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Original Article
Contingent Nurses' Burnout and Influencing Factors
Won Ock Kim, Sook Ja Moon, Sang Sook Han
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2010;40(6):882-891.
Published online: December 31, 2010

1Professor, College of Nursing Science, East-West Nursing Research Institute, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.

2Doctoral Students, College of Nursing Science, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea.

Address reprint requests to: Han, Sang Sook. College of Nursing Science, East-West Nursing Research Institute, Kyung Hee University, 1 Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 130-701, Korea. Tel: 82-2-961-9427, Fax: 82-2-961-9398,
• Received: August 27, 2009   • Accepted: December 28, 2010

Copyright © 2010 Korean Society of Nursing Science

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  • Purpose
    This study was designed to identify burnout and factors influencing burnout in contingent nurses.
  • Methods
    A cross-sectional design was conducted with a sample of 228 contingent nurses randomly selected from 25 general hospitals in Korea. The tools used for this study were scales measuring burnout (8 items), job stress (8 items), job satisfaction (9 items), self efficacy (9 items), organizational commitment (9 items), empowerment (9 items), autonomy (7 items) and social support (8 items). The data were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 employing Pearson correlation coefficients and multiple regression analysis.
  • Results
    The mean score for burnout in contingent nurses was 3.05 points. Factors influencing burnout in contingent nurses were identified as job stress (β=.40), satisfaction level with current ward (β=-.25), organizational commitment (β=-.21), job satisfaction (β=-.19) and empowerment (β=-.16). These factors explained 65.0% of burnout reported by contingent nurses.
  • Conclusion
    The results indicate which factors are major factors influencing burnout in contingent nurses in general hospitals. Therefore, these factors may serve as predictors of burnout in contingent nurses.
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Table 1
Burnout by Demographics and General Characteristics of Participants (N=212)

*Sheffe test: Different letters mean significantly different.

Table 2
Mean and Standard Deviation of Variables
Table 3
Correlation among Variables

*p<.05; p<.01.

X1=Burnout; X2=Job stress; X3=Job satisfaction; X4=Self-efficacy; X5=Organizational commitment; X6=Empowerment; X7=Autonomy; X8=Social support; X9=Satisfaction level with current ward; X10=Total length of clinic career; X11=Employment period at the current work; X12=Employment period on the current ward; X13=Age.

Table 4
Factors Influencing Burnout in Contingent Nurses

Adj R2=Adjusted R2

Figure & Data



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      Contingent Nurses' Burnout and Influencing Factors
      J Korean Acad Nurs. 2010;40(6):882-891.   Published online December 31, 2010
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    We recommend
    Contingent Nurses' Burnout and Influencing Factors
    Contingent Nurses' Burnout and Influencing Factors

    Burnout by Demographics and General Characteristics of Participants (N=212)

    *Sheffe test: Different letters mean significantly different.

    Mean and Standard Deviation of Variables

    Correlation among Variables

    *p<.05; p<.01.

    X1=Burnout; X2=Job stress; X3=Job satisfaction; X4=Self-efficacy; X5=Organizational commitment; X6=Empowerment; X7=Autonomy; X8=Social support; X9=Satisfaction level with current ward; X10=Total length of clinic career; X11=Employment period at the current work; X12=Employment period on the current ward; X13=Age.

    Factors Influencing Burnout in Contingent Nurses

    Adj R2=Adjusted R2

    Table 1 Burnout by Demographics and General Characteristics of Participants (N=212)

    *Sheffe test: Different letters mean significantly different.

    Table 2 Mean and Standard Deviation of Variables

    Table 3 Correlation among Variables

    *p<.05; p<.01.

    X1=Burnout; X2=Job stress; X3=Job satisfaction; X4=Self-efficacy; X5=Organizational commitment; X6=Empowerment; X7=Autonomy; X8=Social support; X9=Satisfaction level with current ward; X10=Total length of clinic career; X11=Employment period at the current work; X12=Employment period on the current ward; X13=Age.

    Table 4 Factors Influencing Burnout in Contingent Nurses

    Adj R2=Adjusted R2

    J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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