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Original Article
Development and Evaluation of a School-based Anger Management Program (SAMP) for Adolescents
Young-Joo Park1, Ho-Sihn Ryu1, Keum-Sun Han1, Jung Hye Kwon2, HanKyeom Kim3, Yoon Jung Cho4, Hyun-Cheol Kang5, Suk-Hee Cheon6, Ji-Won Yoon7
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2009;39(1):145-156.
Published online: February 17, 2009

1Professor, College of Nursing, Korea University

2Professor, Department of Psychology, Korea University

3Professor, Department of Pathology, Korea University

4Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Korea University, Seoul

5Associate Professor, Department of Informational Statistics, Hoseo University, Cheonan

6Full-time Instructor, Department of Nursing, Sangji University, Wonju

7Part-time Instructor, College of Nursing, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

1Professor, College of Nursing, Korea University

2Professor, Department of Psychology, Korea University

3Professor, Department of Pathology, Korea University

4Professor, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Korea University, Seoul

5Associate Professor, Department of Informational Statistics, Hoseo University, Cheonan

6Full-time Instructor, Department of Nursing, Sangji University, Wonju

7Part-time Instructor, College of Nursing, Korea University, Seoul, Korea

Address reprint requests to : Yoon, Ji-Won, College of Nursing, Korea University, 126-1 Anam-dong 5-ga, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul 136-705, Korea, Tel: 82-2-3290-4910 Fax: 82-2-927-4676 E-mail:
• Received: October 17, 2008   • Revised: October 17, 2008   • Accepted: January 31, 2009

Copyright © 2009 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose:
    This study was done to develop a school-based anger management program (SAMP) of 4 sessions and examine its effects on the anger, anger expression, psychosomatic responses, psychosocial responses, and immunologic responses in adolescents.
  • Methods:
    A quasi-experimental study using a nonequivalent control group, pre-post design with repeated measures was used. Chi-square test, t-test, paired t-test, and Fisher’s exact test were used to analyze the data.
  • Results:
    There were no differences between the experimental and control groups in outcome variables except for lymphocytes. However, following additional analyses, statistically significant differences by time point were observed for pain sensitivity, T cell, Helper T (Th) cell, Suppressor (Ts) cell and Natural Killer (NK) cell post-treatment, entrapment and psychosomatic symptoms at the 4-week follow-up, and resilience at the 10-week follow-up for the experimental group.
  • Conclusion:
    Although some modifications in contents and administration will be required to increase the effectiveness of the program for anger management, SAMP can be used to promote anger management ability in adolescents.
Figure 1.
Research design.

Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group; X=SAMP (school-based anger management program); O1=general characteristics, anger, anger expression psychosomatic response (psychosomatic symptom, pain sensitivity), psychosocial response, immunologic response; O2= anger, anger expression psychosomatic response (psychosomatic symptom, pain sensitivity), psychosocial response, immunologic response; O3, O4=anger, anger expression, psychosomatic response (psychosomatic symptom), psychosocial response.

Table 1.
General Characteristics and Homogeneity between Experimental and Control Group (N=55)
Variables Exp. (n=32) Cont. (n=23) 2/t p
n (%) M±SD n (%) M±SD
Age 15.8±0.42 16.1±0.94 −1.61* .11
Number of siblings 2.6±1.77 2.7±2.13 −0.28* .78
Parental economic status (1,000 won) (n=32) 0.25 � 1.00
Below 1,000 6 (28.5) 3 (27.3)
1,000-3,000 13 (61.9) 7 (36.6)
Above 3,000 2 (9.5) 1 (9.1)
Live with (n=54) 0.12 .72
Both parents 19 (61.3) 13 (56.5)
Single parent or no parents 12 (38.7) 10 (43.5)
Educational level of Father (n=43) 0.01 1.00
Below high school 8 (32.0) 6 (33.3)
High school or above 17 (68.0) 12 (66.7)
Educational level of Mother (n=44) 0.54 .53
Below high school 10 (38.5) 5 (27.8)
High school or above 16 (61.5) 13 (72.2)
Smoking 2.17 .14
Yes 13 (40.7) 5 (21.7)
No 19 (59.3) 18 (78.3)
Drinking 1.95 .16
Yes 11 (34.5) 4 (17.4)
No 21 (65.6) 19 (82.6)
Height 166.5±29.10 166.34±34.69 0.02* .98
Weight 69.0±17.48 64.8±17.64 0.88* .38

*t-test; Fisher’s exact test.

Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

Table 2.
Homogeneity of Outcome Variables between Experimental and Control Group (N=55)
Variables Exp. (n=32) Cont. (n=23) t p
Trait anger 23.1±4.32 20.8±4.82 1.77 .08
State anger 13.5±4.38 13.8±4.83 −0.24 .81
Anger expression 32.9±9.66 31.1±7.71 0.71 .48
Anger-in 17.4±3.33 17.2±3.23 0.15 .88
Anger-out 16.8±4.47 15.6±3.63 1.02 .31
Anger-control 17.9±5.12 18.5±5.65 −0.35 .73
Psychosomatic response
Psychosomatic symptoms 27.0±8.29 29.8±8.73 −1.18 .24
Pain sensitivity 5.5±1.58 4.2±0.79 3.85 .00**
Psychosocial response
Depression 37.4±9.14 41.1±13.29 −1.20 .24
Entrapment 42.4±12.85 41.2±18.47 0.27 .79
Outer entrapment 27.1±8.35 25.5±10.99 0.57 .57
Inner entrapment 15.3±5.27 15.7±7.55 −0.22 .83
Resilience 43.8±7.77 45.5±8.05 −0.77 .45
Social competence 21.8±3.73 23.0±4.17 −1.03 .31
Autonomy and sense of self 14.3±2.95 15.0±3.32 −0.84 .40
Sense of meaning and purpose 7.8±2.35 7.5±2.47 0.42 .68
Immunologic response
WBC 6,470.3±1,744.50 6,089.6±1,522.10 0.84 .40
Lymphocytes 32.5±7.72 34.7±8.85 −1.08 .28
B cell 14.7±4.18 15.0±4.50 −0.23 .82
T cell 63.6±6.94 66.0±6.44 −1.31 .20
Th cell 28.1±6.83 32.0±5.58 −2.26 .03*
Ts cell 28.8±5.67 28.6±5.78 0.11 .91
NK cell 18.4±8.15 16.6±6.90 0.90 .37

*p<.05; **p<.01; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cell=natural killer cell; Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

Table 3.
Effects of SAMP on Outcome Variables (N=55)
Variables Time 2 Time 3 Time 4
M±SD t p M±SD t p M±SD t p
Trait anger Exp. 23.1±3.97 2.09 .04* 21.6±6.28 0.43 .67 21.6±6.60 1.20 .24
Cont. 20.8±4.17 20.9±5.48 19.7±4.66
State anger Exp. 12.9±4.60 −1.00 .33 14.5±6.70 −0.10 .92 12.7±5.24 −0.75 .46
Cont. 14.1±4.34 14.7±7.09 13.7±4.68
Anger expression Exp. 32.4±6.64 1.12 .27 32.7±7.04 0.85 .40 31.1±8.17 0.20 .84
Cont. 30.1±7.26 31.0±7.26 30.7±6.66
Anger-control Exp. 18.0±4.66 −0.93 .36 19.8±5.00 0.86 .39 18.1±5.42 −0.35 .73
Cont. 19.4±6.15 18.5±5.48 18.6±5.17
Anger-in Exp. 17.2±3.24 −0.26 .80 18.5±4.47 0.85 .40 16.9±4.56 −0.62 .53
Cont. 17.4±4.26 17.5±3.84 17.6±3.89
Anger-out Exp. 16.7±3.82 1.51 .14 17.7±5.00 1.42 .16 16.3±4.35 0.58 .57
Cont. 15.1±3.42 16.0±3.14 15.7±3.47
Psychosomatic symptoms Exp. 26.7±11.19 0.27 .79 23.3±11.39 −0.82 .41 24.3±10.41 0.16 .88
Cont. 25.9±8.86 26.2±12.81 23.9±10.95
Pain sensitivity Exp. 4.7±1.04 −1.36 .18
Cont. 5.1±1.15
Depression Exp. 40.9±9.55 0.29 .78 37.8±9.10 −0.54 .59 36.8±9.83 −0.55 .59
Cont. 40.0±12.30 39.2±10.98 38.3±8.68
Entrapment Exp. 37.5±13.42 −1.22 .23 34.3±16.70 −1.04 .30 39.5±17.21 0.51 .61
Cont. 42.6±17.00 39.5±20.04 37.1±7.11
External entrapment Exp. 23.9±8.51 −0.84 .40 21.7±10.53 −0.70 .49 24.9±11.32 0.39 .70
Cont. 26.1±10.52 23.9±12.58 23.7±10.69
Internal entrapment Exp. 13.6±5.46 −1.66 .10 12.6±6.74 −1.51 .14 14.6±6.56 0.48 .63
Cont. 16.4±7.00 15.6±7.78 13.7±6.57
Resilience Exp. 45.0±11.09 −1.10 .92 45.1±11.49 −1.16 .25 47.5±8.25 0.65 .52
Cont. 45.2±8.96 48.4±7.97 45.9±9.44
Social competence Exp. 21.8±5.72 −0.88 .38 22.7±5.59 −0.94 .35 23.2±4.82 0.15 .88
Cont. 23.0±3.64 24.0±4.30 23.0±4.77
Autonomy and sense of self Exp. 14.4±4.09 −0.47 .64 15.0±4.17 −1.01 .32 15.9±3.12 0.93 .35
Cont. 14.9±3.82 16.1±3.08 15.1±3.48
Sense of meaning and purpose Exp. 7.6±2.73 0.38 .71 7.4±2.85 −1.33 .19 8.7±2.63 1.29 .20
Cont. 7.3±2.51 8.3±2.39 7.7±2.65
WBC Exp. 6,297.5±1,079.3 3 0.78 .44
Cont. 6,000.0±1,763.0 0
Lymphocytes Exp. 31.6±6.84 2.03 .04*
Cont. 27.5±8.11
B cell Exp. 14.6±3.96 −1.18 .24
Cont. 15.9±4.73
T cell Exp. 67.1±6.76 0.56 .58
Cont. 66.0±6.78
Th cell Exp. 31.6±7.06 −0.76 .45
Cont. 32.9±5.14
Ts cell Exp. 29.6±5.58 1.19 .24
Cont. 27.8±5.73
NK cell Exp. 15.9±7.17 −0.17 .86
Cont. 16.3±6.87

*p<.05; SAMP=school-based anger management program; Time 2=1 week after Intervention; Time 3=4-week follow-up; Time 4=10-week follow-up; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cel=natural killer cell.

Table 4.
Effects of SAMP for the Experimental Group (N=32)
Variables Time 1-Time 2 Time 1-Time 3 Time 1-Time 4
M±SD t p M±SD t p M±SD t p
Trait anger 0.2±2.74 0.28 .78 1.7±5.98 1.51 .14 1.6±5.73 1.44 .16
State anger 0.7±2.67 1.44 .16 −0.6±5.73 −0.61 .55 0.7±4.24 0.86 .40
Anger expression 1.5±7.56 0.97 .62 0.1±9.00 0.04 .96 1.9±6.85 1.49 .15
Anger-control −0.5±4.01 −0.62 .53 −2.3±6.60 −1.86 .07 −0.2±4.20 −0.31 .76
Anger-in 0.3±4.25 0.39 .70 −1.2±3.48 −1.82 .08 0.6±4.72 0.73 .47
Anger-out 0.2±3.86 0.28 .34 −0.9±5.02 −1.02 .32 0.6±3.64 0.94 .46
Psychosomatic symptoms 1.0±10.25 0.51 .62 4.3±8.94 2.58 .02* 2.8±8.48 1.80 .08
Pain sensitivity 0.8±1.55 3.02 .00**
Resilience −1.2±9.93 −0.57 .58 −3.2±9.84 −1.70 .10 −1.9±7.86 −1.22 .23
Social competence −2.0±5.49 0.10 .92 −0.8±6.21 −0.69 .49 −0.9±5.30 −0.93 .36
Autonomy and sense of self 0.1±4.11 0.14 .89 −1.2±4.17 −1.45 .15 −1.2±2.90 −2.13 .04*
Sense of meaning and purpose 0.2±2.82 0.46 .65 0.2±2.40 0.46 .65 −0.7±2.63 −1.41 .17
Depression −3.6±7.27 −2.62 .01* −0.4±7.91 −0.23 .82 0.3±10.91 0.15 .88
Entrapment 4.8±13.34 1.99 .06 8.0±15.63 2.85 .00** 2.1±15.56 0.75 .46
External entrapment 3.1±8.38 2.04 .05 5.2±10.67 2.71 .01* 1.6±11.15 0.77 .45
Internal entrapment 1.7±5.97 1.63 .11 2.7±5.74 2.68 .01* 0.7±5.76 0.62 .54
WBC 172.8±1,738.8 0.56 .58
Lymphocytes 0.9±7.75 0.62 .54
B cell 0.2±2.49 0.40 .69
T cell −3.5±3.73 −5.28 <.0001**
Th cell −3.5±3.11 −6.31 <.0001**
Ts cell −0.9±1.57 −3.15 .00**
NK cell 2.5±4.20 3.38 .00**

*p<.05; **p<.01; SAMP=school-based anger management program; Time 1=1 week before Intervention; Time 2=1 week after Intervention; Time 3=4-week follow-up; Time 4=10-week follow-up; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cell=natural killer cell.

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        Development and Evaluation of a School-based Anger Management Program (SAMP) for Adolescents
        J Korean Acad Nurs. 2009;39(1):145-156.   Published online February 17, 2009
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      Development and Evaluation of a School-based Anger Management Program (SAMP) for Adolescents
      Figure 1. Research design.
      Development and Evaluation of a School-based Anger Management Program (SAMP) for Adolescents

      General Characteristics and Homogeneity between Experimental and Control Group (N=55)

      Variables Exp. (n=32) Cont. (n=23) 2/t p
      n (%) M±SD n (%) M±SD
      Age 15.8±0.42 16.1±0.94 −1.61* .11
      Number of siblings 2.6±1.77 2.7±2.13 −0.28* .78
      Parental economic status (1,000 won) (n=32) 0.25 � 1.00
      Below 1,000 6 (28.5) 3 (27.3)
      1,000-3,000 13 (61.9) 7 (36.6)
      Above 3,000 2 (9.5) 1 (9.1)
      Live with (n=54) 0.12 .72
      Both parents 19 (61.3) 13 (56.5)
      Single parent or no parents 12 (38.7) 10 (43.5)
      Educational level of Father (n=43) 0.01 1.00
      Below high school 8 (32.0) 6 (33.3)
      High school or above 17 (68.0) 12 (66.7)
      Educational level of Mother (n=44) 0.54 .53
      Below high school 10 (38.5) 5 (27.8)
      High school or above 16 (61.5) 13 (72.2)
      Smoking 2.17 .14
      Yes 13 (40.7) 5 (21.7)
      No 19 (59.3) 18 (78.3)
      Drinking 1.95 .16
      Yes 11 (34.5) 4 (17.4)
      No 21 (65.6) 19 (82.6)
      Height 166.5±29.10 166.34±34.69 0.02* .98
      Weight 69.0±17.48 64.8±17.64 0.88* .38

      *t-test; Fisher’s exact test.

      Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

      Homogeneity of Outcome Variables between Experimental and Control Group (N=55)

      Variables Exp. (n=32) Cont. (n=23) t p
      M±SD M±SD
      Trait anger 23.1±4.32 20.8±4.82 1.77 .08
      State anger 13.5±4.38 13.8±4.83 −0.24 .81
      Anger expression 32.9±9.66 31.1±7.71 0.71 .48
      Anger-in 17.4±3.33 17.2±3.23 0.15 .88
      Anger-out 16.8±4.47 15.6±3.63 1.02 .31
      Anger-control 17.9±5.12 18.5±5.65 −0.35 .73
      Psychosomatic response
      Psychosomatic symptoms 27.0±8.29 29.8±8.73 −1.18 .24
      Pain sensitivity 5.5±1.58 4.2±0.79 3.85 .00**
      Psychosocial response
      Depression 37.4±9.14 41.1±13.29 −1.20 .24
      Entrapment 42.4±12.85 41.2±18.47 0.27 .79
      Outer entrapment 27.1±8.35 25.5±10.99 0.57 .57
      Inner entrapment 15.3±5.27 15.7±7.55 −0.22 .83
      Resilience 43.8±7.77 45.5±8.05 −0.77 .45
      Social competence 21.8±3.73 23.0±4.17 −1.03 .31
      Autonomy and sense of self 14.3±2.95 15.0±3.32 −0.84 .40
      Sense of meaning and purpose 7.8±2.35 7.5±2.47 0.42 .68
      Immunologic response
      WBC 6,470.3±1,744.50 6,089.6±1,522.10 0.84 .40
      Lymphocytes 32.5±7.72 34.7±8.85 −1.08 .28
      B cell 14.7±4.18 15.0±4.50 −0.23 .82
      T cell 63.6±6.94 66.0±6.44 −1.31 .20
      Th cell 28.1±6.83 32.0±5.58 −2.26 .03*
      Ts cell 28.8±5.67 28.6±5.78 0.11 .91
      NK cell 18.4±8.15 16.6±6.90 0.90 .37

      *p<.05; **p<.01; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cell=natural killer cell; Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

      Effects of SAMP on Outcome Variables (N=55)

      Variables Time 2 Time 3 Time 4
      M±SD t p M±SD t p M±SD t p
      Trait anger Exp. 23.1±3.97 2.09 .04* 21.6±6.28 0.43 .67 21.6±6.60 1.20 .24
      Cont. 20.8±4.17 20.9±5.48 19.7±4.66
      State anger Exp. 12.9±4.60 −1.00 .33 14.5±6.70 −0.10 .92 12.7±5.24 −0.75 .46
      Cont. 14.1±4.34 14.7±7.09 13.7±4.68
      Anger expression Exp. 32.4±6.64 1.12 .27 32.7±7.04 0.85 .40 31.1±8.17 0.20 .84
      Cont. 30.1±7.26 31.0±7.26 30.7±6.66
      Anger-control Exp. 18.0±4.66 −0.93 .36 19.8±5.00 0.86 .39 18.1±5.42 −0.35 .73
      Cont. 19.4±6.15 18.5±5.48 18.6±5.17
      Anger-in Exp. 17.2±3.24 −0.26 .80 18.5±4.47 0.85 .40 16.9±4.56 −0.62 .53
      Cont. 17.4±4.26 17.5±3.84 17.6±3.89
      Anger-out Exp. 16.7±3.82 1.51 .14 17.7±5.00 1.42 .16 16.3±4.35 0.58 .57
      Cont. 15.1±3.42 16.0±3.14 15.7±3.47
      Psychosomatic symptoms Exp. 26.7±11.19 0.27 .79 23.3±11.39 −0.82 .41 24.3±10.41 0.16 .88
      Cont. 25.9±8.86 26.2±12.81 23.9±10.95
      Pain sensitivity Exp. 4.7±1.04 −1.36 .18
      Cont. 5.1±1.15
      Depression Exp. 40.9±9.55 0.29 .78 37.8±9.10 −0.54 .59 36.8±9.83 −0.55 .59
      Cont. 40.0±12.30 39.2±10.98 38.3±8.68
      Entrapment Exp. 37.5±13.42 −1.22 .23 34.3±16.70 −1.04 .30 39.5±17.21 0.51 .61
      Cont. 42.6±17.00 39.5±20.04 37.1±7.11
      External entrapment Exp. 23.9±8.51 −0.84 .40 21.7±10.53 −0.70 .49 24.9±11.32 0.39 .70
      Cont. 26.1±10.52 23.9±12.58 23.7±10.69
      Internal entrapment Exp. 13.6±5.46 −1.66 .10 12.6±6.74 −1.51 .14 14.6±6.56 0.48 .63
      Cont. 16.4±7.00 15.6±7.78 13.7±6.57
      Resilience Exp. 45.0±11.09 −1.10 .92 45.1±11.49 −1.16 .25 47.5±8.25 0.65 .52
      Cont. 45.2±8.96 48.4±7.97 45.9±9.44
      Social competence Exp. 21.8±5.72 −0.88 .38 22.7±5.59 −0.94 .35 23.2±4.82 0.15 .88
      Cont. 23.0±3.64 24.0±4.30 23.0±4.77
      Autonomy and sense of self Exp. 14.4±4.09 −0.47 .64 15.0±4.17 −1.01 .32 15.9±3.12 0.93 .35
      Cont. 14.9±3.82 16.1±3.08 15.1±3.48
      Sense of meaning and purpose Exp. 7.6±2.73 0.38 .71 7.4±2.85 −1.33 .19 8.7±2.63 1.29 .20
      Cont. 7.3±2.51 8.3±2.39 7.7±2.65
      WBC Exp. 6,297.5±1,079.3 3 0.78 .44
      Cont. 6,000.0±1,763.0 0
      Lymphocytes Exp. 31.6±6.84 2.03 .04*
      Cont. 27.5±8.11
      B cell Exp. 14.6±3.96 −1.18 .24
      Cont. 15.9±4.73
      T cell Exp. 67.1±6.76 0.56 .58
      Cont. 66.0±6.78
      Th cell Exp. 31.6±7.06 −0.76 .45
      Cont. 32.9±5.14
      Ts cell Exp. 29.6±5.58 1.19 .24
      Cont. 27.8±5.73
      NK cell Exp. 15.9±7.17 −0.17 .86
      Cont. 16.3±6.87

      *p<.05; SAMP=school-based anger management program; Time 2=1 week after Intervention; Time 3=4-week follow-up; Time 4=10-week follow-up; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cel=natural killer cell.

      Effects of SAMP for the Experimental Group (N=32)

      Variables Time 1-Time 2 Time 1-Time 3 Time 1-Time 4
      M±SD t p M±SD t p M±SD t p
      Trait anger 0.2±2.74 0.28 .78 1.7±5.98 1.51 .14 1.6±5.73 1.44 .16
      State anger 0.7±2.67 1.44 .16 −0.6±5.73 −0.61 .55 0.7±4.24 0.86 .40
      Anger expression 1.5±7.56 0.97 .62 0.1±9.00 0.04 .96 1.9±6.85 1.49 .15
      Anger-control −0.5±4.01 −0.62 .53 −2.3±6.60 −1.86 .07 −0.2±4.20 −0.31 .76
      Anger-in 0.3±4.25 0.39 .70 −1.2±3.48 −1.82 .08 0.6±4.72 0.73 .47
      Anger-out 0.2±3.86 0.28 .34 −0.9±5.02 −1.02 .32 0.6±3.64 0.94 .46
      Psychosomatic symptoms 1.0±10.25 0.51 .62 4.3±8.94 2.58 .02* 2.8±8.48 1.80 .08
      Pain sensitivity 0.8±1.55 3.02 .00**
      Resilience −1.2±9.93 −0.57 .58 −3.2±9.84 −1.70 .10 −1.9±7.86 −1.22 .23
      Social competence −2.0±5.49 0.10 .92 −0.8±6.21 −0.69 .49 −0.9±5.30 −0.93 .36
      Autonomy and sense of self 0.1±4.11 0.14 .89 −1.2±4.17 −1.45 .15 −1.2±2.90 −2.13 .04*
      Sense of meaning and purpose 0.2±2.82 0.46 .65 0.2±2.40 0.46 .65 −0.7±2.63 −1.41 .17
      Depression −3.6±7.27 −2.62 .01* −0.4±7.91 −0.23 .82 0.3±10.91 0.15 .88
      Entrapment 4.8±13.34 1.99 .06 8.0±15.63 2.85 .00** 2.1±15.56 0.75 .46
      External entrapment 3.1±8.38 2.04 .05 5.2±10.67 2.71 .01* 1.6±11.15 0.77 .45
      Internal entrapment 1.7±5.97 1.63 .11 2.7±5.74 2.68 .01* 0.7±5.76 0.62 .54
      WBC 172.8±1,738.8 0.56 .58
      Lymphocytes 0.9±7.75 0.62 .54
      B cell 0.2±2.49 0.40 .69
      T cell −3.5±3.73 −5.28 <.0001**
      Th cell −3.5±3.11 −6.31 <.0001**
      Ts cell −0.9±1.57 −3.15 .00**
      NK cell 2.5±4.20 3.38 .00**

      *p<.05; **p<.01; SAMP=school-based anger management program; Time 1=1 week before Intervention; Time 2=1 week after Intervention; Time 3=4-week follow-up; Time 4=10-week follow-up; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cell=natural killer cell.

      Table 1. General Characteristics and Homogeneity between Experimental and Control Group (N=55)

      *t-test; Fisher’s exact test.

      Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

      Table 2. Homogeneity of Outcome Variables between Experimental and Control Group (N=55)

      *p<.05; **p<.01; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cell=natural killer cell; Exp.=experimental group; Cont.=control group.

      Table 3. Effects of SAMP on Outcome Variables (N=55)

      *p<.05; SAMP=school-based anger management program; Time 2=1 week after Intervention; Time 3=4-week follow-up; Time 4=10-week follow-up; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cel=natural killer cell.

      Table 4. Effects of SAMP for the Experimental Group (N=32)

      *p<.05; **p<.01; SAMP=school-based anger management program; Time 1=1 week before Intervention; Time 2=1 week after Intervention; Time 3=4-week follow-up; Time 4=10-week follow-up; Th cell=helper T cell; Ts cell=suppressor T cell; NK cell=natural killer cell.

      J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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