This study aimed to explore public opinion on workplace bullying in the nursing field, by analyzing the keywords and topics of online news comments.
This was a text-mining study that collected, processed, and analyzed text data. A total of 89,951 comments on 650 online news articles, reported between January 1, 2013 and July 31, 2018, were collected via web crawling. The collected unstructured text data were preprocessed and keyword analysis and topic modeling were performed using R programming.
The 10 most important keywords were “work” (37121.7), “hospital” (25286.0), “patients” (24600.8), “woman” (24015.6), “physician” (20840.6), “trouble” (18539.4), “time” (17896.3), “money” (16379.9), “new nurses” (14056.8), and “salary” (13084.1). The 22,572 preprocessed key words were categorized into four topics: “poor working environment”, “culture among women”, “unfair oppression”, and “society-level solutions”.
Public interest in workplace bullying among nurses has continued to increase. The public agreed that negative work environment and nursing shortage could cause workplace bullying. They also considered nurse bullying as a problem that should be resolved at a societal level. It is necessary to conduct further research through gender discrimination perspectives on nurse workplace bullying and the social value of nursing work.
This study was done to develop a children's sex education program for the parents of lower elementary grade students and to evaluate its effects on sexual knowledge, gender role attitude, parent efficacy for child's sex education, and marital consistency.
A quasi-experimental with a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design was used. The participants were 29 couples (58 parents, experimental group=28, control group=30) from G city. The 5-week (5-session) program was developed based on ‘A theory of protection: parents as sex educators’ and used the case-based small group learning method. Data were collected during July and August 2015. The characteristics of the program developed in the present study were a theoretical-based, client-centered, multi-method.
After the intervention, the experimental group showed a significant improvement in sexual knowledge, gender role attitudes, parent efficacy for child's sex education, and marital consistency, compared to the control group. The effect sizes of the program were .64 (knowledge), .65 (gender role attitudes), and .68 (parent efficacy).
The results of this study provided implications for the parents as effective sex educator and the role expansion of school health nurses.
This study was conducted to develop a sexual satisfaction tool for married women in Korea. The data was collected from July 19 to Aug 18, 1997 by means of questionnaires developed by researchers. The subject were 417 married women living in Seoul and Pusan. The process of this study was as follows : 1) The concept of sexual satisfaction was defined. 2) A conceptual framework was identified based on the extensive review of relevant literature and interviews with married women. 3) The preliminary question items containing the attributes and elements of the concept of sexual satisfaction were listed. 4) The preliminary items were revised after a pilot study. 5) The Index of Content Validity(CVI) was calculated from the content specialists' rating. 6) The reliability and validity of the sexual satisfaction measurement tool were tested. As a result of the item and factor analysis, 17 out of 30 items were found to be valid, consequently could be used to measure sexual satisfaction for married women. These final 17 items were divided into two factors. These factors were labeled as "situation factor"(10 items) and "response factor"(7 items) according to the attributes of the clustered items. The reliability of the final 17 items was .9118. Further research in needed to confirm the reliability and validity of the tool by applying it to a group of healthy married women and to a group of married women having health-related problem.
This is a descriptive study to understand the preventive stage for STDs to provide a basis for sex education for college students. The colleges were selected by quota sampling in five representative cities in Korea, but the1,691 college students were selected by convenient sampling in the cities nationwide, and the data were collected by self-reporting using questionnaire consisting of 33 items. The results were as follows : 1. Their mean ages were 21.8 for female and 23.3 for male students, 2. 78.0% of the males and 46.5% of the females permitted premarital sex, 57.1% of male and 10.3% of female college students had experienced sexual intercourse, 7.1% of males and 2.4% of females had experienced pregnancy, 10.3% of males and 3.4% of females had been infected with STDs, 72.1% of male and 13.8% of female didn't use condoms at the time of infection. 3. Most of the factors related to STDs infection, such as drinking, smoking, frequency of sexual intercourse, pregnancy, knowledge of STDs, the score of STDs prevention were statistically higher in the male student group than in the female group. 4. The student's mean score of knowledge about STDs was similar between the male group(7.80)and the female group(7.84) with a possible score range from 0-18. 5. Only fifteen percent of male and 9.6% of female students expressed that they will do something to prevent STD. 6. The group having the experience of sexual intercourse(t=3.924, P=.048) and the group of having experience of contracting STDs(t=16.638, P=.000) had shown statistically higher STDs prevention score than the group not having that kind of experience, but the group not having experience with pregnancy didn't show any difference from the group not having experience with pregnancy. Considering that 57.1% of males and 10.3% of females had sexual intercourse experience, 78% of male and 46.5% of female permitted premarital sex, 10.3% of male and 3.4% of female had been infected with STDs. It could be concluded that the college students were ignorant about the prevention of STDs and had unrealistic stage of the STDs prevention. Therefore, enforcement of education for the prevention of STDs including the dynamics of the sexual intercourse and STDs infection is needed.
This study was done to examine knowledge about. and need for sex education among university students in Korea. This Study design was descriptive survey design. The data were collected from 540 university students from June 10 to June 30, 1996, using questionnaires developed by the authors. The results are as follows : Those who had sex education had higher scores in sex knowledge than those had not had sex education. The average score for sex knowledge was 71.9 of a maximum score of 100. Knowledge of sexually transmitted disease was scored highest of 79.8, and knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system was scored lowest at 60.9. The subjects who answered 'yes' about the necessity of sex education numbered 529(98%) and the most important reason given for needing sex education was to cope well with physical and psychological developments. Regarding the content of sex education, a choice of relevant contraceptive methods was given the highest rating. Anatomy and physiology of reproductive system was the least chaser subject as the first priority among five topics. Yet, sex education for university students should include anatomy and physiology of the reproductive system, considering the low level of knowledge on this topic in the subjects of this study and its importance as a part of sex education.
The effect of circumvaginal muscle (CVM) exercises to improve sexual function in married women has not been investigated by currently acceptable research methods, nor have appropriate instruments and techniques to carry out such investigation been available. The purpose of this research was to study the effect of CVM exercise on sexual function, and of measuring CVM function after CVM exercises. The research tools used were a modified Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory questionnare and a pressure sensitive intravaginal balloon device. This research was conducted in Kwangju-city and Chonnam province, Korea from July, 1994 to July, 1995. The research used a non-equivalent control pre-post test quasi-experimental design. Forty-five healthy married female volunteers, aged 30?8, and were randomly assigned by age using the matching fixed-length blocks to two groups. The experimental group consisted of 21 women who were assigned a 25 -minute per day CVM home exercise program for six weeks. The control group of 24 women did not do the CVM home exercises. The CVM home exercise was developed by Dougherty (1989a) and adopted to Korea by Lee (1993). Data were analyzed by x2-test, Paired t-test, Spearman product-moment correlation using SAS/PC+. The results are summarized as follows: 1. There were no significant differences in the characteristics of the subjects between the exper imental and control groups before the CVM home exercises. 2. Hypothesis 1 that married women who participated in CVM home exercises would have higher mean scores on the sexual function (SF) than in those who did not participate in home exercise was supported. 3. Hypothesis 2 that married women who participated in CVM home exercises would have higher vaginal pressure on SF than in those who did not participate in home exercises was supported (mean maximum pressure, t= -7.338, P<.0001, peak maximum pressure, t=-11.164, P<.0001). 4. Hypothesis 3 that the more often (number of days) and the more frequent (numbers of times per day) that married women do CVM home exercise, the higher their mean scores on SF and vaginal pressures was supported (r =0.233, P<.01; r=0.352, P<.05). A six week CVM home exercise program using a tape recording showed that SF can be improved. Results of this study showed that married women who exercise on a regular basis for six weeks improve their sexual function and increase the mean vaginal pressure and peak maximum pressure (tested by electronic monitor). In conclusion, CVM exercise is effective in increasing SF.
The research questions of this study were: Will the level of sexual satisfaction of women who have had a hysterectomy 4 months before be decreased compare to the level of sexsual satisfaction before the hysterectomy?, Will the level of perceived spouse support of women who have had a hysterectomy 4 months before be decreased compare to the level before the hysterectomy?, and What is the relationship between sexual satisfaction and spouse support? This is a perspective descriptive correlational study. The number of subjects was 44. The subjects were limited to Korean women who had an abdominal or vaginal hysterectomy for non-malignant diseases, were married (living with their husbands), mentally healthy, and premenopause at the time of operation. The instrument was consisted of 4 items of demographic characteristics, 13 items of spouse support, and 10 items of sexual satisfaction. The instrument of sexual satisfaction was a component of the Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory. Data analysis was done by paired t-test to see the differences between the pre- post scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse support. The Pearson Correlation Coefficiency was calculated to see the relationship between the scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse spport of pre-post hysterectomy. Results were summerized as follow: The mean age of the subjects was 43.5 years; 72. 1% of the subjects were above middle school graduates: their mean income level was 1,453,000 Korean won and 86.4% of the subjects have had bilateral oophrectomy. 1. The scores of sexual satisfaction of women at 4 months after hysterectomy was decreased significantly compare to the score before hysterectomy (paired t=. 274, p=.009). 2. The scores of spouse support of the women at 4 months after hysterectomy was not decreased significantly compare to the score before hys-terectomy(paired t=.19, p=.847). 3. The scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse support before hysterectomy was significantly related(r=.5186, p=.000). 4. The scores of sexual satisfaction and spouse support at 4 months after hysterectomy was significantly related (r=.4110, p=.005) It can be concluded that the sexual satistaction level could be decreased 4 months after the hysterectomy, but the spouse support level may not be decreased at 4 months after hysterectomy. Further studies have to be done to identify the factors related to the decrease of sexual satisfaction and spouse support after hysterectomy.
PURPOSE: This study was to developed to create a CD-ROM and an educational program for the prevention of sexual harassment and violence and to contribute to the perception and add to the coping of the victims of sexual harassment and violence as well as the child, parents, and teachers.
The study's methods were literature reviews, surveys, and assessments of the negotiation process for educational needs of sexual harassed and abused children.
The sexual harassment and violence prevention program will contain four subjects : 1) sexual development of a preschool child, 2) characteristics of sexual harassment and violence of a preschool child, 3) safe sex, early detection of sexual violence syndrome, and coping strategies. The CD-RON was composed from three sites. The first was a child site, the second was a parent/teacher site, and the third was a game site for evaluations. The child site consisted of 10 possible scenarios of sexual harassment and violence that a child could experience. The parent/teacher site consisted of knowledge and information for prevention and coping strategies for sexual harassment and violence. At the end of each situation question and answer sections that were used for formative evaluation. Also, the game site could be a summative evaluation.
The effects of this program and the CD-ROM were based of the promotion of reverence for humanity and gender equality for preschool childen. Eventually, children, parents, and teachers will have prevention and coping ability that will reduce the occurrence of sexual harassment and violence in Korea.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the rate of pregnancy, abortion, delivery and contraceptive use and the relationship between the related factors and the early coitus among Korean teenagers.
The subjects of this study were 12,733 teenagers age 13-19 years in 7 major cities and 9 provinces in Korea. Data was collected from 2 Oct., to 28 Oct., 2000 and analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 Program.
The results showed pregnancy rate 4.5%, delivery rate 0.5%, abortion rate 0.4%. Adolescent girls who experienced coitus relatively went to vocational school, coeduaction school, night school in the general characteristics (p=0.000). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus tend to go to video room (18.5%), go the singing room (60.7%), the bar (54.8%), petting with the partner during the dates. There were overlapping juvenile delinquencies such as drinking (89.2%), pornography (65.3%), bond inhalation (2.7%), leaving homes (43.7%), smoking (14.5%), cyber sex (70.8%), phone sex (12.9%). Adolescent girls who experienced coitus were more suffering from Wangtta (26.1%) than who had not. They showed significant positive attitudes toward coitus; such as feeling of excitement (6.6%), nature (37.9%), beauty (8.7%). On the other hand, they had more guilty (2.8%) than the inexperienced (p=0.000). The main factors relating to early coitus were 'to confirm love' (46.9%), 'afraid of rejection' (32.2%). They think the benefits of coitus were 'more intimacy with boyfriends' (20.6%), 'satisfaction of curiosity' (16.8%). The losses on coitus were 'worry about pregnancy' (73.7%) and 'unability to refuse sexual contacts' (28.7%)
It could be concluded that it is necessary to plan different sex education programs according to general characteristics and delinquency behaviors of teenage girls in Korea.
The aims of this study were to identify the effects on sexual role identity and sexual attitude of the A-V programed sexual education on Oct. 1. 1997 through Sep. 30, 2000. The program was focused on the formation of the desirable sexual activity, attitude and androgyny sexual role identity of the Korean adolescents, and that was the 25 minute VTR media "Our sexuality is healthful". This study was non equivalent post-test only quasi-experimental design, and the subjects were 530 middle school boys in Busan, Korea. After the manipulation, the change of sexual role identity and sexual attitude was analysed. Outcome measures were middle school boys' sexual role identity toward KSRI on a seven-point Likert scale and sexual attitudes toward SAS on a five-point Likert scale. The data was analysed by SPSS WIN. The results were summarized as follows: 1) The experimental group who was exposed to the A-V media produced by the author showed the higher score of androgyny sexual role identity than the control group who didn't watch the A-V program. 2) The experimental group showed the higher rate of the androgyny than the control group, On the other hand, their rate of the masculinity turned out to be lower than the latter group. 3) The experimental group didn't show the difference of SAS score from the control group. In conclusion, "Our sexuality is Healthful" A-V program for sexual education brought about the significant change of sexual role identity of the middle school boys, but didn't affect their attitude toward sexual activity.
The relationship between the attitude and satisfaction for sexuality of pregnant women was observed to provide rationales of nursing intervention to help promote healthy sexual lifestyles. Questionnaires were collected from 211 obstetric outpatients of H university hospital in C city, Korea from February to May 1999. The research tools were D.S.F.I (Derogatis Sexual Function Inventory in Korean, Chronbach's alpha= 0.710) and Sexuality Satisfaction Method (Kim, 1997, Chronbach's alpha =0.864). Data was analyzed for frequency, mean, standard deviation, Pearson correlation, t-test and ANOVA by Windows SAS. The results of this study were as follows: Mean age of the subjects were 29.8; the average score of attitude to sex was moderate (27.60), and that of satisfaction sex was high (54.11); the positive relationship was shown between attitude and satisfaction for sexuality (r=0.51, p=.000); the higher educational and income levels of pregnant women and their husbands, were the better the attitude and satisfaction for was; professional women had better attitude than housewives. According to the results, it is suggested that the study is necessary to develop an effective nursing intervention related with the sexuality of pregnant women.
The purpose of this study was to construct model of sexual adjustment in people with spinal cord injury and to determine factors that relate to sexual adjustment using methodological triangulation. A total of 134 persons who were registered members of spinal cord injury organization and admitted rehabilitation unit in the hospital were included in the study. Participants answered questionnaire concerning importance of life events, sexual concern, sexual adjustment. Qualitative data were collected through semi-structured indepth interviews from 10 individuals with spinal cord injury who were previously included in the quantitative study. Constant compatative method was used to analyze the data. The results were as follows: 1) With respect to eleven other areas of life, sex life ranked the sixth and economic status ranked the highest in terms of importance. However social life ranked the lowest among the 11areas. 2) Among seven topics related to sexuality were methods and techniques to achieve sexual satisfaction, and helping a partner cope emotionally with limitation on sexual dysfunction was the second greastest. 3) The mean score for sexual adjustment was 19.47 which can be considered. 4) A process on how individuals with spinal cord injury adjust to their changed sexual life immerged from the qualitative data. It includs 4 stages: 'stage of loss' 'stage of endeavoring' 'stage of effort' and 'stage of adjustment'. Categories showing context for the action/interaction strategies were 'steadiness' and 'rediscovery as a sexual being'. There were three factors which may stimulate the adjustment process while the others may interrupt it. Those factors included personal matters, family matters and social matters. The individuals may follow each stage step by step but may go back to the previous step depending on the outcomes of their adjustment. 5) There were three factors which may stimulate the adjustment process while the others may interrupt it. Those factors included personal matters, family matters and social matters.
This study was done to determine the factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior in female university students. a total of 534 students participated in this cross sectional study by answering a questionnaire. The data collection was done between September 1 and October 31, 1997. The measurement tools used in this study were the self help change process scale(Cronbach's alpha=.9930 : developed by Oh&Kim, 1996) for smoking-cessation behaviors, the self efficacy scale(Cronbach's alpha=.8250 : developed by Sherer et al, 1982), the sex role acceptance scale(KR-20=.7757 : developed by Kim, 1991) and the social support scale(Cronbach's alpha=.9172 : developed by Park, 1985). The summarized results are follows : 1. The mean scores for smoking-cessation behaviors in smokers(N=150) was 91.72 that was considered a middle score compared to the total possible score of measurement tool(150.0). The mean score for smoking-cessation behaviors by smoking-cessation step showed significant different between the groups(F=11.71, p= .000). 2. The group with no experience in smoking(N=332) showed a high general self efficacy score(t=5.24, p= .000), and more openness to sex role acceptance(t=-2.15, p= .032) compared to the group with smoking experience(N=202). 3. General self efficacy, sex role acceptance, and social support were not different significantly between the groups according to the steps in smoking-cessation. 4. Significant factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior(total, sub concepts) were religion, sex role acceptance, social support, smoking duration, smoking attitude, time of smoking onset, amount of smoking, drinking, and perception of health status. 5. Smoking-cessation behaviors which explained 11% of the variance were smoking attitude, and smoking duration. In conclusion, this study identified factors influencing smoking-cessation behavior. Thereby it will help in the development of smoking-cessation ration other determinants of smoking cessation behaviors, evaluation of intervention efficiency, and comparative study by gender characteristics are needed.
This study was performed to compare the transcultural differences on perimenstrual discomforts, menstrual attitudes and sex role acceptance between Korean and American college students. The subjects, 2557 nursing students were selected from 13 universities all around Korea, and 4 universities in the eastern, western, and middle areas of the United States. The data were collected using the MDQ(Menstrual Distress Questionnaire by Moos), the MAQ(Menstrual Attitude Questionnaire) and the Sex Role Acceptance Scale, the subjects answered the MDQ for three points(premenstrual, menstrual, intermenstrual based on their recollections) between July, 1996 and April, 1997. The findings are as follows : 1. There were significant differences in the age of menarche, duration of menstruation, and menstrual cycle between the Koreans and the Americans. 2. As for sex role acceptance, Americans more frequently denied the traditional female role than did Koreans. 3. There were significant differences between the two groups on five categories of menstrual attitude(menstruation is a phenomena that weakens women physically and psychologically, menstruation is a bothersome phenomena. menstruation is a natural phenomena, and menstruation is a phenomena that does not influence women's behaviors non is expected to). 4, For the menstrual discomfort scores, there were significant differences between the two groups on all six categories of the MDQ(pain, attention deficit, behavioral changes, ANS response, water retention, and negative emotion) for the three points(premenstrual, menstrual, intermenstrual period). 5. The most common complaints for the Korean women were pain during the perimenstrual period and fatigue during the intermenstrual period. In contrast, for the Americans the most common complaint was negative emotions during the perimenstrual period, but less pain than the Koreans, and a similarity to Koreans during the intermenstrual period. 6. Regularity of the menstrual cycle was positively correlated with age of menarche, menstrual cycle, and duration of menstruation. 7. For the interrelationship between of Perimenstrual discomforts, menstrual attitudes, and sex role acceptance, there were significant correlations for both group as follows : First, the MA category "menstruation is a bothering phenomena" was negatively correlated with sex role acceptance, second, the MA category "menstruation is a phenomena that weakens the women physically and psychologically" was positively correlated with the MA category "menstruation onset is a predictable phenomena." For the further research, it is recommended that efficient nursing intervention programs for perimenstrual discomforts, be developed and qualitative re search to demonstrate the cultural differences as the feminism view point be done.
This study was conducted to explore the level of sexual satisfaction in married women. This is a descriptive study. The data was collected from July 19 to Aug 10, 1997 utilizing a questionnaire developed by researchers. Sexual satisfaction(alpha=.926) was measured by the Sexual satisfaction scale(Kim at el, 1997) which is consisted of 17-items. And data was analysed using SPSS/PC+ 7.5. The following is a summary of the study. 1. The study surveyed a total of 400 married women from Seoul, Kyungki do, and Pusan. The mean age of the subjects was 38.61 years with the range from 22 to 69 years. A large proportion of the subjects(69.3%) had received a high school education or further education. In terms of the marital satisfaction, 68.6% of subjects were moderately or highly satisfied; 6.8% were dissatisfied. 2. The mean score and standard deviation of the sexual satisfaction was 42.74+/-10.42 with the range from 17 to 68 score. 3. The variables influencing on sexual satisfaction were age, education level, income, job, stress, and perceived marital satisfaction.
The purpose of this study was to examine the level of knowledge and the attitudes of Korean adults toward sexuality of elderly people.
This was a descriptive study using a convenience sample of 241 adults. The questionnaire had 34 items for knowledge and 26 items for attitudes.
The result showed that, related to sexuality of elderly people, the level of knowledge was average and attitudes were conservative. The level of knowledge was significantly higher in groups that were highly educated and of low economic status (p<.05). Attitudes toward sexuality of elderly people were significantly more conservative in female, older, less educated, and high economic status group.
The findings suggest a need for more education for Korean adults regarding sexuality in elderly people.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of a sex education program, which was based on the Health Belief Model, on knowledge related to sexually transmitted diseases and sexual autonomy among university students.
A non-equivalent control group, pretest-posttest design was used. The four session program was delivered to 18 students during 4 weeks; the control group consisted of 23 students. The theme of the first session was “sex, gender, and sexuality: all our concern”, “dangerous sex” for the second session, “safe sex” for the third session, and “right sex for you and me” for the fourth session.
At follow-up, the knowledge related to sexually transmitted diseases and sexual autonomy were significantly greater in the intervention group than in the control group.
A sex education program with several sessions within the theoretical frame of HBM was effective to improve knowledge related to sexually transmitted diseases and sexual autonomy. The results suggest the potential of a systematic sexual education program to teach healthy sex and to extend the program for other various populations.
The purpose of the study was to test the effectiveness of an 8 session intervention program to prevent sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among at-risk prostitutes.
An experimental research design was employed. Subjects were 59 prostitutes (29 in the control group and 30 in the experimental group) who agreed to participate in this study. An STD Prevention Framework derived from Cox's Interaction Model of Client Health Behavior guided the overall intervention and the components. The intervention had 8 sessions with STD-prevention strategies and was led by Public Health Nurses. Analysis included change scores, χ2-test, and t-test.
The results revealed significant increase in feelings and skills of condom use, peer belief on condom use, condom use practice, and satisfaction with service at public health centers (PHC) on STDs knowledge and skills in the experimental group. However, newly contracted STDs were not significant statistically between groups.
The 8 session STDs prevention program showed a effect on emotions, skills and behaviors of condom use even withthe limitation of methodological rigors because of subject-specific conditions. In the future, a capacity-building model based on collaborating networks among community-based organizations will be needed to develop in effective STDs prevention.
With the continuous spread of the AIDS virus and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) throughout Asia, it has become imperative for HIV/AIDS prevention outreach programs to stress the need for using prophylactics as one form of protection. This is particularly true for commercial sex workers. This pilot study was conducted to investigate the rate of condom use among the commercial sex workers in Korea and reasons why they frequently do not wear condoms during sexual intercourse.
Fifty female commercial sex workers who worked in the Yong San area were recruited while outreach was performed and forty eight responses were analyzed due to two incomplete questionnaires. The data were collected on June 28, 2004 as part of an outreach program for condom use promotion.
The subjects ranged in age from 21 to 45 years. Nearly half of the subjects (47.9%) did not consistently use condoms. The major reason for not using protection was clients'reluctances for using condoms. When condoms were used, the subjects preferred lubricant-rich and less painful condom during intercourse.
Due to the inconsistent use of condoms, it is clear that many commercial sex workers and clients are susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is important to not only educate commercial sex workers, but also to educate their pimps and clientele about the importance of condom use. In general, it is recommended that practical strategies and a policy for condom use promotion be developed.
This study was designed to identify the variables affecting male adolescents' sexual intercourse through a comprehensive analysis of individual and environmental factors.
The subjects of this descriptive survey on causal relations were 462 subjects enrolled in liberal and vocational high schools selected on a convenience sampling basis. The data collected from May-July 2002 was put to logistic regression analysis to build a forecast model. Findings: 1) Individual factors such as school record, experience seeking, non-inhibition and sexual permissiveness, 2) family factors such as parental living arrangement, 3) school factorssuch as career tract and 4) peer factors such as having a boy/girl friend were identified as significant variables forecasting sexual intercourse.
The theoretical model built on the basis of the major findings of this study will hopefully help promote a wholesome youth culture related to sexual intercourse.It is recommended that a program be developed that can help control the variables identified in this study along with a follow-up study to verify the model.
This study was to explore health experiences of victims of sexual violence reflected in Newman's health as expanding consciousness theory.
Nurse as researcher use Newman's praxis methodology because it is good for showing the process of interaction between researcher and sexual abuse victims.
The significant characteristics of early health experiences during negative situations were a lot of suffering. However, after a turning point in health experience, the health experiences of most of the participants evolved as expanding consciousness.
The study has provided support for Newman's theory of health. Most of the participants recognised meanings in their patterns and trustful caring relationships with the nurse as researcher. Pattern recognition as a nursing practice was a meaningful transforming process in the participant-nurse partnership.
The purpose of this study was to examine risk factors for sexual behaviors in Korean female high school students.
Data was collected by a written questionnaire from June 22 to July 18, 2002 from 522 girls, who were stratified samples from a target population of 63,375 11th grade students from 200 regular high schools and 70 vocational high schools in Seoul, Korea. We conducted multiple regression analysis using the SAS pc+ program.
Risk factors for intimate behaviors were association with boy friends, differential association, family attachment, and family abuse experience. These variables cause 68% of intimate behaviors. Risk factors for sexual experiences were differential association, association with boy friend, and family attachment. These variables cause 14% of sexual experiences.
Efforts to reduce sexual behaviors in girls should include the possible role of peers and develop peer leader programs.
This study is to investigate the influencing factors in the consistent use of contraception methods by comparing consistent and inconsistent users on partner communication, contraceptive control perception, and sexual autonomy among married Korean women.
This study consists of 243 married women living in Korea. A convenient sampling technique was used and data were collected by self report questionnaires from September 14, 2000 to October 20, 2000.
Only 41.6% of women were using contraception methods consistently and the rest of them were using contraception methods inconsistently. Between the two groups, statistical significances were noted in sexual communication(t=-2.5, p=.01), perceived contraceptive control(t=-7.5, p=.00) and sexual autonomy(t=-3.1, p=.00). As for general communication, it was not statistically significant(t=-1.0, p=.31).
Family planning program advisors should recognize that intervention programs for the promotion of consistent contraceptive behavior should focus on the sexual communication, perceived contraceptive control, and sexual autonomy.
This study was done to develop an applicable training program for high school girls on sexual assertiveness.
The design combined methodological study and non-synchronized quasi experimental study designs. The participants were 174 high school girls from two schools. Two questionnaires were used, one consisted of 23 questions on self efficacy and the other, of 22 items on sexual assertiveness. The SPSS 10.0 program was used for data analysis. Experimental group 1(3 hour program) and experimental group 2(6 hour program) were received on sexual assertiveness. The sexual assertiveness program was carried out by members of the research team. There were no differences in demographic characteristics between control group, experimental group 1, and experimental group 2.
There was no significant increase in self efficacy scores in experimental group 1 over the control group, but there was a significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in the experimental group 1 over the control group. There was an increase in self efficacy scores in experimental group 2 over the control group, but it was not significant. There was a significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in experimental group 2 over the control group. There was no significant increase in self efficacy scores in the experimental group 2 over the experimental group 1, and there was no significant increase in sexual assertiveness scores in experimental group 2 over the experimental group 1.
The results show that a 3 hour program was as effective as a 6 hour program for sexual assertiveness. Therefore, it is advisable to use a 3 hour program for clinical convenience. But further study is needed to determine the lasting effect on sexual assertiveness.
This cross-sectional survey was conducted to describe the sexuality of Korean women after menopause using a national sample, and to examine relationships between the sexuality and demographic, body mass index, and life style factors including smoking, alcohol use, and physical activity.
From Dec. 20, 1998 to April 30, 1999, 2196 naturally postmenopausal women aged between 41 and 65 years were recruited by a disproportional stratified random sampling method from 7 metropolitans and 6 provinces in Korea. The questionnaire was used to obtain information on the demographic characteristics, life style factors, body mass index, and sexual activities.
The findings show that the frequency of intercourse after menopause decreased among most of postmenopausal Korean women (64.5%). The frequency of women reported their sexual activity as satisfactory was higher among women doing physical activity, not smoking, with higher educational status, with middle socioeconomic status, without sleep disturbance, with lower body mass index, and with good subjective health status.
Further studies need to be designed as the longitudinal studies with larger random samples and better measures of sexuality.
This study was to add to the understanding of sexual autonomy in college students in Korea. A descriptive survey design was used.
The participants in this study were 1,865 college students from 13 colleges, The questionnaire consisted of 15 items on general characteristics and 13 items measuring sexual autonomy. The SPSS 10.0 program was used for data analysis.
The global score for sexual autonomy was relatively high at 55.24 with a possible range of 13~65. The item on sexual autonomy with the highest score were, ‘ I can prevent repeated STD infections’ and the item with the lowest sexual autonomy score was ‘ I can speak clearly about having intercourse’. Factors related to sexual autonomy were identified as gender, parents' attitude, year in university, experience with STD prevention and experience with pregnancy prevention. The score for sexual autonomy was lower in male college students (p= .000), students whose parents' attitudes to sex were vague, first year students (p=.000), students who had little experience with prevention of STDs (p= .002), students who had little experience with prevention of pregnancy (p=.001).
The results showed that in setting priorities for sex education the following groups of students should be given first priority, male students, students whose parents' attitudes to sex were vague, first year students, students who have not had experience with prevention of STDs, and students who have not had experience with prevention of pregnancy.
The purposes of this study is to develop an educational program to prevent sexual abuse of children and to improve the physical and mental health of children by providing a rape-free environment and safety education. This program will provide parents and children with information on how to prevent sexual abuse in children. Children learn specific methods to avoid being victimized both at home and outside the home through a learning game and simulation, which is based on problem solving.
This program was developed based on a literature reviews, surveys and negotiation process. School- aged-children, parents, and teachers were interviewed to reveal their educational needs based on their experiences related to sexual abuse.
This program includes useful subjects such as safety education, early detection of sexual abuse, crisis management, resource persons, and phone numbers of available hospital. Counseling is provided by researcher or by a pediatric psychiatrist if needed.
This program could be adequately utilized for prevention of sexual abuse of children. It also will provide an intervention strategy for abused children. This educational program was distributed to all of the elementary school through the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
Smoking cessation is strongly recommended for every smoker after ischemic stroke, but many patients fail to quit smoking. An improved smoking cessation rate has been reported with intensive behavioral therapy during hospitalization and supportive contact after discharge. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the usefulness of the timely interventions for smoking cessation in men with acute ischemic stroke.
Patients who participated in the timely interventions strategy (TI group) were compared with those who received conventional counseling (CC group). In the TI group, a certified nurse provided comprehensive education during admission and additional counseling after discharge. Outcome was measured by point smoking success rate and sustained smoking cessation rate for 12 months.
Participants, 157 men (86 of the TI group and 71 of the CC group), were enrolled. Mean age was 58.25 ± 11.23 years and mean initial National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale score was 4.68 ± 5.46. The TI group showed a higher point smoking success rate compared with the CC group (
Findings indicate that multiple interventions initiated during hospital stay and regular follow-up after discharge are more effective than conventional smoking cessation counseling in men with acute ischemic stroke.