Since 1950s' we have come to take a deep interest in matrimonial communication as the theories of family therapy though communication came to extend. In the rapid changing modern society, especially, the dysfunctional aspect of the communication rather than functional one tends to grow high because married couples who suffer from isolation and solitary in social life want to satisfy their unfilled desire through matrimonial communication and apt to be hurt easily by their attitudes and behaviors. When these discrepancies in dysfunctional aspect take place repeatedly, the conflict between married couple which is bad in their psychological effects go from bad to worse and influence their somatic symptoms. This study was attempted to examine the relationship between
dysfunctional communication patterns of married couple and complaint degree of housewives psychosomatic symptoms and to use as basic materials focusing on nursing system centered around family, which aims to reach the family centered culture of Korea. To gain the aims, some surveys were performed at Seoul, Chinju and some areas of Kyeongki province, and the study materials were collected from 70 wives who were encountered by 12 pastrolists majoring in clinical pastrol of 'Y' Theological Graduate School and from neurotic patients of those who visited the internal Medicine depts of 1 university hospital and 4 hospitals J city, among whom they used dysfunctional communication pattern in their married life. And data collection was performed from Feb. 22, 1988 to April 22.
In the survey, four types of dysfunctional communication presented by Song Sung-Ja were used as the survey tool. And the complaint degree on psychosomatic symptoms was measured by the classification according to the complaint degree of housewives's psychosomatic symptoms through pretest after content validity, in which the housewives who dysfunctional communication were surveyed. To learnmatrimonial Communicationpatterns that have an effect on housewives psychosomatic symptoms in the surveyed.