Transplant Coordinator, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Seoul, Korea.
Address reprint requests to: Son, Sun Young. Transplant Coordinator, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Gangnam Severance Hospital, 712 Eonjuro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 135-720, Korea. Tel: +82-2-20196-1265, FAX: +82-2-2019-4827,
• Received: April 2, 2009 • Accepted: October 24, 2011
The purpose of this study was to describe the experience process of adolescents with hematologic malignancies. The question for the study was "What is the experience of adolescents with hematologic malignancies like?".
The grounded theory methodology was used for this study. The data were collected through in-depth interview from 10 adolescents with hematologic malignancies. Data collection was done from January to June 2007. Theoretical sampling was used until the data reached saturation.
As a result of the analysis, "Reconstructing self-image from deviated and suspended life" was identified as the core category. And 11 subcategories were identified and they were integrated to the core category. 'Establishment of expanded and matured self' was identified as the consequence.
The results of the study provide a frame for effective individualized nursing intervention strategies in helping adjustment of the adolescents with hematologic malignancies.
This article is a revision of the author's doctoral thesis from Yonsei University.
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