Depressive status of the adolescence in 437 normal, 416 orphan, 133 physically hadicapped and 109 deaf-mute children were compared with the Self- Rating Depression Scale developed by Zung, from April 26 to July 4, 1976 . The subjects were devided into two groups, early adolescence for age of 10 to 14 and late adolescence of age of 15 to 18. The results were as follows ; 1. The depression score was higher in late adolescence than in, early adolescence except deaf - mutes. 2. The depression score was not different significantly between the sexes in all groups. 3. The depression score was significantly higher in the group of orphan, physically handicapped and deaf-mute children then in the normal. 4. The depression score was significantly higher in the orphans than in the physically handicapped children. It showed tendency to be higher in the deaf - mutes than in the physically hadioapped children. 5. In comparison with the rank order of the Self - Rating Depression Scale items, normal group was inclined to have psychological symptoms in higher rank order, but orphan and deaf - mute group was inclined to have somatic symptoms in higher rank order.