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Original Article
Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire
Yu Kyung Park, Hyeon Ok Ju, Hunjoo Na
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2016;46(1):29-38.
Published online: February 29, 2016

1Choonhae College of Health Science, Ulsan, Korea.

2Department of Nursing, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Ju, Hyeon Ok. Department of Nursing, Dong-A University, 32 Daesin Gongwon-ro, Seo-gu, Busan 49201, Korea. Tel: +82-51-240-2689, Fax: +82-51-240-2920,
• Received: August 14, 2015   • Revised: September 3, 2015   • Accepted: October 1, 2015

© 2016 Korean Society of Nursing Science

This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution NoDerivs License. ( If the original work is properly cited and retained without any modification or reproduction, it can be used and re-distributed in any format and medium.

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  • Purpose
    The Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire (PPQ) was designed to measure post-traumatic symptoms related to childbirth and symptoms during postnatal period. The purpose of this study was to develop a translated Korean version of the PPQ and to evaluate reliability and validity of the Korean PPQ.
  • Methods
    Participants were 196 mothers at one to 18 months after giving childbirth and data were collected through e-mails. The PPQ was translated into Korean using translation guideline from World Health Organization. For this study Cronbach's alpha and split-half reliability were used to evaluate the reliability of the PPQ. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA), Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and known-group validity were conducted to examine construct validity. Correlations of the PPQ with Impact of Event Scale (IES), Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II), and Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI) were used to test a criterion validity of the PPQ.
  • Results
    Cronbach's alpha and Spearman-Brown split-half correlation coefficient were 0.91 and 0.77, respectively. EFA identified a 3-factor solution including arousal, avoidance, and intrusion factors and CFA revealed the strongest support for the 3-factor model. The correlations of the PPQ with IES, BDI-II, and BAI were .99, .60, and .72, respectively, pointing to criterion validity of a high level.
  • Conclusion
    The Korean version PPQ is a useful tool for screening and assessing mothers' experiencing emotional distress related to child birth and during the postnatal period. The PPQ also reflects Post Traumatic Stress Disorder's diagnostic standards well.
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Appendix 1

Korean Version of the Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire [Korean PPQ])

Figure. 1
Three-factor model of Korean mothers' perinatal PTSD with standardised parameter estimates and factor intercorrelations.
Table 1

Exploratory Factor Analysis of Korean PPQ


NFI=Normed Fit Index; NNFI=Nonnormed Fit Index; CFI=Comparative Fit Index; GFI=Goodness of Fit Index; AGFI=Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index; RMSEA=Root Mean-Squared Error of Approximation.

Table 2

Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity


AVE=Average variance extracted; CR=Construct reliability.

Table 3

Comparison of Korean PPQ Scores between Fullterm and Preterm Group (N =196)


PPQ=Perinatal PTSD questionnaire.

Table 4

Correlations of Korean PPQ, IES-K-R, BDI-II and BAI (N =196)


PPQ=Perinatal PTSD questionnaire; IES-K-R=Korean version of impact of event scale-revised; BDI=Beck depression inventory; BAI=Beck anxiety inventory.

Figure & Data



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      Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire
      J Korean Acad Nurs. 2016;46(1):29-38.   Published online February 29, 2016
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    Figure. 1 Three-factor model of Korean mothers' perinatal PTSD with standardised parameter estimates and factor intercorrelations.
    Reliability and Validity of the Korean Version of the Perinatal Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Questionnaire

    Exploratory Factor Analysis of Korean PPQ

    NFI=Normed Fit Index; NNFI=Nonnormed Fit Index; CFI=Comparative Fit Index; GFI=Goodness of Fit Index; AGFI=Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index; RMSEA=Root Mean-Squared Error of Approximation.

    Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity

    AVE=Average variance extracted; CR=Construct reliability.

    Comparison of Korean PPQ Scores between Fullterm and Preterm Group (N =196)

    PPQ=Perinatal PTSD questionnaire.

    Correlations of Korean PPQ, IES-K-R, BDI-II and BAI (N =196)

    PPQ=Perinatal PTSD questionnaire; IES-K-R=Korean version of impact of event scale-revised; BDI=Beck depression inventory; BAI=Beck anxiety inventory.

    Table 1 Exploratory Factor Analysis of Korean PPQ

    NFI=Normed Fit Index; NNFI=Nonnormed Fit Index; CFI=Comparative Fit Index; GFI=Goodness of Fit Index; AGFI=Adjusted Goodness of Fit Index; RMSEA=Root Mean-Squared Error of Approximation.

    Table 2 Convergent Validity and Discriminant Validity

    AVE=Average variance extracted; CR=Construct reliability.

    Table 3 Comparison of Korean PPQ Scores between Fullterm and Preterm Group (N =196)

    PPQ=Perinatal PTSD questionnaire.

    Table 4 Correlations of Korean PPQ, IES-K-R, BDI-II and BAI (N =196)

    PPQ=Perinatal PTSD questionnaire; IES-K-R=Korean version of impact of event scale-revised; BDI=Beck depression inventory; BAI=Beck anxiety inventory.

    J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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