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4 "Multimedia"
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The Effect of Web-based Multimedia Contents for a Course of Physical Examination and Health Assessment
Pok Ja Oh, Il Ok Kim, Sung Rae Shin, Hoe Kyung Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2005;35(5):810-816.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to test the effectiveness of Web-based multimedia contents for Physical Examination and Health Assessment on learning achievement.


Multimedia contents based on Jung's teaching and learning structure model were used to enhance learning achievement. Learning achievement was measured by the knowledge of Physical Examination and Health Assessment. The participants of this study were students in a BSN and RN-BSN program in a university located in Seoul. 59 students in the experimental group received lectures using web-based multimedia contents and 75 students in the control group received regular lectures.


The mean score of the degree of educational achievement in the experimental group(mean=31.09) was significantly higher than in the control group(mean=25.55)(t=-3.883, p=.000).


These web-based multimedia contents were found to maximizethe effectiveness of the teaching process when used as a teaching aid, and yet kept the strength of a face to face teaching learning method. This program is recommended as part of a main text, vital teaching aid or cyber lecture materials in nursing schools and in health care educational institutions.

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Development of Web-based Multimedia Content for a Physical Examination and Health Assessment Course
Pok Ja Oh, Il Ok Kim, Sung Rae Shin, Hoe Kyung Jung
Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing 2004;34(6):994-1003.   Published online March 28, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was to develop Web-based multimedia content for Physical Examination and Health Assesment.


The multimedia content was developed based on Jung's teaching and learning structure plan model, using the following 5 processes : 1) Analysis Stage, 2) Planning Stage, 3) Storyboard Framing and Production Stage, 4) Program Operation Stage, and 5) Final Evaluation Stage.


The web based multimedia content consisted of an intro movie, main page and sub pages. On the main page, there were 6 menu bars that consisted of Announcement center, Information of professors, Lecture guide, Cyber lecture, Q&A, and Data centers, and a site map which introduced 15 week lectures. In the operation of web based multimedia content, HTML, JavaScript, Flash, and multimedia technology(Audio and Video) were utilized and the content consisted of text content, interactive content, animation, and audio & video. Consultation with the experts in context, computer engineering, and educational technology was utilized in the development of these processes.


Web-based multimedia content is expected to offer individualized and tailored learning opportunities to maximize and facilitate the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. Therefore, multimedia content should be utilized concurrently with the lecture in the Physical Examination and Health Assesment classes as a vital teaching aid to make up for the weakness of the face-to-face teaching-learning method.

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Factors Influencing Learning Achievement of Nursing Students in E-learning
Jin-Hee Park, Eunha Lee, Sun Hyoung Bae
J Korean Acad Nurs 2010;40(2):182-190.   Published online April 30, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF

This study was done to identify self-directed learning readiness, achievement goal orientations, learning satisfaction and learning achievement, and to evaluate the factors affecting learning achievement for nursing students using a web-based Health Assessment e-Book.


The research design was a cross-sectional study with a structured questionnaire and data were collected before using the web-based Health Assessment e-Book and 1 week after finishing. The participants were 80 nursing students who were taking the Health Assessment class from March to June 2009.


Mean score for subjective learning achievement was 31.26 and for objective learning achievement, 69.25. Subjective and objective learning achievement were positively correlated with self-directed learning readiness, mastery goal, attitude toward distance education, and learning satisfaction. In subjective learning achievement, learning satisfaction and mastery goal were significant predictive factors and explained 64% of the variance. Objective learning achievement was significantly predicted by learning satisfaction and self-directed learning readiness, which explained 24% of the variance.


Learning satisfaction, mastery goal and self-directed learning readiness were found to be very important factors associated with learning achievement for nursing students using a web-based Health Assessment e-Book. To provide high quality and effective web-based courses and to improve nursing students' learning achievement and learning satisfaction, educators should consider the learner's characteristics from the initial stages of lecture planning.

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Development of a Multimedia Learning DM Diet Education Program using Standardized Patients and Analysis of Its Effects on Clinical Competency and Learning Satisfaction for Nursing Students
Kyung Sun Hyun, Hyun Sook Kang, Won Ock Kim, Sunhee Park, Jia Lee, Sohyune Sok
J Korean Acad Nurs 2009;39(2):249-258.   Published online April 28, 2009
AbstractAbstract PDF

The purpose of this study was to develop a multimedia learning program for patients with diabetes mellitus (DM) diet education using standardized patients and to examine the effects of the program on educational skills, communication skills, DM diet knowledge and learning satisfaction.


The study employed a randomized control posttest non-synchronized design. The participants were 108 third year nursing students (52 experimental group, 56 control group) at K university in Seoul, Korea. The experimental group had regular lectures and the multimedia learning program for DM diet education using standardized patients while the control group had regular lectures only. The DM educational skills were measured by trained research assistants.


The students who received the multimedia learning program scored higher for DM diet educational skills, communication skills and DM diet knowledge compared to the control group. Learning satisfaction of the experimental group was higher than the control group, but statistically insignificant.


Clinical competency was improved for students receiving the multimedia learning program for DM diet education using standardized patients, but there was no statistically significant effect on learning satisfaction. In the nursing education system there is a need to develop and apply more multimedia materials for education and to use standardized patients effectively.

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J Korean Acad Nurs : Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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