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Development of a Wellness Index for Workers
Moon-Jong Choi, Chang-Sik Son, Jinsu Kim, Yeongmi Ha
J Korean Acad Nurs 2016;46(1):69-78.   Published online February 29, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a wellness index for workers (WIW) and examine the validity and reliability of the WIW for assessing workers' wellness.


The developmental process for the instrument included construction of a conceptual framework based on a wellness model, generation of initial items, verification of content validity, preliminary study, extraction of final items, and psychometric testing. Content validity was verified by 4 experts from occupational health nursing and wellness disciplines. The construct validity, convergent validity and discriminant validity were examined with confirmatory factor analysis. The reliability was examined with Cronbach's alpha. The participants were 494 workers from two workplaces.


Eighteen items were selected for the final scale, and the results of the confirmatory factor analysis supported a five-factor model of wellness with acceptable model fit, and factors named as physical · emotional · social · intellectual · occupational wellness. The convergent and discriminant validity were also supported. The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was .91.


The results indicate that the WIW is a valid and reliable instrument to comprehensively assess workers' wellness, and to provide basic directions for developing workplace wellness program.

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Effectiveness of a Self-management Program using Goal Setting based on a G-AP for Patients after a Stroke
Min Gyeong Park, Yeongmi Ha
J Korean Acad Nurs 2014;44(5):581-591.   Published online October 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was conducted to develop a self-management program using goal setting for patients after a stroke. The program was based on a theory-based Goal setting and Action Planning framework (G-AP), and the effectiveness of the program was examined.


A non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The experimental group (n=30) received the self-management program using goal setting based on the G-AP over 7 weeks. The education was delivered individually with a specifically designed stroke workbook. The control group (n=30) received only patient information leaflets about stroke.


There were significant differences between the two groups. Stroke knowledge, self-efficacy, and health behavior compliance were significantly higher (all p<.001), and hospital anxiety (p<.001) and depression (p<.001) were significantly lower in the experimental group compared to the control group.


This self-management program using goal setting based on a G-AP was found to be useful and beneficial for patients in stroke rehabilitation settings.

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Effects of a Smoking Cessation Program including Telephone Counseling and Text Messaging using Stages of Change for Outpatients after a Myocardial Infarction
Jung-Hyeon Kong, Yeongmi Ha
J Korean Acad Nurs 2013;43(4):557-567.   Published online August 30, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to identify effects of a smoking cessation program including telephone counseling and text messaging using stages of change for outpatients who have had a myocardial infarction (MI).


This research was a quasi-experimental design with a nonequivalent control group pretest-posttest. The participants were 48 outpatients (experimental group=24, control group=24) recruited from one university hospital. They were randomly assigned to one of two groups: (a) an experimental group with telephone counseling (once a week) and text messaging (five times a week) using stages of change, and (b) a control group with traditional telephone counseling (once a month). Efficacy of the intervention was measured by comparing the two groups on smoking-related variables at 3 weeks and 12 weeks.


At the 3-week and 12-week measurements, there were significant differences between the experimental and control groups on smoking cessation self-efficacy (p<.001), nicotine dependence (p<.001), CO levels (p<.001), and smoking cessation rates (p<.001).


The results indicate that the smoking cessation program including telephone counseling and text messaging using stages of change is effective for outpatients after a MI. Further attention should be paid to the intensity of the smoking cessation program and periods for long-term follow-up.

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Work-related Stress and Risk Factors among Korean Employees
Eun Sook Choi, Yeongmi Ha
J Korean Acad Nurs 2009;39(4):549-561.   Published online August 31, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF

Work-related stress and risk factors among Korean employees were identified in this study.


Data were obtained from employees aged 20 to 64 using the Korean Working Conditions Survey 2006 (KWCS). Multiple logistic regression analysis using SAS version 9.1 was performed to examine risk factors of work-related stress by gender.


The age-adjusted prevalence of work-related stress among male and female employees was 18.4% and 15.1% respectively. After adjustments for multiple variables among both male and female employees, there was a significant relationship between work-related stress and risk factors including education, company size, work time, ergonomic risks, biological·chemical risks, and job demands. The significant variables for male employees were housework load, occupational class, and shift work, and for female employees, type of employment.


There is a need to develop and support intensive stress management programs nationally giving consideration to work-related stress associated with working time, physical working environment, and job demands. Based on gender specific approaches, for male employes, stress management programs should be developed with consideration being given to occupational class and shift work. For stress management programs for female employees, consideration needs to be given to permanent employment status, specifically those in small companies.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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