[1] Purpose of the study An ultimate objectives of entrance examination for the selection of students by the nursing school is to evaluate their abilities and readiness for the further study as a competent and professional nurse at the college. As a method to measure the above mentioned achievement Inchon Nursing College conducts personality test in addition to the college made entrance examination. The study aimd to find out the correlation between personality test and academic achievement including clinic nursing practice through analysing the data and affecting factors for the purpose of improvement and desirable entrance examination system. [2] Content and Method of the study Selected experimental groups were 36 students who were admitted to the college in 1973 and 35 senior students who enrolled in the second semister in 1976. Gathered date, personality test achievement academic achievement record in the college and achievement of clinic nursing practice, from the total number of 71 students were analysed for the clarificaiton of their correlation. [3] Findings of the study 1. It was revealed that the correlation between the entrance examination achievement and personality test was meaningful. 2. Found no significant correlation between personality test and academic achievement through 3 years. 3. It was revealed the meaningful correla, n between personality test and clinic nursing practice. 4. The most dominant affecting elements for the academic achievement was the 2 nd year academec achievement showing 91.39%. Approximately 8 % were affecting for the 1 st year and 2 nd year academic achievment by the entrance examination achievement and personality test. 5. Achievement of clinic nursing practice was greatly affected by the 2 nd year clinic nursing practice with 81.26%. Achievement of the 3 rd year clinic nursing practice and personality test were affecting with approximately 15%.