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A Comparative Study on Stressful Life Events and Coping Methods of Medical Inpatients and Community People
Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(2):91-104.   Published online April 3, 2017
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This study on stressful life events and coping methods of medical patints and community people was applied to people who was divided into two groups from July 19 to Aug. 7, 1982. One is hospitalized patients in medical wards of two university hospitals in Seoul. The other is inhibitants in eight Dongs of Seoul. This study compared the number and seversity of stressful life events reported by medical patients and community people within last six months, identified coping methods used by the two groups and explored the relationship between stressful life events and coping methods. Two instruments are used in this study. The first one to measure stressful life events, is Holmes & Rahe(1967)'s S.R.R.S.(Soual Readjustment Rating Scale), which is translated & amended, So that it consists of 51 items. The second one is for evaluating coping method. It consists of 36 items amended through preliminary test after consideration of related literature review and survey on the basis of Bell(1877)'s '18-item-Questionnaire.' The materials were analized by S.P.S.S.(Statistical Package for the Social Science) program. The results of analysis were as follows: 1. There were no signiflcant difference in the number and severity of stressful life events reported by medical patients and community people (p>. 05). 2. There were no significant difference in use of coping methods (p>. 05). 3. Stressful life events showed a positive correlation with coping methods (r=.363).

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A Study on Airborne Microbes Contamination that Influences on Nosocomial Infection
Young Hee Choi, Jong Ho Park, Hae Sang Yoon, Young Sook Moon
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1982;12(1):39-52.   Published online April 3, 2017
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Nosocomial infection is important in the management of the nursing care and has been found to be related with the airborne microbes contamination. The purpose of this study is to identify the differences of the airborne microbes between hospitals, nursing units, days and times and to identify the difference in the types of microorg-anisms between hospitals, nursing units, days and times. This study was conducted from May 25, to July 10, 1981, according to R. Koch's methods for quantative samplings of airborne microbes and the results of this study were reviewed in a statistical method. The following conclusions were obtained: 1. There was a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between 8 hospitals (F=5.0491, P<0.01) 2. There was a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between surgical, medical, nursery, I.C.U., operating theatre and outpatient nursing unit, (F=2.1764, P<0.05) 3. There was not a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between Monday, Thrusday and Saturday (F=1.6365, P>0.05) 4. There was a significant difference in the types of airborne microbes between AM 7 : 00, AM 11: 00 and PM 3 : 00. (F=7.2951, P<0.01) 5. 4061 colonies were divided into more 48 types and the classification was as follows. gram positive cocci (2024 colonies) 49.3% gram positive bacillus (1211 colonies) 29.8% gram negative bacillus (577 colonies) 14. 2% fungus (200 colonies) 4.9% gram negative cocci (41 colonies) 1.0% other's (8 colonies) 0.3% 6. There was a significant difference of airborne microbes between 8 hospitals. (F=7.7943, P<0.01) 7. There was not a significant difference of airborne microbes between 6 nursing units. (F= 1.8461, P>0.05) outpatient nursing unit : 12.6 colonies surgical nursing unit: 10.4 colonies Medical nursing unit : 9.8 colonies nursery nursing unit: 9.4 colonies operating theatre nursing unit: 8.2 colonies Intensive care nursing unit: 7.8 colonies 8. There was not a significant difference of airborne microbes between Monday, Thursday and Saturday. (F=1.4371, P>0.05) Saturday : 11.0 colonies Monday : 9.1 colonies Thursday : 9,1 colonies 9. There was a significant difference of airborne microbes between A.M. 7 : 00, A.M. 11 : 00 and P.M. 3 : 00 (F=7.6658, P<0.05) P.M. 3 : 00 : 12.2 colonies A.M. 11 : 00 : 10.0 colonies A.M. 7 : 00 : 7.1 colonies.

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A Study on Manifest Needs of the Patient with Hyperthyroidism
Young Hee Choi, Ik Wha Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1981;11(2):69-82.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to compare the needs among the patients of hyperthyroid, malignant tumor and normal adult to clarify the level of the need for the patient of hyperthyroid. We analysed relationships between their personal characteristics and their needs to contribute comprehensive nursing care for the patient of hyperthyroid. The. subjects were chosen from 60 persons who visited for general physical examination at Ewha Woman's University Meidcal Center, 72 patients having diagnosis with hyperthyroidism, and 72 patients admitted with malignant tumors at atomic neuclear medical center. The data was collected from September 1 to December 31, 1980, and the study population was selected by means of convenience sampling. The data was analysed by means of the standard deviation and analysis of variance. The results were as follows: 1. In the patients having hyperthyroid, male to female ratio was 1:13.5, and incidence was peak at the age groups of 20 to 40. 2. In compare with the needs among 3 groups, there are significant relationships: the patient of cancer has shown the highest score with Achievement, Aggression and Dominance, the patient of hyperthyroid shown higher and the normal adult shown low score. In the need related with sex, there is significant relationship: the normal adult has shown highest score, the patient having hyperthyroid shown the higher score and the patient of cancer shown the low score. 3. In compare with Whang's Edward personal preference schedule, the hyperthyroidism shown relatively higher needs for aggression, dominance, exhibitionism and sex.

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A Study on Hypertensive Patients' Compliance to Medical Recommendations
Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1980;10(2):73-86.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the compliance behavior of hypertensive patients in light of their health belief model that explains an individual's compliance with health maintenance or getting well. Although there are many effective regimens and treatments for hypertension nowadays, the most important point to be taken to consideration in their behavioral aspect is their compliance with regard to the control of body weight, eating habits as to salt and cholesterol intake, stresses, activity patterns and smoking as related to their life style. The important reasons for the failure in the control of hypertensive patients are the complexity of regimens to be complied to, irregular medication and the life long restrictions in their own life style. The compliance of patients to medical regimens and rocommendations or failure to do so is an essential factor. Accordingly, the degree of the patient's compliance is an important determinant as to the success or failure of hypertension control. The subjects for this study were 187 hypertensive patients selected from admitted and out patients of the medical department at seven University Hospitals in Seoul. Data was collected from Dec. 1, 1979 to Feb. 15, 1980 using the questionaire method and was analys ed by the use of means, standard deviations, coefficient of correlations, analysis of variance and mul tiple regression analysis. The results obtained are as follows : A. Of the seven independent variables in light of health belief model, benefit, barrier and severity are closely related to patient's compliance behavior. Therefore these variables could be used as determinants to predict and modify the hypertensive behavior. 1. Benefit is the most important and significant of the variables for explaining the dependent variables. It accounts for the highest variance of patient's compliance. (23.62%) 2. Then taking the former together with barrier, the variance of compliance showed on increase. (26 .59%) 3. And with the addition of severity to the first two. the variance of compliance was also increased. (28.12%) B. Except for susceptibility all the independent variables such as severity, benefit, knowledge, motivation and barrier are correlated to dependent variable compliance. C. Sex, marital status and religion appeared to have significant influence on the dependent variables. Therefore one could conclude that the more the patients are aware that hypertension is a threat to health, the more they understand the benefit of taking actions to prevent such a threat, and the less they perceive any barrier when taking action. the more compliant they become in following medical regimens and recommendations. Age, marital status and religion played a significant influence to their compliance. Accordingly, the selected structural variables and demographic variables which have influenced sick role behavior of the hypertensive patient must be integrated to teaching and counselling programs for better hypertension control.

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Clinical Nursing Survey of the Patients in the Intensive Care Unit
Kyung Bin Mo, Young Hee Choi, Moon Sil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1979;9(2):73-88.   Published online April 3, 2017
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The objectives of this study have been conducted to establish effective clinical teaching program to I.C.U in terms of proper assignment of the clients for the students, proper rotation schedule, priorities in critical nursing problems and selection of the teaching and learning. We have analyzed statistically 1,850 patients who have been admitted during a period from January 1977 to October 31 1979 in Ewha Woman's University Hospital, The results are as follows: 1. The proportion to the total inpatients number was 6.5% and mortality rate was 16.3%. 2. The average hospitalized days were 5.8 days in I.C.U and the total death was occured from 1st hospital day to 5th hospital day. So it shows a certain difficulties for clinical experiences of the senior students in I.C.U. 3. In the age of the death, 41.3% of the patients were in the 41-60 year age group. It shows highest mortality rate in socially active and productive age groups. 4. The mortality rates of the departments of the medicine was 18.7%, general surgery 18.5%, and neurosurgery 14.7%. 5. The number of patients admitted to the department of neurosystem was 30.6%, cardiovascular system 22.6%, respiratory system 11.1% and urinary system 2.9%. 6. On utilizing instruments and machine for diagnosis and client's assessment in I.C.U, they have utilized everything a usual. But they never utilize angiogram and cardiac catheterization in cardiovascular system, and retroperitoneal pneumography in the urologic system. Further more we would recommend as follows. 1. In consideration of the average hospital days and the date of death, the rotation program for clincal experience need to be adjusted as continuing practice program in apposite to current alternative practice program for comprehensive nursing care. 2. Socioeconomic needs for the patient's families and himself should be emphasized by the students in addition to physical needs. 3. Course content for critical care might be built up in considering of core disease centered nursing problems. 4. The diagnostic procedures and client's assessment items which could not experience in our university hospital by the students might be considered and refilled as filled trips to another hospital and visual aids.

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A Study on Thoughts of the Elderly about Long Life(Chang su)
Young Hee Choi, Young Hee Lee
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1993;23(4):649-663.   Published online March 31, 2017
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A long life is the desire of many people. The purpose of this study was to describe the thoughts that are held by elderly people about long life as the elderly are approaching the end of life. The research was conducted using an ethnographic method to add understanding to this subject. The field work for this study was done from July, 1991 to August, 1993 in third phases in Chun Buk province. The results of the present study show the following: The thoughts of the elderly about chang su showed three important concepts; In Myoung Sae Chun(lived as life), Su Cheuk Dah Yok(long life is a disgrace), and Transcendence of life. In Myoung Sae Chun showed the thought of limitation of man's life and realistic thought about the life through free oneself from death and life. Su Cheuk Dah Yok meant experience of physical difficulty, experience of sons and daughter's death ahead one's own self. Senility was the most afraid problem for the elderly. Transcendence of life showed pursuit of a continuing life through connected with sons and the family. The conditions promoting chang su were described as clear water, fresh air, adequate eating, deep sleeping, gender (female). In addition it showed that ecological and environmental conditions (heavy work, starvation, vegetable food, physical environmet, respection for the elderly). These results showed that the elderly was recognized one's own self as living being rather than adhered to the life, and will promote understanding the elderly's desire for long life. Also, suggested to nursing practice that should maintain self-esteem and respect for the elderly. Therefore, these results can be used nursing practice for the elderly.

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Ethnoscienpdfic Approach oc Health Practice in Korea
Kwuy Bun Kim, Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1991;21(3):396-417.   Published online March 31, 2017
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In order that nursing care an essential quality of nursing practice be acceptable and satisfying, it is necessary that client's culture be respected and that nursing practice be appropriate to that culture. Since cultural elements are an important influence on health practices and life patterns related to medical treatment, recovery from and prevention of disease, nurses need to have an understanding and knowledge of social and cultural phenomena to aid in the planning of nursing interventions. To understand the health practices surrounding health and illness, the health beliefs practices of both folk and professional healing systems should be ascertained. Cultural data are required to provide care of high quality to clients and to reduce possible conflict between the client and the nurse. It is nursing's goal to provide clients from various cultures with quality nursing care which is satisfying and valuable. The problem addressed by this study was to identify Korean health practices which would contribute to the planning of professional caring practice with the culture : ultimately this study was intended to make a contribution to the development of the science of nursing The concrete objectives of this study were ; 1) to identify Korean health practices, 2) to interpret the identical health practices through traditional cultural thought, and 3) to compare the Korean health practices with those of other cultures. The investigator used to ethnosceintifc approach outlined by spirally in a qualitative study. To discover ancestral wisdom and knowledge related to traditional health practices, the subjects of this study were selected from residents of a small rural mountain village in south west Korea, a place considered to be maintaining and transmitting the traditional culture in a relatively well-preserved state because of being isolated from the modern world. The number of subjects was 18, aged 71 to 89. Research data were collected from January 8 to March 31, 1990. Five categories of health practices were identified ; "Manage one's own mind", "Moderation in all thing", "Live in accord with nature", "Live in mutuality with others", and "Live to the best of one's ability". Values derived from these ways of thinking from Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism help fashion a traditional way of life, exemplified by the saying "Beneficence to all". Korean though and philosophy is influenced primarily by Confucianism, Confucian principles of ethics, embedded deeply in the peoples' minds, from the idea that "heaven and human being are intimately united" based on concept that "heaven is, so to speak, reason". Twoe Gae's theory of existential subjectivity develops the concept of self which is the basis of the spirit of reverence in modern Confucian philosophy. The human mind is granted from heaven out of the idea of matter, and what control the mind is the spirit of reverence. Hence the idea of "The primacy of the mind" and provided that one should control one's own mind. The precepts of duty to parents, respect for elders and worship of ancestors, and moderation in all behavior put a restraint on life which directed that one live earnestly according to Nature's laws with their neighbors. Not only Confucianism, but also Buddhism and Taoism have had an important effect upon these patterns of ideas. When Compared with western culture, Korean health practices tend to be more inclusive, abstract and intuitive while westerner health practices found to be more concrete, practical and personal. Values and beliefs based and pragmatism and existentialism influence western civilization. Ethical values may be founded on utilitarianism, which considers what is good for the persons in their circumstances as the basis of conduct and takes a serious view of their practical lives including human aspirations rather than an absolute truth. These philosophical and ethical ideas are foundations for health practices related to active, practical and progressive attitudes. This study should be enable nursing not only to understand clients as reflections of the traditional culture when planning nursing practice, but to develop health education corresponding to cultural requirements for the purpose of protection against disease and improvement of health, and thus promote sound health practice. Eventually it is hoped that through these processes quality nursing care as the central idea of the science of nursing will be achieved.

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A Study of the Health Status of Elderly Residing in Large city, Medium and Small city, Rural areas in Korea
Young Hee Choi, Yun Hee Shin
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1991;21(3):365-382.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This study was designed to measure the physical, mental-emotional and social health status of elderlies according to rural areas, medium-small cities, and large city environment. Data collection was done from July 18 to August 17, 1990. The subjects were a convenience sample after their place of residence was stratified into large, medium-small cities and rural areas. Those who attended elderly centers in Seodaemun, Mapo, and Kangnam districts in Seoul were considered to be residents of a large city and interviewed by trained research assistants and student nurses. Elderlies living in Chungju, Jinju, Chuncheon, and Jeonju cities were coded as resident of medium-small cities and were interviewed by professors of nursing college. Rural residents were interviewed by the community health practioners working in community health practioners working in community health clinics in North and South Kyongsang, North and South Jeolla, and Kyonggi provinces. The tool used in this study was the health assessment tool developed by Choi, Young Hee in 1990. This tool was organized into 20 physical health status, 17 mental-emotional health status, and 37 social health status items. Physical health status items consisted of six factors-personal hygiene activity ability, external activity utilizing traffic, mass media, and spare time ability, sexual ability, digestive system related ability, sexual ability, sensory ability, and elimination ability. Mental-emotional health status items consisted of two factors-mental health factor and emotional health factor. Social health status items consisted of seven factors-grandparental role ability, parental role ability, spoused role ability, friendship role ability, kinship role ability. Data Analysis included frequencies, percentage mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, and chi-square test. The results of the analysis are as follows : 1. The mean physical health status score for large city residents was 4.1132, for rural residents 4.0787, and for medium and small city residents 3.9565. There were significant differences according to residential area for personal hygiene activity ability, external activity ability, sexual ability, and digestive system related ability items 2. The mean mental-emotional health status score for rural residents was 3.8291, for medium and small city residents 3.7967, and for large city residents 3.7807. There was a significant difference according to residential area in the mental health ability item. 3. The mean social health status score for medium and small city residents was 3.0000, for rural residents 2.9362, and for large city residents 2.8960. There were significant differences according to residential area for kinship role ability and religious believer role ability items. The following conclusion was derived from the above results : 1. The physical health status of elderlies residing in medium-small cities and in rural areas was lower than that of those residing in Seoul, a large urban area. Therefore, more medical facilities are needed in rural area so as to monitor their health, prevent disease, and promote their health. 2. The mental-emotional status and social health status of elderlies residing in the large city were lower than the of those residing in medium-small cities and rural areas. This may reflect weakening of the strong traditional family bond that may happen with urbanization. Continued support for elderly parents is essential and education should emphasize the traditional cultural norm and value of filial piety. 3. Facilities and programs for elderly are needed so that they may spend their time more valuably in their urban environment.

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A Study about Pain Express Pattern of Peptic Ulcer Patient
Jeong Sun Kim, Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1991;21(2):230-246.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Pain is a subjective and multidemensional concept. Therefore the patient's expression of pain have been referred to the best believable indicator of pain condition but the support data obtained from the patient considered cultural deference is a deficient condition in determined on the precise nursing diagnosis. The purpose of this research was to understand multiple pain reponses in cultural difference and sensitivity, to encourage communication between medical teams, and to provide the foundation data of on data of precise nursing assessment for the patient in pain. The research problem was to grasp pain express pattern of Korean peptic ulcer patients. The subjects were 20 peptic ulcer patients in medical unit or OPD of two university hospitals in Seoul. Data were collected from September 7th to 22nd, 1990 by intensive interviews. Interviews were done by the researcher and all were tape-recorded. The Data analysis was done by Phenomenological method from Van Kaam. Validity assured by confirmation of the internal consistency of the statements and category by nursing college in educational and clinicians in medical care. From the emic data, 96 descriptive statements were organized in 18 theme cluster. The results of study were summarized as follows. 1. Pain Express Pattern cluster of Peptic Ulcer Patients were "pain as clogging", "shallow pain", "pain as pressing", "nauseating pain", "pain as smarting", "pain as pulling", "pain as pricking", "pain as bursting", "wrenching pain", "excising pain", "uncontrollable pain for mind and body", "awakening pain", "pain as hollowing" and the other cluster. As above mentioned, Pain Express Pattern of Peptic Ulcer Patient appeared diversely in verbal and they were propered to Korean culture. Therefore they will provide for the foundation data of precise nursing assessment.

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Study of Folk Caring in Korea for Cultural Nursing
Seoung Hee Ko, Myoung Ok Cho, Young Hee Choi, Sin Pyeo Kang
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(3):430-458.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Care is a central concept of nursing. Nursing would not exist without caring. Care and quality of life are closely related. Human behavior is a manifestation of culture. We can say that caring and nursing care are expression of culture. The nurse must understand the relationship of culture with care for ensure quality nursing care. But knowledge of cultural factors in nursing is not well developed. Time and in-depth study are needed to find meaningful relationships between culture and care. Nurses recognized the importance of culturally appropriate nursing There are two care systems in culturally based nursing. The folk care system and the professional nursing care system. The folk care system existed long before the professional nursing care system was introduced into this culture. If the discrepancy between these two care systems is great, the client may receive inappropriate nursing care. Culture and subcultures are diverse and dynamic in nature. Nurses need to know the caring behaviors, patterns, and their meaning in their own culture. In Korea we have taken some first step to study cultural nursing phenomena. It is not our intent necessarily to return to the past and develop a nationalistic of nursing, but to identify the core of traditional caring and relate that to professional nursing care. Our Assumptions are as follows : 1) Care is essential for human growth, well being and survival. 2) There are diverse and universal forma, expressions, patterns, and processes of human care that exist transculturally. 3) The behaviors and functions of caring differ according to the social structure of each culture. 4) Cultures have folk and professional care values, beliefs, and practices. To promote the quality of nursing care we must understand the folk care value, beliefs, and practices. We undertook this study to understand caring in our traditional culture. The Goals of this study were as follows : 1) To identify patterns in caring behavior, 2) To identify the structural components of caring, and 3) To understand the meaning and some principles of caring. We failed several questions in this study. Who is the care-giver? Who is the care-recipient? Was the woman the major care-giver at any time? What are the patterns in caring behavior? What are the principles underlying the caring process? We used an interdisciplinary team approach, composed of representatives from nursing and anthropology, to contribute in-depth understanding of caring through a sociocultural perspective. A Field study was conducted in Ro-Bong, a small agricultural kinship village. The subjects were nine women and one man aged bo or more years of age. Data were collected from January 15 to 21, 1990 through open-ended in-depth interviews and observations. The interview focused on caring behaviors surrounding birth, aging, death and child rearing. We analysed these data for meaning, pattern and principles of caring. In this report we describe caring behaviors surrounding childbirth. The care-givers were primarily mothers-in-low, other women in the family older than the mother-to-be, older neighbor woman, husbands, and mothers of the mother-to-be. The care receivers were the mother-to-be the baby, and the immediate family as a component of kinship. Emerging caring behavior included praying, helping proscribing, giving moral advice(Deug-Dam), showing concern, instructing, protecting, making preparations, showing consideration, touching, trusting, encouraging, giving emotional comfort, being with, worrying about, being patient, preventing problems, showing by an example, looking after bringing up, taking care of postnatal health, strong theming the health condition, entering into another's feelings(empathizing), and sharing food, joy and sorrow. The emerging caring component were affection, touching, nurturing, teaching, praying, comforting, encouraging, sharing, empathizing, self-discipline, protecting, preparing, helping and compassion. Emerging principles of caring were solidarity, hierarchical relationships, sex-role distinction. Caring during birth expresses the valve of life and reflects the valued traditional beliefs that human birth is given by god and a unique unifying family event reaching back to include the ancestors and forward to later generations. In addition, We found positive and rational foundations for traditional caring behaviors surrounding birth, these should not be stigmatized as national or superstitious. The nurse appropriately adopts the rational and positive nature of traditional caring behaviors to promote the quality of nursing care.

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A Study of the Heath Status of Korean Elderly
Young Hee Choi, Moon Sil Kim, Young Soon Byon, Jong Soon Won
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1990;20(3):307-323.   Published online March 31, 2017
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This Study was done to design and test an instrument to measure the health status of the elderly including physical, psychological and social dimensions. Data collection was done from July 18 to August 17, 1990. Subjects were 412 older persons in Korea. A convenience sample was used but the place of residence was stratified into large, medium and small city and rural areas. Participants located in Sudaemun-Gu, Mapo-Gu, and Kangnam-Gu, Seoul were interviewed by brained nursing students, and those in chungju, Jonju, Chuncheon, and Jinju by professors of nursing colleges. Rural residents were interviewed by community health practioners working in Kungsang-Buk-Do, Kyngsang-Nam-Do, Jonal Buk-Do, and Kyung Ki-Do. The tool developed for this study was a structured questionnaire based on previous literature and then tested for reliability and validity. This tool contained 20 physical health status items, 17 mental-emotional health status items and 38 social health status items. Physical health status items clustered in to six factors such as personal hygiene, activity, home management, digestive, sexual, sensory, and climination functions. Metal-emotional health status items clustered into two factors, mental health and emotional health. Social health status items clustered into seven factors, grandparent, parent, spouse, friend, kinships, group member and religious role functions. Data analysis included percentage, average, S.D., t-test and ANOVA. The results of the analysis were as follows : 1. The tool measuring the health status of the elderly and developed for this research had a relatively high reliability indicated by a cronbach=0.97793. 2. Average score of the subjects physical health status was 4,054 in a 5 point likert scale, mental-emotional health status was 3.803 social health status was 2.939 and the average was 3.521. The social status of the subjects was the lowest and the next was mental-emotional health status ; physical health status was the highest. 3. Educational background, perceived health status, the amount of pocket money were related to physical and mental-emotional health status and family structure was related mental-emotional physical and social health status. Occupation was related to physical and mental-emotional status. Area of residence was related to mental-emotional and social status. Source of living in the expenses was related to physical and mental-emotional health status marital status to mental-emotional and social health status, and the number living in the home physical health status and religion to social health status. The following conclusions were derived from the above results : 1. The health status of Korean was relatively sound but social health status was the most vulnerable. The Social activity for Korean elderly is needed to improve social health. 2. Education background, perceived health status and the amount of pocket money must be considered in the health assessment criteria of the elderly. Family structure, marital status, occupation, residence variables and sources of living expense must also be considered as significant. 3. A health education program based on the education background of the elderly, and provision of an occupational socio-economic welfare policy will be useful in order to increase social health status of Korean elderly.

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The Control of Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infection: An Experimental Nursing Study: This study examined the effect of daily meatal care on the urinary tract infection rate of an experimental group
Young Chu Paik, Sook Ja Yang, Kyung Bin Mo, Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(3):249-258.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The purpose of study was to contirm theory about the effectiveness of routine meatal care on the reduction of catheter-associated urinary tract infection. The study was carried out at a university hospital from September 1,1987 to April 17, 1989 : 32 patients with a foley-catheter were studied. The study compared the urinary tract infection rate of an experimental group with that of a control group and tested the antibiotic susceptibility of the isolated bacteria. The experimental group(16 patients) was given daily meatal care with 10% Betadine for periods ranging from 4 to 21 days. The control group(16 patients) was not given that care. The results obtained were as follows: 1. The urinary tract infection rate of the experimental group was 50.0%, and that of the control group 43.8%. There was no significant difference between the groups. 2. Organisms isolated in the control group were bacteria 100%, and in the experimental group bacteria 50 % and fungus 50%. The most common organisms of the 15 strains isolated in the total group were Sta- phylococcus coagulase negative (3 patients), and E-coli (3 patients). 3. Most of bacteria isolated in this study were sensitive to Norfloxacillin, but resistant to Ampicillin, Chloramphenicol, Kanamycin, Tetracycline, and Ery-thromycin. Hence the importance of controling catheter- associated urinary tract infections. Findings suggest the need to search for other sources of infection, further experimentation controling various sources of urinary tract infection and larger groups of subjects.

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Respiratory Hospital Infections of Patients with a Tracheostomy
Sook Ja Yang, Young Hee Choi, Moon Shil Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1989;19(3):240-248.   Published online March 31, 2017
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The increase in size and numbers of general hospitals in the process of conspicuous development of modern medicine has been accompanied by a serious increase in hospital acquired infections. Hospital aquired infections cause pain and discomfort, may threaten life, adds an economic burden, and delays recovery and return to society. Even though respiratory hospital infection rates resulting for tracheostomy and respiratory inhalation therapy, may be low, they are serious because of their bad prognosis and high mortality rates. This study was designed to assess certain aspects of respiratory infections of patients with a tracheostomy and thus provide baseline data for further research related to preventive or therapeutic nursing interventions. The specific objectives were to determine the incidence of colonization in the trachea, clinical signs, type of colonized bacteria and sensitivity to antibiotics. Data were collected from July 1 to December 10, 1989 at two university Hospital in Seoul. Subjects were 20 patients with a tracheostomy admitted to the Intensive Care Unit or Cerebral Vascular Accident Center. Clinical signs related to respiratory infection were observed using a checklist based on previous study outcomes. Bacterial culture, sensitivity test to antibiotics, WBC counts and chest X-ray were also performed. Cultures were done on the day of tracheostomy, and on the third, fifth and seventh day. Cultures were then done on seventh days after the first colonization. The results were as follows: 1. The incidence of bacteria colonization in a week was 90%(18 patients) : 50% (10/20 patients) on the day of tracheostomy, 70 %(7 /10 patients) on the third day, and 0 % on the fifth day, and 33 %(1/3 patient) on the seventh day. 3 of 18 patients (16.7%) were colonies of mixed growth isolated. 2. The observed clinical signs related to respiratory infection were high fever 38.9 %(7 patients), prulent secretion 16.7 %(12 patients) and infiltration seen on chest X-ray 33.3 %(6 patients). 3. The total number of types of bacteria isolated among the 18 subjects was 21 I gram negative 71.4 %, gram postive 28.6 %. The dominant bacteria type was Staphylococcus aureus(5 cases) for gram and Pse-udomonas aeruginosa(3 cases), Klebsiella (4 cases), Enterobacter(3 cases) for grame. The results of culture on 7th day after the first colonization, 6 cases showed same type of bacteria, 3cases showed different type of bacteria and 1 cases showed no growth. 4. The sensitivity tests to antibiotics showed that Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus were strongly resistant to most kinds of antibiotics, but Klebsiella and the rest of gram negative bacteria were moderately sensitive to antibiotics.

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Relationships Among Self-Concept, Perception of Aging, and Physical Aging
Young Hee Lee, Moon Sil Kirn, young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(3):269-280.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Although everyone grows old, perception about the aging process and aging as measured physiologically vary widely. Perceptions of aging have psychologically influence on pysical aging. This study was to examine the relationships between, self-cencept, perception of aging, and physical aging in the elderly and to contribute to the theory development which may direct nursing intervention to promote well-being of the aged. Subjects were 70 women residents of a nursing home for the elderly in Seoul. Data collection was done from May 15 to June 15, 1988 using interview schedules and mechanical instruments. The instruments were selected items from the Health Self Concept Scale developed by Jacox and Stewart for self concept, and Secord and Jourad's Body Cathexis Scale and Osgood's Semantic Differential Scale for perception of aging. Physcial aging was measured by mechanical instru ments, inspection, questions, and palpation. The data were analysed for mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson Correlation Coefficient using an S.P.S.S computerized program. The results of the analysis were as follows. 1. The mean level of self concept for the subject group was 16.97(SD=+/-6.17)in a range from 6-30. The mean level of perception of aging was 39.6. (SD= +/-6.51) in a range from 13-65. The mean level of physical aging was 14.09 (SD= +/-2.05)in a range from 8-40. 2. Relationships among self- concept, perception of aging, and physical aging. 1) There was a positive relationship between self--concept and perception of aging(r=0.4461, p =0.000). 2) There was a negative relationship between physical aging and perception of aging(r=- 0.2975, p-0.006). 3) There was a tendancy toward a negative relationship between physical aging and self-concept, but not a significant relationship (r=-0.1033, p=0.197). 3. 1) No general charcteristic variables were related to self concept. 2) The general characteristic variable related to the level of perception of aging was religion (t=4. 17, p=0.001). 3) The general characteristic variable related to the level of physical aging was age (F=12.008, p=0. 000). There was a significant relationship between self? -cencept and perception of aging, and between physical aging and perception of aging. Therefore nursing intervention should focus on promoting a positive perception of aging and strengthening self-concept during the phyacal aging process.

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A Study on Relationship between Dysfunctional Matrimonial Communication Patterns and Complaint Degree of House wives
Eun Sim Kim, Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1988;18(2):135-152.   Published online March 31, 2017
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Since 1950s' we have come to take a deep interest in matrimonial communication as the theories of family therapy though communication came to extend. In the rapid changing modern society, especially, the dysfunctional aspect of the communication rather than functional one tends to grow high because married couples who suffer from isolation and solitary in social life want to satisfy their unfilled desire through matrimonial communication and apt to be hurt easily by their attitudes and behaviors. When these discrepancies in dysfunctional aspect take place repeatedly, the conflict between married couple which is bad in their psychological effects go from bad to worse and influence their somatic symptoms. This study was attempted to examine the relationship between dysfunctional communication patterns of married couple and complaint degree of housewives psychosomatic symptoms and to use as basic materials focusing on nursing system centered around family, which aims to reach the family centered culture of Korea. To gain the aims, some surveys were performed at Seoul, Chinju and some areas of Kyeongki province, and the study materials were collected from 70 wives who were encountered by 12 pastrolists majoring in clinical pastrol of 'Y' Theological Graduate School and from neurotic patients of those who visited the internal Medicine depts of 1 university hospital and 4 hospitals J city, among whom they used dysfunctional communication pattern in their married life. And data collection was performed from Feb. 22, 1988 to April 22. In the survey, four types of dysfunctional communication presented by Song Sung-Ja were used as the survey tool. And the complaint degree on psychosomatic symptoms was measured by the classification according to the complaint degree of housewives's psychosomatic symptoms through pretest after content validity, in which the housewives who dysfunctional communication were surveyed. To learnmatrimonial Communicationpatterns that have an effect on housewives psychosomatic symptoms in the surveyed.

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Report on Symposium: Key Concepts of Nursing - Nursing
Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1986;16(1):29-39.   Published online March 31, 2017
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No abstract available.

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Original Articles
Validity Testing Study for Related Factors and Charateristics of Nursing Diagnosis
Young Hee Choi, Hyang Yeon Lee, Hea Sook Kim, So Sun Kim, Kwang Ok Park, Hyeoun Ae Park, Hyoun Kyoung Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):705-714.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was conducted to test validity of related factors and characteristics of 98 Nursing Diagnosis identified in a previous study by the Korean Nurses Association. Data for this study was collected from 892 nurses in eight teaching hospitals located in Seoul using a cross sectional survey method. Each participating hospital was asked to produce at least 10 cases for every nursing diagnosis. There were 7,422 responses out of a possible 7,840. Out of the 7,422 responses 26 were discarded due to incompleteness. Data were analyzed using SAS. The result of the study shows that most of the related factors and characteristics for each of the 98 nursing diagnosis were ranked at more than 3.5 point out of 5 point Likert scale in terms of significance. Through this study the related factors and characteristics of the 98 nursing diagnosis identificance. Through this study the related factors and characteristics of the 98 nursing diagnosis identified through literature review were validated by experts in nursing diagnosis. These validated related factors and characteristics will be utilized for computerization of the nursing diagnosis process.

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Development of Health Behavior Assessment Tool of the Korean Elders
Young Hee Choi, Soon Yi Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1997;27(3):601-613.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This project was conducted using a survey method and through interviewing with four persons aged 60 years and over. An interview with an open-ended questionnaire was also used for elderly persons, families, oriental medicine doctor and nurses. topic-related literature review was also done. In total, 382 statements were derived. For content validity, nursing professionals were involved in this study. From that 48 items are developed. The subjects were 340 elderly persons over 60 years old. Data were collected during February and March 1997 and analyzed using the SPSS package The result are as follows. 1. Items with low Cronbach Coefficient alpha which means low correlation with total items were removed. 2. Factor analysis was done in order to confirm construct validity and eight factors were obtained from the results. The first factor, 'positive cognition of the aging process', the second factor, 'relationship network' the third factor, 'maintenance of physical functioning, the fourth factor', 'maintenance of peaceful mind' the fifth factor, 'keeping up with daily tasks' the sixth factor, 'continuous adequate body movement' the seventh factor, 'involvement of religion in the elderly person's life and the eight factor', 'appropriate resting'. Cronbach Coefficient alpha for the 33 items was .9127 Based on the result, the following is suggested 1. It is anticipated that the fundamental health of elderly person could be promoted by assessing healthy behaviors of elderly person with this assessment tool. 2. Further studies could be derived from this research. 3. Validity of this assessment tool should be further tested with and a larger sample of elderly person including in-patient elderly persons as well as nursing home residents.

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A Survey Study of Nursing Diagnosis Use in Clinical Practice
Young Hee Choi, Hyang Yun Rhee, Hea Sook Kim, So Sun Kim, Kwang Ok Park
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(4):930-945.   Published online March 30, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to identify the degree to which nursing diagnoses accepted by NANDA are used and to identify problems in application of nursing diagnoses in clinical practice. With the expanding potential fur computerization of nursing diagnosis, the survey also included data on the present status of hospital computerization and willingness to use computerized nursing diagnoses. The data collection was done from July 1 to August 3, 1996 using structured questionnaires. The questionnaires were mailed to 1,126 head nurses working in 44 hospitals with on occupacy of over 500 beds located in Korea, of these, 883 were returned from 40 hospitals. Among the 883 questionnaires, 867 were used for the analysis. The results of the analysis are as follows 1. Among 109 nursing diagnoses, pain, constipation, diarrhea, hyperthermia, high risk for infection, sleep pattern disturbance, and anxiety, chronic pain, altered urinary elimination, and altered nutrition: less than body requirements were the ten most frequently used diagnoses. 2. The primary problem in the use of nursing diagnoses was lack of time and personnel. Others were lack of knowledge and motivation, absence of protocols and absence of the appropriate methods to apply nursing diagnoses. 3. Among the 40 hospitals, 27 hospitals used a computerized system and expressed willingness to utilize the computerized system of nursing diagnoses that is planned for the future.

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The Effect of Walking Exercise Program on Cardiorespiratory Function and Flexibility in Elderly Women
Yun Hee Shin, Young Hee Choi
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(2):372-386.   Published online March 30, 2017
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Recently, the ratio of elderly in the population are fastly growing due to socio-economical development and the better medical service. Proportionally, the health problems in elderly are increasing, too. Medical professionals must try so that the elderly have the better life through health promotion and disease prevention as well as disease treatment. This study evaluated the effect of walking exercise program on the cardiorespiratory function and the flexibility in the elderly women. The design of research was one group pretest -posttest design. The subjects were eleven elderly women over sixty years old to live in K-city, Kyonggi-do. The type of exercise was walking, which was the most popular exercise in questionnaire. The exercise intensity was 40%~60% of the target heart-rate by Karvonen's method and maintained by the heart-rate monitor. The exercise period was five weeks and the exercise frequency was three times per week. The exercise duration was forty minites at first and gradually increased up to a hour. In order to evaluate the effect of walking exercise, we measured VO2 max, resting heart-rate, systolic/diastolic blood pressure, FVC, FEV1, the flexibility before and after the five week's exercise program. The data are analyzed by the paired t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test using SAS package. The results are as follows: 1) The hypothesis that cardiorespiratory function will be improved was partly supported. In VO2 max(p=0.0001), resting heart-rate(p=0. 0030), systolic/diastolic blood-pressure (p=0.0387/p=0.0024), there was significant difference. FVC and FEV1 were increased after the exercise, but there were no significant difference. 2) The hypothesis that the flexibility will be improved was supported. There was significant difference in the flexibility (p=0.0140). As the further study, it is necessary to reevaluate the effect with more refined design. We also need to try meta-analysis about the results of previous studies obtained in the experimental setting and compare our result obtained in the field setting with them.

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A Phenomenological Study for Hospitalized Elderly's Powerlessness
Young Hee Choi, Kyung Eun Kim
Journal of Nurses Academic Society 1996;26(1):223-247.   Published online March 30, 2017
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This study was done to provide information which would lead to nursing care of the elderly being more holistically through an understanding of the phenomena of powerlessness based on the lived experience of powernessless by the elderly, the meaning the elderly give to such phenomena, and what essence of powerlessness is. The methodology used in this study was Max Van Manen's phenomenological method based on the philosophy of Merleu-Ponty and a concerete approach was realized through the 11 steps suggested in the Van Manen's method. Data collection was done from March 2, 1995 to December 30, 1995. The subjects for this study were four elderly persons who lived with their families and who were over 60 years of age. Data were collected about the lived experience of the elderly, this researcher's experience of powerlessness, the linguistic meaning of powerlessness, idioms of the word or a feeling of powerlessness, and descriptions of powerlessness in the elderly as they appeared in the literature, are works, and phenomenological literature. All data were used to provide insights into the phenomena of powerlessness. Data about the experience of powerlessness by the elderly were collected through open interviews, participation, and observation. In the anlaysis of the theme of this study, the aspects of the theme, powerlessness in the elderly were clarified, thereby abstracting and finding meaningful statements by the elderly about their feeling of powerlessness, and then those significant statements were expressed as lingnistic transformations. The summarized findings from the study are as follows: 1. Five meanings of powerlessness in the elderly were defined, (weakness), (dependence), (frustration), (worthlessness) and (giving up). 2. (Weakness) means that the elderly experience, not only their aging but also, their becoming weak and the loss of physical function frequently caused by diseases. (Dependence) means that the elderly experience dependence without any influence from the surroundings and that elderly patients who are hospitalized lose their autonomy, follow entirely their doctor's prescriptions, use aid equipment and directions, and depend only on those things. (Frustration) means that the elderly experience the loss of their roles from the past, there by feeling that there is no work for them to do anymore and therefore feel unable to do anything. (Worthlessness) means that the elderly experience the feeling of losing their social roles from the past, having no financial ability, thereby being a burden to their children or the people around them, and therefore regarding themselves useless. (Giving up) means that the elderly experience the feeling of closeness to death in the final stage of their lifetime, lose hope to be bealed from their disease, and recognize the incontrollability of their own body. 3. From a general view of the meaning of the theme the powerlessness in the elderly -the most essential meaning of the theme is the (sense of loss). For the elderly are experiencing a sense of loss in the situation of being elderly and therefore being often hospitalized. Brief definitions of the five phenomena could be (weakness) meaning the loss of physical strength, (dependence) the loss of mentality caused by disease and hospitalization, (frustration) and (worthlessness) the loss of social performance caused by the loss of social functions from the past, and lastly (giving up) the loss of the controllability of such situations of aging and suffering disease. In light of the discussion above, it is understandable that the hospitalized elderly experience powerlessness not only as it related to their diseases but also to their normal aging, and this related to other characteristics of being elderly means that the (sense of loss) is the very essence of their powerlessness. 4. While most cases are of the normal elderly experiencing powerlessness in relation to their social network, cases of elderly who are hospitalized are of those experiencing powerlessness in relation to the loss of their physical desire. 5. The findings discussed above can serve as guidelines for nurses who take care of the ill elderly who are hospitalized and that can provide cues to appropriate nursing service, recognizing that the subjective experience of the objective age of the elderly is so important. Nurses can provide highly qualitative nursing service, based on their deep understanding of the suffering of the elderly due to feelings of powerlssness.

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The Comparison of the Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise and Biofeedback Treatment for Stress Incontinence in Korean Women
Young Hee Choi, Myung Sook Sung, Jae Yup Hong
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1999;29(1):34-47.   Published online March 29, 2017
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This study evaluated the Comparison of the Effectiveness of Pelvic Floor Muscle exercise and Biofeedback treatment for Genuine Stress Incontinence I assigned 60 participants to 2 groups : 30 to the pelvic floor muscle exercise group and 30 to the biofeedback group. Treatment protocol lasted for 6 weeks. Peak pressure, and duration time of pelvic muscle contraction were evaluated by a perineometer. Lower urinary symptoms, sexual matter and life style scores were achieved by using Jackson's scale. The treatment efficacy of the pelvic floor muscle exercise is compared with the biofeedback group and the main results of the comparison are as follows: 1. Pelvic muscle contraction 1) The peak pressure in the biofeedback group was significantly increased(P=0.000). 2. The frequency and quantity of incontinence 1) The frequency of incontinence in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased(P=0.000). 2) The quantity of incontinence in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased(P=0.000). 3. The lower urinary symptoms Daily frequency(P=0.000), nocturia(P=0.000), urgency(P=0.000), bladder pain(P=0.000), unexplained incontinence(P=0.048), wearing protection(P=0.022), changing outer clothing(P=0.005), hesitancy(P=0.008), intermittent stream(P=0.000), abnormal strength of stream(P=0.004), retention(P=0.000), incomplete emptying(P=0.000), and inability to stop mid steam(P=0.006) of the lower urinary symptoms in the biofeedback group were significantly decreased. 4. The sexual matters The dry vagina(P=0.004) and pain during sexual intercourse(P=0.002) in the biofeedback group was significantly decreased. 5. The life style. The fluid intake restriction(P=0.007), affected daily task(P=0.003), avoidance of places & situation(P=0.003), interference in Physical activity(P=0.002), interference in relationship with other people(P=0.01), and feeling about the rest of life with urinary symptom(P=0.000) in the biofeedback group were significantly decreased. In conclusion, the biofeedback treatment was more effective than the pelvic floor muscle exercise in genuine stress incontinence.

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A Study on the Development of a Computerized Nursing Diagnoses System
Young Hee Choi, Hyang Yeon Lee, Hea Sook Kim, Hyoun Kyoung Park
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(2):468-478.   Published online March 29, 2017
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The purpose of this study was to develop the computerized nursing diagnoses system for clinical application and activation of nursing diagnosis based on validity verification. In addition, our research team also performed system tests in clinical situations, to identify ways to improve the program and make it more practical. Nursing Diagnoses System will increase nurses' knowledge and experience of the application of nursing diagnoses in clinical situations and development of nursing interventions by nurses as well as the effectiveness of hospital computerized systems. We expect this system can contribute to an improvement in the quality of nursing care. Also we will continuously evaluate and revise the system related to the utilization of the program.

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A Study on urinary Incontinence of Adult Women: Preliminary Study
Young Hee Choi, Hong Ja Yup, Moon Sil Kim, Ae Jung Kim, Jung A Kim, Sung Hee Back
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 1998;28(1):171-183.   Published online March 29, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to identify the incidence of urinary incontinence in adult women and to identify factors related to life style and sexual intercourse that were related to incontinence. The sample consisted of 1,065 women living in Seoul or one of five provinces. Data for this study were collected from January 16 to June 23 using structured questionnaires. The Urinary Symptom Questionnaire developed by Jackson and a demographic questionnaire were used to collect the data. The data were analyzed using frequency, percentage with and SPSS/PC+ program. The major finding are as follows : 1. The distribution of age of subjects was as follows : 20-29(10.1%), 30-39(17.8%), 40-49(27.3%), 50-59(22.3%), 60-69(12.9%), 70-79(6.1%), 80-89(2.8%), more than 90(0.6%). The frequency of normal delivery, 0(15.5%), 1-2(36.0%), 3-4(29.2%), 5-6(13.0%), more than 7(6.3%). The rate of subjects with menopause was 40.8%. 2. It was reported that 50.7% of the subjects experienced urinary incontinence with stress, mixed, and urgency incontinence being 49.8%, 43.4%, 6.8% respectively. 3. The lower urinary symptoms and incidence with urinary incontinence were as follows : Daily frequency, 22.3%, nocturia, 40.8%, urgency, 71.2%, bladder pain, 47.8%, unexplained incontinence, 32.4%, nocturnal incontinence, 16.1%, and frequency of incontinence, 37.7%. In term of quantity of incontinence, drop/pants damp, 29.5%, dribble/pants wet, 20.5%, flood or soaking through to outer clothing, 1.7%, and flood or running down legs or onto floor, 0.2%. 4. The symptoms related to sexual intercourse and incidence of urinary incontinence were as follows : dry vagina, 39.1%, sex life trouble, 10.8%, pain during sexual intercourse, 27.4%, and urine leakage during sexual intercourse, 8.8%. 5. Life style problems related to urinary incontinence were as follows ; fluid intake restriction, 20.0%, affected daily task, 24.5%, avoidance of places and situations, 35.0%, interference in physical activities, 30.6%, interference in relationships with other people, 19.0%, interference in relationship with husband/companion, 8.1%, and time after attack of urinary symptoms, 76.9%. In term of the feeling about the rest of their lives the women reported : perfectly happy, 11.3%, pleased, 16.9%, mostly satisfied, 20.2%, mixed feelings, 21.0%, mostly dissatisfied, 21.0%, very unhappy 8.5%, and desperate, 1.0%. In conclusion, this study was a preliminary study to provide nursing practices guidelines for incontinence in adult women. Nurses working with adult women should develop and provide adequate care for these women.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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