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The Comparison of the Perceived Needs between Patients with Cancer, their Caregivers, and Nurses According to the Cancer Patient's Phases of Illness
Young Hee Yang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(4):787-795.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This descriptive study was conducted to ascertain whether the needs of patients with cancer, their caregivers and their nurses changed according to the illness phases and if the perceived needs of the three groups were different for three categories of nursing needs. At two hospitals in Seoul and Choongnam, three groups of subjects, -patients with cancer(79), caregivers(92), and nurses(72)- responded to a questionnaire consisting of items on educational need(11 items), physical need(8 items), emotional need(9 items) using a 4-point Likert scale. The patients and caregivers were selected according to the phase of the cancer(initial, intermediate or recurred, terminal phases). Finding revealed that the level of perception and degree of satisfaction of the needs were low, just around two points in patients and caregivers. Of the three categories of needs, physical needs were received the highest score and the degree of satisfaction of physical needs was also the highest. There was no significant difference between the level of perception and satisfaction of needs in patients and caregivers according to the phases of the illness and the degree of per reception and the satisfaction of the patients were not significantly different and caregivers showed the same result. There was a significant difference in the level of importance of the needs of nurses according to the phases of the cancer. They perceived emotional needs were the most important in first phase and second phase, physical needs in third phase and the educational needs were more important in the first phase than in any other phase. The degree of importance of needs was significantly lower than the degree to which needs were addressed, according to the nurses response. In a comparison of patient and caregiver's perceived degrees of need, and need satisfaction, and nurse's perceived degree of need provision, patient and caregiver scores were lower than the nurses.

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Resourcefulness: A Concept Analysis
Soon Rim Suh, Young Im Park, Sung Jae Kim, In Ja Kim, Mee Ock Gu, Young Hee Yang, Eun Nam Lee, Song Ja Park, Eun Ok Choi, Dong Suk Lee, In Sook Lee, Eun Ok Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(2):329-340.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Resourcefulness was analyzed by Walker and Avant's method to make a theoretical framework for nursing. Also, the appropriate Korean terminology was identified. "Resourcefulness" means the ability to use internal and external resources to eliminate or to control stress. 'Resourcefulness' is chosen to be the most appropriate term to reflect the concept of resourcefulness. Upon the concept analysis availability, controllability, confidence, and self-instruction were identified as the defining characteristics of resourcefulness. Contrary to other work, "availability" means the ability to use the social resources as well as the internal cognitive-behavioral resources. "Controllability" means the ability to delay or control immediate gratification of one's needs or to divert one's own mood in order to solve problem. "Confidence" is the self-efficacy belief in one's control ability. "Self-instruction" is the cognitive ability to instruct oneself positively. Resourcefulness is learned by active experience, vicarious experience, and formal or informal instruction or a need for change. As a result of the use of resourcefulness, the target behavior performed immediately and ultimately improve the quality of life or adaptation. Therefore, it is necessary to develop the instrument including the defining attributes identified in this study. Also, it is necessary to simultaneously analyze the related concepts of self-efficacy, self-control, and self-regulation for appropriate use.

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Changes in Nutritional Status of General Medical Patients During Hospitalization
Young Hee Yang, S Mi Choi-Kwon, Eun Kyung Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(1):49-60.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of malnutrition among patients on admission to hospital, to monitor changes in their nutritional status during hospitalization, and to determine the factors which might affect changes in nutritional status. The subjects for the study were patients who were admitted to general medicine for more than one week. Patients suffering from cardiovascular, renal disease, or dehydration were excluded. Nutritional assessment of the patients was performed on admission and nutritional status was reassessed one week and two weeks after admission. The nutritional assessment tool consisted of subjective history taking and anthropometric measurements. Biochemical measurements were performed only on admission. For anthropometric assessment ; patients' body weight, subcutaneous skinfolds thickness, % of body fat, body mass index, and lean body mass were measured using caliper or Bio impedance Analyzer. Factors which might influence current nutritional status, like dietary intake, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, sleep disturbance, and number of day of NPO for diagnostic examinations were analyzed. The results are as follows : 1. Of the 59 patients who were studied, 61% were male and 39% female. The nutritional status of all of the 59 subjects was reassessed one week after admission, but it was only done for 22 subjects at two weeks. 2. The anthropometric measurements, including weight, body mass index, lean body mass, body fat, and skin fold thickness, were all significantly decreased at one week after admission compared to the values at admission. On the other hand, two weeks after admission, only body weight and abdominal skinfolds thickness were decreased. 3. The subjects reported anorexia for an average of two days, sleep disturbance for two days, and no food intake due to diagnostic test for one day. In the second week of hospitalization almost none of the patients complained of gastrointestinal symptoms or sleep disturbance except anorexia Food consumption which was measured based on rice intake was 60% of the food served during the first week of hospitalization, and 66% during the second week of hospitalization. 4. There was no correlation between the subjective nutritional assessment and anthropometric assessment. 5. There was no statistical significance in anthropometric measurements among the patients with various diseases whereas sleep disturbance and no food intake due to various diagnostic test was prominent in patients with gastrointestinal diseases.

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A Study of the Fluid Balance of the Patients on Soft Diets
Young Hee Yang, Kwon Smi Choi, Eun Kyoung Kim, Il Soon Sung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(3):688-696.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to investigate the fluid balance of the patients who were either on soft fluid diet or total parenteral nutrition. We studied 19 patients with neurologic disorders and 22 patients with oromaxillary surgery who were admitted to either D university hospital in Choognam or S general hospital in Seoul between May and November 1995. The mean age lor the patients who had oromaxillary surgery was 24 years and their average hospital stay was 9 days. The mean age of the patients with neurologic disorders was 54 years and they were bedridden for average of 71 days. For the maxillary bone surgery patients we did not limit the range of their activities in the ward during data collection period. The patients with neurological disorders were bedridden and did not move around the ward. They were all either on soft fluid diet, or total parenteral nutrition. The findings of this study are as follows; 1) The difference of the triceps skinfold thickness between the baseline and the final measurement was 0.4cm for neurologic patient group and 0.5cm for oromaxillary surgery patient group. The difference was not statistically significant in each group. 2) In the oromaxillary surgery patient group, the daily intake of fluid in the form of pure water, other beverages, fluid diet as well as IV fluid was 4581ml while urine output was 2979ml. The difference between fluid intake and output was statistically significant, indicating that fluid intake was far more than urine output. In neurologic patient group, the daily intake of fluid including water from fluid diet and IV fluid was 2701ml whereas urine output was 2253ml and they were statistically significant. 3) For a more accurate assessment we adjusted the fluid balance based on weight changes during data collection period. In the oromaxillary surgery patient group, the difference between fluid intake and output was 1238ml after weight changes being adjusted. The difference was statistically significant, suggesting fluid overload in this patient group. In neurologic patient group, the difference between fluid intake and output considering weight changes was 124ml. The difference was not statistically significant, suggesting that the fluid intake and output was well balanced in this patient group.

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A Study on Fluid Intake and Output Measurements
Smi Choi-Kwon, Young Hee Yang, Yun Jung
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1995;25(1):88-98.   Published online March 30, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The Fluid and electrolytes balance in the body is of critical importance in maintaining good health. When the fluid and electrolyte imbalance is present, patients are in great danger. They must be assessed immediately by a nurse so that appropriate treatment can be started as soon as possible. Patients' fluid intake and output records contain highly important information for the diagnosis and treatment of fluid imbalance, but, these records are often inaccurate and the method of recording the fluid intake is not universial for every hospital. Because they are few quantitative measurements of a patient's hydration, the need to improve the accuracy of fluid intake records is very important. However, very few studies have been done to investigate the accuracy of measurements of patients' fluid intake and output. The purpose of this study was to investigate the methods used for calculation of fluid intake which is most similar to fluid output in normal adults and hospitalized patients. This study focused on three different calculation methods for fluid intake and compared these to fluid output and developed suggestions as to the ideal way to record fluid intake. Data for 43 hospitalized patients and 37 normal adults were analyzed. The findings of this study are as follows; 1) In normal adults, the daily intake of water which enteres by the oral route was 2415ml(the first method of calculation). The daily intake of water in the form of pure water or some other beverage was 1365ml(the third method of calculation). The daily intake of water including fresh fruits and vegetables, rice, porridges, and Me urn which have water content more than 80% were 2186ml (the second method of calculation). 2) The urine output of the normal adults was 1350ml. This apprroximates the amount of fluid an adult takes in the form of pure water. 3) In patient group, the total intake of water was 2550ml(the first method of calculation). The intake of water in the form of pure water or as some other beverage and IV fluid was 1661ml (the third method of calculation). The daily intake of water including foods which have high water content was 2356ml (the second method of calculation). 4) The urine output of the patient's group was 1728ml. This approximates the amount of fluid an adult takes in the form of pure water. 5) Investigation of the method of calculation of the patient fluid intake showed that among the 31 hospitals studied, only eight use the third method of calculation which reflects the most close value to urine output. From the results obtained in this study, it was indicated that the amount of fluid taken in the form of pure water reflects the most close value to urine output. Therefore, it can be suggested that the third method of calculation which includes water intake only in the form of pure water or beverage should be used as patients' fluid intake record.

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The Trajectory of Fatigue and Quality of Life in Stomach Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Young Hee Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2002;32(4):482-491.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: This study aimed to identify the change patterns of fatigue and quality of life during consecutive chemotherapies and to determine the relationship of these two variables. METHOD: Stomach cancer patients receiving chemotherapy were recruited from a university hospital in Seoul. Each chemotherapy, subjects were asked to respond to the questionnaires regarding their fatigue and quality of life. The number of subjects who completed 4 cycles and over was 11. Fatigue was measured with Lee's tool(1999). Quality of life was measured with a tool revised by the author based on Padilla et al(1983). RESULT: Most patients were in 1st stage(5 patients) or 3rd stage(5 patients). Fatigue was revealed at its highest level in the 3rd or 4th chemotherapy and at its lowest level in the 1st or 6th chemotherapy. A quality of life appeared at its highest level in the 5th or 6th chemotherapy and the lowest level in 3rd or 4th chemotherapy. CONCLUSION: Among 6 cycles of chemotherapy, in 3-4th chemotherapy the fatigue was the highest and the quality of life were the lowest. Many patients decided to stop treatment at the same period. Therefore we can recognize cancer patients receiving chemo- therapy are in the highest risk at the time of the 3-4 th chemotherapy.

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The Nutritional Status of the Patients with Cancer during the Chemotherapies
Young Hee Yang, Sung Joon Kwon, Chang Imc Kim
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2001;31(6):978-987.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to determine the changing patterns of nausea, vomiting, anorexia and calorie intake. To examine the influence of those variables on the nutritional status of the cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.
To assess nutritional status, anthropometry and blood test were performed on 94 stomach cancer patients receiving postoperational chemotherapy on the daily basis. NVA and calorie intake were measured during chemotherapy.
93% of subjects had low level of hemoglobin and 45.7% was below the lymphocyte count. 57% of subjects lost 10% of usual weight. The value of anthropometry was reduced but the difference between pre- and post-chemotherapy did not reach any statistical significance. 27% of subjects was grouped into the malnutritional state. During chemotherapy, the higher the degree of NVA, the less calorie intake. The significant predictors for nutritional status were nausea and calorie intake.
The chemotherapy affected the food intake of cancer patients through NVA. Though the influence of chemotherapy on anthropopmetry was not significant in this research, nausea and food intake were the most affecting factors for nutrition of cancer patients. Therefore we need to assess nutritional status and support for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and to develop an intervention for improvement of symptoms and food intake.

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The Relationship of Anorexia, Nausea, Vomiting, Oral Intake and Nutritional Status in Patients Receiving Chemotherapy
Young Hee Yang, Dong Sun Lee
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2000;30(3):720-730.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Malnutrition is a common problem in cancer patients. In addition anticancer drugs used in chemotherapy as a major therapeutic mode are famous as the side effect like nausea, vomiting, which lead the patients to malnourished state. This study was to determine the relationship of anorexia, nausea, vomiting and oral intake and identify the influence these side effects on the nutritional status in patients receiving chemotherapy. To assess the nutritional status, anthropometry such as weight, height, body mass index(BMI), body fat proportion, and triceps skinfold thickness, and biochemistry test such as hemoglobin and lymphocyte were measured at the pre- and post- chemotherapy and the readmission time, all three times. During chemotherapy, anorexia, nausea, and vomiting using a VAS or 5-point scale and 24 hour oral intake using a food record were measured daily. Forty-nine patients knowing their diagnosis and receiving chemotherapy were recruited from an oncological ward in a general hospital for 5 months and they were reduced 31 at readmission time for a next chemotherapy. The results were as follows. Most subjects (93.6%) were in the 4th stage of cancer and 57.1% of subjects were in the first or the second chemotherapy. In most subjects(82.6%), their weight was decreased 10.7% than as usual. The degree of anorexia, nausea, and vomiting was significantly higher and the amount of oral intake was significantly less during the chemotherapy than at the pre-chemotherapy. Weight, BMI, triceps skinfold were reduced more at the post- chemotherapy than the pre-chemotherapy and were recovered the nearly same but less level at the readmission time. Body fat proportion was increased at the post chemotherapy and then decreased at the readmission phase. Hemoglobin and the number of lymphocyte were below normal at the pre-chemotherapy and more reduced at the readmission time. Anorexia, nausea, and vomiting were related positively and oral intake was negatively related with nausea and vomiting. The nutritional status at the post- chemotherapy and the readmission time was explained 20% over by the side effect like anorexia, nausea, vomiting and oral intake during the chemotherapy. The significant nutrition predictors at the post- chemotherapy were vomiting and the significant predictors at the readmission time were anorexia, vomiting, and oral intake. These results indicated the patients receiving chemotherapy were continued to deteriorate the nutritional status. Therefore nurse should have knowledge how much the nutritional status can be affected and assess the nutritional status periodically and try to find out the intervention for side effects from the series of chemotherapies.

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Nutritional Status of Cancer Patients upon Admission
Eun Kyung Kim, Young Hee Yang, Smi Choi-Kwon
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(2):271-280.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to assess the nutritional status of cancer patients and non-cancer patients who were admitted to an internal medical department and to determine the degree of malutrition among these patients. The study was performed from May to July 1996 with 151 subjects recruited from the general medical department at D University Hospital. For nutritional assessment the anthropometric and biochemical assessment were performed. Biochemical measurements included serum hemoglobin, albumin, and lymphocytes. For anthropometric assessment, patient's body weight, skinfold thickness in four areas, body mass index, and percent of body fat were measured. The results were as follows : 1) Of the 151 patients who were studied, 47 patients had cancer while 104 patients had non cancer related disease. The mean age of the cancer patients was 57 and 52 for non cancer patients. The percentage of patients who had lost body weight during the last 6 months was 29.8% in cancer patients and 15.4% in non cancer patients. This percentage difference between the 2 groups was statistically significant. However, there was no statistical significance between the 2 groups in gastrointestinal symptoms which lasted more then 2 weeks. 2) There was a statistically significant difference in nutritional status(lympocyte : p=.002 ; skinfold thickness in four areas : p<0.05) between the cancer and the non-cancer patients. The percentage of the patients who had the possibility of malnutrition was 65.5% in cancer patients and 6% in non-cancer patients. 3) There was correlation between the weight loss during the last 6 months before admission and body mass index and skinfold thickness.

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The Comparison of the coping Patterns of Cancer Patients and Their Caregivers According to the Phases of Illness
Young Hee Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(4):970-979.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

Cancer has been considered a life-threatening disease and coping patterns could have a string impact the physical and psychological health of patients and their family. The purpose of this study was to identify the change of coping patterns according to the phases of illness in the patients with cancer and their family caregivers and to compare the coping patterns of patients with those of their caregivers. The phases of illness consisted of 1st(initial) stage, 2nd(metastatic or recurred) stage and 3rd(terminal) stage based on literature. The coping methods were measured using the modified Ways of Coping Questionnaire by Lazarus and Folkman(1984). Seventy-nine patients(35 in stage 1,31 in stage 2, and 13 in stage 3) and ninety-two caregivers(38 in stage 1,30 in stage 2 and 24) agreed to participate from two general hospitals in Seoul and Choongnam. No significant changes were found in the coping patterns according to the phases of illness in both groups. Patients in stage 2 and caregivers in stages 2 and 3 problem-focused coping methods were significantly used more than emotion-focused coping methods. Patients in stage 1 significantly used two coping strategies that were cognitive reconstruction and emotion expression more than caregivers. Patents in stage 2 significantly used emotion-focused coping methods including minimizing threat, blame, and emotion expression excepting wishful thinking more than caregivers. We need more research to identify the relationship between the coping methods and their efficiencies through long-term observation and attempt to develop the nursing interventions that could have an improvement on positive coping methods and provide guidance on the problems the patients experience.

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Trajectory of Fatigue, Quality of Life and Physical Symptoms in Cancer Patients Receiving Radiotherapy
Young Hee Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(5):562-569.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this longitudinal prospective study was to assess changes in fatigue and quality of life for a 6-week course of radiotherapy.


A descriptive and longitudinal design was used to this study. Twenty-three subjects receiving radiotherapy from a radiotherapy clinic of a general hospital completed the questionnaires. Fatigue was measured using Lee's scale(1999) and quality of life using Yang's scale(2002) weekly for 6 weeks.


Fatigue significantly increased(F=6.043, p=.000), and quality of life significantly decreased(F=3.938, p=.003) and physical symptoms also significantly increased(F=2.432, p=.039) during a 6-week radiotherapy. Multiple regression analysis revealed that fatigue at the first week and physical symptoms at the 6th week were the significant affecting variables(60.1% of the variance) on fatigue. And 63.2% of the variance in quality of life was explained by quality of life and fatigue at the first week and body weight change for 6 weeks radiotherapy.


Based on these results, the fatigue and quality of life at the beginning time of radiotherapy have a lasting impact throughout the course of treatment. It suggests that nurses provide patients with information about the occurrence of fatigue during radiotherapy and the practical methods of intervening physical symptoms.

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Relationship Between Fatigue and Nutritional Status in Patients with Cancer Undergoing Radiotherapy
Young Hee Yang
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2003;33(4):478-487.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the relationship between fatigue and nutritional status in patients undergoing radiotherapy.


A correlational and crossectional study design was used.


One-hundred-fifty-one subjects with cancer receiving radiotherapy were recruited from a university hospital in Chonan, Korea. Fatigue was measured using Piper's Fatigue Scale (PFS). The parameters for nutritional status included body weight, body mass index, hemoglobin, and lymphocyte counts. Cancer stage was controlled in analyzing the differences in fatigue, body weight and body mass index.


The patients who experienced most fatigue were in their fifties, employed, had head and neck cancer, received radiotherapy on the head and neck, and had concomitant chemotherapy. Disease-related characteristics such as cancer type, and treatment type were frequently related to poorer nutritional status. Patients who showed poorer nutritional status, such as those with lower body weight, lower body mass index and lower hemoglobin levels were more fatigued than those who did not exhibit such characteristics. Lymphocyte counts did not correlate with fatigue. Conclusion: The findings can be used by nurses who are taking care of patients undergoing radiotherapy. Considering the relationship between fatigue and nutritional status, nurses can identify the risk group most vulnerable to fatigue and malnourishment in order to provide appropriate interventions for them.

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The Influence of Subjective Health Status, Post-Traumatic Growth, and Social Support on Successful Aging in Middle-Aged Women
Seung Hee Lee, Hyung Suk Jang, Young Hee Yang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(5):744-752.   Published online October 31, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to investigate factors influencing successful aging in middle-aged women.


A convenience sample of 103 middle-aged women was selected from the community. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, two-sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Kruskal Wallis test, Pearson correlations, Spearman correlations and multiple regression analysis with the SPSS/WIN 22.0 program.


Results of regression analysis showed that significant factors influencing successful aging were post-traumatic growth and social support. This regression model explained 48% of the variance in successful aging.


Findings show that the concept 'post-traumatic growth' is an important factor influencing successful aging in middle-aged women. In addition, social support from friends/co-workers had greater influence on successful aging than social support from family. Thus, we need to consider the positive impact of post-traumatic growth and increase the chances of social participation in a successful aging program for middle-aged women.

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Influence of Uncertainty and Uncertainty Appraisal on Self-management in Hemodialysis Patients
Hyung Suk Jang, Chang Suk Lee, Young Hee Yang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2015;45(2):271-279.   Published online April 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to examine the relation of uncertainty, uncertainty appraisal, and self-management in patients undergoing hemodialysis, and to identify factors influencing self-management.


A convenience sample of 92 patients receiving hemodialysis was selected. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and medical records. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson correlations and multiple regression analysis with the SPSS/WIN 20.0 program.


The participants showed a moderate level of uncertainty with the highest score being for ambiguity among the four uncertainty subdomains. Scores for uncertainty danger or opportunity appraisals were under the mid points. The participants were found to perform a high level of self-management such as diet control, management of arteriovenous fistula, exercise, medication, physical management, measurements of body weight and blood pressure, and social activity. The self-management of participants undergoing hemodialysis showed a significant relationship with uncertainty and uncertainty appraisal. The significant factors influencing self-management were uncertainty, uncertainty opportunity appraisal, hemodialysis duration, and having a spouse. These variables explained 32.8% of the variance in self-management.


The results suggest that intervention programs to reduce the level of uncertainty and to increase the level of uncertainty opportunity appraisal among patients would improve the self-management of hemodialysis patients.

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A Path Analysis on Factors Influencing Second Primary Cancer Screening Practices in Stomach, Colon, and Breast Cancer Survivors
Young Hee Yang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(2):139-148.   Published online April 30, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to identify the factors influencing second primary cancer (SPC) screening practice by examining the relationships of physical symptoms, knowledge and attitudes regarding SPC screening, perceived risk, primary cancer type, and demographic factors of cancer survivors.


Participants were 308 survivors of stomach, colon, or breast cancer recruited from 2 university hospitals in Korea. Data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed using IBM SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 18.0.


The proportion of participants taking all cancer screenings according to national guidelines was 40%. They had moderate knowledge and a relatively positive attitude regarding SPC screening and high cancer risk perception. The participants had taken fewer SPC screenings after than before cancer diagnosis. The factors influencing cancer risk perception were age, physical symptoms, knowledge regarding SPC and primary cancer type (stomach). The factors influencing SPC screening practice were age, gender, economic status, knowledge regarding SPC screening, and primary cancer types (colon).


It is important for clinical professionals to recognize that survivors of cancer are susceptible to another cancer. Education on SPC screening for these survivors should focus on communicating with and encouraging them to have regular cancer screenings.

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Evaluation of an Education Program for Patients with Asthma who use Inhalers
Jong Kyung Lee, Young Hee Yang
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(2):202-212.   Published online April 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to evaluate the effectiveness of an education program for patients with asthma who use inhalers.


The research design for this study was a non-equivalent control group quasi-experimental study. Participants in this study were 36 patients for the control group, and 43 patients for the experimental group. The experimental group participated in the education program. The control group received the usual care. Data were collected before and 1 month and 2 months after the program finished and were analyzed using the SPSS 12.0 program.


The experimental group had significantly higher scores of knowledge of inhalers, and inhalation technique compared to the control group. However, no significant differences were found between two groups for PEFR, asthma instability, and satisfaction with inhalers.


According to the results, the education program was effective in improving knowledge of inhalers, and inhalation technique. Therefore, it is recommended that this education program be used in clinical practice as an effective nursing intervention for patients with asthma on inhalers.

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