An Experimental Study on the Occurrence of Bacteriuria according to Duration of Insertion, Frequency of Bladder Irrigation & Perineal Care, & Administration of Antibiotics in Patients with Indwelling Catheter.
This Study was conducted at Intensive Care-Unit of H & S Hospitals from Jan 4 to April 7, 1981 on 14male & 26female adult patients. Each patient was screened and found to have nonbacteriuria in clean catch specimen before catheterization. Clean catch apecimen through Foley catheter were obtained after 24hours, 48hours and 72hours from catheterization. The result of this study is reviewed in a statistical analysis of percentage & Chi Square test to obtain the following findings. 1) THe occurenc of bacteriuria in patients according to duration of indwelling catheter, a, 9.1% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 24hours post catheterization specimen and 60% showed 48hours post cathetreization, while 68.4% of the patient showed evidence of bacteriuria 7 2hours post catheterization specimen. The occurence of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between duration of indwelling catheter. b, Male patients had no infection 24hours post catheteiization, 50% displayed bacteriuria 48hours post catheterization & 62.5% displayed bacteriuria 72hours post catheterization. 11.1% of female patients displayed infection 24hours post catheterization 66.7% displayed infection 48hours post catheterization and 72.7% displayed infection 72hours post catheterization. There were significant differences at 1% level between bacteriuria occurence of male & female patients and the duration of insertion. 2) 56% of those patient who have altered mental state developed bacteriuria, while 40% of those patient who have clear mental state developed bacteriuda. But there was without statistically any significant difference between patient's mental status. 3) The occurence of bacteriuria with the administration of antibiotics in 36 patients was in 50%. The occurence of bacteriuria without the administration of antibiotics in 4 patients was in 50%. But there was without statistically any significant difference between the administration of antibiotics. 4) The occuience of bacteriuria in patients according to frequency of bladder irrigation. 50% of those patient who irrigated twice a day developed bacteriuria, 63.6% of those patient who irrigated once a day developed bacteriuria. The occuience of bacteriuria in patients were significant differences at 1% level between frequency of bladder irrigation. 5) The occurence of bacteriuria in patients who did perineal care once a day was 58.1%, 22.6% of those patient who did perineal care twice a day developed bacteriuria. But there: was without statistically any signiticant differences between frequency of perineal care. 6) Most frequent bacteria of all bacterial strains isolated by culture of the urine was E. coli (45%). Enterococci & Staphylococcus were 15% respectively.
An Experimental Study on the Occurrence of Bacteriuria according to Duration of Insertion, Frequency of Bladder Irrigation & Perineal Care, & Administration of Antibiotics in Patients with Indwelling Catheter.
An Experimental Study on the Occurrence of Bacteriuria according to Duration of Insertion, Frequency of Bladder Irrigation & Perineal Care, & Administration of Antibiotics in Patients with Indwelling Catheter.