the Nur sing research Institute and Center for population and Family Planning, July 1974. The study population defined and selected were 260 nuclear families in two myun of Kang Hwa Island. Percent, mean value and F- test were utilized in the statistical analysis of the study results. Findings : 1. General characteristics of the study population by the family developmental stage; 1 ) The study population was distributed by the family developmental stage as follows : stage 1 : 3 families stage 2 13 families stage 3 24 families stage 4 41 families stage 5 50 families stage 6 106 families stage 7 13 families stage 8 10 families 2) Most families had 4 or 5 members except for those in stage, 1, 7, and 8. 3) The parents' present age was older in the higher developmental stage and their age at marriage was also younger in the higher developmental stages. 4 ) The educational level of parents was primarily less than elementary school irrespective of the developmental stage. 5 ) More than half of parents' occupations were listed as laborers irrespective of the developmental stage. 6 ) More than half of the parents were athiests irrespective of the developmental stage. 7) The higher the developmental stage ( from stage 2 to stage 6), the wider the distribution of children' s ages. 8 ) More than half of the families were of middle or lower socio-economic level. 2- Problems in specific areas of nursing need by family developmental stage, the intensity of nursing need and the problem solving ability of the family : 1 ) As a whole, many problems, irrespective of the developmental stage, occurred in the areas of Housing and Sanitation, Eating Patterns, Housekeeping, Preventive Measures and Dental care. Problems occurring in particular stages included the following : stage 1 Prevention of Accident stage 2 Preventive Vaccination, Family Planning. stage 3 Preventive. Vaccination, Maternal Health, Family Planning, Health of Infant and Preschooler. stage 4,5 :Preventive Vaccination, Family Planning, Health of School Children. stage 6 ; Preventive Vaccination, Health of School Children. 2 ) The intensity of the nursing need in the area of Acute and Chronic Diseases was generally of moderate degree or above irrespective of the developmental stages except for stage 1 . Other areas of need listed as moderate or above were found in the following stages; stage 1 Maternal Health stage 3 Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, stage 4 Housing and Sanitation. stage 5 Housing and Sanitation, Diagnostic and Medical Care. stage 6 Diagnastic and Medical care stage 7 Diagnostic and Medical Care, Housekeeping. stage 8 Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Dental Care, Eating Patterns, Housekeeping. 3 ) Areas of need with moderate problem solving abilty or less were as follows : stage 1 Diagnostic and Medical Care, Maternal Health. stage 2 Prevention of Accident, Acute and Chronic Dibease, Dental Care. stage 3 Housing and Sanitation, Acute and Chronic Disease, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measure, Dental Care, Maternal Health, Health of Infant and preschooler, Eating Patterns. stage 4 '. Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measure, Dental Care, Maternal Health, Health of New Born, Health of Infant and Preschooler, Health of school Children, Eating Patterns, Housekeeping. stage 5 : Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Acute and Chronic Disease, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measure, Dental Care, Preventive Vaccination, Maternal Health, Eating Patterns. stage 7,8 : Housing and Sanitation, Prevention of Accident, Acute and Chronic Disease, Diagnostic and Medical Care, Preventive Measures, Dental Care, Preventive Vaccination, Eating Patterns, Housekeeping. 3 . Problem oecuranee, the degree of nursing need and the degree of problem solving ability in nursing need areas for the family as a whole were as follows : 1) The higher the stages (except stage 1), the lower the rate of problem oecuranee. 2 ) The higher the stage becomes, the lower the intensity of the nursing need becomes. 3 ) The higher the stages (except stages 7 and 8), the higher the problem solving ability.Conclusions ; 1) When the nursing care plan for the family is drawn up, depending upon the stage of family development, higher priority should be give to nursing need areas (1) at which problems were shown to occur (2)where the nursing need is shown to be above moderate degree and (3)where the problem solving ability was shown to be of moderate degree. 2) The priority of the nursing service should be placed (1) not on those families in the high developmental stage but on those families in the low developmental stage (2) andon those area of nee show in stage 7 and 8 where the degree nursing need was high and the ability to cope low.

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A Comparative Study on the Curriculum of Nursing Education in America and Korea
Jung Ja Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):60-82.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study is first, to analyse the present nursing education and the curriculum in Korea in view of the changes and the new tendency of nursing education and, second, to compare our curriculum with that of America, where nursing activities are actively earring on and, third, to try to find out what we should reconsider and improve in our nursing education. The object of this study is the educational program and the curriculum from 1973 to 19 76 by selecting each five from colleges and department of nursing in Korea and America. The results of the study were as fellows : 1 . The aim of nursing education puts emphasision the role of leader, knowledge and technology of nursing, walfare of society and service of community in both the America and Korea. In Korea nursing is mainly restricted to the treatment of diseases,while in the America the items of the aim of nursing are mainly extended to the capacity for Self-realization of nurse, in Korea they are restricted to the treatment of diseases. 2 . In Korea the rate of credit of the curriculum of nursing education is the highest in professional education, next in general education, next in supporting science and educational subject, while in America the rate of the credit is the highest in general education, next professional education and then supporting Science and educational subject isn't included in the curriculum. 3. In both Korea and America the role of the anmual credit allotment in general education, is the highest in the first year and the rate in supporting science is the highest in the second year. In Korea professional subjects are concentrated in the third year while in America there is a tendency that they are increasing in number in the grade order. 4 , There is a. tendency that the rate of the credit allotment of the main professional subjects in curriculum is higher in Korea than in America ; that is, in Korea the rate of the allotment of the credit is the highest in medical - surgical nursing, next maternalchild nursing, next community- health nursing and the psychiatric nursing and there in a great difference in the rate of the allotment of each credit. While in America the rate of the allotment of the credit is the highest in community health nursing, next in medical- surgial nursing, next in maternal - child nursing, and then in psychiatric nursing and there is little difference in the rate of the allotment of each credit. From general education, supporting science and professional education, they have considered the continuity and sequence in the structure of nursing curriculum of Korea and America. While in Korea we have partly made integration in the content of the subjects. Most ofthe school in America, they have made integration in the content of subjects especially in all subjects, but in Korea we haven't made it in all subjects. In the system and form of nursing education Problem solving method, Dialectical method and operational method are introduced in some America schools and in Others there is a tendency that the whole nursing education has the system based on Preventive frame -work or Health Illness frame work; while only one college has an attempt for Health Illness continum in Korea. In Korea nursing education,as the importance of health - nursing and team nursing, the aim which is also comparatively emphasized is about health management and service of collective community. The subject pertaining to the aim is the studies of community health nursing, which are more in number in America. When we consider the association between the social, general aims of the nursing education and the formation of the curriculum in Korean nursing school the courses of study concerning "the role of leadership and cooperative personal relation" "nursing care for the group"dynamic nursing care" and "the system of the public health nursing associated wilh the understanding of the regional community" are insufficient as compared with those of America. Especially, the lack of the behavioral sciece including the nursing care connected with the care for the group, the basic science on the clinical and developmental psychology, anthropology in known to be a prominent issue.

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A Study of the Knowledge and Attitude of Diabetics
Wan Soon Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):83-94.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Diabetes Mellitus is a worldwide disease affecting millions of persons and appears to be on the increase in Korea. At the present time it can not be cured but can be controlled. To achieve control the patient must know about the disease. Education of the patient is an essential part of the management of the diabetic and is the responsibility of the nurse. The educational program must be adapted according to patient's knowledge and attitude about their diseases. Therefore, the opportunity to assess the knowledge and attitude of diabetics must provided. The objectives of this study were : 1. To describe the general charaoteristcs of the study population. 2. To find out the characterics of experience of treatment. 3. To exame the knowledg and attitude of diabetics about theself-control. 4. To learn the influencing factors affecting the knowledge and attitude of diabetics about self-control. The study population defined and selected was 65 diabetics registered at the Diabetic Clinic of S. hospital who visited the Diabetic Clinic from April 16, 1976 to May 14, 1976. The direct interview method was used. Statistical analysis of the data was X2-test. The following results were obtained : A. General characteristics of the study population : The respondent' s average age was 50. 8 years old, sex ratio(male to female) revealed as 1 : 1.1, economic background was upper middle class, the most respondents had better than-average education, 78.4 percents of the rerpondents lived in Seoul, 47. 2 percents were unemployed, the average size of family was 5.3 and 47.7 percents of respondents had religions. B. The characteristics of clinical experience: The average duration was 7.0 years, 46.1 percents of respondents had experience of hospitalization, 56.9 percents was taking oral drugs,67.7 percents examined urine-sugar at home, 60.0 percents had treat complications and 20.0 percents had experience of coma. C . There was significant difference in the relationship : Between complications and durations of diabetes, hospitalization and therapeutic methods.

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A Study of the Correlation between Academic Achievement and Personality test in a Nursing College
Sook Ja Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):95-106.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

[1] Purpose of the study An ultimate objectives of entrance examination for the selection of students by the nursing school is to evaluate their abilities and readiness for the further study as a competent and professional nurse at the college. As a method to measure the above mentioned achievement Inchon Nursing College conducts personality test in addition to the college made entrance examination. The study aimd to find out the correlation between personality test and academic achievement including clinic nursing practice through analysing the data and affecting factors for the purpose of improvement and desirable entrance examination system. [2] Content and Method of the study Selected experimental groups were 36 students who were admitted to the college in 1973 and 35 senior students who enrolled in the second semister in 1976. Gathered date, personality test achievement academic achievement record in the college and achievement of clinic nursing practice, from the total number of 71 students were analysed for the clarificaiton of their correlation. [3] Findings of the study 1. It was revealed that the correlation between the entrance examination achievement and personality test was meaningful. 2. Found no significant correlation between personality test and academic achievement through 3 years. 3. It was revealed the meaningful correla, n between personality test and clinic nursing practice. 4. The most dominant affecting elements for the academic achievement was the 2 nd year academec achievement showing 91.39%. Approximately 8 % were affecting for the 1 st year and 2 nd year academic achievment by the entrance examination achievement and personality test. 5. Achievement of clinic nursing practice was greatly affected by the 2 nd year clinic nursing practice with 81.26%. Achievement of the 3 rd year clinic nursing practice and personality test were affecting with approximately 15%.

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Psychiatric Evaluation of Nurses by C.M.I.
Yong Ja Pang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):107-116.   Published online April 3, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

It is a well accepted fact that mental and physical health of nurses has a direct bear ing or influence in their practice in the nursing profession. Recently, with this view in mind, the study of the mental and physical health of nurses has attracted the attention of many especially those in research hospitals. According to Soon Hyang Cha (1974) a nurse in clinical prac-tice or service has a daily energy consumption of 39% and San Cho Chun (1974) asserts that Nurses' duties are more demanding on her emotionally than on her nursing technical skills. Many more studies has been made to this effect, here and abroad and sililarly stressed the importance of mental and physical health for nurses. This study was made in an attempt to analyze the trend or tendency of the mental and physical health of nurses by employing the Cornell Medical Index (CMI) method. The data has been collected from May 1977 to November 1977, 200 nurses from 8 University hospitals and 200 nurses from general hospitals in Seoul, Thoses who participated were selected at random. The data were tabulated and comparison made. The results were as follows : 1. Among nurses, the analysis based on the length of experience, it is apparent that, the longer or more experience one has, the more complaints they have. 2 . The longer the nurses are enaged in nursing practice, the more they have problems in their digestive, musculoskeletal, respiratory and nervous systems and are more prone to diseases, and get tired easier than those of shorter experience. But on the other hand it could be seen that younger nurses or nurses with less experience in the profession are more melancholic and prone to stress than those with longer experience.

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A Study on the Depression of Adolescence: A Comparative Study of Normal, Orphan, Physically Handicapped and Deaf Mute Children
Kyong Ok Oh
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1977;7(2):117-127.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Depressive status of the adolescence in 437 normal, 416 orphan, 133 physically hadicapped and 109 deaf-mute children were compared with the Self- Rating Depression Scale developed by Zung, from April 26 to July 4, 1976 . The subjects were devided into two groups, early adolescence for age of 10 to 14 and late adolescence of age of 15 to 18. The results were as follows ; 1. The depression score was higher in late adolescence than in, early adolescence except deaf - mutes. 2. The depression score was not different significantly between the sexes in all groups. 3. The depression score was significantly higher in the group of orphan, physically handicapped and deaf-mute children then in the normal. 4. The depression score was significantly higher in the orphans than in the physically handicapped children. It showed tendency to be higher in the deaf - mutes than in the physically hadioapped children. 5. In comparison with the rank order of the Self - Rating Depression Scale items, normal group was inclined to have psychological symptoms in higher rank order, but orphan and deaf - mute group was inclined to have somatic symptoms in higher rank order.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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