This Study was conducted at Intensive Care-Unit of H & S Hospitals from Jan 4 to April 7, 1981 on 14male & 26female adult patients. Each patient was screened and found to have nonbacteriuria in clean catch specimen before catheterization. Clean catch apecimen through Foley catheter were obtained after 24hours, 48hours and 72hours from catheterization. The result of this study is reviewed in a statistical analysis of percentage & Chi Square test to obtain the following findings. 1) THe occurenc of bacteriuria in patients according to duration of indwelling catheter, a, 9.1% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 24hours post catheterization specimen and 60% showed 48hours post cathetreization, while 68.4% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 7 2hours post catheterization specimen. The occurence of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between duration of indwelling catheter. b, Male patients had no infection 24hours post catheteiization, 50% displayed bacteriuria 48hours post catheterization & 62.5% displayed bacteriuria 72hours post catheterization. 11.1% of female patients displayed infection 24hours post catheterization 66.7% displayed infection 48hours post catheterization and 72.7% displayed infection 72hours post catheterization. There were significant differences at 1% level between bacteriuria occurence of male & female patients and the duration of insertion. 2) 56% of those patient who have altered mental state developed bacteriuria, while 40% of those patient who have clear mental state developed bacteriuda. But there was without statistically any significant difference between patient's mental status. 3) The occurence of bacteriuria with the administration of antibiotics in 36 patients was in 50%. The occurence of bacteriuria without the administration of antibiotics in 4 patients was in 50%. But there was without statistically any significant difference between the administration of antibiotics. 4) The occuience of bacteriuria in patients according to frequency of bladder irrigation. 50% of those patient who irrigated twice a day developed bacteriuria, 63.6% of those patient who irrigated once a day developed bacteriuria. The occuience of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between frequency of bladder irrigation. 5) The occurence of bacteriuria in patients who did perineal care once a day was 58.1%, 22.6% of those patient who did perineal care twice a day developed bacteriuria. But there: was without statistically any signiticant differences between frequency of perineal care. 6) Most frequent bacteria of all bacterial strains isolated by culture of the urine was E. coli (45%). Enterococci & Staphylococcus were 15% respectively.
The Purposes of this study are to determine differences of body temperature between Right and left sublingual areas itself and differences depending upon the utilization rate of mastication according to time intervals and to determine the length of time neccessary for temperature taking. This Experiment was conducted from Oct 6 through Oct 11, 1975. in which accurately tested clinical Centigrade Thermometers have been utilized. Two thermometers were inserted simultaneously under the right and left sublingual areas and the mouth kept closed while thermometers were in Place. Temperature readings were done at three minutes, five minutes and ten minutes. These procedures were repeated one hundred times to different subjects and the data were analyzed statistically by means of the t-test and the F-ratio. Under the 10 hypotheses designed for this study, The findings obtained are as follows; 1. The body temperatures taken at 3, 5,10 minutes intervals in the left sublingual areas were significantly higher than in the right sublingual areas. The average differences of body temperature between the right and left sublingual areas were 0.09degrees C, 0.05degrees C and 0.03degrees C in the oder of time interval of 3, 5, and 10 minutes. 2. The body temperatures taken in the right sublingual areas among three different temperature readings, 3,5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 57 subjects who have been utilizing evenly both sides of the Teeth. The average readings in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.04degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.15degrees C and for 10minutes 37.28degrees C.. 3. The body temperatures taken in the left sublingual areas among three different temperature readings, 3, 5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 57 subjects who have been utilizing evenly both sides of the teath. The average reading in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.13degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.2degrees C and for 10 minutes 37.31 degrees C. 4. Oral temperatures taken at 3, 5, 10 minutes intervals at the side of mouth utilized for more frequent mastication were Significantly higher than the other side. The average differences of body temperature between more frequently utilized side and Less frequently utilized side were 0.08degrees C, 0.08degrees C and 0.09degrees C in the order of time interval of 3,5 and 10 minutes. 5. Oral temperature taken at the side of mouth more frequently utilized for mastication among three different temperature readings, 3, 5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 43 subjects who have been unequally utilizing either side of teeth. The average reading in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.09degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.17degrees C and for 10 minutes 37.3degrees C. 6. Oral temoerature taken at the side of mouth less frequently utilized for mastication among three different temperature readings 3, 5 and 10 minutes were significantly different in 43 subjects who have been unequa.lly utilizing either side of teeth. The average reading in a group taking for 3 minutes was 37.01degrees C, for 5 minutes 37.09degrees C and for 10 minutes 37.21degrees C. As a result of this study, these differences among time intervals were statistically significant, but there were not so much differences as to be considered important in the clinical practice. Therefore, there would be clinically little difference between two groups who are taking for 3 minutes and for 10 minutes.
The Purposes of this study were : 1) to evaluate validity of a pain rating scale using the level of correlation between the Korean Pain Rating Scale(KPRS), Short-From KPRS(SKPRS) and the Graphic Rating Scale(GRS). 2) to identify sensitivity of the scale using pain behavior of patients with chronic pain Of the 2025 patients with chronic pain who visited the orthopedic and neurosurgical out-patients departments of 11 university hospital in various districts of Korea, 520 subjects wee selected through convenient sampling and responded to the questionnaires by mail. The results of the study can be summarized as follows ; 1. The mean pain score measured by the KPRS was 444.85 : the mean sensory score was 209.47, the mean affective score, 147.63 and the mean miscellaneus score. 87.85. The mean pain score measured by the GRS was 20.11 : the mean sensory intensity score, 10.54. and the mean distress score, 9.57. 2. The average number of hours of rest during the day was 3.3, the average score of discomfort in carrying out ADL was 99, the average frequency of pain relieving practices was 3.0 the average number of pain sites was 3.6. 3. The most sensitive scale to differentiate each group was the GRS, the KPRS and SKPRS were less sensitive than the GRS. 4. The intercorrelation between the KPRS total score and the GRS score(.500) as well as that of the SKPRS score were highly correlated(.652), but intercorrelation between the SKPRS score and the GRS score(.172) was not high. Based on the above results, it was found that the SKPRS must be studied further to obtain validity.
This study was conducted by analyzing all 33 articles based on the LISREL, published
from January 1991 to March 1999 in Korea. The analyses consisted of the publication date of articles, principal dependent variables,
subjects of the research, adequacy of sampling, adequacy of research purposes and
, accordance between theoretical model and hypothetical model, fit measures,
theoretical base of model modification, and adequacy of conclusion.
The results were as follows :
The thesis of 33 articles in total were outnumbered as 25 (75.8%) to 8 (24.2%)
research articles. As for a sex classification of the subjects, 45.5% of the research
were conducted around a female group of subjects, while 54.5% were done for both
sex, The range of the sample size was 105 to 803, and the average was 259
subjects. A single theoretical variable was measured for each measurement variable, any
difference between variables was hardly found in 8 articles (24.2%), and 19 articles
(57.6%) did not consider any measurement error.
To analyze if the representative has been considered while collecting the data, most
data were collected by a convenient sampling. Seven articles (21.2%) were seen with
a sign of a representative. Questionnaires were used in a majority (31 articles) of the
data collecting process. Only 2 articles (6.1%) were measured with a physiologic
index simultaneously. 14 articles (42.2%) were centered on theory development, 10 articles on theory
synthesis, and 9 articles on theory test. The research purposes and results were
consistent in 25 articles (75.5%) and 8 articles (24.2%) were inconsistent. The quality
of life and health promotion behavior were the concepts most frequently studied as a
dependent variable, and 7 articles centered on them. In applied theories a health
promotion model was used on 4 articles (12.1%), while role theory and stress-coping
models were in 3 articles respectively. The articles were analyzed to see if the hypothetical model was elaborated and
tested by the theoretical model. Twenty-five articles proved to be rationale for the
inconsistencies. Also, 56.5% proposed hypotheses were supported among the subject
articles, and 30 articles (90.0%) suggested a revised model. Path coefficient (17
articles) and theoretical adequacy (17 articles) were the standards mostly used.
In conclusion, the principal factors were obtained from the research are to be
considered as the principes of LISREL application.
First, a model has to be established on a theoretical base rather than empirical results
dependent on the data. The results are also required to be globally interpreted. Secondly,
at least 200 samples are necessary to satisfy the need. Third, more than 3 measurement
variables are to be adjusted to a single theoretical variable; the measurement errors
must be suggested as well. Finally, normal distribution characteristics of the data and
the estimation method need to be reported.
Based on the research result, the follows are suggested;
Systematic criteria on the LISREL application and procedure need to be developed
Agreement form is required to report the results of research using the LISREL
This study is based on grounded theory methodology by Strauss & Corbin(1998). Ten hospitalized subjects were interviewed for data collection. In the process of data analysis, 'acceptance' is found to be the causal condition, while 'health professionals' skillfulness', 'ward environment', 'history of hospitalization', and 'general conditions' were identified as context, 'felling of relief' as the core phenomenon, 'self-efficacy', 'support of others', and 'life style' as the intermediate situation, 'passive reaction', 'alternative reaction' and 'active reaction' as the strategy and 'stabilization', 'satisfaction', 'hope' and 'carrying out' as consequences. 'Feeling of relief' is found to go through the three stages of recognition-generation-maintenance after the five different patterns. 1) In case the health professionals are skillful, the ward environment is favorable, the general conditions of the patients improved and as a result the feeling of relief is strong, during the first hospitalization, the self-efficacy of the subjects tends to be strong. They proceed toward the goal set for themselves with a renewed hope and active or alternative reaction toward the feeling of relief. 2) The subjects tend to proceed toward the goal set for themselves with a renewed hope and active and alternative reaction toward the feeling of relief in case health professionals are skillful, the ward environment is favorable the general conditions of the subjects improved, self-efficacy is strong, and lifestyle is autonomous, during the second hospitalization even though support of others is merely superficial. 3) The subjects tend to stabilize, and satisfy themselves with the given situation with passive and alternative reaction to the feeling of relief in case health professionals are skillful and the ward environment is favorable but the general conditions worsened and accordingly the feeling of relief, is weak and life style is dependent during the second hospitalization although the subjects' self-efficacy is strong and support of others is specific. 4) The subjects tend to stabilize and satisfy themselves with the given situation with passive and alternative reaction to the feeling of relief in case health professionals are unskillful the ward environment is unfavorable, the general conditions improved, support of others is specific but life style is dependent and self-efficacy is weak during the first hospitalization. 5) The subjects tend to stabilize and satisfy themselves with the given situation in case health professionals are unskillful the ward environment is unfavorable but the general conditions improved support of others is specific and as a result self-efficacy is strong but life style is dependent.
This study was to examine the effects of Taping therapy on the deformed angle of the foot and pain in hallux valgus patients.
The subjects were 24 feet from 15 patients who were diagnosed withhallus valgus at the orthopedic department of K University Hospital in Seoul. Taping therapy was conducted 15 times overall during a four-week period. Data was analyzed using descriptive statistics and t-test.
The deformed angle of the foot of the hallus valgus patients significantly improved from 21.95(4.38) to 18.75(4.80) after Taping therapy. Pain significantly decreased from 4.73(1.56) to 3.45(2.21) after Taping therapy.
The result shows that Taping therapy is effective in improving the deformed angle of the foot and in decreasing pain in the hallux valgus patients.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between decision-making factors(theoretical knowledge, expertise, empowerment, intuition) and participation in proportion to nurses's clinical experience.
Data was collected by quota sampling from July 10, 2001 to August 22, 2001 from 132 clinical nurses who work for 3 General hospitals. Data was analyzed using SPSSWIN 10.0 with crosstab, ANOVA, and stepwise multiple regression.
Expertise(F=34.347, p=.000), empowerment(F=29.316, p=.000), and participation(F=3.276, p=.041) were significantly different among 3 clinical experience groups. Clinical experience correlated with expertise(r=.551, p=.000) and empowerment(r=.492, p=.000), and Decision-making participation also correlated with expertise(r=.351, p=.000) and empowerment(r=.265, p=.002). Decision-making participation is effected by theoretical knowledge(under 3.00yr clinical experience), expertise(3.01-5.00yr), and empowerment(above 5.01yr).
These findings indicate that factors(theoretical knowledge, expertise, or empowerment) on decision-making participation varies as nurses's clinical experience differs. Therefore, decision-making needs bilateral agreement between staff nurses and nurse managers rather than the responsibility of one.
The purpose of this study was to identify the effects of Koryo Hand-Acupuncture on health status(pain, trunk flexion, IADL, depression) of patients with chronic low back pain.
This study used a quasi experimental pre-test and post-test design. Data were collected from December 1st, 2000 to December 20th, 2001. 63 chronic low back pain patients(35 experimental group, 28 control group) admitted to the Back-School and consented to this study. The experimental group participated in treatment : Koryo Hand-Acupuncture and AB-Bong. Two groups was homogeneity. After 4 weeks the effects of treatment on the health status was measured between experimental and control group. Data were analyzed using SPSSWIN 10.0 with crosstab, t-test, and paired t-test.
In the experimental group, pain(t=4.85, p=.000) and IADL difficulty(t=2.05, p=.045) was significantly lower than those in the control group. It makes no difference trunk flexion(t=-1.60, p=.114) and depression(t=1.50, p=.138) between experimental and control group.
These findings indicate that Koryo-Hand Acupuncture is an effective method for reducing pain and IADL difficulty in patients with chronic low back pain, and is considered as a independent nursing intervention for chronic low back pain.
The aim of this study was to develop and to analyze the task of gerontological nurse practitioners (GNPs) in Korea.
The definition of GNP and job description was developed based on developing a curriculum (DACUM) by 7 panels who have experienced in DACUM analysis and gerontological nursing. One hundred sixty nurses who were working at long term care facilities were participated. The questionnaire included frequency, importance, and difficulty of duties, tasks, and task elements. The data were collected in November 2006, analyzed by descriptive statistics.
The job description of GNPs in Korea revealed 5 duties, 23 tasks, and 86 task elements. On the all five duties, the highest duty in frequency and in importance was professional nursing care (3.25±0.35, 3.49±0.29). But the highest duty in difficulty was research (3.24±0.46). 'Prevent health problem (3.42±0.43, 3.56±0.33)', 'Teach other staffs (2.83±0.77, 3.39±0.43)', 'Develop the evidence-based standards (2.43±0.76, 3.22±0.43)', 'Develop the self (2.81±0.65, 3.26±0.42)', and 'Participate the team activities' were the highest score in frequency and in criticality of tasks. 'Provide emotional support to older adults and families (3.16±0.41)', 'Counsel older adults and their families (3.14±0.49)', 'Do clinical research (3.32±0.49)', 'Quality insurance (3.25±0.49)', and 'Build collaborative system (3.18±0.47)' were perceived the most difficult tasks.
The political efforts for the legislation of role and task of GNPs were needed.