1Professor, College of Nursing Science, East-West Nursing Research Institute, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
2Doctoral Students, College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.
Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science
Burnout by Demographics and General Characteristics of Participants (N=212)
*Sheffe test: Different letters mean significantly different.
Mean and Standard Deviation of Variables
Correlation among Variables
*p<.05; †p<.01.
X1=Burnout; X2=Job stress; X3=Job satisfaction; X4=Self-efficacy; X5=Organizational commitment; X6=Empowerment; X7=Autonomy; X8=Social support; X9=Satisfaction level with current ward; X10=Total length of clinic career; X11=Employment period at the current work; X12=Employment period on the current ward; X13=Age.
Factors Influencing Burnout in Contingent Nurses
Adj R2=Adjusted R2
*Sheffe test: Different letters mean significantly different.
* X1=Burnout; X2=Job stress; X3=Job satisfaction; X4=Self-efficacy; X5=Organizational commitment; X6=Empowerment; X7=Autonomy; X8=Social support; X9=Satisfaction level with current ward; X10=Total length of clinic career; X11=Employment period at the current work; X12=Employment period on the current ward; X13=Age.
Adj R2=Adjusted R2