Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Yangsan, Korea.
Address reprint requests to: Ha, Ju-Young. College of Nursing, Pusan National University, Beomeo-ri, Mulgeum-eup, Yangsan 626-870, Korea. Tel: 82-51-510-8332, Fax: 82-51-510-8308,
• Received: September 2, 2009 • Revised: September 3, 2009 • Accepted: October 14, 2010
This study was done to develop standards for dementia care as a baseline for professional nurses to provide a framework for dementia care evaluation.
The dementia care standards were developed through a literature review and focus group discussions. According to the Delphi method, the data analysis was conducted using the Content Validity Index (CVI).
The final set of 18 standards on dementia care was developed through one round of CVI. The standards included four structural standards: 'Organization of nursing system', 'Operating system', 'Management of human resources', 'Management of material resources', 13 procedural standards: 'Advanced assessment', 'Nursing diagnosis', 'Nursing plan', 'Advanced nursing implementation', 'Evaluation', 'Education', 'Research', 'Consultation', 'Counseling and cooperation', 'Development of specialty', 'Utilizing resources', 'Nursing quality assurance', 'Ethics', and one standard concerning outcome ('Evaluation of nursing tasks in care of patients with dementia'). The final set of 55 criteria on care of patients with dementia was confirmed through two rounds of CVI. The final 171 indicators were confirmed through four rounds of CVI.
These dementia care standards provides a framework that allows registered nurses to clarify their roles and tasks in the care of patients with dementia and provides evaluation criteria.
This article is a revision of the first author's doctoral thesis from Ewha Womans University.
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